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Terror’s Other Story

DSC00610In Roman culture– crucifixion was a slow, cruel, humiliation and death meant to publicly serve notice of what happens to those who challenge political power.

Within the biblical storyline, the curse of being hung on a tree seems to have echoes of the law (Gal 3:13; Deut 21:23), and deeper still of the tragic consequences of what happened in the Garden.

In Roman practice, the cruelty of crucifixion was used to terrify any citizen who thought twice about challenging the authority of the Emperor. In Jesus’ execution, the cruelty of crucifixion was used to reveal the nature of our sin, and the heart of a better Kingdom.

The unthinkable became real so that Jesus could say “Father forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing”… Followed by his words to one of the two criminals who died with him, “Today you will be with me in paradise”

The resulting good news— to be announced to all is that God loves us, and subjected himself to the worst we could do in our rebellion— so that he could assure us that he has born our sin in his own body, to show us how much God loves us and how ready he is to forgive.

Who could have imagined that our God would use the terror of political power gone bad to overwhelm us with the eternal goodness of knowing him?

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118 Responses to “Terror’s Other Story”

  1. Mart DeHaan says:

    I’m bringing forward Jeff1’s comment from earlier this morning even though it was written on the earlier string. When it comes to our relationship with God and one another, everything is related.

    jeff1 says:
    May 23, 2016 at 5:21 am (Edit)
    Thinking this morning off topic of the difficulty I have separating people and evil.

    It is a struggle in a society where my enemies use evil against me yet they claim to know God as I do.

    My heart tells me I must love them as Jesus would love them but my mind tells me otherwise.

    I see there faces for they live among me and the hatred in their faces frightens me and I fail to do what is right in God’s eyes.

    What makes it worse is that to some extent I know why their hatred is in many ways understandable.

    Being raised in a country where it seems to me religion is exalted more than God I fear God as much as I fear my enemies.

    I fear God because it seems to me that no one here is doing what is right in God’s eyes but in our own eyes.

    My father understood this long before I did because He knew what was right in God’s eyes, righteousness was a gift from God.

    My father understood the implications of not putting God first but putting religion first and that is what has happened in my country.

    When I substitute religion for God I lose sight of righteousness and by not listening to my father I have done just that and find myself in a hell of my own making.

    I feel trapped in a world of my own making because I did not do the right thing at the right time and taking refuge in Christ is all I can do right now because I do not see a way out of this mess!

    Condemnation comes because I failed to obey and therefore ‘Christ’ is my refuge for to whom else could I turn?

  2. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    If using our imagination means releasing the death-grip of the letter of the law, then that is what we must do to perceive “Terror’s Other Story”.

    Five centuries before Jesus was born, the Lord spoke to Isaiah:

    “Behold, I will do something new,
    Now it will spring forth;
    Will you not be aware of it?
    I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
    Rivers in the desert.”

    The worst possible news — the unthinkable news that Jesus was condemned to the pain and shame of a criminal’s death — has become the best possible news for those who let go of the terror and receive the Living Water Jesus freely offers us.

    God promised us the Way, the Truth and the Life — and out of the darkest motives of the human heart it has sprung forth. God’s goodness, it appears, cannot be subdued or corrupted or changed! Hallelujah!


  3. street says:

    jeff said, “Thinking this morning off topic of the difficulty I have separating people and evil.”

    i just have to look to my own heart and no further to find evil. i know when i am not looking to God darkness is not far away. the light really frees me from the darkness. looking to God in Christ frees from sin and provides righteousness to me on an unmerited basis. He said come to the Water and drink without cost. Jesus talked about water springing up. later i read about rivers of water. the idea i think that is increasing abundance. like the water flowing from the Throne in heaven getting deeper. this grace is to lead us to Christ. i guess you could say this is your highway in the wilderness. and it does lead to eternal life. paddle on. oh and splash a few on the way. they may get mad but it is they who will miss out on the fun.

  4. SFDBWV says:

    “Terror’s Other Story”.

    Where does this “story” actually begin? In the beginning God told Adam and Eve to do as He said “or else”.

    The Law of Moses stated the same threat.

    Even at the end of this “story” we see the consequences of disobedience as a horrific eternal punishment.

    Eternal! Forever! Without end!

    Even with the gift of Grace comes the same threat. Those who accept Christ escape eternal punishment, while those who do not are told they will spend eternity in a burning lake of fire.

    What *is then* terrors other story? As it still remains obey God or face the terror of an eternal existence of suffering without even death offering a release.

    Rome gets bad press for ruling with an iron fist. But the stench of a lawless world is what we have because of a soft touch instead of an iron fist whereas crime is concerned.

    Jesus ask the Father to forgive us all from the cross, even though we all had a hand in placing Him there for our sins against God, those who nailed Him there that day had no understanding as to the fact that it was God whom they were placing there or even as to why He had to undergo this torment and death except for the fact that this was the punishment for “crimes” against Roman law.

    Is it then that God has to scare the hell out of us, just as a way of our obeying Him? Or is it that by getting to know Him we no longer have anything to fear? From Him.

    47 degrees and foggy.


  5. joycemb says:

    “Would you be free from the burden of sin,
    There’s power in the blood, power in the blood!
    Would you o’er evil the victory win?
    There’s wonder-working power in the blood!

    There is power, power, wonder-working power
    In the blood, of the lamb-
    There is power, power, wonder/working power
    In the precious blood of the lamb.”

    My weren’t we all surprised when the cross became our salvation; in this world and the next! Yay!

  6. street says:

    It is a struggle in a society where my enemies use evil against me yet they claim to know God as I do.

    My heart tells me I must love them as Jesus would love them but my mind tells me otherwise.

    i remember Jesus telling His disciples to obey the rulers, but not to do what they did.

    some more thought on doing….

    Matthew 7:6
    “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

    Luke 23:34
    But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves.

    John 11:56
    So they were seeking for Jesus, and were saying to one another as they stood in the temple, “What do you think; that He will not come to the feast at all?”
    this verse tells me to keep looking, He will come. the party is for Him and the children of God.

    1 Corinthians 14:7
    Yet even lifeless things, either flute or harp, in producing a sound, if they do not produce a distinction in the tones, how will it be known what is played on the flute or on the harp?
    they will know you by the One you spend time with. He gives life and that life is abundant life.

    thinking further of paul talking about circumcision vs faith. each have their own tools and materials for the servant who works to please their master. just remember the work will be tested by fire and some will receive reward and some will suffer lose. Salvation is not in mind here it has more to do with knowing and understanding how God wants things done. isn’t that why we come to Him in the first place because what we were doing just wasn’t working or satisfying us?

  7. street says:

    steve i think of the fear of God today and i was still bothered by it in that perfect love cast out fear, but the Spirit keeps bringing it up. today in a devotional it talked about a different fear…..one of awe and reverence…
    “This was not fear in the sense of cringing dread but a befitting awe and reverence as he worked through each day in the perspective of eternity.”

    thinking further of an ardent fear that would not be presumptuous, but based on a relationship. a steadfast immovable relationship. one that grips me.

