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Newsweek and Heaven

In the February 2 issue of Newsweek magazine’s “Beliefwatch”, Lisa Miller, writes, “You likely believe that when you die, you’re going to heaven. More than 80 percent of Americans do.

But in what form? Are you “you”? If so, are you old or young, fat or thin? If not, what are you? An angel? A spirit? A spark? On the question of resurrection, the consensus breaks down. According to a 2005 NEWSWEEK POLL, only half of Americans think of resurrection as a physical event, a revivification of flesh after death. More than a third think of it as something spiritual, an ascension of the soul that leaves the corpse behind. Such widespread hedging infuriates the orthodox.”

Miller goes on to write about how a small group of orthodox Christian and Jewish Scholars like N.T. Wright and Randy Alcorn (both Christian) are arguing that heaven is a real, miraculous resurrection from the dead.

She also talks about a Harvard scholar Jon Levenson who has written an award winning 2006 book, “Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel” arguing that a real, physical, bodily resurrection has its origin in the Jewish Scriptures.

Miller concludes her column referring to the fact that the 4th and 5th century Christian theologian, Augustine, “Devoted himself to describing the benefits of the real resurrected body. In heaven, he wrote in “City of God,” you will be your perfect self: unblemished and 30-something. If you were fat in life, you will become pleasingly thinner; if too thin, you will become robust. According to Augustine, ” we will be in our physical bodies in a universe that has no dimension, and we will know God without interpretation.”

The article concludes that our bodies will be the very same we had in life but beautiful.

It’s been interesting to me as I’ve watched some of our scholars and authors come back to those parts of the Bible that describe a much more earth-centered heaven, and eternity as the experience of life and relationships as real as we know them, but eternally better.

While I’m intrigued with the fact that a popular publication like Newsweek would pick up the subject, it exposes some of the mixed feelings I have about the life beyond. Still get stuck at times wondering whether, in heaven, we will have lost the ability to trust and hope in God for what we cannot yet see. Or, in that life, will faith and hope merely be moved to a perfect level where together we are able to really believe with a confident hope that something “this good” could last, and grow, and turn out better than our wildest imagination– forever.

After unnerving myself with what I don’t know, I end up coming back time and again to the reassuring words of our Lord, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also (John 14:1-3).

Oh, and by the way, the pigeons… guess they reflect the way am thinking about me, and us– so real, so common… and yet sitting together, on the edge of something so far beyond our ability to really understand…

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39 Responses to “Newsweek and Heaven”

  1. Robert Slone says:

    My belief is that we receive a new body. What that body looks like, funcutions, etc. I just acept that God will give us the best, and let it go as that. I do believe it remains an image of God as he created in the beginning.

  2. sitsathisfeet says:

    Did you know we’re going to have “work” in Heaven, Spiritual work that we are being prepared for in this life? We’re not just going to be sitting around doing nothing. We will be praising and worshiping for sure, there will be no night, there will be a tree with healing leaves and many other things. So presumably we will need a body to do this “work”. It’s hard to imagine?! But I take it on faith, that it will be so.

  3. sitsathisfeet says:

    Also when Jesus was asked if we will be married in Heaven, Matthew 22:29-30 He said we will not, we will be like the angels in Heaven. They have a body, however different than ours.

  4. DaveA says:

    The verse, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has known what God has prepared for those who love Him.” comes to my mind. We are currently clueless for sure but whatever Heaven will be like I think it will be the experience of perfection… all things made new and right and just… our bodies as well as our senses and understandings… as it was meant to be from the beginning.

    I’m ready to go home. Maranatha!!

  5. rokdude5 says:

    There was a song that was popular not too long ago on Christian Alternative Rock radio station where the song claimed some of us will be playing football again in Heaven. In my mind, part of the challenge in playing football is that we have imperfect bodies and are able to rise above that in playing the game.

    Though I truly long for those playing days of my youth, if we have a “perfect body” in Heaven then in my mind, the challenge in playing the game whether it be football, baseball or golf or whatever, will be gone but we wont know that ’til we get there.

    Whatever earthly experience that we have on this rock, surely when Jesus said to the robber, “Today, you will be joining me in Paradise”, He meant something that transcend whatever we can even imagine! wow!

