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Body Armor

jeruash1Have often wondered what the Apostle Paul has in mind when he talks about putting on the whole armor of God (Eph 6:11).

Is he talking about what we need to do in the course of any given day? Or is he emphasizing what we need to believe about who we are and what we have in Christ?

One thing that is clear ties into our last conversation. Just before describing seven things to do “to stand against the shrewd schemes of our spiritual enemy” Paul says, “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might” (Eph 6:10).

jerash21Paul puts “Be strong” in the present tense, passive voice, and imperative mood. The tense means keep doing this now. The passive means to allow yourselves to be acted upon (strengthened by the Lord). The imperative says that from God’s point of view, “this is a must”!

It’s also plain from what Paul says, that even though our own fallen nature has devilish and demonic capacities for evil, we have even bigger problems in an unseen enemy who Is trying to exploit and leverage our inclinations.

jerash31What I’ve spent most of my time trying to figure out is what Paul means when he talks about putting on “the belt of truth”, “the breastplate of righteousness,” or “the helmet of salvation”.

Is he urging us to keep in mind our position in Christ, which is such an important part of his emphasis in this letter? Or is he talking about the practical things that we need to do in the process or maintaining our relationship with Christ– which is also such an important part of this letter?

Here’s what am thinking.

jerash4Both our position and practice in Christ are essential to standing against the clever strategies of the devil. On one hand the truth, righteousness, and salvation that are ours in Christ are basic to spiritual offense and defense. Ultimately we don’t stand on anything that we so imperfectly do for God or ourselves.

But at the same time there is also a very practical side when it comes to standing against the devil. While remembering that hiding behind, and in, Christ assures our ultimate victory, we need to keep in mind that if we fail to do any of the following, we give “the accuser of our souls” a crack, or a foothold to exploit in us:

1. Tell the truth (belt of truth)

2. Do what is right (breastplate of righteousness)

3. Be ready to help (shoes prep/gospel of peace)

4. Trust the Lord (shield of faith)

5. Think future (helmet of salvation) see 1Thess 5:8

6. Quote the Word of God (sword of the Spirit)

7. Pray for one-another (prayerful dependence/intercession)

Does it make sense that, in addition to thinking the truth about who we are in Christ, that simply telling a lie, or doing what we know is wrong, or failing to be ready spiritually to help others… etc. can give the enemy something with which to needle, weaken, or harass us.

By the way, if the above seems complicated, just think of all of things we have to do while driving a car to avoid an accident. Don’t cross the yellow line. Watch your blind spot. Stay within the speed limit. Watch for pedestrians. Come to a full stop at a stop sign. Look both ways etc etc etc :-)… Spiritual safety apparently requires a similar multiple approach… Thankfully we are not alone in learning to do this…

Note: Pictures are from Jordanian demonstration of first century Roman occupation in the impressive ruins of Jerash near Ammon.

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45 Responses to “Body Armor”

  1. bubbles143jc says:

    Mart, thank you for helping me in my walk. So many times I question what exactly do these instructions really mean and your discernment is a wonderful gift. God bless. You should think about making this site print friendly – would be great to print and copy to hand out as a blessing for others who might feel how I felt before today :) Again, thank you.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, As is always the case with scripture. The written word sems to say plainly as well as has deeper meaning.

    This topic is easiest for me if I keep it simple. The first thing most people do, is get dressed in the morning when they get up.

    Jesus said to live one day at a time, only concern yourself with the problems of today.

    So today as I greet the morning I should prepare myself for the spiritual battle that will come.

    Belt of Truth, is to wrap yourself in Jesus Christ.

    Breastplate of righteousness, is to protect your heart by right living.

    Shoes, is for me to run to any oportunity to share the Gospel.

    Sword of the Spirit, is the wepon I possess, the very words of God. That are my offense and power over wrong doctrine.

    Prayer, my power comes from God, I Must connect to God as he is my eyes my heart my director. Through God I may ask for matters concerning me and any I may offer up in intercession.

    This clothing of armor is how I prepare myself to meet the enemy today.


  3. OGramps says:

    A little more for thought, I once heard it said that in reality Roman armor had no protection for the back. This was a deliberate omission as it forced the soldiers to always face the enemy.

    That’s good advice, “never turn your back on an enemy.”

    Seems to me that in always facing the enemy we will always be in a offensive posture for battle hence the need for a sword.


  4. pegramsdell says:

    Watch your blind spot. We all have one. Sometimes it’s right in from of me. :)
    Help me Lord.

