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A Forgotten Means of Grace

Sports teams watch game films to go to school on what went right and wrong in their last outing.

Got me wondering what we might see if we did a video evaluation of our last family, church, or work conflict…

Am guessing one thing that would be missing would be visible evidence of a too often forgotten means of grace. Even though there is a lot of mystery in the way God works, he has been very clear to say that he “resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

In many ways humility might be one of the most misunderstood principles of the Bible. Yet,  from a New Testament point of view, it is just another way of talking about realism (Romans 12:3,16).

Early on, many of us knew that the undeserved help of God, depends on something more basic than our baptism, prayers, Scripture, and church gatherings. But old instincts remain with us. In our natural default setting, we easily revert to focusing on: (1) the wrongs of others, and (2) and the rights we feel entitled to. In the process we can forget one of the most basic fundamentals of our faith.

Unfortunately, this easily forgotten means of grace has picked up a lot of baggage along the way– so much so, in fact, that many of us can’t even mention it without thinking of it as pride in drag.

So let’s play back the memory and see if we can see to what extent the “h factor” was either there or not in that last conflict. Let’s see if we can catch ourselves doing any of the things that are a possible indicators of what’s missing. Things like,

1.  Talking before listening.
2.  Trying more to be understood than to understand.
3.  Listening more to our side than the other.
4.  Resenting the insult or the inconvenience.
5.  Expecting God to be one of our allies while ignoring his counsel.

If the Apostle Peter could come back to coach us through the problem, am guessing he might say something like. “Yeh, these kinds of problems aren’t easy. No one likes to be treated that way. And I know times have changed. But do you by any chance remember what I said in one of our first times together? Do you remember me saying that it is critical that ‘All of you subject yourselves to one another, and be clothed with humility for,

God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Then Peter goes on to write,

Do you remember that I went on to strongly suggest that you, ‘Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he might exalt you, in due time. Casting all of your cares on him because he cares for you’… So that… ‘The God of all grace, who has called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, [and] settle you…To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.'”(1Peter 5:5-7, 10,11; James 4:6).

In light of some of our earlier conversations about men and women, it seems important to see that the Apostle Peter reminds us that this “means of grace” is for all of us when he writes, “All of you subject yourselves to one another, and be clothed with humility (same original Greek word– hupotasso).  He writes this after first encouraging the “elders” of the church not to lord it over God’s people but to be “examples” of what it means to suffer, if necessary, to reflect (by God’s grace) the ways of Christ (1Peter 5:1-4).

Wonder how often sports  coaches catch something similar … in post-game films of lost games…

PS Although I like sports, I don’t know enough to “talk” them. But if you do, I think you’ll enjoy what our Sport Chaplain Bill Crowder sees in the sports news on our sport blog designed “to see the real issues in sports and life.”

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50 Responses to “A Forgotten Means of Grace”

  1. jam200 says:

    Our first reaction is often “not me Lord.” “It’s the other guy who didn’t do it right.” Then comes the film review and lo and behold, I’m singled out as the problem. Ever since Adam said, “It’s the woman”, we’ve had a hard time owning up to our own failure. Being humble is putting others first. “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” One day we may very well see all of the video tape of our actions as we stand before our GOD.

  2. scottn says:

    Hey Mart, I don’t have too much time to think on this matter, you know, gata go to work and all. But the one word that caught me in your blog was “Team.” A group of people working in harmony through a conflict; win or lose.

    Your buddy

  3. SFDBWV says:

    I for one don’t want to look backward at a film of my life. It is filled with regret and embarassment at every turn.

    For some life is short for others very long. As we go through this life we are tied to the observation and effect of others, wether we want to be or not.

    Grace, offered freely from a heartbroken heavenly Father, wanting to be reunited with His children. His children angry at everything that doesn’t suit them, Want their forgiveness tied to getting what they want.

    Most people don’t like being reminded of their failures.God provides us a way through grace to put them away. Yet we being human too often pick them back up and continue to grieve needlessly.

    Some days I just want to stay hidden under the rock. It is the wants and needs of others that drag me out from under, into the daylight.

  4. postonc says:

    got the following from Our Daily Bread this morning.. seems appropriate. I believe our inability to remove our comparisions to others, good or bad, is what keeps us attached the world of untruth. God’s grace allows us to see things through His eyses. My goal is to get the lense as clean as possible.
    Ephesians 4 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
    14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

  5. agapelife says:

    1. Talking before listening.

    Thanks for the input. No more said refer to item 1.

