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Low Water High Wall

Spent a day working locations in the Galilee before heading back to Jerusalem. Saw why the Israeli government has been talking about the possibility of water rationing. The grassy area in this picture should all be under water.

The fresh water lake Israelis call Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) is the main water supply of Israel and the level of the lake has now receded below the “red line” (dangerously low). In fact, our guide told us that the water has actually gone below a “black line.” Said that it is now at a level where the quality of the water begins to deteriorate. The sun begins to penetrate the water too deeply, forming algae and threatening the lake’s ecology, fish, and commercial value.

The tires fastened to the dock show how high the water level used to be. I remember hearing an Israeli say years ago that the next major war in the Middle East would be fought over water rather than oil.

Reminds me of something the Lord told his people as he was about to lead them into their “promised land.” In Egypt, the Nile was a constant source of water that could be worked and channeled for irrigation into the fields. In Israel the people would be dependent on the early and late season rains which, according to the Bible, God would withhold if his people turned to other gods (Deut 11:8-17).

Also spent some time video taping along the Jordan River that flows into the North East corner of the lake. You’d think that with this much coming in from the north end that the lake level would remain up. But with evaporation and a large volume of water that is being channeled off by treaty agreement with Jordan, the river is falling behind.

Found some Russian immigrants camped overnight next to a military emergency bridge that can be pushed across the river if the regular bridges are blown up. Our guide said that since the ’70s (i.e. after Yom Kippur War) 27 of these emergency floating bridges have been positioned strategically along the river from the North to the Dead Sea.

Finding something like the fisherman and emergency bridge seem like a small detail, but when we are working to produce a video story that has the right elements, something like this can seem like a real and timely “provision.” This one was.

This happy fisherman wanted his picture taken with his Jordan river catch (carp). One of our cameramen caught the way these guys prop up their poles along the bank with bells tied to the tip of the pole to let them hear when they have a bite. Said he caught the ringing and the retrieve of a happy camper.

On our way back to Jerusalem, we drove the Jordan Valley back to the Jericho by-pass where we saw camels like this decked out along the road and waiting for someone to pay for a ride.

In the past, while working in this area we’ve seen a large herd of camels roaming the area. Now it looks like some of them have been conscripted for tourist duty.

Back in Jerusalem we did some taping on Ben Yehuda street in the center of New Jerusalem. This pedestrian mall draws a younger more secular crowd than the old city and is usually marked by the colorful presence of street musicians and artists who are playing or performing for a few shekels of appreciation.

Because of the crowds of people that come to Ben Yehuda this area has been hit in the past by suicide attacks. Saw this highly mobile Israeli security team watching the crowd.

Just outside the Zion Gate we found these huge piles of Israeli military backpacks.

A large group of soldiers left them here to walk into the Jewish quarter for educational training. In the past have heard that many young Israelis from all over Israel have no sense of their spiritual and religious past. So as part of their military training they are exposed to the religious history of their land and people.

Also recorded segments in the Rockefeller Museum. Founded in 1938 by a 2 million dollar contribution by John D Rockefeller, this archeological museum is committed to showing the part the people of the Holy Land have played in world history.

Prior to 1967, the museum was in Jordan. After the war, the museum East Jerusalem came under the control of Israel. Today the main offices of the Jewish Antiquity Authority are also here. They oversee the excavation of all new construction sites in Israel to make sure that no archeological treasures are inadvertently destroyed. Wish I could have spent a couple of days in there.

Also did some video taping as a stretch of the Israeli security wall. Our guide told us that the whole security fence runs about 500 miles with “the wall” running for about 7% of that distance. People on both sides of the fence are suffering. But since the wall was put up, suicide attacks have all but stopped in Jerusalem.

The wall is a reminder to me of the humanly unsolvable problems of a region claimed as ancestral homeland by both Palestinians and Israelis. Both sides have issues and deep grievances. Both sides have reason to fear and hate. Am more convinced than ever that only the God who suffered to pay for the sins of both sides, and us, has the answer for two people groups that talk constantly about peace (Shalom and Salaam), without yet seeing it.

