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You Make this so Worthwhile!

Am still thinking this morning about some of the comments written to this blog yesterday. I agree so much with what SFDBWV wrote when he said,

“The Bible is many things, one thing it is, is a story. Not just a story, but a story about God and man’s experiences. Apart and together…Life without others and without sharing is very dull and well” lifeless”…The Bible lets us read about everyone’s triumphs and failures. About others grief and joy. Life is meant to be shared with each other…This blog would be unnecessary without people sharing their own stories of life’s experiences. Instead it would only be another tract making a repetitious statement. A good statement, but without flavor.”

SFDBWV had written earlier some of his own experience in response to, poohpity who wrote,
“I know one thing, I have never been so close to death before as at this time watching my mom with cancer. I am reminded daily all we have is one day at a time and we need to be Jesus to whomever we meet just for today and nothing else are we able to control. He is in control not us, thank God!!!!!”

Then pegramsdell says,
“I don’t have any money left after paying bills, but, you know, it is still a good Friday, because Jesus died for me and I am saved. I am praying for those suffering in India and all over the world and even right here. So many people have even less than I do. So many people are suffering and crying out to God. I pray that He hears them and heals them. I know that He wants to help them and hold them in His arms to comfort them. God is so good!”

And plumbape tells his own story when he says,
“…I have been around the block in this country’s big cities and spent time in Illinois juvenile DOC for three years only to graduate to maximum prison twice before I was 23. I was born again while on the last trip while spending 13 months in segregation for defending myself. We only got out to take a shower once a week but I took mail Bible courses because I didn’t know about the bible or why there are so many different religions. There was a riot and the cons gained control of where I was at so I took my bunk and jammed it so I could hold down on one end and covered up with the mattress for 3 days to keep them out. Did I mention I was a tall thin white boy with hair down to my belt???…That was thirty years ago and I have found that people are all the same…I don’t know anything for sure except God and his Son Jesus which is all that matters and I for one believe we won’t have to much more time to wait for the answers to the Kingdom of God.”

Just want to repeat what SFDBWV recognizes above. By sharing your lives, experiences, thoughts, and questions, you make any time and effort I put into our shared journey of faith so worthwhile.

Thank you all. And please forgive me for unintentionally overlooking the contribution of others. I just pulled out some examples to illustrate SFDBWV‘s point.

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19 Responses to “You Make this so Worthwhile!”

  1. poohpity says:

    This blog has been a wonderful place for discussion and reflection for me. I have talked with like minded and some that have caused me to think out of the box. I have so enjoyed learning about others struggles and their victories.

    Thank you for having the mind to start something like this, I am sure it was through the leading of the Holy Spirit. So thanks for being there to be used by God to touch lives and to help us think.

    I have so enjoyed the fellowship of other believers and being able to express myself. This has been the best place I have ever experienced for talking about God. Thank you!:)

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Just returned from a busy day with my son. He has a recombant bike I have to keep in our garage. In order to get him to the garage I have to clear a path through the ice and snow and salt it down. It is a steep walk up and a steep walk down. Since he is in a wheel chair and weighs over 350lbs I have to make sure we don’t slip. He rode his bike for 30 min and got 8.2 miles,so he was pleased.

    When he wrecked his car 9 years ago, he broke both knees. But the doctors didn’t take care of that so by the time I got him to other specialists it was too late to do anything about it. So when he gets up and walks every day( with my help ) and rides this bike he does so on broken knees.

    Matthew never gives up he never quits. And I will never give up the hope of his recovering.

    I want to share what I read some time ago. The Book of Acts began with the Ascension of Jesus, but is unfinished. We are still writing the Acts. We are the Church and what we do reguarding our walk with Jesus is filling in the pages. We are a participant now in the continuing Book of Acts.

    Thank you Mart for all your effort and this place whereby we can all share Christ through our actions and lives.

    I love that plumbape, and wretch-like-me, have overcame the obstacles in their lives to become good faith filled Christian men. And how poohpity has overcame so much and is an inspiration in her walk with God.

    What I see as I read the blogs is that Jesus is still among us and changing lives. That the Church is alive and strong. That we are HIS witness’s.


  3. drkennyg says:

    The Bible is not only relevant to today and yesterday, but it is the source of what God wants us to know of Himself along with clear instructions of what we should do in living out our lives for His glory. The Resurrection is the central point that shows us the truth of what Jesus said. He is the only Way to the Father and everlasting life in praise of Him. It is all about Him. There is so much more for me to learn which is why I like this blog more than any other. It shows me so many things to think about. Thank you for doing this.