  6. Mart De Haan says:

    I think what you suggest works because you want to start from the right place. The “humility” that reflects a realistic view of ourselves begins in the presence of the God who alone understands the thoughts and motives of our hearts– and who alone understands the truth of what we can’t do– and the grace of what he wants to do in and through us.

  7. SFDBWV says:

    I have been nosing around in the “Pastors Blog”. Wow really some good stuff in there.

    Been watching DOD and have to laugh. This blog experiance has me wanting to join in the conversation. Would love to discuss John the Baptist. But have really been enjoying the current work on the authenticity of the Bible.

    Grace stays the same for me, I can do nothing except accept it.

  8. poohpity says:

    I remember how it felt when I came to the Cross and looked up to Christ to forgive me for all I had done. I was not looking at anyone else it was just between Him and I. Yet over the years and being around peers it seems that that image of me at the foot of the Cross started to change and I started looking around at others and stated judging them. How easy it is to veer from the grace I was shown and start looking at what others were doing and forget that it is still me at the foot of the Cross.

    How sad is that! I do not want to be like that. Who I was at the time of conversion was such a humble person, so in need of a savior and still am. I have to stay away from peers that promote self importance and self righteousness. How sad is that! The very people we need to fellowship with forget what brought them to realize they needed the sanctification of the Cross. I do not want to be like that yet I find I have that struggle everyday. I need help everyday holding tight to the amazing Grace I was shown and stop looking at anyone else but Christ.

  9. rokdude5 says:

    Though its good to reflect where things go wrong and correct those kind of behaviors in the future, some of us will replay those moments over and over again for the rest of our lives.

    Isnt it wonderful that God has put those moments far from his mind as “far as the east is from the west?” If He is willing to do so after we fess to those incidences, why dont we afford that luxury to others and to ourselves as well?

  10. poohpity says:

    I know that they are forgotten by God but I think we bring harm to ourselves and others if we do not remind ourselves where we came from. Who we were before we accepted Christ reminds us to show grace and mercy to others. While we must grant ourselves the same mercy and grace that was shown to us if we remember then maybe we will be quicker to stop the judgment and criticism of others.

  11. ebeth says:

    I too let the past come back again and again,in particular when I MESS UP AGAIN.
    Today’s DB is exactly where I’ve been for a long time. Always asking myself ‘what am I doing?’ Yesterday I looked up a DB I remembered about a ‘white funeral.” I saved it to my desktop in hope of reading it daily. Also I keep the verse Is 43:26
    handy. God’s Grace is so merciful, I am
    ashamed of grieving the Holy Spirit with my self. I will continue to praise God for His Mercy in calling me into the grace of Jesus. Oh, to know the joy of allowing Him to be mt All and All. Thanks for the comments.

  12. Mart De Haan says:

    Am thinking humility is just another word for realism, and that, realistically acknowledging what we don’t know about what others are thinking… and why; acknowledging what we don’t know is going to happen… and when; and admitting that we can’t even begin to see how far we ourselves have fallen short of the love and truth of God… is all part of a grateful, loving, life in Christ.

  13. drkennyg says:

    Guilty as charged. I know I have been less than graceful a lot of the time with my fellows. Thanks for the reminder once again and I shall be praying for us all to be more Christ-like. Health problems make us more self sensitive and I need to know 1) I’m not the only one and 2) others deserve my very best.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Just finished watching the movie “Rudy” with Matt for the hundreth time…..Just thought it sorta appropriate.

    Rudy gave it his all hoping only to get to wear a uniform, but in the end was honored for all his efforts.

    Though grace and works seem to collide, as long as we give it all we can. God knows our effort. And will reward us accordingly.

  15. mtman says:

    I read all the entries today and Mart I don’t understand either of your subsequent posts. I just don’t seem to fathom the point in either. I understand your main topic but your two later submissions take me in circles. Can you amplify????