  8. street says:

    The bitterest afflictions of this life are sweet when Christians know that they come from God, serve His purposes, and ultimately contribute to their good. —W. Robert Godfrey

  9. jeff1 says:

    Yes, Street, the bitterest afflictions of this life are sweet when Christians know they come from God, serve His purposes, and ultimately contribute to their good.

    What when you believe that the bitterest afflictions come from man, serve man’s purposes and have contributed to evil?

    What do you do when you believe that there is evil that does not serve God’s purpose?

    I see the religions of today no different than in Christ’s day.

    I have lived in a society where God is no longer given consideration because both sides just want to be right and the truth is that neither side is right but they have let hatred and violence blind them to what is right.

    I have to ask why does history keep repeating itself and the answer is because man never does change.

    His changes are superficial but deep down where it matters man today is as bloodthirsty as men where in Jesus’s day.

    Nothing changes because men blind themselves and blame Rome, blame Israel but do not blame themselves because they do not truly believe that they are that bad.

    It is one thing to say ‘I accept Christ as ‘MY’ Savior’ but it is quite another to truly believe you ‘need’ Saving!

  10. street says:

    jeff said,”What when you believe that the bitterest afflictions come from man, serve man’s purposes and have contributed to evil?”
    i can not help that bitterness, God says He can make it right. thinking of what assyria did to israel and babylon did to judah. thinking again…what would we look like if God had not sent the flood? He sent the flood to preserve 8 souls. do you think they would have survived if God had not intervened? thinking it took noah 120 years to build the ark. then he had to wait on the boat for a long time. i am kinda glad God shortened the years of man on earth….just thinking God did staighten out the assyrian and babylonians. He corrected israel. i find it interesting that God said of all the kingdoms of man babylon was the best we ever had. He also said it would not be rebuilt.

    jeff thinking about david falling into the hands of a merciful and loving God vs the hands of man when given a choice of punishment. He knows us pretty good, we need to know trust and love this God.

  11. street says:

    thinking of modern society…we move from hanging them on trees to sterile leathel injection. kinda sanitizes the process. thinking man can only kill the body. God can kill the body and soul in a place specially made for evil. some people’s anger goes so far as to demolish and desecrate graves, not that they are holy. just a very serious anger issue. i don’t think we are all that modern. i guess if i was give several pounds of explosives as a kid i would have found stuff to blow up …..just thinking.

    wondering what has God given you? could you number them all? did you miss what He wanted to give you the most?

  12. street says:

    Terror’s Other Story
    thinking… when God is taken out of the equation all things are permissible and right. man becomes his own god,only one problem, death. yes jeff we have had governments with individuals who act like god. leaving their subjects with bitterness and fear. it doesn’t take a short sight person long to figure out their outcome. the pharoes and herods have had their tombs gone through for many different reasons. all the stuff they took with them is still here outdated and in disrepair. i remind you that God has spoken to this world from the Mountain and Prophets and finally through His Son.
    as mart has been trying to say He has spoken better, loved harder than we could have ever hoped for.

  13. street says:

    steve said,”Rome gets bad press for ruling with an iron fist. But the stench of a lawless world is what we have because of a soft touch instead of an iron fist whereas crime is concerned.”
    there would be no world without the tender mercy and grace of God postponing judgment for His loved ones while He provides Salvation. let the wheat and the tares grow together. even a prostitute chose life for her son over death in a wicked and cruel world. may God provide mercy for that woman and her son, because she loved. thinking of ruth

  14. poohpity says:

    Jesus never seemed to challenge the political system or the government but did challenge those who said they followed God. Pilate knew He was no threat to Rome nor did Jesus in anyway show rebellion to the powers that be in fact when asked to pay taxes He did and taught His disciples to do the same.(Mark 12:17)

    Jesus was a threat to pride and egos. As 600 soldiers approached Him in Gethsemane at His admission of who He was they fell back, 600 soldiers fell back, wow! They came to capture Him with weapons and all He did was speak.

    Today when one faces hatred or rejection from those you love then you get to see a glimpse of what Jesus went through. Those who face death by torture or any other means just for who you follow count it a blessing to suffer as Jesus suffered we get a little understanding about what He went through for us.

  15. street says:

    jeff said,”What do you do when you believe that there is evil that does not serve God’s purpose?” you have made yourself god. all people laps into this mode, even i do. there will come a time when you have to decide to put away the what if’s. like joshua today make up your mind. Jesus goes even farther by saying daily because He knows the enemy is persistent and we are weak.

  16. street says:

    Terror’s Other Story
    thinking God has won the war and left us in battles that will conform us to the image of His Son. we become so dishearten even though we know He was raised from the dead for paying for sins He never committed. really want this love joy and peace that He worked out in His life on earth. this wisdom and power destroy every thought and intent of the human heart. carry your cross it is life!

  17. street says:

    poo said,”Jesus never seemed to challenge the political system or the government but did challenge those who said they followed God.” that is correct.
    Matthew 11
    25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. 26 Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight.

    1 Corinthians 1
    27 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, 28 and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, 29 so that no man may boast before God.

  18. street says:

    poo Jesus said all who came before Him where,”John 10:8
    All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.”

  19. street says:

    “There is a holy discontentment. It is not a nail-biting uncertainty about our standing with God. It is the increased appetite of those who have tasted and seen that the Lord is good (1 Peter 2:2–3).” –J. Piper

  20. remarutho says:

    Good Evening BTA Friends —

    What humanity experiences is disease, famine, war and death — unspeakable suffering: woe upon woe, as John of Patmos wrote to the churches. We are dismayed to see this in the material world — political power (which Mart mildly says has “gone bad”) so perverse that people starve and live in grinding poverty while rulers feast on fine food and enjoy every possible luxury.

    What has been revealed in all this shaking of earthly powers is nothing other than the heavenly realm which itself cannot be shaken. Large numbers of people, the Book of Revelation declares, do not look up to God but writhe in torment and want to die rather than repent of their own sinful condition and the sins they have committed.

    Humanity still scoffs at the gentle, compassionate Man who bled and died on a Roman cross of execution. Yet, He is enthroned in the unshakeable eternal realm. Those who have looked up to God — believed in Jesus — and received the Holy Spirit can only tell the Gospel story and pray for hearts to change.

    Take courage, Vivien, the wheels of divine justice turn slowly, but they grind mighty fine. God has seen and understood and is even now about drying every tear and healing every wound. Jesus, more than any person, knows what it is to be betrayed and rejected. Evil will not win for He is defeating and destroying it.


  21. jeff1 says:

    Thank you, Maru need to hear that today because there is still much not right in this country of mine and I am tired of history repeating itself.

    I need to see a glimmer of light for evil has had hold of this country for too long and because my earthly father seen it coming when we did not do what was right back in 1969 I fear the worst.

    I know in my heart that God has control but when I hear the news and see the hatred I feel weary of it all, coupled with the guilt of not listening to those who knew better than I.

    I listen to gospel music because it helps my mind stay focused on God and not on the failings of man and myself.

