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From Breakfast to Galilee

Thought I was eating an Israel breakfast until Avner brought his plate to the table. I recognized the bread and hard boiled eggs. But when he piled up a plate full of diced cucumbers, peppers, feta cheese, and tomatoes, and then mixed it with  cottage cheese, yogurt, and olives, he made me feel like I was eating at MacDonalds.

In fact, the first time I ordered an Israeli bagel, I assumed I knew what a bagel looked like at least. Was wrong. This bagel stand just outside of the gate to the Western Wall Plaza sells the real thing.

Yesterday was a good day as we met with three Messianic men did three conversations about the Jewish roots of faith in Jesus. Came away realizing how wrong we can be to assume that if your Jewish, you don’t believe in Jesus.

Figured out what to do if you want someone to listen to you. Just make them your sound man. (Steve and the rest of our crew work so hard, with such a good spirit. Wish you could see all of the gear they lug around and all that they do to make video production in the field possible.)

Was surprised to see how much archeological excavation is being done at the Western Wall Plaza.

This large opening at the place which used to house the Plaza Police shows the work that is being done to uncover fourth century Jerusalem.

While I’m on the subject of archeology, our guide pointed out a maximum security prison (just down the road from the ancient ruins of Megiddo and Jezreel Valley).

Inmates doing work on the grounds recently uncovered one of the earliest churches ever found.

Archeologists estimate that the colorful mosaic floors with pictures of fish and the name of Jesus in Greek date from the early 3rd century.

Although we couldn’t get in (didn’t try) the church has some ancient mosaics, and the name of Jesus in Greek letters. Found an interesting interview with the commander of the Megiddo prison.

Another thing I’ve been reminded of while here is that March is a great time to visit Israel.

Even though the air can be cool with a threat of rain (it’s raining again now), even the wilderness is green this time of year. Had forgotten what a lush carpet of wildflowers can look like.

Finished the day, on Mount Arbel and this wonderful overlook look of the Northwest corner of Galilee.

Even though the wind was blowing hard, as it often does on Arbel in the late afternoon, was overwhelmed once again to be looking at a lakeshore that once bore the weight of the Son of God himself, teaching, doing miracles, and calling people of all nations to himself.

The fact that this region was known as Galilee of the Gentiles (non-Jewish people) reminds me that God’s purpose in choosing Israel was always for the sake of the whole world.

Then there were these guys who hiked all the way up the mountain with a load on their back, while we got dropped off a few hundred yards from the top.

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26 Responses to “From Breakfast to Galilee”

  1. Laurielee says:

    ooooh, Thank you for letting us travel with you vicariously! Please keep the pictures coming! I’m very interested in what the 3 Messianic believers had to say. The breakfast sounds wonderful! It reminds me of my niece walking in the kitchen one day and asking what I was making. I told her it was tabouli and falafels. Her mouth dropped open with a “Huh”?

    Enjoy yourselves and keep the pictures and commentary coming! God Bless!

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you so much Mart for taking us along on this trip with you. You describe it all so well I could feel the cool damp air, as it is the same here this morning. My breakfasts at McDonalds are usually steak egg and cheese without the bagel,I have it on a regular bun. I find the bagel tough to chew.

    While you are there interviewing, I have been reading up on the daily news there in Israel. Everything is politics or war. They are certainly unhappy with our new administration. Read some very interesting blogs from the jewish perspective of the end of the age, and the rise of “Gog” and events from Ezekiel.

    I am somewhat disappointed to see anti-Christian groups whos intent it is to win back Jews who have converted to Christianity. But it shows the face and attitude of the people Jesus had to endure.

    It would seem the enemy comes in all sorts of faces and places.

    Thank you again for all you do.


  3. SFDBWV says:

    I went back and read the Megiddo prison interview. I have to appreciate the irony and hand of the Holy Spirit in finding Jesus in the middle of the worst criminals and terrorists in the nation of Israel.

    Thanks again

  4. BruceC says:

    I love to hear about Israel. Good job on keeping us up to date Mart.
    Your very last paragraph reminded me of what Christ has done; and what the “world” tries to do. You were “driven to the top”; while others tried to work their way there. Just as Jesus has brought us to the Father and eternal life through His sacrifice on Calvary; while many in the world think they can work their way there by doing good deeds and works.

  5. poohpity says:

    Wow excellent analogy Bruce!

    Wonderful pictures and isn’t it outrageous to hear of the remnants of the early church. I chuckle about them being under the prison. There is much to be discovered or uncovered there, how exciting. I wonder why they waited so long to dig. I guess with all the bombing they may have wanted to find things before they got blown up. So the Lord’s timing is again right on.