    Im not worried about whether “we will have lost the ability to trust and hope in God for what we cannot yet see. Or, in that life, will faith and hope merely be moved to a perfect level”. I think (though I could be wrong) all the Heavenly things we hope for will be realized. I am worried that I would do something stupid there just because I wanted something different. So the “body” Im not worried about but “free will” I do worry about.

    I keep hearing about a “feast” in Heaven so no doubt the food will be quite tasty yet “light”.

    (By the way, the fact I mentioned football just before SuperBowl Sunday is truly coincidental.)

  6. Robert Slone says:

    rockdude, I believe free will, is part of being created in God’s image, and I believe we will still be a creation in His image.

  7. SFDBWV says:

    Janice, I agree. I believe God is preparing us here now for a purpose in the coming 1,000 year reign with Christ as King. But right here on planet Earth. as well as “Heaven”.

    The place called Paradise where Jesus said he would be with the thief on the cross, is a real place where the “saved” souls go after death now. There is also a place of torment where the unsaved go after death, now.

    When the resurection occurs all the souls in Paradise are reunited with their earthly bodies as all the saved on the Earth alive are both called up into Heaven. Body and soul.

    We are all reunited with all believers over the time of man. Then return with Jesus as His clouds of glory. to be used and work here for 1,000 years With Christ as King.

    But….Free will is still in place and after 1,000 years God releases that old dragon Satan from his chains and the children of man are once again tempted into rebelion.

    Then another resurection occurs. The resurected of the unsaved are judged by God and thrown into that lake of fire with Satan and his followers forever.

    A new Heaven and a new Earth await us at that time. Yes we have a lot of work ahead. Praise God working shoulder to shoulder with each other in perfect harmony with the will of our God.

    Does it matter what we look like?

  8. drkennyg says:

    Wow Mart gotta get that issue of Newsweek. WRT the issues here I am confident in what the Bible tells us because it is God’s Word. We will have new bodies that are Christ-like, no pain, no competition, no need for Doctors or hospitals, no need for police or fire personnel (their jobs will have been done), and all of this will be involve a NEW heaven and a NEW earth. Best of all we will see Jesus and furthermore there will be no way to cross over from hell to heaven so we will be undisturbed by the evil one who has been conquered by Christ already. Also I don’t think we will miss anyone who isn’t there since that would be painful. And yes there will be plenty of good work to be done. I know my “list” is incomplete but His won’t be.

  9. drkennyg says:

    Steve are you saying that there is a 1000 yr wait prior to judgement or that there will be a second judgement and a second temptation by Satan? Howzat gonna work? As ordinary folk we would all fall down again or if we would be like Christ at that “second time around” none of us would be able to be tempted by Satan so he goes bye-bye where he belongs and we are then all free of him forever. Where did you get this notion? I’m unaware of any biblical reference to it other than the 1000 yr thing but no 2nd judgement.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Time and Newsweek both have a long history of publishing articles about God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Heaven, and Hell. Always written as if they are the autority on the subject

    And like our friend Daisy said a couple posts ago, “half truths”. Newsweek and others use some truth some half truth and sometimes just plain falsehoods to sell a story that usually ends up sewing the seeds of confusion. Who is the author of “confusion?”

    Instead they should consult our instruction manual (Bible) as well as our instructor (Holy Spirit), then perhaps they could write an article that brings both excitement and enlightenment to our minds.

    To the older readers, do you remember the Time magazine article in the 60’s titled “Is God Dead?”
    The anti-christ spirit is always at work and so should we be. With the full armor of God we must face the adversary and show the way in a dark world. Be of strong courage for with God as our strength who or what can stand against us?

    DaveA, we too are ready to go home, but not until our work here is done. Elijah is going to have to come back to finish his work undone.

  11. SFDBWV says:

    drkennyg, Revelation 20:5 “But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.This is the first resurection. :6 Blessed and Holy is he that hath part in the first resurection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. :7 And when the thousand years are expired , Satan shall be loosed out of prison, :8 And shall go out to decieve the nations…….:10 And the devil that decieved them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. :11 and I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away; and there was no found no place for them. :12 And I saw the dead small and great stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of thoes things which were written in the books, according to their works. :13 and the sea gave up their dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. :14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. :15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

    After the first resurection of all saints the thousand years of Christ occurs…..Then thoes who are not saved are resurected to judgement and the second death.