  16. sitsathisfeet says:

    Was thinking of the song where the chorus is Grace, grace, an undying love for us, an undying love. And the other song where grace falls like rain. I was studying Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel as part of our bible study on forgiveness and what it means in our lives. For Joseph said to his brothers come near to me, and they came and he said I am your brother Joseph whom you sold into Egypt. And do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life. So it was not you who sent me here but God. He made me a father to Pharoah and lord of all his house and ruler over all land of Egypt. Genesis 45:4,5,7,8 And again in Genesis 50:19-21 after their father died he said Do not fear for am I in the place of God? …you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good…thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them. Earlier things hadn’t been going well at all for Joeseph almost killed, sold into slavery, false testimony by Pharoah’s wife, imprisoned, forgotten in prison etc. Yet, he chose to even be faithful in prison he acted so he found favor with the jailor, and helped his fellow prisoners. He could have chosen to blame those who wronged him, or seek revenge. Instead he acknowledged God’s sovereignity, and in both adversity and times of prosperity remained faithful and was able to forgive and bless those who mistreated him. Wow, what a testimony. Today I spoke to one of my grown twin sons and I asked him how his brother was doing, he said he couldn’t really have a relationship with him because his brother would never acknowledge the wrong things that were done in the past. He can visit him but his wife won’t let the kids or herself go and see his brother and his family. Neither wife will ask forgiveness of the other, or I suppose forgive the other. It’s a very sad thing and caused much division in the family. I often pray for them and their families and my relationships with them as well. I have been able to have a relationship with one son’s family, but not really the other one’s. We are all in much need of grace, and in need of giving it as well.

  17. Slacker says:

    The Saving Grace of our Lord is something I’ve had to learn about each year as I grow closer to Christ. Fifty years now, and I only understand the tip of the iceberg concerning God’s Grace. Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me. That’s how I first found God’s Grace…October 1984, just me and Jesus coming to terms. How sweet was the sound of Jesus extending His Grace to me so that I could begin walking daily with Him. He extends Grace to ALL who are willing to accept it. When I’m at work I am convicted most of not sharing God’s Grace. It is very difficult for me to spend my day in an office full of people I would not choose to be around. And that is why God has put me there. A lesson in extending the True Grace of God to others!

  18. SFDBWV says:

    Rereading all the posts this morning and am seeing a difficulty to create a dialog for disscussion.

    rdrcomp (Bob) I enjoyed the honesty of your statements and relate very well to them. For me it is hard to have confidence in ourselves, have overcame many of lifes obsticales, without some pride in ourselves. As a matter of fact we often say of others, “look at the way they behave,Don’t they have any pride in themselves?”

    We tend to have an idea of what God expects from us, so we try to put that face forward and remold ourselves around it. However all of that is a waste of time and energy. Just as we are is who we are. God sees it Grace sees it.

    Then to compare ourselves with others is a small step. As we all compare our behavior to Christ. And have a lifelong quest to be like Him. Comparing and grading behavior becomes a part of observing people around us.

    For me this is where compassion and patience comes in to play. To remember that there are countless reasons for everones place in life. That I must look for the good and when possible overlook the bad. To aid the undeserving as well as thoes whom I have deemed worthy. For this is how I will be judged.

    Each new limit I reach, finds me able to reach beyond it, because God takes me through the process one step at a time.

    I am a work in process. Grace allows this, without Christ in me I could not take one step but would still be at the beginning.

  19. BruceC says:

    Humility and pride. Struggle with these two all the time. I’ ve been around folks where the pride was so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife. And then I find that I have been guilty of the same thing but shown in a different way.The definition of one is the opposite or the lack of the other. But ultimately we must first humble ourselves before God; and then others if they are right. I am having a little trouble trying to define what I mean. I guess I am saying that humility doesn’t always mean agreement. Shadrach, Meeshach, and Abendago (sp?) come to mind. They humbled themselves before the king; but yet not so far as to agree with his command to worship his idol. Nor was it pride that made them do it. It was a greater humility before God and their willingness to obey Him. Wow Mart; you sure do know how to the hard questions. I guess what I am trying to convey is that pride just cares about self above all others including God. Humility maybe is not demanding your way but at the same time not giving in to those things which are wrong. Am I making any sense here? I need some help on this one Mart.

  20. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    Mart’s 4:45 post so touched my heart and affirmed my understanding .True humility or realism does bring understanding of self and others and we are less judgmental when we realize how much we don’t know.The
    problem I have is that I can just as quickly step back into self. But for the grace of God.

    Steve like you God keeps growing me one step at a time and some days I feel like I am still at the beginning:)

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Bruce I think you said it very well. Pride has a place, humility has a place. Sometimes they blurr.

    gr8, I always love to hear from you.