  6. sitsathisfeet says:

    Never really thought about going to Israel until recent years. I watched Michael Rydelnik My Search For Messiah and found it really resonated with me for a couple of reasons. I grew up with several Jewish friends, (I am a Christian gentile) and it brought to mind my experiences with them. We used to go to one friends house Friday night to sing and play folk guitar, as he could not go out as he was observing the Jewish holy weekend. But in all our experience and getting together we never discussed religion! We just hung out and did our mutual interests sports, music, school etc. The other friend I dated later he was not so observant or orthodox, he played in a rock band. Though we dated a few times we ended up becoming “just friends”, and when later near the end of school I experienced some problems, he was one loyal friend who helped see me through them. But, I never really knew his beliefs, so it was very insightful to get some of Michael Rydelnik comments on how he as non-Christian Jew viewed Jesus. The other reasons it was interesting was that at one point he said he believed Jesus was a man, who did healings as sort of a magician. And he also used “logic” and worldly wisdom to try to dispel the validity of Jesus Messiah. He also touched upon the “prosperity” philosophy of if Jesus suffered he must have sinned. This is still prevelant in a lot of our religions today, i.e. as why does God allow bad things to happen to good people etc. Very eager to hear the Messianic Jewish friends viewpoint on things. May God bless you all, keep you in his grace and mercy, and hold you in the palm of his hand.

  7. SFDBWV says:

    Just wanted to share with all my prayer partners out there that the Red river crested a day early and well below expected amounts.

    Prayer works…

  8. poohpity says:

    Love to hear answers to prayers, thank you Steve.

  9. mighty4mom says:

    That was awesome. I felt like I was there, too. Your story made me feel a connection with ancient history. Thanks so much.

  10. SFDBWV says:

    Speaking of answered prayer, Deborah, today is Matthews birthday, he is 31….

    When he was born I named him Matthew not knowing the name meant “Gift from God” I must admit it is and has been an appropriate name.

    Matt asks me every day “what is my purpose dad?” I answer him sometimes that in time he will know. I didn’t know until he was born but my purpose was to be his dad.

    Life has taken me on quite a journey. I have been places and seen things that in my youth I could never have imagined. But always I felt the presense of God, the nudging and urging of the Holy Spirit. The love and mercy of Jesus.

    I would change nothing, for all the good and all the bad has made and brought me to where I am with my Lord.

    I ask a special blessing today for all of you out here, that God give each and everyone of you the desires of your heart.

    Your friends
    Steve, Glenna and Matthew

  11. daisymarygoldr says:

    Mart, cool pics… sun or rain, hope you have some good fun!
    Aside: Please don’t eye the other person’s food because one man’s meat is another man’s poison. So, for now it is better to just be content with your McDonalds breakfast. When you get back home you can always have the diced cucumbers, peppers, feta cheese, and tomatoes, mixed with cottage cheese, yogurt, and olives…

    Celebrating Matt’s 31st Birthday with Steve, Glenna and Matthew and praying for plenty of blessings for his future…

    This… is for Matt:

    “This is God’s Word … “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes…I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed….I’ll turn things around for you…You can count on it.” (Jeremiah 29: 10-14 The Message)
    Happy Birthday Matt!

  12. SFDBWV says:

    Thank you Daisy.

  13. mtman says:

    To Steve: Happy Birthday Matt!!!! Please tell Matt that his purpose in life may someday be simply to touch others. What brings this to mind is a 4 day retreat that I once worked. One of the people on this retreat was a young man about Matt’s age who was very severely handicapped. Because of this the other men at the retreat tended to look around, over, or past him. To see that broke my heart and I took it upon myself to help his weekend be a little better. If you have never taken another person to the bathroom and had to help because they couldn’t do it by themselves you probably won’t understand but for a couple of days I helped feed this person, help them use the rest room, tie their shoelaces, and then some of the others started to notice and wanted to help. By the grace of God I had lots of help all of a sudden. Others then started to realize that this was a wonderful human being who was simply in a body/mind that did not work for them. When some of the others then started to help they found that by doing so it was they who were blessed and not the handicapped young man. They were bountifully rewarded by taking a bold step to help someone who could not help themselves. Suddenly the weekend was not for them but for all who were there including this young man who had physical and mental handicaps. They were then able to see that first comes the sacrifice of action, then a love beyond measure, then a brother who needed help in just about everything.
    This handicapped brother was the catalist that bonded the group together like nothing else could have done. When they turned their eyes outward instead of on themselves they could each put themselves in this man’s shoes. Why I’m saying this is that Matt you DO have a purpose in life and maybe it just has not been realized yet. Stay strong brother and have a Very Blessed Birthday!!!!I’m sorry this is so long but the whole picture needed to be painted. Bless you Steve for you are there every day and my experience of profound blessing only lasted four days.
    Thank you for the photo’s Mart, they are wonderful for those of us who will never be able to visit where you are right now. I was particularly taken with the one from Mt. Arbel. Each summer my wife and myself hike to the top of the mountain we live on and witness a very similar scene. We usually pack up some cheese, crackers and sometimes wine (realizing the trip down the mountain can be tricky) and have a picnic up there with the wind blowing through the tree’s and the little critters scurrying about. Being on top of a mountain whether in the good ole USA or Israel is a close to God experience. Enjoy your time there and thanks for the wonderful photos. Keep them coming….