    I hope this helps clear this up some for you.


  12. SFDBWV says:

    drkennyg, I just wanted to make sure I am being clear. You and I and all people who have put our faith in and on Jesus, will not be judged.
    Jesus took our judgement to the cross with him. We are not appointed to wrath but to salvation. (1Thessalonians 5:9)
    All thoes who have not put their faith and trust in and on Jesus are not covered by the blood of the Lamb. And so face judgement. For their life and rejection of the Christ. This judgement comes after the thousand year reign of Christ.
    But yes after the thousand year reign of Christ there is a second temptation and some of the children of man will fall once again.
    But believers do not face judgement.

  13. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    I know there will be perfect Love. Whatever else God has for us in heaven I can’t grasp but I know in my heart we will experience perfect love. Love God love one another and we’ll be able to do that with perfection and have full understanding of God’s definition of love. Won’t that be awesome to love our God and each other as He loves us: with perfection.

  14. Laurielee says:

    One thing I’ve learned the hard way, is that what WE think is good for us and what God thinks is good for us can be completely different things. I’d MUCH rather have what HE thinks is good for me. That’s why, when I ask for anything, I pray that HIS will be done. I look at this topic the same way. We can’t predict His EXACT schematic of what we’ll be like in Heaven, or what we’ll do once there…but whatever He has in store for us will be sooo much better than we can imagine. I just want to BE there…I’ll let Him deal with the rest. Trusting in Faith…

  15. sjd says:

    I am reminded how much the people of our times want to see and touch. We look for the temporal, that which is seen. But we are called to look to the eternal, which is not seen.

    2 Corinthians 4:18
    …while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

    What a wonderful thing our God is going to do in the new earth, allowing us to see His face. No longer will we need to look at what is unseen, but then we will see clearly! I look forward to the day our hope and trust in God will not have competition with the world, the flesh and the devil. We will be free to learn, and serve, and enjoy Him, and to glorify Him as never before possible. I have always wondered if our ability to only follow God without the option of choosing other would somehow be robotic and not glorify God. But I believe then and only then can we image God completely as He deserves and desires. It is not my choosing that glorifies Him, but my correct imaging of Him. He has placed His law in our hearts as believers(giving us a desire for Him), which now is often blocked by the presence of sin in our lives(Romans 7). My future “limited” ability to only follow Him, to only trust Him, to only hope in Him, will be the most glorious gift, as no longer will I be distracted from enjoying God Almighty, no longer will I be separated from my enjoyment of Him by potentially submitting to sin. I believe that as in the garden of Eden, there will be so much choosing in how we can image Him in the earth. Then we were only limited by one tree. Our choosing in the future will be filled with wonder and joy. Our work will be with fulfillment and meaning as God receives all the glory as we together, the “image of God” fills the earth!

    Thanks for letting this “pigeon” ramble on.

  16. drkennyg says:

    Thanks Steve for taking the time to help me out (and others as well). I have no idea why I don’t remember Rev 20. Glad I came back on and may we all be blessed for having been here.

  17. drkennyg says:

    And one more thing regarding details at the end of these times is provided in John 5 especially vv. 28-30.

  18. Gena says:

    I will finally have perfect HEARING! Being deaf is no fun. Also, Jesus will wipe away my tears – all the frustrations that I ever had those tears for which they will fall no more.

  19. SFDBWV says:

    drkennyg, you are welcome, we all are learning and growing in Christ. It has no end.

    Gena, you are so right. No more deafness no more blindness, no more wheelchairs. All to Gods glory.

    Hints are strewn all throughout the Bible as to what kind of abilities our new bodies will have. Since Jesus was the first to be “Transformed” We can read about how Jesus behaved after the reurection.

    He ate, was flesh and bone. But incoruptable. The term I read most often is a supernatural body. As our friend and teacher Paul put it, we will finally see through glass clearly. I find it interesting that People who had spent the last 3 years with him didn’t know him until he wanted them to.

    It is here that our suffering and faith will be rewarded. I don’t really know about rewards, but I know God’s gifts are perfect. So our rewards must be also.