    This very much resonates with my heart today and was sung by Elvis who first introduced me to gospel music when I was ten years old, with the album “His Hand In Mine”.
    I had lent the album to someone who never returned it to me and it was some thirty years later before I was able to buy it on the internet.

    I have never stopped enjoying him sing because I believe he sings from the heart of a man who knew God.

    Where Could I Go But To The Lord

    Living below in this old sinful world
    Hardly a comfort can afford
    Striving alone to face temptation so
    Now won’t you tell me

    Where could I go but to the Lord
    Where could I go oh where could I go
    Seeking the refuge for my soul
    Needing a friend to save me in the end
    Won’t you tell me
    Where could I go but to the Lord

    Life here is grand with friends I love so dear
    Comfort I get from God’s own word
    Yet when I face that chilling hand of death
    Won’t you tell me
    Where could I go but to the Lord

    Where could I go but to the Lord
    Where could I go oh where could I go
    Seeking the refuge for my soul
    Needing a friend to save me in the end
    Won’t you tell me
    Where could I go but to the Lord

  22. remarutho says:

    Dear All —

    Thanks for sharing the Elvis lyric, Viv. My favorite verse:

    “Life here is grand with friends I love so dear
    Comfort I get from God’s own word
    Yet when I face that chilling hand of death
    Won’t you tell me
    Where could I go but to the Lord”

    I like it because the life and comfort it talks about are ours now — and ours when we reach the other shore. And that forever. We actually have more blessings than curses because of Jesus.

    Joy all day,

  23. poohpity says:

    Knowing that it was Jesus who subjected Himself to the horrors that were inflicted on Him for us brings such a feeling of deep gratitude. Then we can understand what Paul was saying in Romans 8:28 NLT

  24. joycemb says:

    Maru it has taken my being retired to see what you say about there being more blessings than curses in the world. I’m not involved with dealing with other people’s problems anymore, and can actually choose each day how much news I want to listen to (most days none at all) and enjoying nature has become the visual focus of my day once again. I do know how blessed I am to live in an area of the world where the only fighting I see are between squirrels and birds occasionally. Yes God has prospered me double for the years the locust had stolen. Prospered me in His ways, not the ways of the world.

    Viv I know He will prosper you as well.

  25. street says:

    2 Corinthians 6:3-13

    [3] We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. [4] Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; [5] in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; [6] in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; [7] in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; [8] through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; [9] known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; [10] sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything. [11] We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. [12] We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. [13] As a fair exchange-I speak as to my children-open wide your hearts also.

  26. street says:

    i enjoyed reading chambers today on a different kind of despair. to me despair was giving up. this kind of despair has hope built into it. what a huge difference.

  27. jeff1 says:

    My children give me hope when I lack it in myself for I see in them a new beginning because they see the potential and have the enthusiasm that I lack.

    They help me get over my despair and I can rest in the knowledge that God can use them to His purpose.

    I do see that my children are a great blessing and I am starting to learn that I must focus on the goodness in life while I have always had a tendency to focus on the bad stuff.

    I am a glass half empty rather than a glass half full.

  28. joycemb says:

    I think that true freedom is knowing we can choose to do good. And when we do it, whatever our circumstances, we know God is pleased. Pleasing God is a happy reward!

  29. street says:

    Deut 21:23 23 his corpse shall not hang all night on the tree, but you shall surely bury him on the same day (for he who is hanged is [a]accursed of God), so that you do not defile your land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance.

    thinking about this verse in that man is made in the image of God and enters into judgment and hangs another on a tree. we know God allows such things to happen, yet He goes even further in making sure this offense doesn’t linger and pollute/defile the land. we also know they both will give an account for that day. we have grand juries to keep the land from being defiled. yet some want to open and spill-out the content of graves. thinking they are mad at God and not man, because when times are evil the righteous are silent. i hope i never see a time when the righteous are silent.

  30. street says:

    jeff said,”My children give me hope when I lack it in myself for I see in them a new beginning because they see the potential and have the enthusiasm that I lack.”

    my kids drive me crazy!?!? yet my hope is in Jesus and His Word, the immovable steady and gracious. hope wisdom energy strength power and joy are renewed in Christ on a daily bases. i don’t know how people can face a day or night without God.

  31. jeff1 says:

    I just see God using the younger generation in my country because they are not critical and judgmental like us for they have not seen the hatred and violence we have and can look at the future from a very different perspective and God needs new vessels whose visions are not blurred by beliefs that exalt religion rather than God Himself.

    I know now that I need God but it was God that give me the vision to see that I needed Him and I know He will do that with my children because whether it is faith, hope or love it comes from God and it is what keeps me in the race and I believe that love is the greater and those that have it are nearest to God and nearest to Heaven.

  32. street says:

    dear jeff thinking about being young and all the things that God brought me through. even at work i now understand my successes were because of God’s great mercy and grace directed towards me. God chose the outcome and i enjoyed the benefits. like job when adversity comes should i not also thank God for the days of trouble? job got into trouble when his friends accused him of sin and he was blameless before God. job just could not shake himself from the idea that what you sow you will reap. in other words job was suffering because he sinned. this is a flat out lie. he suffered from a bet satan made with God. not only did God win the bet, job won too. he was free from the snare that had entrapped him and found a closeness to God he had not had before. when job was gathered to his fathers the world lost a great man, but God left us hope that does not disappoint. 1 Peter 4:1 since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,

    the last thing to be done away with is death.

  33. jeff1 says:

    I may think a bit like Job because my mother always said you reap what you sow.

    I can remember a story she told me of this man who lived across the road from us he had been an active IRA man back in the troubles in Ireland in the 1920’s.

    He was in a terrible shape from drinking methylated spirits as he was an alcoholic but could not afford drink and she said what goes around comes around for he had strangled a Prison Officer when serving jail for IRA activities and she believed he was now atoning for his sins.

    I think I probably find it hard not to see suffering as a punishment from God.

  34. street says:

    jeff said,”I may think a bit like Job….” we all do, but the grandest thing of all is God changing our hearts and minds with His grace and love that are found in Jesus. remember He said all these things will happen before your eyes, but they will not touch you. they touched job’s body, but they did not touch his soul,it belonged to God. his soul felt the sorrow,pain,and abandonment, but God protected his person God never abandoned him. when sin affects our body it is personal when it affects your soul it is reproaching your maker. either way some one is going to cry out to God and God will judge when the books are opened. today God determines outcome, later He will do it according to His Character. justice will be done, but right now the priority is the exaltation of His Son and the salvation of His Children.

    my thinking of the Holy Spirit convicting the world of sin and testifying of Christ is the exaltation of His Son. Jesus is also exalted in the works of the saints. we know judgment is to come and we know God is calling out a people for Himself. thinking God is going to exalts His Son on the earth. don’t know when, but when it happen it will be sudden and unexpected. this begs the question, “then how should we live?”