  5. SFDBWV says:

    I did not intentionaly leave out the helmet of salvation. My appologies to all. I am pulled in many directions while setting here writing and sometimes it is difficult to keep a train of thought or even remember what day of the week it is.

    The helmet of salvation, to me is the covering of the blood of Christ it protects my mind and my thinking with the grace of God always in mind.


  6. mtman says:

    Good posts above and I think that both Steve’s have enhanced the armor that Mart posts.
    I have just witnessed how the armor of Christ protects. I made a post for CherieLyn on yesterdays blog that gives the over view so I will not repeat it. I was in regular contact with the woman that took on the evil of our board of directors from our association. She repeatedly told me that you can confront evil if you arm yourself with the armor of God. She never waivered. She did just that and presented only the truth and facts in a Christian way, and won her case. Those who felt above the law made themselves look foolish trying to promote wild theories and falsehoods. She stood tall and they ended up snarling and biting. They hate her and try to ruin her reputation but she is the one who trusted fully in the Lord, put on the armor of God, and shined in the end. She did what no one else has ever been able to do and that is stand against a hateful group of people who call them selves Christians but treat their neighbors with hate, vicious retaliation, and vengence. The armor of God not only works but God has the final word and that word is good.

  7. poohpity says:

    That is a good analogy about driving it seems so easy after you have practiced a long time but accidents happen and God is always there to pick up the pieces.

    This morning so many things that have happened lately in my life have come into focus again. Things I have worried about and have not had the strength to deal with. With the posts from yesterday and today and again realizing that God does not need my help all I NEED to do is rest in Him.

    I am reading in Exodus and together with the John passage from yesterday I realized that God has always just tried to get us to realize, GOD, period. What I feel is our ability is to believe although we would love to heighten ourselves to a position of power and authority humbly we realize that we are human period.

  8. sdoniger says:

    I truly enjoy The Armor of G-d. Such practical words on how to fight the good fight. Today I have the tools and the hope to continue the battle. Together we can defeat the deceiver. The Belt of Truth is a key for me. Honesty is the cornerstone of my walk. Without it, the rest is useless. The only question is all defensive weapons except the sword. Why? The best offense is a good defense? Not that I want to confront the deceiver head on, because I would be worried and have fallen hard in the past, but the hope that the Spirit has placed in my heart is strong. Today, I try to be humble. Today, I am grateful. Today, I will fall short but today, I will get up and continue to fight with the hope of a good day and a better tomorrow. For the grace of G-d has opened my eyes and called me to be a servant.

  9. laney says:

    The Warrior’s Prayer

    Heavenly Father,
    Your warrior prepares for battle.
    Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on
    the whole armor of God!

    I put on the Girdle of Truth!
    May I stand firm in the truth of Your Word
    So I will not be the victim of Satan’s lies

    I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness!
    May it quard my heart from evil
    so I will remain pure and holy,
    protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.

    I put on the Shoes of Peace!
    May I stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel
    so Your peace will shine through me
    and be a light to all I encounter.

    I take the Sheild of Faith!
    May I be ready for Satan’s fiery darts of
    doubt, denial, and deceit
    so I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.

    I put on the Helmet of Salvation!
    May I keep my mind focused on You
    so Satan will not have a stronghold on my

    I take the Sword of the Spirit!
    May the two-edge sword of Your Word
    be ready in my hands
    So I can expose the tempting words of Satan.

    By faith your warrior has put on
    the whole armor of God!

    I am prepared to live this day in spiritual victory!


  10. laney says:


    I also heard about the Roman armor having no protection for the back. I was also told that when the Saints pray for one another that is our covering for our backs.

  11. rokdude5 says:

    I have a feeling in my soul that there have been those who have been praying for me since my last post. Thank and bless you. I feel my resolve not to sin stronger than ever before.

    I wish the “armor” was literal rather than figurative. If so I would put it on and just coast. Right now, I just grab whatever is in the closet and head out the door. But my wife, the fashion police, will stop me and say, “Youre not going out looking like that?” Too bad she cant see what part of my “armor” Im missing as well.

  12. laney says:

    I just read the message you left for Cherielyn. that is so awesome that your mountain is called Sangre De Christo which you said means blood of Christ.We will just have to keep doing spiritual warfare so this mountain will no longer be under the inflence of Satan.
    What a beauitful testimony for us about your Godly neighbor and how the Lord was with her.This battle that was going on with the association is that the one you told us about where they were spraying the deadly chemicals.I will continue to keep you and your family and neighbors in prayer.I especially will pray that the Lord will do what ever it takes to draw this group of angry people to the cross for redemption.