    All tears wiped away. Perfect love and harmony.

  20. BruceC says:


    Don’t know for sure. All I can think of is that very popular song “I Can Only Imagine……”

  21. refump says:

    Gena, Hearing perfectly is one of the first things that comes to my mind also as I look forward to eternity with Christ. Although I am not totally deaf I am close to it. Not only do I look forward to perfect physical hearing I also look forward to perfect spiritual hearing. I am often confused & dazed as I read God’s Word & hear pastors & other expound on it. One says it means this & another says no, it means this. Even in reading this blog sometimes I walk away wondering what is the true answer. But as Plato said, “to wonder is to begin to understand”. When we get to heaven will all our questions & “wondering” vanish or will it be an ongoing growing process as we get to “know” God in a way we never thought possible. I Cor. 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

  22. macsisson22 says:

    PS. 17:15 “I shall see His face in righteousness, I shall be satisfide when I awake in His likeness>”

  23. cN LS says:

    Hi Mart, Sherri has been encouraging me to begin regularly reading your blog, since she has felt it to be a blessing in her daily devotions. So, thanks for putting this in the RBC website.

    I’ve been thinking about heaven alot since the passing of my father almost a year ago. Hebrews 12:1 indicates the many people of faith mentioned in Heb. 11 are a “great cloud of witness” to our daily lives, which should be motivation to lay aside sinful obstacles and run the race set before us. That indicates some sort of spiritual and conscious connection between those in heaven and us. While it is absolutely true that we now have direct access to the Father as believers, I’ve always taken comfort in the prayers of those who love me here on earth as well as those who are witnesses of my earthly life who now consciously reside in heaven.

  24. SFDBWV says:

    Friends, Matthew needs your help.

    He would like a similar site like we have here. except for handicapped or disabled people.

    Not looking for a personals or dating or that sort of group. Just some people like himself he can communicate with.

    Any suggestions?

    Steve & Matt

  25. Romans838 says:

    Roberts slone’s words comfort me greatly… no matter what form… it will be the best and it will still be in the Image of God.

    furthermore, thinking about Jesus as the First born of all the Children of God, He Died and resurrected in the flesh that could be touched and felt… although he took different appearances as he willed (Luke 24:16) also those who were dead before, resurrected in a form that could be seen when Jesus resurrected.(Matthew 27:51)

    I guess the point God wants us to understand is that Death is not the end… everyone who hopes in God will live again Just like Jesus Did… Trust and Hope….

  26. Romans838 says:

    Trusting God completely and putting all our hopes in him is what I learnt from macsisson22’s refernce to David
    s words in Psalm 17:15

  27. daisymarygoldr says:

    Mart, first of all let me tell you how much I appreciate that footnote-script explaining the pic. It really helps me follow your train of thoughts…makes me switch off my self-defensive mode and respond with an open mind….for instance, in the “words with an attitude” post it was actually the duck that made me quack a lot… in defense of those who quote scriptures.

    Agree, with everything you and the other pigeons have shared about Heaven. However, this pigeon with slightly different feathers and an awkward tone of her own…sometimes may not be in tune with the others. Hence, here are the thoughts that I have been roosting on…thank you for not pecking and pushing me off the edge!

    In John 14, the disciples were troubled because Jesus had been talking about His departure…hence He comforted them about coming back to take them to the place He would go and prepare for them. Sorry, I simply cannot relate to your mixed feelings let alone “feeling troubled” at the thought of going to Heaven…

    Has anyone heard about the story of a little boy on a bus… traveling the country side? While the others on board were fretting about the heat, the dust and other discomforts typical of a long and weary journey, the boy was least affected by it all…but seemed very excited… and eagerly kept looking out of the window…Finally, an exasperated woman who couldn’t stand his cool…asked why he was not complaining. His simple reply was: “I can’t wait to see my Dad who is waiting for me over at the bus station!”

    It’s the same for me…Heaven is not about how it will be…its more about Him… with whom I’ll spend the rest of eternity…and I simply can’t wait to see Him!

  28. daisymarygoldr says:

    Some more thoughts…on Faith, hope, trust, grace and love…and I could be wrong…

    Faith is our handle on what we can’t see and since we will be seeing God face-to-face, faith will not be needed in heaven.
    Also, Hope… is for going to heaven someday…so once we are there; hope will also have no meaning.