  14. sjd says:


    Thanks for the views from Israel! Will continue to pray for you all!

    Happy Birthday to Matt!

    1 Peter 2:6 (NASB95)

  15. poohpity says:

    Hey Matt, Happy Birthday! I know what your purpose is, that was to help your family to come to their knees and to depend on God for His strength and not their own. You have also been a blessing to me because I can not count on my legs for support so you have shown me that I can however develop my guns. Hey but who wants a woman with buffed up biceps and triceps. lol! It would be fun to make them dance and I will not even talk about chest muscles. You know you not giving up is the best purpose for others to see because you are a model for perseverance which develops character and I bet you are one wonderful character. Have a fun day and keep up the good work. Continue to bless those you meet as you have blessed me. Love Deb

  16. cherielyn says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MATT! I pray for you and your family regularly.

    My youngest son, whose name is Steve, will be 31 on May 30, so he is just 2 months & 1 day younger than Matt.

    My oldest son, who is mentally handicapped, will be 42 in April. Although not the same handicap as Matt, still, I can in some ways, identify with the challenges that come your way on a daily basis.

    You’re in my prayers.


  17. cherielyn says:

    P.S. I will not be on-line for a few days. My computer is having issues and will be having a check-up & possible repair. I’ve been told that it will be at least 3 days before I get it back. Hope I don’t miss much, but I’m thinking I will and probably will have a lot of catching up to do when I get it back.

  18. SFDBWV says:

    mtman,sjd,Deb, Matt says thank you.
    He needed all the birthday wishes today he could get from others.

    mtman Bruce, I am glad to hear you stepped up for the young man you mentioned. During the past ten years we too have learned a lot about how people ignore the disabled.

    Deborah, Matt enjoyed hearing you talk about buffing up, and laughed..

    When Matt smiles my day has been complete. Thank you all for Matt’s smile


  19. mtman says:

    Poohpity: You made me laugh too because I can relate to my legs not always supporting me. I have had the cartiledge in both knees removed and this has effected my hips. I still get around but not without some pain. I can relate for sure and hearing your description is ROFLOL… You make us all smile…

  20. SFDBWV says:

    Cheryl, Well that’s pretty cool your youngest son and I share Steve (Crowned One) for a name. I was named after my great grandfather.

    I know you know, how special our broken children are. How they are able to bless others by other simply being in their presense. One of the many things I see in Matthew is his ability to make others feel accepted and loved.

    Today Matt had one old friend stop by this afternnon to see him and another called him this evening. They felt bad and somewhat embarassed about having not been around these past ten years. But Matt was able to imediately forgive them and make them feel ok.

    Yes we can learn a lot from the disabled.

    Thank you for your prayers and Matt says thanks for the birthday hello. He has loved all the attention he has gotten from the blog today.


  21. rokdude5 says:

    wow…how cool is this? If you keep this up Mart, someone will ask you to set up a “twitter.” Nevertheless, thanks again for sharing your trip with us. No doubt, we all wish we could be there with you.

    Matt… happy, happy birthday…happy, happy birthday…cha cha cha!

    Mtn man…you rock!

  22. Laurielee says:

    Wishing Matt a Happy Birthday! Steve, you two have each other…I think God knows what He’s doing!

    I went to a birthday party today…

    Correction, rokdude…you ALL rock!!!

  23. Laurielee says:

    I guess that sounded kind of cryptic! The day has been a little difficult, but nothing He & I can’t handle…though it does help to read all your posts and know you’re there. I hope I get to meet each one of you someday in a world with no more tears.

  24. DaveA says:

    Loved hearing about your trip, Mart. I recall years ago watching Day of Discovery and your times visiting Israel with Jimmy DeYoung. I had a growing heart for prophecy and the Lord’s return back then, but somehow lost the passion over the years. I think it was the Y2K bust that “deflated my prophecy sails.” The passion is growing again and I’m focused back on what’s happening in Israel and the world in general. As scary as it all can be I, like so many, sense the Lord’s very soon return. Such a day that we are living in. Lord, “teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” And may we be praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

    Shalom and Maranatha

    Dave A.

  25. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    mtman I am so glad to have you back with us in our online church, If we all continue to pray together and understand we can be different but still have God at our center we can be true encouragers to each other.

    Steve please be sure to say a special Happy Birthday for me to Matt as he is special to me as I know very well about the disabled and know in my heart they will be made perfect in and with Christ.

    I miss all of you as I have been lax in bloging lately as I have been so very tired will try to do better in days to come. I love all of you and do keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Special love and hugs to each of you.

  26. SFDBWV says:

    Matt sends his heart felt thanks to each and every one.As do I.

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