  22. chfranke says:

    I am going through a funk right now. I read Mart’s message and many of the posts and its like the words don’t reach my brain. I’m not asking for advice or suggestions. I just wanted to be in community with people like you who know what I’m going through and with whom I can be honest. I know today’s subject has something to do with humility and grace but from way down her deep in my self pity pit those words are just going over my head. I feel like my heart is bleeding and there’s no reason for it. There’s a lot of little petty things going on that is simply life. I’m trusting Jesus to carry me to a place I can stand and be able to say I’m proud to be a Christian. Right now I don’t feel that way and the thought of being humble hurts. Maybe I’m crying out for attention. If so, forgive me but I felt led to write something public instead of just writing to God alone. And here comes doubt creeping in eroding my courage to post this. These feelings are really rare for me. Mostly I’m strong in my witness but right now I think I need to be shored up by other Christians.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    chfranke, I agree, which is why I said this morning that the conversation was lacking. So I just put out a few feelings of my own to get us talking and thinking.

    I have found myself in many a dry season. So usually I say less but just keep in contact with the blog.

    So take courage and remember we are all struggling together.

    I think gr8 summed up Marts thoughts very well on the topic. But it is somewhat confusing. As our friend mtman said.

    04 degrees here this morning….Brrrr

  24. poohpity says:

    I think what Mart was saying was that we may never know what an others reality is because we only see just a moment of them. Like what is on the outside not knowing their heart or what they have been through or how their mind works, but only God knows all and still extends Grace. God knows what we are going through and the thoughts that come into our minds, because sometimes we guard our words or maybe do not know how to fully communicate what is going on inside but God does and still shows us Grace. God knows that ugly side of us that we may not let many see and those thoughts in our mind we may not share but God knows every little facet of us and still shows us undeserved love.

    I got your back not as good as God does but I fully understand. I would give you scripture to read but that really irritates me when someone does that to me when all I want is a listening ear. You just go ahead and have a desert valley because no matter what you go through when you come out on the other side you will again experience God’s Grace. I love you and am praying for you. Just like Bruce did for me I touched the screen and prayed for you and am here to listen.

    Steve I was wondering if that storm got you all. I bet you are ready for spring. I have cabin fever myself with this surgery so I bet your family has it really bad. I again am touching the screen in prayer for you too. Cyber prayer!! LOL

    I awoke this morning with such a bad attitude and being with all you guys/girls sure does help. Hope you all are blessed with as much blessing as you have given me. Even all the little ugly thoughts I have God still shows me grace. :)

  25. mtman says:

    Poohpity: I pray for you every morning! I have it on very good authority that God knows exactly who Poohpity really is. I also pray for Cheryl and hope she is making a good recovery from her gall bladder surgery.
    Chfranke: If you read this blog very long you will see some folks that should be in that desert but are far from it. They are an inspiration to all of us and I’m sure they will be for you too. We have all been in the desert or feeling so low that we could dangle our legs off a piece of cigarette paper but Thank God it doesn’t last for ever. There are no magic remedies but generally when I end up where you are I head for a quiet place and have a frank talk with God.
    I miss not seeing any posts from Daisymarygoldr. Her postings were down to earth and at a level I could easily understand. She has a very loving heart and gentle way and her posts were really appreciated by me for sure.
    Hang in there chfranke: Those prayers for you will put you right back there where God wants you – serving Him……

  26. sitsathisfeet says:

    rdrcomp Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. Great idea of a mediator, and there may be someone, christian friends of all of ours for over 15 years. Our last prayer night at church I asked for prayer for my son’s and their families, our pastor is one of their former coaches, and members knew them in their teens age 13 on. ( they’re 30 now) I know the Lord is good, and great and faithful and will see us through this time too, but sometimes I am just very sad that it has come to this and I think can’t we all just get along, forgive and love one another? I thank the Lord for this blog and the people that are supporting us in prayer. For those of you who might wonder my family are the 30 year old twin sons, 25 year old daughter in the navy, and 7 year old son at home. I have five grandchildren, the oldest 11 years, youngest 5 years. I was widowed for 11 years, married again for 10 years, and then was divorced. But, the Lord has been so good to me, I am so humbled by his Grace.

  27. mtman says:

    While I have a computer moment I want to thank whoever it was that told me now to find my son in the Arizona Prison network. I found him near Folorence AZ but I don’t know whether he is allowed any visitors or not. I will write the warden regarding his status. They even had his photo on the site and he looks pretty tough. Not the son I remember.

