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Praying Like a Broken Record

Looking back, it seems that life is full of answered and unanswered prayers.

It’s clear that, as a wise Father who for our good thinks in ways far beyond our ability, our God has every right and responsibility to say “Yes,” “No,” or “Not Yet.”

But how, as we live with unanswered requests, can we express our hearts to God in a way that doesn’t sound like a broken record– trying to wear him down?

Often think about the Roman military officer who asked Jesus to heal his servant. When Jesus said he would go to the man’s home to do it, the officer stopped him and said he wasn’t worthy for Jesus to enter his home. Instead the man said he understood authority, knew Jesus had it, and asked him to “just give the word.” Jesus said he hadn’t found this much faith in all of Israel (Matthew 8:5-10).

On the other hand the Scriptures urge us to keep asking. A couple of these encouragements to endure in prayer teach by contrast. They speak of a neighbor who doesn’t want to get up in the middle of the night to answer a door, and a judge who doesn’t want to be bothered, but who both give in to relentless requests for help  (Luke 11:5-9; 18:1-6). The implication is not that we can wear God down with prayer, but that if unloving people can be persuaded to do good to us, how much more will our Father in heaven be willing to help us.

Since our Lord said his purpose in giving us such examples are to encourage us “always to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1) am thinking again about how I handle waiting on God. Am I trying to express the honest desires of my heart in a way that expresses faith in his wisdom, authority and power? Or do I just keep pounding on the door of heaven- like someone who won’t take no, or not yet,  for an answer.

What do you think? Is there a way to be like the Roman Officer, rather than like those who were asking help of a reluctant neighbor, or an uncaring judge?

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35 Responses to “Praying Like a Broken Record”

  1. refump says:

    How did the Roman officer obtain his great faith? On one hand I cannot help but admire it yet, on the other hand I feel jealousy. Is one given such great faith? Does one need to do something to get such great faith? Is it just a decision one makes to just have it? I know “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17. So how come after all these years of seeking Him do I lack such a faith. It just seems like it comes so much easier for some than for others. I want that kind of faith.

  2. foreverblessed says:

    About faith, I heard a preacher say: do not look upon the faith of others, rather use the measure of faith that you have received yourself. If you have been given a spade, use the spade to move the mountain, start working. Some have been given a shovel, which is much more impressive. But working with the spade, slowly will work just as well. God gives the victory. He only wants to see that we are in it ourselves with all our heart.

    So if the Roman officer had a lot of faith, good for him, if we have less, use it more often. Till we have learned to pray as a way of living. Prayer as the life of the christian. The spiritual life line. (Oswald Chambers writes about it May 26.)

  3. rokdude5 says:

    I think all of us have been “guilty” of praying like a broken record. The time that I understood that 1)God ALREADY knows what is in our hearts and what we are going through 2)He has our best interests in His mind Rom 8:26-28, I started waiting on the Lord.

    Once I learn to be patient, then my faith started to grow. For what is faith? Faith is believing in something that there is no proof that it will even occur. For example, there is no proof that when Peter stepped out unto stormy waters that he would be able to walk upon it but for a brief moment his faith was strong enough to do so.

    I think that was a vivid illustration for the rest of us. There will be “stormy weather” in our lives. There will be no foreseeable answers for those perilous times that we can manage on our own. All avenues will be closed except for the one avenue looking up.

    Though we, in our minds, may think what would be the best answer to our problems, God could very easily answer, “No, for I have a better plan.”

    I could easily picture Joseph pleading with God to be returned to his family instead of going to Egypt. Yet we all see how God worked through Joseph to show His glorious answer.

    So I learned to pray for my answers to my life’s problems such as restoration of relationships or health less and less frequently and trust God to know my problems and the answers to those problems.