  35. street says:

    dear jeff, thinking of disappointment and bitterness caused by evil. joseph comes to mind. thinking of the many years this favored son spent knowing his brothers sold him out, but really wanted to kill him. it was not till later he understood God had meant it for good. the salvation of eygpt and israel. man did eventually pervert this great delivery again till God sent moses to fix it temperately again and again through him and others. we know now that Jesus fixes things permanently. by putting sin where it belongs and giving life. odb “death is preparation for resurrection”

  36. jeff1 says:

    Thank you Street for helping me understand that perseverance is needed and not giving up in my despair but finding a way through it but I never seem to learn not to despair even when I realize that God is with me why is it that my earthly father did adversity so much better than I do.

  37. street says:

    dear jeff we are all different according to design, yet all alike. joseph could not see through the clouds till he passed through them and looked back. remember he had dreams from God….we have His Word now to comfort and encourage us. we both know if you look elsewhere it might be ok for awhile then it will get real bad because the others are liers or carpet baggers. Jesus did tell us it would be hard and things could get real bad, but He also said he had overcome the world and everything it could throw at Him. yet we know He was raised from the dead or we would not be here. i am beginning to think it is easier to go through adversity when you understand Jesus died to bring us peace with God. the devil brings adversity and negotiation to upset us and trick us out of what was won. i think your dad may have understood the magnitude of the victory that is won in Christ. knowledge is one thing knowing God is another……the difference between law and grace. seek Him till you have all of Him. i guess God is best when shared.

  38. jeff1 says:

    Certainly sharing my beliefs, doubts and fears without ridicule or judgement lifts me and gives me the strength to go on and I have always been blessed to have such people in my life and I am truly grateful to have you all here to share with and relieve any despair that I feel. God directs our paths and I needed to take this one.

  39. street says:

    it was not beliefs i was thinking of. the devil shares his beliefs with everyone. what he doesn’t have a share in is joy peace or love. Jesus shared His love joy and peace while they where executing Him. truly loving His enemies. it is staggering to think this is the exact perfect visible appearance of God. the first chapter of Hebrews talks of this.

    thinking of pain bitterness and sorrow from Gods point of view. if we are made in His image, then we understand how these negatives can build up over time. in the flood account God actually regretted making man because of evil and the price man was going to have to pay for it. even repenting of making man and condemning him was not a good enough end for God. God decided to pay the penalty Himself. not only does it sit best with Him it also reinforces all His Person. not only this it comforts and satisfies the sinners mind. there should be no doubt as to what God has done at the cross.

  40. jeff1 says:

    I wasn’t thinking of doubt at what Christ done at the cross but doubts about whether I can ever please God and do His will the doubts are about myself, trusting God is not the problem but trusting whether I can understand what God wants of me is what I struggle with!

    Many seem to understand God’s will for them while I have much more difficulty!

  41. poohpity says:

    Viv, God’s will for you is to believe in Jesus which you seem to do. The Holy Spirit will take it from there. I know that sounds easy and simple but it takes courage to have faith. In that God is pleased with you and hold tight to that.:-) (Hebrews 11:6) We do not have to earn the love or pleasure of God it is freely given because of who God is. (1 John 4:10) We are now His beloved because of our belief.

  42. poohpity says:

    The Lord’s willingness to forgive gives us a new way of looking at things, the past is done and we can not change it but He has given us a way forward to walk in that forgiveness and to show it to others. We did not deserve it but from His great grace it was given. What’s done is done, now we have hope for the future.

  43. poohpity says:

    That is terror’s other story.

  44. street says:

    Terror’s Other Story
    i think of the other kind of terror….bad theology. thank God for His loving discipline.
    no discipline? paul talks of this. i am at the point in life in which it will be fun to distinguish between old age and discipline. some how grace is going to be magnified again.

  45. street says:

    jeff “you are” or “are you” free from the penalty of sin in Christ Jesus!?

    if you are are free why the disappointment worry uneasiness? don’t fret i deal with that too, sometimes. when it is a lot there is something going on. could it be growing up? i was wondering how the world could even face a day without God? we should not be parallelized but able to live daily before God.

    i know we are not leading thousands of people through the desert, thats God’s job ours are the things He places before us. do it for Him He did everything for you, the resurrection proved this.

  46. foreverblessed says:

    Numb 14:21
    The whole earth is full of the glory of the Lord!
    That verse keeps coming back to me, it is the Truth, hard to understand with all the injustice!

    But I say yes to Street saying,
    we are to display the glory of Jesus in this world.
    To our next door man and women

  47. jeff1 says:

    I recall one of Mother Theresa’s quotes ‘I know God won’t give me anything I can’t handle I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.’

    I do feel parallelized at times not quite knowing how to take the next step the truth is I am led by others but I am blind as to who is leading them. I grew up believing I was on God’s side and so did my neighbors but reality can be very different to beliefs.

    Yes I am free from the penalty of sin but there is still a war going on here between good and evil and I want to be on God’s side and not just believing I am on God’s side.

    I always seem to be in the dark no matter how much I trust God that is what causes my unease on this earth and why I rest in Christ because God has not given me a vision so taking refuge in Christ is where I remain because the truth is I fear the evil that is in my midst because I have seen its destruction and I live with those who suffer with the consequences and it is not a pretty sight.

    Where could I go but to the Lord when hell to me is right here in this Province of mine.

  48. poohpity says:

    street you are right there is a lot of bad theology out there and on here it happens when no one understands or accept the other side of the terrors that Jesus went through which is called the “Good News” or the “Gospel of Grace”. Some people understand discipline the way our human parents disciplined us but with the Lord it is more of a correction and leading down a right path. God already knows we are weak and broken and He would not want to break us any further but to restore and heal us. (Matt 12:20-21 NLT)

    Even after believing some think that all is going to be rosy but the closer one gets to God the attacks from the enemy get worse because after all the adversary’s goal is that we not get close to God so he tries anyway he can to cause discontentment, discouragement, questioning, lying, distortion, deception. John 16:33 NLT

    I think the worse terror is not knowing all the promises God has made us, not knowing how great His love really is or understanding the extent of His grace because only then can the devil have his way with us to distrust and not depend on God.

  49. poohpity says:

    The enemy loves to devour a believer that is why it is so important to know God’s word so we do not fall victim to false teaching or bad theology.

  50. poohpity says:

    Then one would know that Ruth was not a prostitute or any of the other far off things but it comes from reading the historical accounts which is available to everyone.

  51. poohpity says:

    Anger and resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Got that from Discover the Word today.

  52. jeff1 says:

    The good news of the gospel is that ‘Jesus’ died for the world’s sins but the bad news is that the world does not believe it anymore if it ever did.

    Does it surprise God, I think the Bible says that nothing about man surprises God but just the opposite it is God who surprises man.

    Why am I surprised that God can forgive me and give me another chance because when evil is done to me I do not forgive nor have I met too many that do.

    As for the enemy devouring a believer I have believing in God since I was old enough to remember and He has not devoured me yet.

    As for discouraging me, I have never in my life been more convinced that I needed saving!

    Isn’t heaven pleased to know that instead of me looking to religion I am looking to God for my Salvation.

