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The Story of Saint Nick

A friend sent me this four minute and 33 second YouTube link that seems to say something about our discussion of the last couple of days. I have never heard about Nick before. But I’ve found several links on YouTube that tell his inspiring story. He doesn’t call himself Saint Nick, but I am. Here’s the link that tells his story and gives more than a hint of his faith.

If the link doesn’t work, try copying this address into your browser.

P.S. Thanks to “wretch-like-me” for sending along a link to more of Nick’s story.

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11 Responses to “The Story of Saint Nick”

  1. poohpity says:

    I have heard him before and every time he blesses me beyond my problems. Thank you, Mart. Good timing!!

  2. macsisson22 says:

    Makes me think that my shipload of problems would fit into my tubby time tugboat!

  3. pegramsdell says:

    Wow! Very inspirational. Thank you Mart.
    I am humbled. God doesn’t make mistakes.

  4. wretch-like-me says:

    thanks, marti, once again you have illustrated so well what I was trying feebly to express yesterday…my apologies to all who took offense to what appeared to be a lack of empathy… it was not intended as such. I only wished to share the lesson I myself have learned when it comes to focusing too much on my own ‘afflictions’. Here is an excellent example of someone who has seen thru the ‘affliction’ and claimed it as a ‘blessing’ and a ministry gift.
    If you havent checked out his Testimony for God, look for his testimony at the website. (I tried to paste in the address but, it seems to be not possible.)

  5. SFDBWV says:

    I have seen Nick before, and others, Joni for one. If you watched the comments following Nick’s segment, I am sure you were offended. I was.

    For the past 7 years Matthew has done a daily routine of exercise. It is physically all he can do. He is very proud of his accomplishments.

    On a weight bench, he leg lifts 35lbs 518 times. He then bench presses a 75lb barbell 400 reps. in 2 attempts first 250 followed by 150 after he catches his breath.

    He then sets in his wheelchair and does a tricept exercise with a 10lb weight 100 time each arm. Then curls a 40lb weight 40 times each arm. I have to help him hold on with his left hand as his grip is weak.

    Lastly after a brief rest, he gets up and walks 8 trips from his chair in the living room to the kitchen and back, he has to lean on me to do so. a distance of about 27 feet each way.

    We learned to take off the weekends from his exercise, as 7 days a week got pretty exhausting after several months.

    Matt never gives up he never quits he keeps pushing himself to the max. He fights back against his disabilities. It is all he can do.

    The first 5 or so years, Matt would believe with all his heart if he would just believe he could get up and walk. Time after time he tried. Time after time he failed. Each time, broke his heart again and mine as well.

    I built him an overhead hoist in our garage and put a parachute harness on him. He would stand and walk for 10, 3 minute walks on a tread mill. This hurt him a lot, we did it for about 4 years. It never helped only hurt. we recovered to the 8 walks to the kitchen I mentioned earlier.

    Matt also rode a recombant bike for over 4 years as well. I had to strap his feet to the peddals, but he would try and beat his time each time he rode it. For 30 min he would get anywhere from 8 to 11 miles. this also hurt him a lot.

    Matthew and I have the deepest theological discussions all the time every day. He went from believing God would heal him to God doesn’t care. Then he will fill up again with hope and ride that high for a while only to bottom out again, and repeat the cycle of hope and dispare. Over and over.

    I have learned that everyone has problems, that to each person their paticular problem is the worst. They can see people like Nick and acknowledge that his problem is worse but it doesn’t change the frustration they feel about their own personal misery.

    I am reminded of the blind man Jesus healed. Jesus’s deciples ask if this mans sins or his parent’s had caused his blindness. Jesus said neither. “but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.”

    This is why Matt asks me every day, why? This is why we wait on God, learning deeper and deeper patience each day. I can see God’s purpose in Matt’s misery some days. But it doesn’t stop Matt from suffering. Nor give me permanent peace. It would seem that has to be refilled each day.

    Our stories we share here of our own personal walk through life. And God’s involvement with us, is our testimony. If we are to be a witness for Christ, we must have had to experiance life and Christ in it to testify about it. Otherwise what are we a witness to?

    If all I knew about Abraham, was that he was the father of Isaac. What would I know about God from having known about Abraham? No, the Bible tells a story about Abraham with all the little details. Because God is found in all thoes little details.

    In our life experiances, God, can be found in all our little details as well.

    Should we hide that light under a basket? Or let it shine from us?

  6. poohpity says:

    I was offended and your apology is accepted. As Nick says there are times when he is overcome with depression but with the Lord he is able to get back up. After reading your blog yesterday I understood what you were trying to say but at the time I needed just a shoulder to cry on which we all need. In scripture many people cried out in despair even Jesus in the garden. We are told to cry with those who cry, laugh with those who laugh and gently restore people as Jesus did. Jesus was filled with compassion over suffering. To be a good teacher first and foremost we must be a good student because we never stop learning unless we think we know it all.

  7. pegramsdell says:

    “We fall down…..we get up,
    we fall down…..we get up,
    we fall down…..we get up,
    and the saints are just the sinners…
    who fall down…..and get up.”
    Thank You Jesus for lifting us up.
    Especially Matt. In the Spirit and body.

  8. plumbape says:

    SAINT NICK indeed! This guy in incredible…!
    Check out; My King, Do you know Him?
    Dr. S. M. Lockridge, he gets to carrying on!

  9. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    God bless you SFDBWV. You are an inspiration.

  10. poohpity says:

    Tell Matthew I think he is the best, keep buffing up those guns and to smile cuz he is loved a lot. Tell him also I can not fully understand what he is going through but I had 4 hip surgeries before the age of 14 and a replacement in the left hip in 1997 with a revision in 2005 and another in the same hip in 2006. I now desperately need the right one done asap because the pain is above a level 10 if there is such a thing, lol. Had to put it off cuz of mom. So I understand how bad bone pain is and it really oops! Steve, you go my friend.

  11. SFDBWV says:

    Deborah, Matt has ask me to thank you for your love. As well as all others who pray for him.

    You have made him smile this morning.


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