    To me I think as long as we continue to pray (whether as a broken record or not), our faith will grow and our responses will be more Christ-like. Heb 4:16, Heb 5:7, 1 Th 5:16-18

  4. poohpity says:

    Sometimes we see that the answer to prayer was no for a reason. I know for myself I prayed for ever so long for my son’s dad to marry me because I thought it was the right thing to do. The answer was no and after many years the lessons that I learned was that it would have never worked out and God knew that I needed to learn that He alone would be my husband and the Father to my children to just trust in Him. They are not perfect but they are wonderful and as a mom I accomplished something very important when I believed that I could not do it.

    My mom prayed and prayed to remarry my dad and the Lord allowed that to happen only for them to get another divorce 9 months later but God answered her prayer.

    I know now that as I trusted in God to answer my prayers and not try and make things happen myself my faith grew. God knows us so well and knows what will be best for us to grow. He is not as impatient as we are, His timing is also perfect. I know for myself that hind sight shows His hand in my life in ways that are so amazing. Jesus is the author of our faith and when we pray for our faith to grow He will put us in circumstances that will test us to trust Him and let go of control. So if one is praying for more faith prepare to be stretched.

  5. pegramsdell says:

    Mark 11 says,

    22 Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God.

    23 I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.

    24 I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.

    25 But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.”

    So….do I really believe that He will do what I ask? I want to….but sometimes I’m not sure that what I ask is best. I mean, seriously…God so knows what He is doing, and I need to trust Him. Lay it at His feet, and leave it there, knowing He will take of it. Forgiving those I’m mad at helps too. :)

  6. Helmet says:

    Yes! If God would be wear down, He would be a long long time ago! For those who really trust in Him, and depend on him in everything. But for sure, He’s not. He is mercyful, the first thing I was taught when I receive Him as a Seiviour, was “ask Him in every need, every time, He loves his children to ask Him”.
    Now, this morning was no milk, and no money for buy it, but we have corn dough, and some guavas, mmmmhhh!! God said no milk, but he gave us this tasty atole.

    This crisis time is to know more and more God’s power, mercy and love, and to learn to wait for His answer, in’t it?
    Love u Pooh, I’m keeping on prayer 4 u

  7. BobbiLee says:

    Ahhh, what a subject Mart. Pegramsdell quotes a good scripture where Christ said we have the faith to move a mountain. This is the key: we have ALL, believers that is, been given ALL of faith. This is a gift that goes along with our salvation. There is no more faith to be given. We pray for more faith in error. If this gift of faith can move the largest item known to man, a mountain, what can our faith NOT do?

    What faith we have at any given moment is what we appropriate. Depending upon our circumstances, emotion,or physical well-being, or our closeness to Christ, we use various amounts of faith. Would that we appropriate all that we have, all the time. Our physical bodies are but vessels for the Holy Spirit’s use. We can have all of faith when we give Him all of us.

  8. tandgmartin says:

    I believe it depends on the question: “What’s my motivation?”

  9. nance says:

    wow… I so enjoy reading your artiles. The Jesus in you…helps me be in tuned to the God in my life. I tell people your one of the bests authors and writers. Thanks for boasting in the cross Mart.

  10. davidanealsmith says:

    I’ve often wondered the same myself, if I sounded like a broken record to God! I believe experience is the best teacher. I was laid off of 2 jobs in 2008 and have not worked now for over a year. I pray daily for a new career. I thought my prayers weren’t being answered due to something I was doing (maybe I was out of line with God’s word). But I believe God wanted me in a place to totally depend on Him. I had a good salary, so losing that has been a test of my faith. I read a scripture just the other night that said “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statues”. (Psalm 119:71). I know that I have drawn closer to God. I study more and I’m learning what it means to “meditate both day and night”. I’ve always thanked God for any job I’ve held, but now I know without a doubt, it’s God who keeps me. I’ve been more blessed than I was when I held a job. It’s just amazing to see God’s work! I think I ask daily for a job, not because of lack of faith or to try to “wear” God down, but because I’ve also learned that our timing is not the same as God. I ask daily because I don’t know if this day is the day for my prayer of a new career to be answered. I know my blessing of a new career is on the way, I’m just waiting for God’s perfect timing to bless me! He’s an all knowing God and He knows what I stand in need of before I even ask, but as a mother, sometimes I want my child to ask me for what she needs instead of taking me for granted. I think God deserves the same. After all the Bible does say “pray without ceasing”!