  13. mtman says:

    laney: Thank you for your prayers. Like Paul Harvey says there is a rest of the story. This woman over the past year and a half has never faultered, she was focused on wearing the armor of God and sticking with the facts and truth. In the end she did not gloat, did non look haughty but accepted the victory in God’s name in total humility. It is not often that you get a front row seat to witness a real Christian claiming the Lords protection and fully engaged in the armor of God.

  14. daisymarygoldr says:

    Timely topic, great post and good comments on the armor of God… Everything you said makes perfect sense and the driving example makes it all the more simple to understand the fact…we are called “to believe” and “to do”.

    I agree “Both our position and practice in Christ are essential…” Since the moment we are saved, there is no doubt that God has hidden us in Christ and the evil one cannot snatch us from His hands. However, though we are secured in Christ, Paul is exhorting us to practise putting on… Christ.

    You are right, we put on the armor of God “…to stand against the clever strategies of the devil”. As seen in some of the comments in yesterday’s post, we may tend to think that the armor is a tool to exercise authority over the devil and defeat him. No, we are not called to defeat or overpower the enemy. Satan already stands defeated by Christ. We put on the armor to… withstand his strategies by standing firm.

    What then are the strategies of the enemy? He will use anything in his power to draw us away from God… namely: wealth, health, relationships, careers… anything that can separate us from the love of God. So, does it mean that by putting on the armor we are well protected from the attacks of the enemy and will not incur any loss in this world?

    Absolutely not! God did not promise us foolproof immunity against the wiles of the devil. This will surprise some … who have a different view of what it means to overcome by not allowing the enemy any power or authority. IMHO, we stand undefeated in spite of: sickness, poverty due to joblessness, loss of spouse or children and loss of life itself. In fact, Rev 12:11 describes those who overcome… “did not love their life even when faced with death”.

  15. daisymarygoldr says:

    If satan is already a defeated foe, what are his strategies all about? His schemes are targeted to weaken our faith… so we stop trusting/obeying God. The spiritual warfare is not about winning the war… the war is already won on the cross.

    This war with the unseen powers is not about proving our strength and might… it is all about trusting and obeying our Lord…. to keep the faith till the end. Hence Paul concludes “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith”

    So… are we fighting against the evil one to overcome hunger, poverty, sickness, and social evils… to make this world a better place to live in? No, neither did Jesus come for that purpose nor did He commission us to that purpose. He came to uproot the kingdom of darkness and establish the kingdom of God and we are called to further God’s kingdom…till He comes back to establish it for ever!

    While we are busy fighting this war… we put on the armor so we are not caught off guard… Yes, Jesus prayed a lot… not for a house to live in or food to eat or clothes to wear or to live happily on this earth… without pain, suffering, sorrow and death.

    Therefore, our prayers also should not be for ourselves… God already knows and provides for our every need. We pray in the spirit…for His kingdom to come. We pray in the spirit because we are not fighting against flesh and blood. This is a spiritual battle and… without the body armor and prayer it is impossible to do the task of furthering the kingdom of God.

  16. laney says:

    Mtman, as I read what Rdcomp wrote about the baby christian and the mature christian I thought of this woman.Sounds like she is definately a mature christian who was walking in the spirit and was listening to the Holy spirit guide her in her speech.When we do that there is no way we can fail.I wish I could say that Iam at this same level of maturity as this woman but Iam not.But the good news is some day.Iam not where I want to be but thank God Iam not where I was before I got saved.I see a lot of progress but there are times I wish the changes could happen a lot faster.you are so blest to have this woman as your neighbor.

  17. cherielyn says:

    In my elected position, I pray, earnestly, before every meeting, that I will do my job to the best of my ability. This means putting on the full armour because there have been times when I felt an evil presence guiding the meeting. It’s tough to be in that situation and to be in the minority. I often think, if only more Christians would get involved in government, America might be a better place than what it has evolved to since mostly abandoning the Christian roots it was founded on.

    Mart: Wanted a better look at the pics, but they won’t enlarge.

    mtman: Left another message for you on yesterday’s blog.

  18. Mart De Haan says:

    I added a note on “helmet of salvation” to cross reference 1Thess 5:8. That text talks about helmet as the hope (confident anticipation) of salvation. It is a different text and could have a different application but seems to deserve comparison.

  19. Mart De Haan says:

    cherielyn, sorry about the pics that won’t enlarge. I keep taking shortcut for time sake. Will see if I can change them out in the morning.