  28. poohpity says:

    Your little sonny is still in that tough exterior. Remember him as he was and embrace that. Florence is only a hour drive for me. Remember what we learned in this blog that we can not judge a book by it’s cover God knows his heart.

    Thank you for the prayers.

  29. SFDBWV says:

    What a wonderful bunch of people all of you are here on this blog.
    The big snow missed us and went east of us. We only got a few inches. But we have continued to have bitter cold weather. I have remarked to others here that it is strange to have not seen any early robins yet. It would seem they know more about when to expect a break from the cold.
    Aside from watching “Rudy” with Matt last evening I also watched the story of Martin Luther. A reminder of how far from Christ the early church got. It is just unbelieveable that the governments of the Pope’s burned people to death for such trivial crimes. Or any crimes at all considered to be in disagreement with the church.

    I read long ago about the church of England not being any different. Not wanting the Bible to be in any form but Latin. They also burned to death many Christians for the same crime as Martin Luther was accused of.

    Tynesdale was not only burned to death, by the church of England, but was strangled by a wire around his throat and pulled through a hole in the post he was tied to. This his punishment for writting the Bible in english for all the common people to read.

    I would guess our little differences don’t sound like much. In the light of the early church growing into what we see today.

  30. poohpity says:

    Steve, I have a bible with 1611 version of the Prince James version. The Queen asked the church to translate out of Latin for her son who would be the future King to govern his people. The queen wrote a note in it to her son and it told him to use the bible for the wisest why to rule his kingdom. Isn’t it to cool to be a common people with the bible in hand and that makes us not common at all. :) lol

  31. poohpity says:

    Oh by the way that is why our country got started for religious freedom.

  32. Robert Slone says:

    Realizing that there is always someone that has it worse than I do and lots of praying helps me to keep myself a little more humble and realistic. We never know what another person is dealing with in his own life. To help others, we can not walk with our noses up in the air and thinking, at least I’m not as bad as that person. Only by the grace of God, I was born in the U.S.A. That should be humbling in itself. I have started praying for terriost, that in some way, their heart will be convicted and be saved through Jesus. I believe the Holy Spirit in us helps us with what to pray. We are all sinners and have come short of the glory of God. We have no right to judge another person, only his works and if I see someone doing something that is a sin, I pray for them, just as I pray for myself when I sin. It is a struggle to be humble, but prayer and looking where I came from help me. I pray this might help someone.

  33. SFDBWV says:

    Yes Deborah our great nation was founded by people who sought the freedom to worship God and His Son Jesus Christ. Without persecution.

    Now we are persecuted again by the very freedoms the founding fathers put in place to ensure, that freedom would never be infringed upon.

    I am pleased to learn that King James had a very wise mother. I knew King James had the Bible translated into english for all the common people but didn’t realize it was his mother who led him in the way by example.

    As we think about our own struggles to accept others actions through grace. It seems a small matter when compared to the churches actions of only a few hundred years ago.It is just amazing to think that any Christian organization committed the horrible murders that the early church was guilty of. That they numbered into the hundreds of thousands sounds like the holocaust.

    It would seem God had to allow for the Church to mature before returning for His harvest…..I wonder how close or far from the harvester we are?

  34. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    Beautiful words of wisdom shared here today

    Agree Steve it is so nice to visit here with friends.

    mtman I was very touched by the story of your son and am so glad you have taken the first steps to reach out to him.It is never to late for God to heal a relationship and maybe this is the beginning. He probably needs a friend and what better friend than a father. This seems like one of those times we don’t know why what or how but perhaps God will use you to share Christ with your son. You are in my prayers

    daisy Maybe you are away for a little while for a rest with Jesus like the disciples. We miss you!

  35. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    pooh Since you are the closest to Florence AZ wouldn’t it be just like our God to use you as his witness. Maybe you could stand in the gap until mtman could get there.His ways are mysterious and nothing is impossible with our Lord. I am praying about this situation.

  36. wretch-like-me says:

    Hi, All:
    If I may attempt to paraphrase what Marti referred to as realism or reality.

    When Paul refers to looking into a mirror and turning away forgetting what we look like…
    When we gaze into a mirror, what do we see?

