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Imponderables (3rd of 3)

In my last post, I referred to the God of the Bible who while making it clear that “His ways are not our ways” nevertheless invites us to approach him with reason. Let’s see if we can follow a little further the idea of using reason to trust one whose “thoughts are not our thoughts”.

In this “information age” it’s important for us to be reminded of the limitations of our own understanding. Faced with the phenomenal growth of the Internet and the explosion of information services, we could be tempted to think that, in time, an exploding technology will unravel the problems and imponderables of life. We might forget the wisdom of Moses who wrote, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law” (Deut. 29:29).

For some of us, the World Wide Web has become a substitute for the Word of God. The worship of information has become in some ways like a modern “tower of Babel” (Gen. 11:6). With a vision of “global access to all knowledge” humanity is hoping, through shared knowledge, to solve the ultimate problems of aging, birth defects, disease and mortality. Once again we are tempted like our first parents to trade trust for the pursuit of knowledge that is beyond our ability to manage.

Yet, there is another option. After we have done our best thinking, we could choose to be like the family dog who sleeps peacefully at our feet.

Dakota, Doc, and Dutchess aren’t known as “man’s best friends” for being foolish. Admittedly they don’t know what we know. They don’t understand our reasons, dreams, or concerns. They don’t even care where we get the money to buy their food. But they do know us. They sense when we drive in the driveway at the end of the day. They greet us at the door and are willing to rest at our feet while our minds go places they have never imagined. They trust us for some of the same reasons we can trust our own Master and provider.

Father in heaven, you deserve so much more than we have given you. We know that our problem is not that we cannot understand you. Our sin is that we have no good excuse when we hear you say, “Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth! For the LORD has spoken: “I have nourished and brought up children, And they have rebelled against Me; The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master’s crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider” (Isa. 1:2-3). Forgive us for thinking that we cannot trust what we do not fully understand.

Now, what are you thinking?

Don’t feel limited by the following. But here are some questions I’d like to hear some comments on:

Can you think of a time when you’ve experienced that kind of trust?

Are there questions that you are not yet ready to leave with God?

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One Response to “Imponderables (3rd of 3)”

  1. malugt says:

    Wow! Are there questions I am not ready to leave with God? I am struggling with this thought currently; knowing what it means to trust God and wait for him after 35 years. I loved the statement ‘we are tempted to trade trust for the pursuit of knowledge similar to our first parents’. I pursue knowledge and try to resolve issues on my own. When I pray about things and leave it with Him, I keep wondering, is there anything I need to do? What is my responsibility in this matter? If I sit back, pray and wait for God to address the issue, am I not taking the responsibility I need to given the limited ability I have.The parable of the talents come to mind.
    This became much more of a struggle for me last week as I listened to a message on healing. It was made clear that God expects us to take the advice of the Physicians and use available medications and then continue to pray. Because one of my parents who was a believer in divine healing refused to take medicine and I lost her in an young age. Was she foolish? Did her lack of understanding result in loosing the blessings I could have had in my life and hers? That question haunts me to think, if I don’t understand scripture and not take the necessary actions, will I be missing out on the blessings God actually has for me?

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