  20. Rick123 says:

    laney: Our armor in our backs is the glory of the LORD. Isa 58:8…and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.((NIV) Isa 58:8…and the glory of the LORD will protect you from behind.(NLT)

    When David came against Goliath, there was no fear in David’s heart(2Ti 1:7), for he(Psa 51:11; 1Pe 1:10,11) was clothed with Christ’s Spirit. And the Stone that smote Goliath on his forehead was Christ. The battle is the LORD’S, when a Goliath appears in our life, we confront him in the name of the LORD and smite him with the Stone on his(satan) forehead.

    David a type of Christ. When the lion comes against us, the Spirit of Christ shall lift up a standard against him, and delivers us, out of the mouth of the lion. Christ takes care of his Father’s flock, and no force can take them out of the hand of his Father, for they belong to his Father.(1Sa 17:34-36)

    God’s armor brings victory because it is far more than a protective covering. It is the very life of Jesus Christ Himself. “[P]ut on the armor of light,” wrote Paul in his letter to the Romans, “…clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 13:12-14) When you do, He becomes your hiding place, and shelter in the storm–just as He was to David. Hidden in Him, you can count on His victory, for He not only covers you as a shield, He also fills you with His life.

    (2Cr 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,)
    1Sa 17:49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang [it], and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to the earth. 50 So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but [there was] no sword in the hand of David. 51 Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled.

  21. poohpity says:

    Where does it say that David was a type of Christ? Christ and the Father are one (Matthew 1:23; John 1:1; 14:8-11) David was a man. The stone that killed Goliath was a stone.

  22. jondean says:

    Thank You Brother Mart for opening this subject for comments, you really are being led by the Spirit of God.

    (I have just “found” your website.)

    Concerning some proven active steps of spiritual warfare (includinging the Ephesian 6 “armor”) let me say that the subject of

    “ancient paths of soul rest”….is also VERY IMPORTANT!

    See: Jer. 6:16-17;Psalm 131;Matt. 11:29-30…

    Of course, in battle one essential point is consistent communication with my commander, sometimes called tatical-communication “tac-com”.

    Let me use the term Hearing His Voice for “tac-com”.

    Well, it turns out that Jeremiah, David and the Lord Jesus Christ mention

    “resting one’s soul”…affecting our “tac-com”.

    God has offered his children “soul rest” for centuries, as the MAIN process TO HEAR HIS VOICE.

    Jesus said each of his 12 disciples could “find rest for your souls”..I will give you rest…you will find rest for your souls…” Matt. 11:28-30

    So, what is “soul rest” and how does it relate to the Ephesian Chapter 6 “armor”….

    Soul Rest,is a way of living in Jesus-like-peace in the midst of one’s daily life when it is active, hectic, catastrophic or when it is inactive, boring, dull, and unexciting.

    To improve their “tac-com”, two spiritual military actions taken by our Biblical ancestors…to gain “soul rest” are:

    Quieting my soul


    Controlling my human spirit.

    Quieting my soul (mind, will, and emotion)
    Controlling my human spirit (conscience, intuition, dreams, visions, ability to hear the Holy Spirit)

    assists me to develop “an ear to hear the Holy Spirit”, thus increase my “tac-com”.

    I should daily do these steps, as many have done.

    It is the responsibility of every child of God, to exercise the fruits of the Spirit (self-control and perseverance) in order to calm down his or her own over-demanding soul and stop the un-necessary demands of the body; as well as to take control of his or her own spirit.

    Proverbs says something like, a man who does not control his spirit is like a city with broken-down walls.

    Jesus said, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

    So, finding God’s ways to exercise one’s human spirit is essential.

    This can be done by the powerful Holy Spirit-led steps of soul-rest, discussed next.

    Eventually, from my new “soul rest habits”, my own human spirit can hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit more routinely.

    Remember, “God with me” is the Holy Spirit within my heart to reveal the things of God to me regularly.

    My Daily Start-up Routine to get
    on the Ancient Soul Rest Path

    Step One: Morning Report In for Spiritual Warfare Duty

    1. I say aloud, at wake-up
    I offer my body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to you Almighty God, as my spiritual act of worship
    2. I say aloud, at wake-up
    Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen!