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35 Responses to “Low Water High Wall”

  1. chapmartin says:

    Floating bridges, moblie police, seperating walls, constant watch for suicide attackers; It gives insight into the embattled mindset of Israel. Thank you for continuing to share your journey with us.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Israel, a people at war with no rest.

    I have been reading whereas the military is educating and becoming more atoned with its religious roots. A new Synagogue erecteted in the design of the burning bush…

    Perhaps Elijah’s return will bring the “later rains”

  3. mtman says:

    Great photo’s and insight into the way these people live/survive.
    I recall back in the 70’s taking environmental biology courses in college that it was predicted we would run out of fresh water about now. It is a non renewable resource unlike many other resources we have. Your photo’s are living proof that prediction may come to pass very soon.

  4. BruceC says:

    I agree Mart with your statement about only Christ having the answer. Reminds me of a song “Jesus is the answer, for the world today…..”. He is the ONLY answer and soon that answer will return in glory.

    Your part about the soldiers being given training about their roots also reminds me of how far this nation of ours has strayed from its roots and beliefs of those who birthed this land. God help us to find them again and forgive us.

  5. Laurielee says:

    Thanks, Mr. Mart! This is definitely food for thought. I was reading just that segment of Deuteronomy last night. Of all the instructions God gave through Moses before the Israelites passed into the Promised Land, it doesn’t appear that ANY are still kept! As I look at the state of the world today, I pray that God will have mercy on us, for our feet have altogether run to evil. “Come soon, Lord Jesus!!!”

  6. SFDBWV says:

    Just printed off a story where the “Sanhedrin” , a body of 71 Rabis, are trying to restore the ancient tradition of Judaism’s most authoritive court, has written a public letter to Israel’s leading officials, warning that any agreement reguarding the transfer of national,historic or religious Jewish assets to the catholic church will be null and void and will not be recognized by Jewish authorities.

    The Pope is comeing to Israel in six weeks to finalize agreements about church property.

    The battle for Jerusalem, and control of the Temple Mount, is in full swing in Israel.

    I recall that the beast will stand in the Holy of Holies and blaspheme against God…On the Temple Mount.

    Reading the Israeli news is like reading the accounts of the end times. It’s almost sureal.

    I am excited to see these times.

  7. gr8grannyjacobs says:

    Whether one professes to believe in God or not we are all truly totally dependent on Him.He provides the absolutes for our very survival and yet so many think man can solve their own problems. Water is essential for life and one would think that in God’s provision of just that one need would make people aware of whom He is and that He alone is the sustainer of our very lives.

    The realization of how our world could be if only all hearts would turn to God in trust and love is overwhelming and so longed for in my heart. This is always a prayer in my heart that we would know God.

    So sad to see the dry land in Galilee and to know God would overflow the banks if only His people would return to Him with their hearts. However in His great mercy He does continue to provide. Thank God for Himself.

  8. poohpity says:

    It is the same out here in Arizona and the Colorado River, people have arguments over the water and have damned the flow to direct it other places which seems to cause problems. It seems when people mess with the natural flow of anything down the line there is always problems in the name of progress.

    I hope that those artifacts remain in Israel that would be a sad state of events Steve.

    You mentioned about the troops going to find out about their religious history, I find that amazing because over here it seems we know about their religious history but people here also are unaware of our religious history. Gosh maybe there is a pattern that may be causing all the problems around the world everybody does not know about the worlds religious history. They have all forgotten God and need to be educated on how He is a part of everything. Gee what a concept!!

  9. mjday11 says:

    Thanks, Mart, for taking the time to send the pictures and info. What struck me was the amount of greenery and vegetation.