    That is probably the up side of discovering that all your life you where exalting religion and not God that you then know just how much you are depending on Him for your Salvation!

  53. poohpity says:

    Viv, at one time were you not convinced that our God was a punishing, angry God? The one thing about forgiveness is if we chose not to forgive then we withhold God forgiving us, so wouldn’t it be better to forgive? Withholding forgiveness harms us and our relationship with God it does not harm the person we are not forgiving.

    Hasn’t the enemy devoured your thoughts on who you are to God and what God thinks about you?

  54. poohpity says:

    Isn’t there a vast difference in living an abundant life full of joy and wonder or living feeling defeated, depressed, a victim to the world around us and to circumstance?

  55. joycemb says:

    Good morning! Viv this morning I woke up kind of depressed. But I turned to God and received great encouragement listening to Fernando Ortega on Youtube singing “None Like You”. It lifts my spirits as I focus on Him and allow the rest of the inner noise to fade away. As far as outside noise, I too have “walked through the valley of the shadow of death” for many years, and with PTSD it never leaves, yet, God says I don’t have to fear evil, because He is with me. Great news, huh? God bless you today and always with the knowledge that no matter your circumstance, He is with you! Blessings and love, Joyce

  56. joycemb says:

    Oops, the title is “No One Else”.

  57. joycemb says:

    Whether our theology is good or bad, nothing compares with spending time alone with God.

  58. street says:

    jeff said,”The good news of the gospel is that ‘Jesus’ died for the world’s sins but the bad news is that the world does not believe it anymore if it ever did.”

    no jeff Jesus died for sinners, your sins and mine and all the Father gives to the Son. the world is passing away and will be no more, a new heaven and a new earth will take their place in an eternal state. this is as personal as it gets here and now. God wants to abide with you daily, imagine the joy of knowing God intimately daily. we have know sin all our lives it is time to chose. i have chosen sin many times and it’s time to stop. need to learn to sit stand and walk in the presents of God. it does take time commitment and training. God is up to the challenge are we? in away it happens even in spite of ourselves. thinking of joseph again. i have never even thought of ruling over other people or things but joseph was taken out of prison and went right into this service. david was in prison when saul was trying to kill him, but we know God was protecting david and joseph just like all the children of God. thinking that those who walk with God rule since that is the nature of God. God’s rule is quite different from what we are use to.

  59. street says:

    38 Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.

    39 Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”

    40 Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”

    41 Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.

  60. joycemb says:

    Wisdom from Oswald Chambers:
    Defenders of the faith are inclined to be bitter until they learn to walk in the light of the Lord. When you have learned to walk in the light of the Lord, bitterness and contention are impossible. Biblical Psychology, 199 R

    Thinking about how our theology reveals our relationship with God. The tyranny of the terror of God. :-)

  61. street says:

    thinking belief/faith leads to worship.
    we need to worship in Spirit and truth.
    this man was released from the prison of blindness.
    He was instructed by the truth, Jesus Himself.
    will He do no less with the Holy Spirit He has sent on our behalf?

  62. street says:

    where much is given much is expected. lets preserver in the Spirit.

  63. street says:

    Then, as the LORD our God commanded us, we set out from Horeb and went toward the hill country of the Amorites through all that vast and dreadful wilderness that you have seen, and so we reached Kadesh Barnea.

    thinking of a vast and dreadful wilderness, terror’s story, let us not become captives of it. there is freedom in following the Lord. don’t believe the bad reports, but believe God.

  64. jeff1 says:

    Pooh, You said at one time did I not believe God was a punishing God and yes I did and the difficulty is that in my head I still do.

    It was instilled in me as a child and I am not sure that I will ever be able to get it out of my head but my heart tells me otherwise.

    There are times when I let my head rule my heart but also there are times when I let my heart rule my head.

    Perhaps I need to explain why the wrath of God is real to me.

    When all hell broke loose in this country in 1969 my father with many other right minded people knew what should have been done but mob rule won and this country was thrown into turmoil and God was given no consideration and I was one of the mob who gave him none.

    You do not need to tell me what unforgiveness can do for I know only too well from experience.

    I can live with it knowing in my heart that God has forgiven me because the rest does not matter.

    By being an enemy of God I now have empathy with my enemies that I did not have until I realized what I was myself.

    There is much ignorance attached to being God’s enemy and only God can resolve this because Joyce is right theology cannot get in the way once I realize nothing can come between God and I.

    It disturbs my peace of mind when they still use hatred and violence to derail the peace efforts but they cannot take the peace I have in my heart knowing of God’s Salvation and I want them to know it too and believe that they will someday with God’s help.

    I believe it has taken me a lifetime to just start to understand God and it is likewise for others, I call us the slow learners who need God’s guidance more than some but while God concerns Himself with the great things of the world He also considers the small things too.

    Like yourself Joyce, the difficulties are in my head but God is in my heart and so like you Joyce I do not fear the evil that surrounds because it cannot touch my heart as it belongs to God.

  65. street says:

    poo said,”Thinking about how our theology reveals our relationship with God. The tyranny of the terror of God.”

    we must go to the cross daily, yet we must go to the cross of Christ. dead people don’t go there unless the Father draws them. we are called to die at the cross of Christ, we are to recon ourselves dead to sin and alive to God. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will come to His own. new life. not as the world gives.

    this Holy Spirit is the One i need to know better than anything or any one. He is the One who reveals Jesus. He is the One Who seals us and maintains our relationship. He is the One Jesus personal sends to the believes to get them ready. it is His very self. they are One.

    remember at the mountain the people begged no more would be spoken because they understood if it were to continue they would die. God waited a long time to pour out His Spirit on man, He had to wait for the Lamb of God. there is nothing between a Father and Son.

  66. poohpity says:

    The type of devouring the enemy does is attacking our peace of who we are in Christ and what we mean to Him. He attacks our minds to not believe, to doubt God’s goodness. He lies to us about God to draw us away. We all need God’s guidance throughout our lifetimes so it is not about being slow learners but just wanting to learn or stay stuck in what we already know.

  67. poohpity says:

    sorry street, I can not remember saying anything like what you quoted me as saying.

  68. street says:

    jeff said,”Pooh, You said at one time did I not believe God was a punishing God and yes I did and the difficulty is that in my head I still do.

    It was instilled in me as a child and I am not sure that I will ever be able to get it out of my head but my heart tells me otherwise.”

    God is a Holy God and His wrath rest over the ungodly. for this wrath is a Holy. we saw this in the story of the flood and the 2 cities. in both stories there are righteous that are saved from this wrath. Gods children will see His discipline because He loves them, but they will never see His wrath. we may see the wrath of man on earth, but this is temporary. God keeps promises.

  69. joycemb says:

    Yep twas I!

  70. street says:

    poo the springboard was from the conversation of you and jeff. yes it can get complicated. sorry

  71. street says:

    joycemb said,”Whether our theology is good or bad, nothing compares with spending time alone with God.”

    spending time with God will remove bad theology, if we remain stubborn His love and discipline is sure to follow.

    the sad thing is some fall away loving the world more than God.

    david was right in praying that God would search him out and remove anything that displeases God. he knew how treacherous and wicked his own heart was. we really need new hearts and a Holy Spirit.