    3. I put on my spiritual armor by saying aloud:

    I will stay in God’s Truth (your loins girt about with truth)
    I will do what is Right (the breastplate of righteousness)
    I will stay in God’s Peace (feet shod with…the gospel of peace)
    I will recall God’s Faithfulness (the shield of faith)
    I will reason with the Mind of Christ (the helmet of salvation)
    I will speak-out and live-out God’s Word (the sword of the Spirit)
    I will always pray and listen for God’s Answer (always praying)

    Step Two: Apply My Daily Spiritual Self-Control

    A. I say aloud to quiet my soul
    In the Name of Lord Jesus Christ:
    + My soul you be balanced, quiet, and still
    + My Mind-thoughts, I take you captive. Instead of automatically doing what you are shouting, I choose to hear the Holy Spirit’s whisper of God’s truth about everything, all day.
    + My will power, I fix you on our Heavenly Father and his word to stay in His peace
    + My Feelings, you stop flooding over me, be quiet
    + My soul, stay in SOUL REST paths, all day

    B. I say aloud to control my spirit
    In Lord Jesus Christ’s Name:
    + My spirit, you be active all day
    + My spirit, I now manage you
    + My spirit, you rule over my soul and body, and talk only with Holy Spirit
    + My spirit, you search my heart as God designed you to Amen and Amen!

    It has been a great joy to see many friends use these Biblical steps to walk in daily soul rest and hear the Holy Spirit more routinely.

    Finally, from my own walk of soul-rest in Jesus-like-peace, others often request, “Teach me how you do it!”

    Is’nt our Lord Jesus Christ WONDERFUL!

  23. SFDBWV says:

    Ok…Am trying to consider the relationship between the last topic and this one without picking a fight.

    If the accepted opinion is that we as Christians, do not have authority over the devil, as some of you would have us believe.

    What need then would we have for the full battle armor described by Paul?

    Jesus argued with Satan by the use of Old Testement Scripture, as recorded. Satan also quotes scripture in his efforts to validate his thinking.

    “Get thee behind me satan” was a command that satan had to obey.

    If we are to do battle in the spiritual realm that is an unseen exsistance. Do we not have to have power to do so?

    For the most part, armor is a protective device. But the sword is an offensive weapon. Meant to be used aggressively against the foe. The sword then becomes our power over the enemy.

    Maybe it would be best said that by way of the armor of God, we gain authority over the devil by having power over him.

    I would agree that we would have no authoritty over the devil if I were not convinced that we have “Power” over him. By having power over him we may place him under our heel and so take away his ability to harm us.

    Jesus Christ gave us power over the enemy. Jesus Christ is our armor, our weapon, by and through HIM we can have authority….

    I am sorry Mart, we will disagree that the sifting Satan ask for was allowed in the testing of Peter. sifting and trying have two very different meanings.


  24. Mart De Haan says:

    cherielyn, I think the pics should enlarge now with a click. Thanks for the reminder.

    Steve, what do you see as the difference between sifting and trying? Also, I think maybe we are talking about different things when we say, “power over” or “authority over Satan”. In the extreme, I’m warning about those who act as if they can send a demon to “the pit” or tell the devil what he cannot do to us (i.e. those who imply that we can tell Satan that he cannot do the very things God is allowing him to do– i.e. Paul’s thorn in the flesh, or the troubles God allowed Satan to hit Job with).

  25. SFDBWV says:

    Mart, Ok, just to give myself the peace of mind that there may be alike meanings for trying and sifting. I did check wih the concordance to see if the ancient language could agree. The two words are not compareable.

    So I look at what sifting means. I see a word that describes taking something apart down to a level of the smallest piece.

    I see trying or testing someone as seeing how much they know or can stand.

    I may be tested by temptation to see if I am strong enough to resist.

    But to be took apart down to the basic level of existance. To try every part of me, all of me, goes beyond a trying or testing to being sifted.

    The concordance only shows 6 uses of the variations of sifting. Trying, 18, and they have a different meaning.

    I think Peter was tried down to a level of failing, not being destroyed (taken apart).

    Power over someone is very close to being in authority over them. The two meanings seem to blur together, in the same way you are seeing testing and sifting. They are different but can have simalar meaning or effect.

    I fully understand and agree, that there are TV preachers and loose cannons out amoung us that preach incorrect doctrine. These people can harm a persons beliefs. Especialy people who are not strong in the Word and Faith, or who are easily swayed from one direction to another by the most gifted speakers.

    Any power we possess or “authority” comes only from God. Jesus spoke as one having authority, the Holy Spirit of Christ that dwells in us, is one having authority. In many occations it is we who speak for Him who is in us. Not by our own efforts or purposes but by His efforts and purpose. Am I confusing any, if so I appologize.

    If we overstep our boundries of authority, we fail. If we are demonstrating His autority through us, we succeed.

    I am probably spliting hairs here Mart.Forgive me I have life long beliefs that need tweeking. I don’t have the books that you do for references. In many cases I am glad I don’t. I have to then listen to that still small voice and react on that.

    Thanks for the attention, I know how pulled you are also. Maybe someday we can set on my porch in the swing and figure it all out.