  11. systemX says:

    To poohpity:

    I am in a similar situation like you were. I would like to know more what happened in slight detail if you dont mind telling it to me by email? I am pretty much lost right now. The answer is NO, but if prayer can change God’s mind, then I don’t know if I should pray, even after knowing the answer is a NO.

    Its so difficult to pray when you know God has said NO, even if you really long for it..

  12. SFDBWV says:

    I look to the scriptures for the topic. Jesus said not to be like the heathen who thinks repeating his prayer over and over will be heard.

    Yet then he instructs us to keep asking???

    He informs us that if we ask anything in His name He will do it.

    The only time He delayed in a request was when Lazarus was sick.

    I always seen Jesus as a man who when ask from, gave.

    It would also seem that He did not distinguish between Jew and Gentile in giving to. Most always without hesitation.

    And so we ask for things From God through Jesus and expect a favorable reply.

    We must always pray or ask from God that is in line with His will or character. It would seem that a prayer request that is outside of these 2 basics would be seen as praying “amiss”.

    Healing is always in line with God’s will. So why then when we ask for healing do we not recieve healing?

    This question has plagued Christian theology for thousands of years. Many think they have the answers, but they only guessing.

    Why won’t healing come to the most desperate among us? Only God holds that answer and any answer other than their healing will not satisfy a desperate individual.

    So they,(we) sound like a broken record. Begging and pleading God over and over again. Never giving up the Hope He will have mercy and grant our request.

    Two choices, be a broken record and never give up, or give up and lose faith….

    We will not solve the mysteries God has hidden but we will try!

  13. refump says:

    SFDBWV you stated “Healing is always in line with God’s will.” At first I thought if that were true then why do we die but then I got to thinking that we die because of sin that began in the garden of Eden. God’s perfect will was for us to live eternally but His permissive will allowed man to sin & thus bring about death. God’s perfect will is for health but His permissive will allows for sickness yet God uses health issues & other seemingly difficult situations to draw us closer to Him, His ultimate desire. So we come to Him praying over & over for His perfect will be done (healing) but knowing a permissive will exists so we lay it at His feet & rest in Him that “all things work together for those that love Him & are called according to His purpose”.

  14. foreverblessed says:

    This morning I read in Psalm 94:19:
    When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought joy to my soul.

    We can always ask for comfort in our illness, if God doesnt heal, He can bring comfort in our hearts. So that we can say: What shall seperate us from the love of Christ? Romans 8:35.
    v 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

  15. SFDBWV says:

    Yes refump, God will do whatever He wants. Christian thinkers have wrestled for, as I said,two thousand years as to why why why why. With nothing but guesses, no accross the board answers.

    Each person being different, each individual issue being different.

    To a person who has a crippled or blind or sick child, theoretical answers mean nothing.

    God gives each of us a measure of faith, it is a gift. It can’t be automatic nor learned. It is a gift that can be exercised, so as to get stronger. But still a gift.

    Do a study on healing in scripture. You will find that healing is always in God’s will.

    Why is it witheld for some and given to others? See there we go again trying to second guess God. Why, has no answer except that God is God and will do whatever He wants.

    While we have to accept that, we also are taught from Jesus that we need not accept no but keep on asking, thereby showing both faith in God and faith in Jesus, and his message.

    Exercising faith…pleases God.

  16. dependent says:

    SFDBWV says:
    “Two choices, be a broken record and never give up, or give up and lose faith….”

    Perhaps there is a third choice? Let’s call it the “nevertheless” option.

    Jesus as requestor (not grantor) prayed in great anguish:
    “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.”

    While an angel came to strengthen him, he willfully submitted to God’s choice for him which he knew meant great suffering. He received strength from an angel in response to his prayer, but wasn’t removed from the path of suffering.