    After college graduation in the ’60’s, I traveled and spent a week in Israel, mostly in Jerusalem. At the time I wasn’t a religious person. But it was still fascinating from a historical perspective. One day I decided to see the countryside and bought a ticket to Beersheva and Gaza. The wholw trip was hot, dry and dusty – essentially an unpopulated desert area except for the coast. To this day that has been my image of Israel. That’s why I was surprised by the photos. So thanks for enlarging my worldview.

  10. ginny9255 says:

    “In Israel the people would be dependent on the early and late season rains which, according to the Bible, God would withhold if his people turned to other gods (Deut 11:8-17).” It seems to me that if people did more listening to God and stayed close to Him rather than Al Gore and other politicians who think that it is all up to us, we’d be better off and have more water and other things.

  11. daisymarygoldr says:

    Great pics and thoughts! It is true… God makes it very clear that the rain is contingent on faithful obedience on the part of Israel. Moses warned Israel that if they ever forget God and follow other gods He will shut the heavens so that it will not rain. In Joel 2, the prophet assures that if His people repent and return to Him, God is gracious and compassionate and He would pour out the early and later rain as before. He is patient… and abounding in love— and will readily forgive, heal and restore all the wasted years.

    This promise for Israel’s restoration is equally applicable to us who have believed on Jesus Christ. The pouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was the early rain that restores all the years we had wasted in sin and rebellion against God. The later rain is the second coming of Christ (James 5:7-8) when the abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit will restore everything for Him to eventually reap a rich harvest of souls! If God can make up to backslidden Israel, He will certainly restore the spiritual deterioration of His Church and that is His covenant promise. Just my thoughts…

  12. bretnb says:

    I so enjoyed the pictures and the blog of what is going on in Israel. All the comments seem right on the mark.

    Poohpity mentioned our history we forget why we came here and that was to be able to worship God and now that has been th thing to attack.

    ginny9255 said what I was thinking to many people put their faith in Al Gore, and not God, I wonder some times what his answers will be when he stands before God. I know i will have to answer for a lot; but not trying to lead a nation or world away from God.

  13. SFDBWV says:

    Reading in the Israeli news this morning that there are too many Jews in Galilee……

    I enjoy reading the comments that follows these news stories. They, like this blog, come from people all over the world.

    Christ our Christianity are also under attack by bloggers.

    Bret mentioned our country was founded on religious freedom. This is correct. Our country was founded as a Christian nation, with the freedom to worship Jesus Christ without government interference. Not the freedom to worship other gods.

    Because Israel worshiped other gods as a nation they were punished. Their ultimate rejection was the rejection of their promised messiah Jesus. They ceased to become even a nation as a result.

    Even still the Jew blames Rome for the removal of them as a nation. Instead of owning up to their continued rejection of God.

    Who has America to blame for it’s downfall? Take a close look, Christian politicial involvement takes a great deal of trashing especially from non Christians. Even though there were 7000 who had not bowed to Baal, Israel was still punished.Our presence our prayers will only hold back the punishment America has coming to it for so long. God will not be mocked.

    Daisy, thank you for following up my reference to the latter rains with a more eloquent explanation.

  14. mtman says:

    Steve, couldn’t agree with you more but it doesn’t have to happen. It is never to late to turn back to our God and Lord. That was one of my points when I became so pasionate about todays modern church. It would seem to me that we as Christians knowing the end times will come (we don’t know when) that we should be trying to bring souls to the Lord. We shouldn’t be putting it off or procrastinating. It is my OPINION that it should be done by example. When they see how much that we love one another they will be drawn to the Christian church or hate us but there is no luke warm.
    The shortage of water Mart mentioned in Israel is only a symptom of many things gone wrong. Not the cause. Of all people the Jews should see what is happening but they apparently don’t. It is not just an Israel or USA problem; water is becoming short all over the world. Hardly front page news however and mostly ignored. As Deborah pointed out they have water problems in Arizona. Still people water lawns, waste and mis-use like there is an never ending supply. When we have a drought like we had here in Colorado a few years ago everyone cut back for the moment but then went right back to wastefulness. Its like we humans just can’t learn, or worse don’t care. Much of our potable water is poluted or contaminated. There is a lot to be said in living for the moment but that doesn’t remove the need to also plan for the future. These are two examples but there are many more and if we turn back and learn to trust the Lord and be good stewards of what we have been given, it can change. We just seem to plod on without giving a thought to our responsibilities.