  26. scifiwritir says:

    Great post. I’ll just add that these are spiritual weapons that may seem to us to be fighting against the air (as Paul puts it) but which really are effective. And they are weapons used against the spiritual enemy whether he fights through flesh and blood or not. The preparation to preach the gospel of peace is iffy for me. It can mean preaching to the devil that God has been reconciled to us through the blood of Jesus therefore the devil can’t hurt us. Or it can mean preaching to other people that the good news of Christ is reconciliation to God. It doesn’t mean preaching legalism but peace with God. The helmet of the hope of salvation is also a good way to fight the enemy because the devil works through despair and through making people reason away (sometimes theologically) their hope in Christ. So it’s fitting that we cover our heads with hope or else we won’t fight the good fight of faith. And as for the breastplate of righteousness, it’s good for us to be good. But the greatest righteousness we have is Jesus’ righteousness. That’s what covers us and that’s what we need to tell the spiritual enemy…not I am good. But the blood of Jesus Christ makes me righteous. -C

  27. Mart De Haan says:

    SFDBWV, Steve, hey,thanks for your good study and clarification on this. Having an opportunity to sit on a porch and talk would be great… whether we could figure it all out or not :-)…

  28. poohpity says:

    Just about a year and a half ago when I was struggling with the physical world and the spiritual world I was given a dream about spiritual warfare which after reading the posts this morning God brought it back to memory.

    I was standing in an arena alone with my spiritual armor on. Coming from all directions continually were demons like a pack of wolves. I was wielding my sword continually at each attack with success but the attacks kept coming, one right after another till my arms got so tried that I could hardly hold my sword then someone came and stood back to back with me and
    also battled with me until neither of us had any energy left to even hold our swords up. Finally a voice came from above and asked, “are you tried enough now?”. My reply was, “Oh yes” then the voice said, “This is my battle let me take it from here”. So both of us lowered our swords and raised our eyes to the Lord and said, “Help”. Before we knew it as each demon came close they would disappear and then finally they were all gone. I took a great big breathe and with a sigh of relief I came to my knees and with an overwhelmingly thankful heart, praised God. I then understood what was meant by the battle belonging to the Lord and to rest in Him.

    With the struggles in this physical world it takes all our energy sometimes just to do life and sometimes it overwhelms us. We have a safe place to rest and give all our cares to the Lord and He will fight our spiritual battles for us if we just step back and give it to Him. That is what He does best. Sometimes we have to totally run out of every energy we have before we allow Him to take over. To admit we are weak is a very humbling experience but when we truly see who God is we become very thankful that He wants to care for us just as He did when He lead the captives out of Egypt. He supplied ALL their needs. We tend to want to be in control and that will one day take all our energy when the whole time all we had to do is look up and ask for Help. He is and will always be there for us, He puts the ball in our court to how long we want to do it alone without His help but will always be there when we are ready to let Him take over.

  29. Rick123 says:

    When we received Jesus in our heart, he gave us the power to be sons of God. We were born again through the operation of God’s word, which seed will sprout and grow into the Image of the word who is Jesus. Therefore he did not leave us orphans, but will help us in our growth. As new born babies, he nourishes us with his milk and comforts us. And when we are learning to walk in him, if we fall, he will pick us up and comfort us. Then in the process of maturing his sons, he gives us stronger food to fit his purpose in our life. His divine power he gave us through Christ will empower us in all things that pertain unto life and godliness. We have been clothed with the power from on high, and are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Satan is under our feet because Christ dwells in us, and his anointing gives us the power to overcome satan. So satan has no power over us, but we have power over satan through Christ anointing who gives us the victory.

    Eph 2:2; Jhn 1:12; Act 26:18; Col 1:13; Rom 9:21; Rom 13:1

  30. mtman says:

    Good posts:
    Steve you didn’t confuse me at all.
    Like I posted earlier if our Lord is holding us in his hand then satan can’t grab us away. Jesus defeated sin and evil when he hung on the cross. He died for our sins but he defeated satan/evil too, lest we forget that. We don’t have power over Satan but just like Steve pointed out so very well we have authority over him. Does he do bad things to people, of course, but our souls are safe in Jesus hand.
    From Mart’s post yesterday I figured out where he is coming from on this topic and I don’t fully agree with him, but don’t disagree with all he has said either. Like I said earlier I think we are both headed in the same direction just on different paths.
    My question is, if we give satan more authority/power than he already has been given don’t we somehow take that power from our Lord? I think it boils down to whether we really believe 100% on our Lord or not. If we believe what he said, what he did, what he told us completely then anytime we give satan more credit than he is due it has to come from a sliver of doubt in Jesus. Satan can destroy our bodies but not our souls. I don’t think we can staddle that fence and be safe. Even the smallest doubt about our Lord seems to me dangerous.
    Satan can attack us, can cause bad things to happen to us, but he doesn’t own us or any part unless we allow him to. If we stand strong in the Lord I don’t think we have anything to fear.