  4. wretch-like-me says:

    I confess that I have become somewhat ‘addicted’ to our morning sessions. I am (OCD) a person who naturally falls into routines and my morning routine involves coffee and a time with Our Lord ‘waking up together and discussing our plans for the day.’ Gradually this forum has become part of that routine, usually immediately after my time alone with Christ. I imagine all of us sitting at a large round table, coffee/tea cups, pads, pencils/pens. Although your faces are not distinguishable, I see smiles of recognition and greeting. As you share your life-experiences I imagine your faces sometimes shielded, perhaps distorted as the pain surfaces, tears of joy as the Savior fills your hearts, a chorus of ‘PTLs’ from those encouraging me and others as we part with our innermost hurts and discoveries and even some hugs and hands on shoulders. You guys, the uniqueness of this ministry is the intimacy coupled with anonimity. We are our own ‘AA’ styled group but of course our HIGHER POWER IS THE HIGHEST AND ONLY POWER. I would enjoy a face to face environment but that’s just me… I realize it might squelch the freedom of sharing that we enjoy and possibly eliminate some altogether. I look forward to meeting you all in heaven.
    Leaving for my home today…next stop North Eastern WA.

  5. refump says:

    I found Been Thinking About about a year ago & have found it to be like a drink of cold water to a thirsty man. I have a “Been Thinking About” type of mindset but usually don’t have anyone I can share these thoughts with that would understand totally. I especially enjoy reading the responses by you all to Mart’s thoughts. I will read one person’s response & think that’s good & someone else will share their thoughts from a completely different angle & I will think, that’s good too. M R De Haan speaking on the radio back in the sixty’s had a huge influence on my father’s acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Lord & Savior & his subsequent spiritual growth when I was a kid. It was then my father who led me to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ when I was 9 years old. My father use to tell people he could hardly listen to the gravely voice of M R before he became a Christian but after he became a Christian he would look forward to his beautiful voice every week as he explained the Word of God to my father & other listeners. As a family we would gather every evening a some point & no matter what we were doing we would have devotions using the “Our Daily Bread”. Me & my 5 siblings are all adults now that can look back at those “quiet” times as having some influence in all of giving our lives to Christ & knowing the importance of a “quiet” time each day to grow in our walk with our Lord. Thanks Mart & all of you for sharing what God has laid on your hearts.

  6. poohpity says:

    Steve you are a wonderful dad and Matthew keep up the good work. We do not have snow here but if we travel 120 miles we can be in it.

    This is also an addiction for me, I love it and all who post. We study the Real Big Book, lol!!

  7. plumbape says:

    Thanks Mart,
    One of the best things about ODB it seems to me is the real life illustrations along with the Bible verses that help a person learn or connect to things. I heard a story about a man that climbed tall buildings on the outside. Imagining that salvation was at the top and the only way I ever heard about receiving it was to climb the outside. So if it kills me I’ll reach this salvation and day after day I try to go up with hands bleeding falling back down. Untill one day someone comes along and gives me the good news, it’s called elavator…! It’s something I’ve never heard of and don’t know how in world it works but I can stand there and effortlessly be taken to the top without even holding on to the side. Yes Jesus is the Way!
    The incredible and very real way He works in hard hearted children “that think they are grown” is beyond me to understand but I’m loving it and you people to!!!

  8. cctouch says:

    I have just happened on this blog about a month ago while searching for a way to order the “Our Daily Bread” devotional. I really enjoy it and occasionally like to add a comment. I learn alot from the posts and everyone’s comments. I feel like it’s a growing experience for all of us. God Bless!

  9. daisymarygoldr says:

    Personally, to me this is a small sample of His universal Church. The members are different and our needs are not the same, hence we may not be able to relate to each other’s specific life experiences. What encourages me most is to see His Story that adds flavor to every individual’s life story …one day the Book of Life will be opened, and all our hidden life-stories in Christ will be read aloud for His ultimate glory… to make the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, really-really worthwhile!

    What did I benefit from this blog? So-o-o much, that has made me indebted to each one of you for the rest of my life. plumbape’s plumb-crazy efforts, poohpity’s never-say-die spirit, SFDBWV’s encouraging words, pegramsdell’s practical insights, drkennyg’s spiritual input, wretch-like-me’s gracious insights, BruceC’s wise discernment, rdrcomp’s optimistic outlook, rokdude5’s rocking statements, desert rose’s gentle demeanor, chfranke’s scriptural observations, phillip’s balanced perceptions, macsisson22’s love for His Word. DarleneJoy’s Christ-like thoughts and sitsathisfeet is one of my faith heroes of this blog ….just to name a familiar few.