    I agree with gr8grannyjacobs, that it will be only love…and yes, it will be perfect love.
    Perfect love will cast away all fear and hence we will trust. It will be a perfect trust… exactly the way He wants us to trust Him.
    The perfect trust will enable us to obey. Obey what?
    Trust will enable us to obey His laws!

    God is eternal and His Law is immutable…therefore, I believe His Laws will exist in Heaven just as they were before creation. In giving His Law to Moses in the OT, God actually revealed His character….as to who He is as a person. The Law of God is- His commandments, His Word, His Truth, His Way, His thoughts, His Holy will, His righteousness …which is life (Pro 12:28). Here on earth, sin made it impossible for us to measure up to the standards of God’s Laws. Hence, God Himself in the person of Jesus fulfilled its requirements on our behalf.

    However, Heaven will be sin-free…and guess what? If there is no sin, there will be no need of grace either! We will enjoy perfect freedom from sin to abide by the governing Laws of our heavenly country. What is that Law? Love God and love others!

    In Heaven, without our sin nature, we will be not struggle to keep the Law…instead the Law will be our delight. Following God’s law will no longer be a burden…we will not complain about its severity and we will not see God as a brutal abusive father. We will certainly not perform the law to achieve or accomplish. We will be perfected in the law to be perfected in love ….love that is without any fear, pride, jealousy, and shame… to live a perfect life in relationship with God and others…forever and forever!

  29. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    This is totally off subject but I am having a terrible time with Day of Discovery. One time the stories will work and the next time they will not. Some of them will not do anything. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this problem or maybe I need a new computer. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Forgive me for being so off subject.

    daisy Truly enjoyed your post. Perfect love: Can you imagine?

  30. sitsathisfeet says:

    Steve Great blog and explanation. I know some disabled persons, actually blind and sight issues. I’ll ask tomorrow if they know of anything. Also wanted to ask those on the blog for prayer for Monday morning as I go to court for final disolution, and support issues. I thought I was doing ok with things, but my conversation with my ex did not go well friday. I’m glad ODB had the reading from Nehemiah which we had finished studying not long ago. I must continue to build those spiritual walls, and guard them so that sin can not enter. Last time my pastor went with me, but I may be on my own this time, though I know the Lord is always with me. Thank you for your prayers. Janice

  31. Jumblee2855 says:

    Hi Gena, Yes I believe you will hear when you get to heaven. Being a person from coloured background and having experienced discrimination in this world due to my short, black, fat stature, I used to always wonder if I will have a new body when I get to heaven. However, now as a mature older person, it doesn’t matter anymore to me what kind of body I will have. It will be sufficient that I will be with my Saviour. As SFDBWV reminds us from Rev 21: v 4, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” This is my favourite verse. I look forward to that promise of GOD.
    Yes Mart, I am sure as you mentioned, in that life, faith and hope merely will be moved to a perfect level where together we will be able to really believe with a confident hope that something “this good” will last, and grow, and turn out better than our wildest imagination. This I believe because it is written in Rev 21:5, “He who was seated on the throne said, I am making all things new!” Then He said, “Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true.” There is no reason for me to doubt.
    By the way, I am one of that lurker, who reads all the BLOGs and everybody’s comments and doesn’t often contribute. Well, by the time I manage to read the BLOGs, glean meaning, digest everybody’s comments, and gather my thoughts together, a new BLOG appears and everybody starts commenting on the new one. I am not quick. However, I thank you Mart, and everyone who contributes, as I am enriched in my thought process every time I read.

  32. Jwigg says:

    One of the most thought-provoking books about going to Heaven I ever read was CS Lewis’s “The Great Divorce”. The enduring impression from this allegorical dream story is that Heaven is a country where everyone and everything is powerfully, and at times even painfully, more real than life in the material world we now live in! In Lewis’s dream, as the travellers drew closer to the Celestial city and its king, they were miraculously stripped of everything false about themselves and became increasingly more “real” and “solid” people the nearer they came to the city gates.