  31. mtman says:

    Oh Yeah, One more thought. I don’t think we are called to figure it all out in this life time. Sometimes we just need to understand that we can’t and won’t figure any of it out, accept on faith that which we don’t understand.
    On my origional post a few months ago I alluded to the fact we need to keep it simple, and to do otherwise we human’s seem to think ourselves in circles. Similar to chasing your tail. I’m for taking what I have and working with that and not try to understand to the point of confusion. I’m just a plain old simple mtman and like topics that are more to my everyday experience as opposed to those that have me thinking in an area I couldn’t answer if I lived to be 500 years old. These thinking exercises are fun but not very productive in my opinion.

  32. poohpity says:

    I have to say I do not find fault with a lot of what you say but in the full armor of God I did this time.

    1. Tell the truth (belt of truth)We often do not tell the truth but to grid our loins with the truth and the truth of God’s word is what holds up our clothing and our swords.

    2. Do what is right (breastplate of righteousness)We do not do what is right all the time but my heart is covered in the righteousness of Christ.

    3. Be ready to help (shoes prep/gospel of peace)Helping is doing the Word of God but those sandals are to carry us to tell others about the Gospel of Christ.

    4. Trust the Lord (shield of faith)Is our protection from lies that would turn us away from God.

    5. Think future (helmet of salvation) see 1Thess 5:8 My mind has all sorts of things that try and turn me away from truth so that helmet is my protection that no one can take away my salvation.

    6. Quote the Word of God (sword of the Spirit) The only weapon I have to combat lies is the truth and no matter how much I quote if I do not live it then the sword is made of plastic.

    7. Pray for one-another (prayerful dependence/intercession) I have nothing to say to this one but Amen!!

  33. daisymarygoldr says:

    My thoughts on (1Thess 5:8)… and btw, thanks for pointing that out!

    Helmet— as the hope of salvation gives us all the more reason to realize the importance of putting on the armor of God. The devil may have authority and power to destroy everything we possess… yet our salvation in Christ guarantees eternal security of our souls.

    So, in the spiritual warfare, though followers of Christ may end up losing everything… including our lives… yet the hope of our salvation provides us with firm assurance of eternal life.

    Q: When we are already secure in salvation, why should we still hope for salvation?

    A: When we accepted Christ, we were spiritually saved from the wages of sin— eternal death… and that is spiritual salvation which we received as a gift due to the death and resurrection of Christ. So, though we die, we do not die… we merely sleep, physical death therefore has no significance for believers. When Christ will come back, our physical bodies will be resurrected and that is when our salvation becomes complete.

    That is the salvation we hope for… for ultimate deliverance from this wretched body of sin… deliverance from this body of sickness and deliverance from death. The hope of our salvation is to be clothed with the perfect glorified body!

    This is as you said “to think future”… hence, I do not see any difference between the 2 helmet references.

  34. daisymarygoldr says:

    Helmet protects the most important part— the head from getting polluted by the wisdom of this world, wrong thinking and false reasoning.

    When we put on this helmet, the hope of our salvation will keep our minds to be sober. The hope of our salvation will renew our minds and not be conformed to this world. The hope of our salvation will set our minds on things above not on the things that are on earth. We will not be trapped into thinking in terms of “the here and the now”.

    With the helmet on, satan will not attack our minds with sinful thoughts. Even amidst failures and loss, we will not succumb to thoughts of doubt, fear and shame. With the helmet, no matter what… our heads will remain to be held high… till the end… even if it means to lay down our lives for Christ.

    “…knowing the time that it is already the hour… to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is near Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us….put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts. Rom 13: 11-14

    Aside: my carnal self is dying to make a comment on “sifting” and “get thee behind me satan”… but for once I think it is better to just be silent and let the Holy Spirit impart the right understanding.

  35. sjd says:

    When I consider the spiritual battle we are in, I am thankful for the armor of God. For when I put on Christ I am complete in Him. God provides everything in salvation and everything for life. The problem arises when I fail to draw close to Him in prayer, to continually be dependent on Him alone.

    These are some thoughts regarding the beauty of the armor! If I am dependent on Christ these will be some of the benefits:

    Belt of Truth- No more doubts
    Breastplate of Righteousness- No more need for performance
    Shield of Faith- No more self dependence
    Shoes of Peace- No separation from God, since we are at peace with Him, I can stand in His presence
    Helmet of Salvation- No fear of the future, our Hope is secure
    Sword of the spirit-Word of God- No lack of power

    The armor is not complete without prayer!

