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And on Earth Peace, Goodwill…

Over the years, the ethnic relatives of Jesus have not been the only ones to ask, “If Yeshua was the Messiah, where is the peace he was supposed to bring? The prophet Isaiah clearly predicted that in the days of the promised King, ‘They will hammer their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war'” (Isaiah 2:4).

Yet, the results were quite different when,

Six hundred years later,
the Gospel writer Luke tells us that, according to a group of shepherds, “Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:13).

So where is the peace?

Part of the answer
seems to be a matter of translation. Without denying that the ultimate expression of Messianic peace will be global and political in scope, the promise of the angels allows for a peace that is a personal, partial, and urgent priority. Versions other than the KJV clarify that the peace the angels announced is to both men and women “with whom God is pleased”, or, “on whom God’s favor rests.”

The peace proclaimed by angels over the Shepherds’ Fields of Bethlehem turned out to be the kind of peace that is learned best in the middle of temporary conflict. It’s the kind of peace that is rooted not in circumstance but in the assurance of God’s forgiveness and favor.

We ourselves have seen how secure and fragile this peace is. As secure as we are in the grace and peace of Christ, we struggle to know how to express and extend that grace and peace to one another. We don’t even have to break into each others’ cars, computers, or houses to do harm. It doesn’t take much honesty, joy, or sorrow to unintentionally ignore or insult the pain of another brother or sister.

Yet, for now, I am quite sure that such imperfect conditions and misunderstandings are what it takes for us to grow in our understanding of the peace the angels were announcing. Only by having to face the failures, unfairness, and inequalities of this broken world can we discover what it means to experience and express a peace that is rooted in our God’s acceptance of us in Christ.

Even though we might wish it otherwise, it is probably true that only by unintentionally hurting and reacting to one another… by what we say and don’t say… can we discover that we cannot on our own make peace with one another, our God, or even ourselves. Only as the Spirit of Christ, himself, is present in the telling our own stories of brokenness, and need, and grace can we learn how to show together that he is our peace, our purpose, our happiness, our hope, and, for now, the ultimate bearer of fears and tears.

Only in the grace of the Son, who came to be our peace in conflict and our wealth in poverty, can we learn to extend to one another the peace, and patience, and good will that we are discovering in him.

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13 Responses to “And on Earth Peace, Goodwill…”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Amen, brother Mart. I agree totaly.

    Christ is seen through us.

  2. macsisson22 says:

    One of the most interesting places that I find in scripture is in the book of Acts chapter 3. Peter and John are going to the temple in the afternoon and encounter a man crippled from birth who was placed at the gate called Beautiful to beg. What is interesting to me about this man is that he had been put there every day!!! Presumably Jesus had entered the temple from this gate, and certainly He knew of this man, but chose not to heal him at the time.

    He had a different and better plan.

    Something else that I find interesting is that none of those healed, or raised from the dead are walking the earth today (at least not that I can be sure of, lol!).

    This encourages me in that I can rest in the promises of God, knowing that he wants the best for me and you. And as much as I may not like my, or your, circumstances one day, in His time, all will be rectified!

    I wish you all a blessed LORD’s day!

  3. poohpity says:

    Just as the sorrows and suffering that Jesus went through have brought Joy to our hearts, so also the suffering we go through can bring an understanding (empathy) to another’s plight.

  4. violet D says:

    One of my pastors in the past noted that “Peace” is NOT the absence of conflict but rather an inner peace THROUGH the conflict. As Jesus said in John 14:27 “My peace I give – not as the world gives ..”One of my “spiritual markers” was when I was waiting to go the O.R. for open heart surgery – I shared with my visiting pastor that I had total calmness about the outcome whatever that might be. It was a feeling that words could not describe except to embrace Jesus’ promise that He would give me “peace”. (That was 6 years ago!) As another pastor comforted me after the death of my 10 yr.old daughter he made this statement “Sometimes God allows these things to happen so that we can – later – share His comfort with others.” I’ve found this also to be true. This is not to diminish the real pain of the situation but a way of navigating through it.

  5. drkennyg says:

    You all make some very good points. The peace that I feel comes when praying or while in church or after having had a meaningful encounter with someone who is struggling. Just the effort to be helpful gives peace. Satan is after us all the time with his convincing lies but we can overcome that with the “strength of His might” and so find peace.