  72. poohpity says:

    Yes Joyce, there is nothing that can compare to spending time with God, listening, talking, learning, growing in our understanding and embracing the time together. What does that look like or what is meant by that and how do we do it? What does it mean to abide in Christ?

  73. joycemb says:

    God gives us a new heart, a heart that wants to change and to do good. (I learned that the ‘good’ of God is not always, or even usually, what I perceive as ‘good’). But as my heart is changed, a life-long process I think, I seek Him out more. And as I seek Him out more, I begin to trust Him more with my life and other’s lives as well.

    Peter talks about persevering in the face of suffering. Jesus and others knew about suffering, the cost, and the Rewards to come.

    When I wrote that thought I also thought of how many would say-“God however you understand Him/Her/It to be”. Well, many of us have our thoughts of Who God is shaped by worldly perceptions or experiences. Holy scripture is I believe the true Authority on Him. We are His witnesses because of how He has worked in our lives.

  74. joycemb says:

    sorry pooh, I was typing to Street’s post while you posted.

  75. jeff1 says:

    I think to abide in Christ means to know in my heart that nothing can separate Him from me and me from Him because God is indeed faithful.

  76. street says:

    poo asked, What does it mean to abide in Christ?
    was thinking of mixing the metaphor of the race paul speaks of and peace together. throw in a full measure of joy and love too.

  77. joycemb says:

    “See how they love one another!”

  78. joycemb says:

    John 13:35. What happens when we abide in Christ.

  79. street says:

    jeff said,”What makes it worse is that to some extent I know why their hatred is in many ways understandable.”

    forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give others because God has forgiven us at the cross. i know it is hard being open and loving to those who have hurt or even terrorized us. we must try to communicate forgiveness and truth with love in all godliness. when two countries are at war with each other it will take a very long time to build trust if it is even possible. we know light and darkness can not be yoked together. people are another matter entirely. thinking prayer is our only offensive weapon. thinking of jonah

  80. poohpity says:

    In November of last year I was sexually assaulted by my doctor. I have spoken to police and the medical board but I do not have the money to have a lawyer to have my back but the doctor does and has also harassed and threatened me not to post things on the sites that one evaluates the doctors by sharing my experience. The doctor knows full well what he did and so do I but essentially he is calling me a liar. It has been six months of depression and anxiety until I started working through the process of forgiving this man. Not for him but for me cause it has been causing anguish in my soul.

    To start this process the Lord put it on my heart all the things He has forgiven me for and asked me who am I not to forgive. I know now what people and especially children feel and think when no one believes them and can see why this often times goes unreported. Being a victim then on top of it being victimized by the process of reporting it. It is even more difficult when it is between a person in authority and a patient.

    During this time they found 6 nodules in my body 2 in my thyroid and 4 in my lungs, I had to put down 2 of my cats(17 1/2 years old), my rent has gone up and I can barely afford all my bills, my car is breaking down, there are more things happening but those are enough and God is the only One who has been here for me.

    Each morning as I read His Word, pray and listen to Christian music it has brought comfort in the middle of these storms and He also told me He is my lawyer and defender through Psalms. Every thing I hear and read assures me of His presence through this time. Some days I was barely able to pick up my head and some days I just do not want to feel anymore.

    I know how bad circumstances can look but with Christ there is always hope.

  81. jeff1 says:

    My father used to give money to an alcoholic who used to stand just below our church and I am sure he stood there knowing my father would give him money.

    I asked my Dad should he give him money to facilitate his habit and he said to me when a person is as broken as he is only God can fix him and right now he needs the drink to help him on his way.

    I see many broken people in the world and I wonder how they became that way but that to me just proves how right God is and how wrong man is because whether people know it or not they need God and not drink, drugs or sex to numb their pain.

    What destroys people is their wrong beliefs and I should know as I had enough of them, but look at the world today and it is as God knew it would be as the Bible is evidence of God knowing.

    It is God who understands humanity and not men who understand God and why Christ died such an horrific death to save us from ourselves as much as from who we believe is our enemies because if I have learned anything in this life it is that my worst enemy as always been myself.

    I do not believe that God orchestrates difficult circumstances that is either other people or myself does that but as Pooh says when I find myself in them it is who I look to for comfort and thankfully we look to God and sometimes I find Him in music, His word but I have been blessed to find Him in people because despite all the violence and hatred in my country I have been truly blessed to know Godly people.

    The more I get to know God the more I realize that I cannot see the wood for the trees because amidst the evil in this land He has placed me among Godly people.

    Thank you Pooh for your testimony makes me realize how many around me I could go to for help if I where in your circumstances because they may not believe they are Godly people but by walking the walk they exalt God in a world where it is so difficult to find Him.

  82. SFDBWV says:

    Today marks the beginning of our Memorial Day weekend. When I was a boy we called it “Decoration Day” and much of my earlier culture still was influenced by the “American Civil War”.

    Here in small town America “Memorial Day” is something of a home coming for many people who have moved away and live in other parts of the country.

    Again when I was a young boy folks would come in on this weekend and spend a day mowing grass weeding and planting flowers on the graves of loved ones who had passed on.

    We now keep the cemetery well cropped and looking good all year long. I set up a patio umbrella table at the center of the cemetery in front of the flag pole and Glenna will spend today and the weekend there affording those people who come to “decorate” their loved ones graves the ease of making a donation toward the care of the cemetery.

    It has grown into a social gathering as we put out a sign in book and as people do sign in they are able to look back over the years to see who had been here in years past and no longer with us. We also have maps of where people are buried and have to be able to field many questions.

    The entire weekend becomes a warm and socially enjoyable event for all involved.

    In connection to our topic I am reminded of the verse “Oh death were is thy sting?” Oh grave where is thy victory” (1 Corinthians 15:55). Here as we remember our loved ones and make a special pilgrimage to their burial places there is no fear no terror of death, but rather the memory of those whom we have loved. And as Mart stated reminded that “The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.” (1 Corinthians 15:56) and are comforted in the knowledge that our victory over death is due to God’s grace through our Lord Jesus of Nazareth. (1 Corinthians 15:57).

    When we think of all the troubles of life we are again comforted by these words “Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor in not in vain in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

    54 degrees and mixed clouds this morning.


  83. jeff1 says:

    I do not believe that people do not want to help us Pooh but that sometimes they just do not know how. I have always found God is my comfort and amazingly when I look back I do not know how I came through my difficulties because God can work mysteriously but I came out the other end knowing God orchestrated the solution.

    I cannot know what it is like for you coming through such a personal ordeal and it makes my trials seem trivial in comparison but you have helped me today see God at work in my life and I know too He will make a way for you too.

    I have often found that God is slow but sure for He knows what is best for His children.

  84. remarutho says:

    Good Morning BTA Friends —

    Prayer is, as you point out Street, our first calling along with praise for our God. May fervent prayer and passionate praise be our consolation in the trials and terrors of life. Hold on Pooh, God is good!