    Also, learn from others who visit but do not say much- “speech is silver, silence is golden”. Thank you all… and please forgive me for intentionally overlooking someone here …don’t worry, I will never forget to thank Mart De Haan for the extremely excruciating task of effortlessly moderating this blog…it is God’s unique gift to you, which I hope and pray will greatly profit His Kingdom. Most importantly, I thank God for enabling this daily fellowship along with His blood-bought ones!

  10. sitsathisfeet says:

    The Lord is so loving, gracious, and compassionate. I discovered this blog about six months ago when I didn’t get my Our Daily Bread forwarded in the mail. Usually they have copies at church, but couldn’t find one, so I went on line and looked around the RBC website. I had ordered some topical booklets, and picked some up at church – I read and studied them everyday for quite sometime, too. At the suggestion of my Pastor, over a year ago I began to keep a journal, kind of a prayer journal where I reflect on scripture I’ve read, write some prayers, answers to prayers, or revelations – or just events of the day. It is also mingled together with my Bible studies. I take notes on Sunday, and wed nights and Tues and Thurs twice a month! It sounds like a lot but I have been hungry and needing the Word. My church prays for me practically every Monday morning faithfully. However, this blog has been invaluable to me also. Your prayers, your thoughtful responses to everything. When I first read the bloggers thoughts, I said now these are real people working out their faith daily with fear and trembling! It is at once intimate and anonymous – which is very freeing. Makes me less afraid to share – (like much afraid in Hindsfeet in High Places) Over the past year I wouldn’t give up any of these things the Lord has so faithfully provided. Thanks to Mart and all of you faithfilled bloggers for helping me to live out my faith everyday. God Bless You All. Still sitting at his feet.

  11. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    I don’t usually comment but do hope this blog continues as it is such a joy. I read it daily and its wonderful to hear how God is working in each persons life.

  12. alexdizon says:

    May God be praised for the love He sows among us through Christ Jesus! This blog, the other devotional guides, ChristianCourses.com and other Bible study media here in RBC really help many in their walk with Christ. May God continue to unite His people and make them fruitful in preparation for that glorious day when Christ returns.

    The recent Mumbai attack, the flood in Brazil, the financial crisis and our own personal struggles can be overwhelming but in Christ, all these hardships become a leverage for all of us to draw closer to Him and to support one another. It is only in Christ that this fellowship can thrive and be fruitful. Thank you all so much for just taking your time to be here and sharing yourselves.

    These Bible passages remind me of this community:

    “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” GAL 6:2 NIV

    “The one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” GAL 6:8-10 NIV

    “Finally, brothers, what is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” COL 4:8-9 NIV

    “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. ” HEB 10-24-26 NIV


  13. BruceC says:

    I truly enjoy coming here. The people are great and RBC is a class act in what it does. Many of the other Christian blogs/forums I’ve been on were more like gladiator school as far as what I saw. I am totally amazed at how the Lord works. He never ceases to amaze me. The “little” things and the “big” things are all brought together for His glory and for His purpose. From the uncountable number of folks who give out of their need to the wealthy individual that was touched deeply enough to give $50 million to Wycliffe USA to finish translating the Word in the last 2,400 known remaining dialects; God just amazes me. We ARE all part of the same body. The Body of Christ. Folks like Mart and others at RBC know that and work extremely hard to serve God and others in the body and I for one am grateful. Not enough room here to tell how many times the Lord has touched me through RBC. Truly God makes all things work together for good and for His purpose; and the ground before His cross is level. His Name be praised!

  14. daisymarygoldr says:

    Just read TODAY’S MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST and was immensely blessed. Thank you RBC!

  15. abalderama says:

    I’d just like to say that I was having a pity party. My relationship is at an end, my vehicle broke down, and I frankly don’t know how I’ll arrive at work tomorrow but after having read everything this morning it brought me back to being thankful and not to worry because I know our Father is in control and he’ll see me through. Thank you and God Bless you all!

  16. chfranke says:

    WOW! I am blown away by these comments. I really am amazed at the degree of attention many of you are putting into this blog. I too have been enriched by the exchange of personal stories and the conviction that so many of you have expressed about Christ being intimately involved in your lives no matter what happens. I thought I was following this blog closely but I must admit that I’m no where near the level some of you have achieved.
    I’ve expressed my love to you all before and the comments here have reinforced that feeling. These comments are very, very comforting. I also said I would pray for each of you daily and I must confess that I have not lived up to that commitment. Forgive me. I cannot remember the last time I prayed for you all before today. But your comments have convicted me to begin again with Christ’s help.
    This a special place with special people. Thank you for being a part of this community. I look forward to meeting you all in heaven if not sooner.

  17. LCY says:

    I am always too timid (or sel-centered) to share with others, even between brothers and sisters! Your message today encourage me so much Matt. I will try opening my heart…to make things more worthwhile!

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