  15. SFDBWV says:

    mtman, of course you are correct we should never think it’s too late for action.

    I have been an activist my entire life. Both political and environmental. Very few victories whereas the environment verses money.

    Water…Here in West Virginia and all along the Appalachain Mountain range, coal is king. What ever coal companies want to do, the EPA and state governments see to it that they can do as they please.

    There is a type of mining called “Long Wall” mining. This is the preferred method of deep mining in the coal industry. To simplify my explanation, let just say that one block of coal 1000 feet by 6ooo feet is extracted 100%. As this happens the roof of the mine colapses behind the coal extraction. The rock strata is broken all the way to the surface. Destroying all water tables above it. This is done daily from Pennsylvania down to Alabama.

    The huge machinery used to mine this way discarges huundreds of thousands of gallons of emulsified oil into the mine daily. This emulsified oil mixes with water which is why it’s used. Once dischargered into the mine it mixes with the groung water in the mine and effects a water shed that that flows both west toward the Mississippi and the Atlantic to the east. it is in wells, creeks,rivers and drinking water all the way from Pennsylvania to Alabama.

    I can show you hundreds of dried up springs and little creeks just here where I live. The water table that once fed them broken and the water that once flowed clean from them is now flowing throughout the worked out mines and pumped into larger rivers. Polluted.

    In the southern part of Wv and in Kentucky they are practicing a strip mining method called “mountain top removal”. Entire tops of mountains are removed to get at the small coal beds that lay underneath. The refuse then placed into the valley areas between the mountains. Plugging up creeks and creating a future disaster of flooding gob downstream.

    I can go on, but don’t have the time.

    I have enjoyed working in the same industry that I am complaining about. There are other methods of conservation that can be practiced. But they have been abandoned for the faster quicker dollar. We are indeed killing off our only real natural resourse “Water” at an alarming rate.

    Your right Bruce we humans just won’t learn.

  16. mtman says:

    Steve I’m glad you are an activist too. I have been and it is thankless. On one hand you have the abusers as you list above and on the other the environmental groups that suffer from bad reps. In the middle concerned activists can’t generate any support.
    I know about the coal pollution since we moved out here from PA 12 years ago. There are coal mines near Shamokin that have been burning for more years than I can remember and they can’t be put out. I remember as a kid going on family outings to my Aunt and Uncle’s in Ill. and going through Gary, Ind to see the red and yellow snow. We don’t as a whole act as good stewarts of God’s gifts to us. We just never seem to learn. God provides and we waste and abuse. My heart goes out to those Israelites that have such a rich history and such short memories. Sadly it just doesn’t have to be that way….

  17. BruceC says:


    I was born and raised in Hawthorne, NJ. (moved out when I was 21) The Passaic River bordered our town. As a kid I used to go there a lot. The color of the river changed according to what chemicals were being dumped that day. It was a mess. Thanks to stringent laws the river now supports healthy populations of gamefish. The enviorment will heal if given the chance. I have always considered myself as a conservationist, not an enviormentalist. Unfortunately that movement has been largely radicalized and politicized. Some of the more radical consider humans to be pollution upon the earth. The same way that animal rights radicals consider us to be a “lesser” species and would have us eat dirt. Common sense and reason is a rare commodity these days. Someday this earth will be renewed in the glory and beauty that God intended. May His name be praised!

  18. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Interesting thoughts and sharing.

    I just finished a quite interesting book by Os Guinness, “The Case for Civility” (2008). It gave me a new, fresh appreciation for America, its beginnings, and in part what needs to take place now for its preservation as the kind of country it is. We do take for granted our religious freedom here. He is hard on the Religious Right and Secular Left, in the book. But in a good, constructive way. And “the Williamsburg Charter” (1987) of which he was a participant in forming is quite interesitng.