    Mart, you wrote:

    “In Roman practice, the cruelty of crucifixion was used to terrify any citizen who thought twice about challenging the authority of the Emperor. In Jesus’ execution, the cruelty of crucifixion was used to reveal the nature of our sin, and the heart of a better Kingdom.”

    Here’s the ugly thing about human thinking: there must be retribution — pay-back — revenge. Even in our public life today, everyone from authorities to neighbors in a small community wants to see someone else shoulder the blame for wrong.

    See how God used the cruelty of crucifixion to reveal the truly ugly nature of human sin. Jesus, a Man who never sinned, bore the consequences of our wrong-doing. He did this willingly and not for a few people, but for anybody who believes in Him — in all times and places until the trumpet blows and the sky is rolled up like a scroll.

    The predictable cruelty of human vengeance has given the universe the ultimate salvation and deliverance from that very thing in Jesus’ sacrifice, death, resurrection and ascension. This is without precedent and without compare in revealing the unlimited grace, power and compassion of our Creator God, His Son and the blessed Holy Spirit!

    Joy all day,

  85. joycemb says:

    Sometimes it IS hard to see a loving and good God when our trials are piling up. It is then we must look above ourselves and taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him! He will call off the enemy when the firey trial has served it’s purpose of purification. Put on the whole armor of God He has provided Pooh.

  86. joycemb says:

    And I’m sure you probably already have.

  87. joycemb says:

    This is a special day, my first grandson is graduating HS with his college generals already completed and heading for nursing school. His mom announced she was pregnant with him the same day my son (her brother) was killed in a house fire. It’s a day of rejoicing all around for us.

  88. joycemb says:

    The rejoicing over my sons death is because the deep, deep pain of loss and grief that crippled me for a couple years has been replaced by the sweet smell of a sacrifice that is pleasing to God, my faith in the midst of trial.

  89. jeff1 says:

    Joyce, enjoy your special day with your daughter and grandson as he starts out in life and gives new hope for a brighter world to come. May you have many more days to rejoice on life’s journey.

  90. joycemb says:

    Thanks Viv. Even though I can’t afford to make the trip there I am enjoying the hope and promises of God!

  91. street says:

    maru said,”Prayer is, as you point out Street, our first calling along with praise for our God.”

    it is true maru praise should be permanent and eternal response to God’s gift of life. i am quite guilty of not doing this. i think it stems from not seeking, keeping or abiding in His presents. i know we are to come in and out of the gate, but without the Shepard?!?! that when terror begins. saul was tormented much because of disobedience. enjoyed John 14:16-27 reading today odb. i am glad i will never be an orphan from my Father. that is worth praising.

  92. poohpity says:

    street, how about just praising God for who He is? Can we go anywhere that God is not there? He is after all omnipresent.

  93. street says:

    maru said,”Here’s the ugly thing about human thinking: there must be retribution.

    if God doesn’t work this way why did Jesus have to die?
    i though He gives grace and mercy on the basis of Jesus taking the bill that was due?

  94. street says:

    thinking if the cross of Christ was bad, contemplating the eternity of hell should keep one awake till you find a way to avoid it. if it doesn’t keep you awake, you might not be viewing it correctly. i think of the cruelty of war and how men carry the effects long after the war is over. hell will not let up. no winner no peace and no good. it has to be a real place Jesus talked about it. this is a place delinquent accounts are settled.
    terror’s rest of the story.
    thinking this should be more than enough reason to be a fire fighter, police officer, Doctor, Nurse or Saint.
    they all have to be trained and walk in faith. thinking if love is not the motive, it’s just a job to be left behind. Jesus did tell us there would be adversity. don’t be afraid, He Won! and He gives real life.

  95. street says:

    maru the difference between God and man punishing, is man is not Holy or Just and most of the time not loving either. i have to say many men and women found grace in the criminal justice system because many are still alive. and many are walking free. makes me think man can’t make things right, but i believe God’s Word says He will restore and make new. no wonder it speaks of Great Joy when this event takes place.

  96. joycemb says:

    Terrors other story:

    What a Friend we have in Jesus,
    All our sins and griefs to bear!
    What a privilege to carry.
    Everything to God in prayer!

  97. joycemb says:

    Psalm 73 NLT is especially comforting for myself and others here who are going through their own personal terrors. Prayers for all who are struggling today. God bless, Joyce

  98. jeff1 says:

    I watched a programme last night and in it this 15 year old girl was trying to convince her doctor of life after death and when she asked him did he believe he answered I am not sure I believe in life before death.

    I understood what he meant by this for there have been times in my life when I could not see a light and was not sure if I was alive at all.

    It is God who understands eternity not us and why newly born children die before they live or young men die in battle and we find out afterwards that the reason for war was not justified.

    Faith is trusting God with unanswered questions because men orchestrate battles that should never have been because their ways are not God’s way and the state of the world today reflects that.

    I have usually found in life that it is not the people who talk the talk who do what is right but the people that walk the walk and the truth is often they do not claim to be followers of Christ.

    I personally believe that as a believer I have refuge in Christ but it is God Himself who chooses His followers for they must be able to walk the walk for them to serve His purpose and it is He alone that knows the hearts and minds of the men and women who fit that purpose.

  99. joycemb says:

    Psalm 73
    A psalm of Asaph.

    1 Truly God is good to Israel,
    to those whose hearts are pure.
    2 But as for me, I almost lost my footing.
    My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone.
    3 For I envied the proud
    when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness.
    4 They seem to live such painless lives;
    their bodies are so healthy and strong.
    5 They don’t have troubles like other people;
    they’re not plagued with problems like everyone else.
    6 They wear pride like a jeweled necklace
    and clothe themselves with cruelty.
    7 These fat cats have everything
    their hearts could ever wish for!
    8 They scoff and speak only evil;
    in their pride they seek to crush others.
    9 They boast against the very heavens,
    and their words strut throughout the earth.
    10 And so the people are dismayed and confused,
    drinking in all their words.
    11 “What does God know?” they ask.
    “Does the Most High even know what’s happening?”
    12 Look at these wicked people—
    enjoying a life of ease while their riches multiply.
    13 Did I keep my heart pure for nothing?
    Did I keep myself innocent for no reason?
    14 I get nothing but trouble all day long;
    every morning brings me pain.
    15 If I had really spoken this way to others,
    I would have been a traitor to your people.
    16 So I tried to understand why the wicked prosper.
    But what a difficult task it is!
    17 Then I went into your sanctuary, O God,
    and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked.
    18 Truly, you put them on a slippery path
    and send them sliding over the cliff to destruction.
    19 In an instant they are destroyed,
    completely swept away by terrors.
    20 When you arise, O Lord,
    you will laugh at their silly ideas
    as a person laughs at dreams in the morning.
    21 Then I realized that my heart was bitter,
    and I was all torn up inside.
    22 I was so foolish and ignorant—
    I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.
    23 Yet I still belong to you;
    you hold my right hand.
    24 You guide me with your counsel,
    leading me to a glorious destiny.
    25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
    I desire you more than anything on earth.
    26 My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
    but God remains the strength of my heart;
    he is mine forever.
    27 Those who desert him will perish,
    for you destroy those who abandon you.
    28 But as for me, how good it is to be near God!
    I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter,
    and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.