    Heaven is nothing without God and the Lamb of God [Rev chs 4 & 5]. For Paul “absent from the body” equals “present with the Lord” [2Cor 5:8]. When Christ appears, we shall be like Him [1Joh 3:2]. It is enough for the disciple to become like his Master. Are we in training for that glorious moment? Our present sufferings are preparation for the glory to be revealed [Rom 8:18f.]. The trumpet shall sound… [1Cor 15:35-58].

  33. bubbles143jc says:

    God says, “let everything that has breath paise His name”, to me that means ALL animals go streight to heaven upon death. to me ALL trees, flowers, grasses will also go streight to heaven. to me, heaven already has every kind of soil, rocks and vapors because God used them in this wonderful/awesome creation and He has plenty.

    i can’t sing or carry a tune. i’ve asked Jesus to get me a job polishing the instruments in heaven so when “those He chose” for Jesus and the angles practice praise and worship for God, i can watch and praise and worship behind the curtain. that is my very favorite time of church, although i love to do it at any time and anywhere.

    i’ve also asked Jesus that he does not have to give me a mansion in heaven. that i only want a tent because i know heaven is going to be sooooo beautiful – more beautiful than earth!! WOW i want to wake up and open my eyes to all around me. also, the bugs don’t bite!!!!

    Jesus is giving me a new, let’s call it body which might look like this one except it will not have any of these many debilitating illness i have now and it will have the stamina of heavenly powers.

    God said it, i believe it and that’s that.

    i am not to worry about what can not be answered – i am to live by faith in Jesus who died so that i might live with Him in heaven – ALL i have to do is TRY daily to follow His example, pray without ceasing in the spirit (continual communication with Him). when i fall, i am to ask for forgivness ASAP because the devil roams around like a roaring lion to see who he can devour – those that fall under condamnation.

    it’s not easy, the walk but, knowing Jesus is ALWAYS with me helps – LOL!

    Matt, God bless this/all ministries you have.

  34. bubbles143jc says:

    Mart (sorry for incorrect spelling)

    God bless.

  35. bubbles143jc says:

    second to the bible, the next best book i’ve read was, Hinds Feet In High Places.

  36. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you Janice. It’s one of thoes times I wish we could be neighbors so I could help you more in your struggle. But pray for you I will.

    Bubbles, You won’t be disappointed in any thing God has planned for you in Heaven. I look forward to singing together with you.

    jumblee 2855, Would love to have you as a neighbor here and looking forward to being so in our heavenly realm.

    gr8, my computer won’t let me stream. It use to and sometimes it still does for certain programs??? I have a Dell computer and now it costs to have them help fix problems. So it goes. One thing at a time.

  37. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    sitsathisfeet Like Steve I to would like to be able to help you in your struggles. All I have to offer is an ear to hear a hug a kind word love and prayers. You have them all. May God strengthen you.

    SFDBWV Steve thanks I do have a Dell so will give them a call.

  38. SFDBWV says:

    daisy, I too believe God’s law is eternal. I believe it was in place in Eden also. It would seem honoring the Sabbath was in place well before Moses.

    Half a million people still without power.

    I won’t be watching football today. Today is “Thanksgiving”. I cook a turkey with all the trimmings about 4 or 5 times a year. So we have a Thanksgiving meal more often.

    12 grey squirrel’s out at the “rock” this morning. It would seem that, out of character, the deer left a little something for the rest. For the bird watchers on line I have a vast multitude of wintering birds and many strange visitors.

    Won’t it be neat to be able to pet and commune with the critters there in Heaven.

  39. poohpity says:

    I will pray for the strength to walk through this time hand in hand with the savior and to trust him with the outcome and ability to have someone stick up for you.

    Steve and Matt,
    Hey you guys we all have special abilities on this site. We can not see each one’s thorn but I do know we all have them. Tell Matt to post with us it would be great to hear from him. I will need to learn some body building techniques because I am tried of the muscles in my body going south. I want to buff up, I am tired of all the hangies. Sometimes I can just imagine getting hit in my face by my own flaps on my arms I want guns.

    Steve I feel for all those without power and have been praying for a thaw but not enough to start a flood. You can also rest in knowing that the Cardinals are going to win today. :) Hahaheehee!!

    Can not wait for a body that will not decay and freedom from the grasps of sin. I know that we are already free from the grasps of sin but to just not have it around will be a total praise time.

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