    Quite interesting, how the security they have in Israel is “by the sword.” It’s the nature of things in which they can’t escape. The way of Jesus is radically different, even though finding its roots in the old covenant and in much that is Jewish.

  19. SFDBWV says:

    Once again reading this mornings Israeli news, I came accross an interesting story about Jewish converts.

    I was supprised to read that there are no civil marriages in Israel. Only religious institutions can preform marriage.

    Many secular immigrants who have come to Israel are under the Law of Return are not considered “halachically” jewish. Not understanding what the word meant I looked it up in the dictionary. It said a rule that is not actually written in scripture but oraly considered as a rule. So with out becoming orthodox Jews they cannot marry, as Jews.

    While reading this story I am reminded of how these people suffer for living under the Law. Also how something that isn’t even a law becomes one when perverted and accepted as oral tradition.

    This is the attitude Jesus argued against. I am so glad that Jesus freed me such things and so grateful for the many un named people who down through the years have kept the faith and not perverted it. So that when my time came I was presented with Jesus, under grace.

    I am looking more forward to the Day of Discovery series Mart and crew are working on.

  20. wretch-like-me says:

    I sometimes wonder if we have the cart before the horse.

    The nation we live in was created by those whose religious convictions were so firmly seated they liberty or death.
    Today, we complain that our own ‘religious’ liberties have fallen out of favor and are being deleted from government.

    Our nation once took pride in the preservation of our natural resources and their beauty recognizing the ‘religious’ consequence of failing to be good stewards of our gifts.
    We become active in various political conservation groups who are ‘watchdogs’ of abuses spending millions of dollars along the way to pay lawyers and politicians.

    Yet, the outcome appears to me to be a never ending cycle of limited success in running from situation to situation throwing dollars at a problem much deeper.


    Only one solution for it, Jesus Christ.
    Only one plan to achieve it, Repentance.
    Only one way to spread it, Evangelism.
    Only one effective method, Love.
    All others are a waste of words, time, energy and resources.

    Final thought: Ran across a rather interesting report the other day on ‘Global Warming’. A Japanese Group of scientists have published an official position paper rebutting Global Warming as faulty logic based on theory that cannot be proved and in several aspects goes against the data observed and recorded.

  21. poohpity says:

    The walls in my room are closing in on me. I am going to see the movie “The Cross”. Hoping it will inspire me and get out of this depression. Hope all is well with everyone one.

  22. mtman says:

    Wretch-like-me: To which I would add a very loud AMEN!!!
    Pooh: sorry to hear you are depressed. I hope I have not posted anything to make you feel that way.. You are such a wise and tender soul…

  23. pegramsdell says:

    Praying for depression to be lifted from you and that you be filled with peace and joy Deb, in the Name of Jesus. :-)

  24. wretch-like-me says:

    I feel your pain…I share your burden. God Bless Us with His presence and comfort.

  25. SFDBWV says:

    Frank, I am a National Weather Service Observer. I talk with forcasters and others at the Sterling, Virginia office almost daily. Global warming is a joke among thoes I talk with. They tell me they get dozens of worried calls every day from people who are worried about the subject. No one at the NWS office I have spoken with believes any thing about global warming as it is reported in the news or by way of Hollywood.

    It is a fact that the earth has continued to warm since the last “Ice Age” otherwise we would still be locked in a frozen world. The warm and cold cycles are influenced more by the solar flares and sun spots and other activity associated with our sun. The Hollywood hype and political propoganda put forth by Al Gore is just an agenda of fear to push people into thinking that we (our government) has to do something about about the weather.

    Deborah, The walls close in on me too, that’s usually when I step outside. It’s been a nice day today about 54 degrees and on and off rain. Jacket weather. Matthew really had a good birthday. He loved hearing from all you folks here on the blog. For us one day of happyness is as good as a lifetime of it. I too will be glad when Mart can get back to stiring us up. As always my prayers are lifted up for you and all here in our little community.