  6. refump says:

    Your comment of “Only as the Spirit of Christ, himself, is present in the telling our own stories of brokenness, and need, and grace can we learn how to show together that he is our peace, our purpose, our happiness, our hope, and, for now, the ultimate bearer of fears and tears” really stood out to me. I went to our church’s website recently & they had a video of “Cardboard Testimonies” in which people,one by one, came out on stage with pieces of cardboard with their story of brokenness & need written on one side & how God had brought them peace, purpose, happiness & hope through their experiences. It was truly inspiring & encouraging to see people willing to share their personal stories of brokenness. Most of us try so hard to only share those things about us that ensure our safety in the religious/church life boat. If we only knew we were not alone in our brokenness & could experience the grace of God & not the judgment of the church there would be an unbelievable healing & understanding of the PEACE only God can give.

  7. poohpity says:

    Please pray for my mom the chemo she got on friday is making her really sick. Pray for strength, comfort and mercy for her, please. I do not know what else to pray but God knows. Thank you!

  8. Mart De Haan says:

    You are in our hearts and prayers thank you for letting us know.

  9. SFDBWV says:

    Deborah, My family stands in prayer with you. Matthew very much enjoyed your comments to him at the end of yesterdays post. And thanked you for your love.

    Where is the peace? I love to sing that old hymn. “It’s finnished the battle is over, it’s finished there be no more war, it’s finished, the conflict of the ages, it’s finished and Jesus is Lord.”

    It’s amazing how much peace can be found in praise, and especialy in praise music.

    I have stood in the midst of some horrible things. But the Peace that surpasses understanding, a true gift from God gives me the strength for one more day.

    violet D, I have known so many people who have lost their children. It is a pain I do not think I could have endured. Your strength humbles me. I believe gr8granny also spoke of losing a daughter.

    The very first death ever recorded in human history was Adam and Eve’s son. Someones child.

    I have often wondered if that numb feeling I have experienced while going through some of the tough spots in my life was because God was carrying me. I believe so.

    God has been such a large part of my entire life. I am sure some of you have seen someone in a valley of their own making. And have said or thought to yourselves,” there but for the grace of God go I.” I know I have.

    Good night to you all, dear friends. I pray that the morning brings you all, your answered prayers, and hearts desires.


  10. daisymarygoldr says:

    How can we find peace as we struggle through relationships devoid of love and grace? Is there any existence of peace in our marriages that fail? Will we ever know peace when tormented by unmet physical, mental and emotional needs? Can we even dare to dream of peace as our body succumbs to incurable diseases?

    Is there any hope for peace as we desperately fight losing battles against forces beyond our control…of lost: jobs, homes and lives? Does it make any sense at all to yearn for peace in tragedies that are irreversible and circumstances that we cannot mend? Where is the peace right here when we intentionally ignore or insult to hurt others and ourselves?

    “Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No…” Luke 12:51
    “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace…” Matthew 10:34

    So, are we going to look for peace in this world, in our brokenness and needs?

    Let us remember, peace is not the pursuit of a principle or process. Peace is a person. That person is Jesus. Jesus is the peace between God and men. “…peace, goodwill ‘toward’ men… not ‘among’ men and certainly not to be found in this world.

    So, no matter what- unrealized dreams, unfulfilled desires, broken lives or struggle with sin…, take heart my dear friends…you are not alone. Be encouraged to know this that every one of us is at peace with God, because of God’s gift to mankind- Jesus Christ our Lord!

  11. DarleneJoy says:

    Good discussion. I know for myself, that I have only understood true peace and experienced it because I have the Holy Spirit living within me – the world longs for this kind of peace but you are all right, it cannot be found or known apart from Christ! It is certainly unexplainable unless our spiritual eyes have been opened to understand this “glorious mystery.” And I thank God for bringing me peace – not only to endure difficult circumstances, but also to restore my broken relationship to Him because of sin.

    Mart, you have a way of using the Scriptures to thoroughly address issues – thank you. I understand what your point was in today’s post, but I wanted to make a comment regarding the prophetic declaration in Isaiah. (I’m not a Bible scholar or anything, so please correct me if I’m wrong.)

    I think perhaps that the days of the Promised King which Isaiah was talking about might be the time yet to come when Jesus Christ will return and will rule over the new heaven and new earth. The disciples and many people on earth when Jesus first came thought that His kingdom would come then, but I believe Scripture indicates that His true kingdom is yet to come. HOWEVER…by His grace and by His power working in us, we can begin to show a glimpse of that kingdom through our lives – by expressing the peace and joy that only He can give.

  12. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Amen, Mart. Helpful to us, because this is where we live. Always reminded of our need and of the place we have in God’s working to extend God’s blessing in Jesus to others.

  13. poohpity says:

    Read John 14:26,27

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