  100. street says:

    maru said,”See how God used the cruelty of crucifixion to reveal the truly ugly nature of human sin.”

    it also reveals the forgiveness, grace and mercy available to man, because of God’s love.

    it truly is God revealed. the wisdom and power of God.

    paul was right in not boasting in anything other than Christ and Him crucified. a stumbling block to the jew and foolishness to the greek.

    Father all men need their blindness and poverty removed.

  101. street says:

    been thinking of the parallel of Jesus learning obedience through suffering and the children of God learning to love through obedience.

    thinking Jesus never had trouble loving since God is love.

    suffering does terrorize the mind and body.

    thinking of spergeons prayer for help from his Father.

  102. poohpity says:

    street, what do you mean by “the parallel of Jesus learning obedience through suffering and the children of God learning to love through obedience.”??

  103. street says:

    i said i was thinking about, didn’t say i figured it out. thinking of pauls statement of filling up that which was lacking.

    Colossians 1:24
    Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the church, in filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions.

    thinking he was following Christ. not blindly

    the parallel of suffering how they are alike and how they are not.

  104. poohpity says:


  105. jeff1 says:

    Just thinking about your post Pooh, where you asked can we be anywhere without God!

    I had a few psychotic episodes and I believe God’s spirit had left me and it was very terrifying and I would not wish it on my worst enemy.

    It was my friend who prayed and brought me out of it but it is a very distressing state to be in and I was seeing people as you would see the devil and I was aware that I did not have God’s protection.

    I am thankful that God has been protecting me ever since.

  106. poohpity says:

    “Can we go anywhere that God is not there?” Your friend prayed and brought you out of it so wasn’t God there? Sometimes we may not feel His presence but that does not mean He is not there.

    You know when I sit down or stand up.
    You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
    You see me when I travel
    and when I rest at home.
    You know everything I do.
    You know what I am going to say
    even before I say it, Lord.
    You go before me and follow me.
    You place your hand of blessing on my head.
    Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too great for me to understand!

    I can never escape from your Spirit!
    I can never get away from your presence!
    If I go up to heaven, you are there;
    if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there.
    If I ride the wings of the morning,
    if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
    even there your hand will guide me,
    and your strength will support me.
    I could ask the darkness to hide me
    and the light around me to become night—
    but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.

  107. joycemb says:

    Psychosis is all about wrong beliefs. So glad God sent someone to ground you back into reality. God has used me a few times to read scripture to people in psychosis. I’ve seen the power of God to bring people back from those states.

  108. joycemb says:

    The pray-er is used by God to tell the person that God has not left them. Viv you were never alone, as Pooh said :-)

  109. jeff1 says:

    It does seem real to me that God has left me because I be so cold and numb and I see bodies that walk past me but I know I could not touch them and they are empty with just holes for eyes and I am sure I am in hell.

    My friend says the fact that I remember it means that God was with me but it still is very terrifying and I take medication to keep me from getting like that and also have to watch not to become stressed.

    What do you mean Joyce when you say Psychosis is about wrong beliefs. I thought it just ran in my family as my brother was a schizophrenic and my mother was very unstable though back in her day there was no such diagnosis.

  110. poohpity says:

    Was that a dream or when you were awake? Yes Psychosis is a thought disorder in which there is a distortion of reality and yes it can be genetic. It also can be caused from a brain injury or a disease and can be eased by the help of medication.

  111. poohpity says:

    If my leg is broken do I believe that God has left me? Or if I get another kind of physical illness do I believe that God has left me? Having a mental illness is in the same league with other illnesses but because society places a different measuring stick on it does not mean it is any different.

  112. poohpity says:

    There are illnesses of the body, mind and soul but we have the Great Physician who can repair, restore and heal.

  113. joycemb says:

    Viv I know that was a poor way of explaining but sometimes I can’t think straight (my nerves are shot), but what I meant is that when we are in a psychotic state we tend to believe what we see, hear, or feel. Hence wrong beliefs. But because the brain is in disorder we may feel as if we are in hell or whatever. That’s why some need chemical interventions to remain ‘stable’ so they can live a somewhat peaceful life. Not unlike a person with a deformity may need a prosthetic device. However as I said I have seen God intervene just by making Himself known and that is enough; even if a person, such as myself is still crippled by panic, anxiety and depression. Healing comes in many forms, but the great Healer is more important than anything we go through, and His purposes are of utmost importance, as He uses us however He chooses. But His purposes are always good.

  114. joycemb says:

    Viv when I was younger I wanted God to heal me completely. For many years now I’ve waited for my complete healing, yet God says His grace is enough. I now understand just how great that grace is, because if God had healed me completely I would have betrayed Him by going off on my own way and getting into only God knows what troubles. (just as those in Jesus’ parables betrayed Him after they were healed) I really didn’t want Him, but wanted healing. Thank God He knows us so well and even if there is faith the size of a mustard seed He never leaves us. I’m a Holy crippled mess but God is faithful. It is His faithfulness in which I live, move, and have my being.

  115. jeff1 says:

    Pooh, I was awake when the episode happened but I was in a very disturbed state and I had to be given an injection to calm me and when I spoke to a nurse that I knew afterwards he told me they only give the injection in very severe psychotic episodes.

    I can remember when very young my sister and I had very disturbing nightmares and my father would come in and have to reassure us that there was nothing in the room because we would be screaming that there was.

    I understand what you are saying because I was unable to stay in a job because of my illness but I have been doing different charity jobs since and you are right I would not have left my work to do this work but for my health.

    I see what you mean that I can believe I want God but God sees the depth of me and knows me better. My son says I make excuses so he sees my weaknesses as does God.

    I believe His grace is enough and I heard this song this morning on Sunday reflections so I shall share it with you.

    “I’ll Rise”

    Out of your great love
    You came down from glory
    The Son of God to set me free
    And for all my sin
    You gave yourself on Calvary
    You rose again

    And I’ll rise because You rose
    And I’ll live because You died for me
    I’ll love because You first loved me
    O Lord You are my life
    O Lord You are my life

    Though I may walk through the valley of the shadow
    I know that You are there with me
    And if I lose my way
    I know Your hand will guide me
    Nothing can take Your love away

    You’re all I need
    You are the one
    Who makes my life worth living
    Lord here I am take all of me
    Take all my dreams take all my dreams
    That I have held so dearly
    Lord please take it all

  116. jeff1 says:

    Joyce, I meant to address the chapter commencing “I understand what you are saying” to yourself instead of Pooh.

  117. joycemb says:

    Thank you Viv I’ll say Amen to that song!

  118. poohpity says:

    At 3pm EST join with others for a moment of silence for those who have given their lives for the freedoms we enjoy. You will have to check out the time zone that corresponds with where you live.

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