    Prayer must be continual. Otherwise we forget that we desperately need Christ not only in salvation, but in living this life of faith.

  36. SFDBWV says:

    Question….How do we actualy put on the armor of God?

    Is it something we pray for? Speak about us? Or is it an attitude?


  37. Mart De Haan says:

    SFDBWV, I see it as a word picture that helps us to see the importance of each of these areas to resist our spiritual enemy.

    The one option I would question would be “speak about us”. That seems more formula, and more like the practice of “magic”.

    mtman, I agree that keeping it simple is important. But I had a teacher who talked about the value working with complexity until some simple truths became clear– rather than the kind of simplicity that remains unaware that there are many factors to be considered.

    In this case one simple truth is that, even if we are ultimately secure in Christ, he wants us to know what it takes, practically speaking, to keep from being spiritually defeated in present battles.

  38. mtman says:

    Mart: I agree with your comments to a point but I tend to work my way up from the simple truths to the more complex and when it gets to confusing I move on to another subject. Simple truths don’t have to become complex to understand them. It is good mental exercise but what is the end value.
    I think that anything that requires thinking to the extent that it potentially undermines our trust,gets confusing or erodes our faith is not necessary. I don’t think we need to know or be able to figure out all things. To follow that reasoning would indicate that we can earn our way to heaven as a great thinker. I’m not sure that is what you are implying but if you follow the thinking of matters out to the complex to understand the simple then that is where it will lead.

  39. SFDBWV says:

    So then, in putting on the armor of God, we develop a conscious effort or awareness in order to be on guard against the enemy. To be ever vigilant and on the lookout for attack. Using the word pictures as areas of focus. A structured or designed attitude.

    Speaking….I would suppose an entire different subject topic. The creative power of “speaking”.

    No I am sure we will never figure it all out. Not meant to. But I would suppose keeping our minds busy in the study of the Word is keeping focused on HIM and giving less time for the enemy to present alternative thinking.


  40. mtman says:

    Steve: I think you are the other half of my brain. You have said very well what I proposed but was unable to put into a complete clear thought. I like the mental exercise, but not the over extending of same to the point of confusion. I am not of the opinion that we always need to agree, because it through different thoughts that we test our own beliefs and grow.
    I don’t believe that I desire to remain simplistic to the point of being unaware. I simply think sometimes we can over do the mental gymnastics to our detriment rather that to our benefit.

  41. SFDBWV says:

    mtman,Bruce, It just may well be the altitude and spring water that keeps our minds clear.

    We are having a beautiful spring Mother’s Day. 55 degrees, partly cloudy skies and the Lilac’s are filling the air with their perfume.

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mother’s out here on the Blog.


  42. Rick123 says:

    We put on the armor of God when we receive Christ and his anointing in our hearts as our Lord and Savior. And the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

    For Jesus is the truth.

    Jesus is our righteousness.

    Jesus is our peace.

    We have the faith of Jesus.

    Our hope of eternal life is found in Jesus.

    Jesus is our sharp twoedged sword

    The Spirit of Christ helps and teaches us how to pray.

  43. mtman says:

    Steve you may be right, maybe we can bottle and sell that stuff.
    I think my point is that in Matt.8:28-34, that the Gergesenes demons were the first to actually witness to who Jesus was. He cast them out. He has control over the demons. Also the child who had demons cast out in Matt. 17:14-21. He resisted Satan in the desert.
    When others were casting out demons in Jesus name and his disciples complained – Jesus told them to let it go.
    Then Jesus has the power to cast out demons and he gave that power to his disciples. I think we too can as his sheep.
    Then the key is John 10: 28, “And I gave them eternal life and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand.” Those of us who have accepted him as our Lord and Savior are those sheep in his hand.
    So if we are safe (or rather our souls are safe) why do we worry? If we are his we should not worry.
    We all have doubts and that is healthy. I think to push the intellect to understand those things that are not always understandable is an abuse of our doubts and it can serve instead to erode our faith. If Jesus is who he says he is, and we accept him for that then to doubt is okay as long as we wait for Him to answer our doubts. To not wait and keep confusing ourselves over Satan’s power or authority seems to exploit our doubt. If we are really His should be even be exploring this area to “increase” our faith and trust? Doesn’t doing so dwell into something that we don’t need to understand or couldn’t without our Lord himself explaining it to us? Just seems to me some subjects are best left to faith in our Lord to deal with.

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