    Prideful people tend to see an opportunity to ‘primp’ and take pride in what they see(somehow claiming ownership for their looks)… the other extreme(false humility)is to see all the ‘warts, blems or scars’ and nothing else…

    realism is somewhere in the middle…recognizing God has gifted us with beauty of a different kind and talents to glorify God…as well as weaknesses that He can overcome and manifest HIS GLORY.

    To further illustrate the ‘turning away’ from the mirror, each day is a new day bringing with it a clean slate(no condemnation for past sins so long as we confess them)…a chance to succeed again in the power of Christ.

    I appreciate the reference to ‘as far as east is from west’. My son brought to my attention how significant that reference in scripture is. One can never go so far east that it would change directions. It is not so if one goes north or south… because heading north or south you will cross the poles and be headed in the other direction. It is only true for east and west.

    I read one author who phrased it so well when he said,”God chooses to throw our ‘confessed sins’ into the Sea of Forgetfulness; never to be found again!”

    I confess that this is the most difficult of my trials. When I am most vulnerable, Satan brings up my past and either tempts me to ‘enjoy’ the lusts again or condemns me for having failed to keep my promise before God ‘never to tresspass’ again.

    Hence my log-on id… ‘wretch-like-me’

    I pray we all remember what we see in the mirror and identify with each other for ‘all have fallen short of the glory that is God’s!’

    Big Bear Huggs,

  37. poohpity says:

    Bob that is to cute. Ken Davis is hilarious. Boy do we ever need some humor these days, I know I sure do.

  38. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    Robert Slone Wonderful word’s of encouragement. Thank you.

  39. Mart De Haan says:

    mtman, I missed your question until now. Looking back, seems like I was trying to say that when we have a realistic opinion of ourselves (humility), we are not as likely to play god with other people. If that muddies the water more– then just consider me confused :-)…

  40. mtman says:

    Thank you Mart, now it all makes sense to me. Good job of clearing up my muddled mind. This makes perfect sense to me.. Thanks…

  41. sapnads says:

    hi mart,
    this will be the first time i leav my comment. you have brought up a very good topic for all of us to think abt. Humility is one of the first aspects that we need to potray as children of Christ. Having said that, I must also say Im lacking in it big time. Just today morning when I had a heated conversation with my colleague, I had all the symptoms of the lack of ‘H'(talkin before listening…etc). Soon as the conversation was over, I realised what I had done and somehow I know I can’t take back what happened. I felt bad, ‘cos I was such a poor representative of Christ. My biggest struggle is my short temper which ofcourse leads to lack of humility. Sometimes I cant understand what Im so upset abt…but maybe thats another topic you can write abt.

    But humility, like I said is one of the attributes we all should have. Im learning daily and I pray that there will come a day when I will handle any situation that Satan sends my way and I shall remain totally calm without a single feather being ruffled. The Lord is at work in me and I shall surely be transformed like pure gold!

  42. TommyO says:

    This has all been great to read. I thought I was doing pretty well, but after reading all the comments re “grace”, I feel almost as lost as I was before getting saved (about 13 yrs ago.)
    My problem is the real meaning of “grace”. Note that I put it in quotes because it is special yet I really don’t understand it. I’m not sure I can use the word grace in a sentence. And here comes the big problem: I have a friend who believes strongly in the Dispensation of Grace and also believes only Paul really taught the Gentiles and that Jesus really taught only the Jews. Once I hear him talk like this, I feel like he doesn’t follow Jesus’ teaching, but only believes in what Paul says in the Books he wrote.
    You can see (I think) that I’m a bit confused. If someone can help me with this “grace”, maybe my mind will get it, and I can move on instead of being bogged down and confused. As some might say, “HELP!”

  43. daisymarygoldr says:

    mtman, Bob/rdrcomp, gr8grannyjacobs, Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. You are such an awesome family:) I love you all!

    Chfranke, just wanted to let you know, that I’m praying for you…

  44. Mel 5128 says:

    Try Romans chapter 5
    it opened my eyes to the way God works. I hope it explains this issue of Grace a little better.

    Wish I had more time to contribute….but my zero stress job is calling..to serve others…to listen to RBC for 15 mins….to pray and ( the hard part ) listen to where God leads me to do His work for Him today and know if it is His will, to lead me safely back home to rest and start all over again tomorrow.
    Where do you get those Pics you post Mart?????
    My prayer for all of you, errr us: Heavenly Father, have mercy on us, fill us with Peace and Joy. In all you provide today be it good or bad, let us praise and thank you. Amen
    Brother Mel

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