  26. mtman says:

    Deborah: I still pray for you each morning. I will continue to do so. I wish you lived nearby so you could go down to the swing at the end of our property and wrap yourself in prayer and silence with the little brook and breathtaking view.

  27. poohpity says:

    I do not think anyone has ever posted anything that has got me depressed, frustrated but not depressed. You have never caused any frustration just a lovely spirit. I cause my own depression by not being grateful and feeling sorry for myself. I sit in my room and do not get out enough and wish for things I do not have. Notice I said wished instead of praying.

    I think the term “Global Warming” address more issues than just the weather. It also addresses our lack of stewardship of the natural resources and the amount of garbage we dump.

    Thank you for your prayers Frank and Peg. By the way that movie “The Cross” is very, very good. It is about a 40 year journey of Arthur Blessitt carrying a cross around the world.

    Steve I can not wait to meet Matthew. Does he have a myspace or facebook. I have both with my poohpity name. Let me know.

  28. SFDBWV says:

    Deborah, I just submited a comment that disapeared???

    Anyway I haven’t hooked up Matt with either myspace or facebook as yet. I guess I just don’t know enough about it. But I will look into what it involves. It may be a way for him to communicate with others. He is very anxious for that. Thanks for the tip…we will be looking up poohpity.

    I did get him signed in on restministries.com his picture is there with his personal info. He has a couple of people there who send him little messages once in a while, he loves it. All the people on that site are suffering pain and depression, and they look for support from other suffers. He can be found in the “Sunroom” Also it is a Christian web site. We found it by talking with people from Joni and friends ministries.

    Want you to know, it’s alright to get down once in a while and ok to complain about it. You can always bend our ear, we will listen.


  29. Laurielee says:

    Pooh…I love calling you that because my daughter and I have a little tradition, we send each other cards with Pooh & Piglet or bluebirds on them. Notice sometime how many cards have a bluebird on them somewhere…it’s incredible! Anyway, I very much feel for you today. I’m kinda off myself. The things that are happening in the world today are just getting to me. I just pray with all that is in me that people would be saved. Can’t they see? What will it take? I pray that their eyes would be open to see, their ears open to hear, and their hearts open to receive Him.I can almost understand what the Prophets must have felt, but I am in no way on their level. I know it’s frustration, but it seems like it should be so easy to see the truth.

    I pray for all of you every day. I’m sure we can all take all the prayers we can get!

  30. poohpity says:

    Hey Steve,
    I left Matt a message on his page in the sunroom. I had a group at church from the Hope ministries.

  31. poohpity says:

    Amen and Amen, Claudia!!! :-)

  32. Rick123 says:

    Scriptures come to mind:

    In the day that Christ returns to our world, in the last day, the last trump(shofar).

    Eze 43:7… When Christ will be enthroned between the cherubims, the ark of the Covenant, the Eze-temple in Jerusalem, out of will flow the living waters to heal and restore all the earth…Eze 47:1-23

    But notice how Christ will rule the world(age) to come with his God given rod of iron and sword.

    Isa 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, [that] the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

    2:3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

    2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

    Zec 14:16 And it shall come to pass, [that] every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

    14:17 And it shall be, [that] whoso will not come up of [all] the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

    14:18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that [have] no [rain]; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

    14:19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

    Isa 11:3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

    11:4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

    11:5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins

    Isa 65:20 There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner [being] an hundred years old shall be accursed.

    Isa 66:23 And it shall come to pass, [that] from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh(Mankind) come to worship before me, saith the LORD.

    66:24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

    Notice, in all these scriptures I have given, Christ will not tolerate Lawlessness in the world(age) to come, but will bring swift punishment, which will result in everlasting peace without end.>>>Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

    9:7 Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

  33. Laurielee says:

    Thank you, Claudia. Sometimes, as a Christian, it is difficult to be in this world when we know what awaits us.

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