    Paul, also faced this choice, didn’t he? When after only praying “three times” for relief from his thorn in the flesh, he comes to the “nevertheless” realization that this particular “weakness” was there to stay–AND he would choose to be CONTENT with it.

    How many of us have the kind of faith that says:
    “Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.”

    Seems to me that both Jesus and Paul accepted “No” to their prayers requesting relief from suffering–and in doing so showed their complete reliance (faith) in God himself knowing what was best for them.

  17. dependent says:

    When pondering this subject, I often think of the Apostles and the suffering, imprisonment and martyrdom they faced. If faith comes from hearing/receiving the Word, these men who lived and ministered with the “Word made flesh”, probably were in a position to undestand and exercise their faith as well as anybody.

    And yet, while imprisoned, while tortured, while suffering the hardships associated with dispersing to evangelize the nations, did they not deal with this question of faith and answered prayer? Why was Peter released from jail in a miracle linked to the fervent prayers of his friends, while others languished in prison? Why were some delivered from terrible threats to their lives and others not?

    Would seem trite to me to suggest that somehow they (or their loved ones praying for them) didn’t have that mustard seed measure of faith. Or, missed out on the best God had for them because of some flaw in their prayer life or somehow they hadn’t yeilded their lives sufficiently to see the results of ‘having whatever ye ask’ faith.

  18. wretch-like-me says:

    I like your thoughts. I, too, can see the unique personalities of my three granddaughters reflected in God’s eyes. We are indeed individually precious in His Sight.

    Above all else, God wants us to know Him.

    Knowing Him can only take place thru dialogue. That dialogue begins and ends with prayer. Paul encourages us to pray unceasingly. Jesus demonstrates that to us in that He began each day with solitude and prayer and oftentimes, lifted His eyes, thoughts, hands, and words to heaven speaking publicly to the Father.

    If I am in constant dialogue with someone, I cannot help speaking what is on my mind, my heart, my soul. I share my loves, joys, concerns, wishes, dreams, hopes and expectations as well as my heartbreaks, sadness, fears, weaknesses, nightmares, and disgusts.

    Every emotion, every thought, every conciousness is open to the Holy Trinity. I invite them to examine, consider and correct me. I acknowledge that I need their wisdom. I urge them to bend my will to conform to the shape of theirs.

    That is, afterall, what becoming more ‘Christ-like’ is all about.

    Next week, I join my family for a visit to Disneyland Anaheim. I look forward to being with them for many reasons; but, perhaps the greatest is simply that I love them and enjoy their company. As we travel and experience eachothers’ perceptions along the way, it brings me joys and insights that I would not have alone.

    Is is not the same for us and God? WITHOUT HIM, our lives MAY experience shadows of joy, love, laughter and other positives. HOWEVER, WITH HIM, we are guaranteed a the genuine wealth of limitless blessings for eternity.

    Who wouldn’t trade a ‘wooden nickel’ for wealth beyond imagination?

    This is why I pray and encourage others to pray also. Pray unceasingly… Perhaps not As you put it, Mart, “…like a broken record” repeating mindless mantras or ‘Hail Mary’ prayers; rather, I would encourage us to develop a constant dialogue with God.

    When we invite Jesus into our ‘hearts’, we would do well to remember (as the pitchmen would say) we get the ‘added bonus’ of the Father and the Holy Spirit.

    Together, The Trinity is the Complete God. Together, I am complete in Them. I think it is important to realize that Salvation begins with a single prayer expressed individually, uniquely by each of us. It forms first in our soul crying out for help, recognizing inability, our failure to measure up, acknowledging our sin, confessing that we need God’s help.

    It is the germination of the process of prayer. This process must grow to reach maturity. It must mature to bear fruit. It must bear fruit to fulfill its purpose. When, at last, it has fulfilled its purpose, then and only then, will I reach glory.

    The Glory that is God!!!


  19. SFDBWV says:

    dependent, Has God ever told you “No” to a prayer request?

    If He did, how did he do it? Tell you? Or did you just assume that He said no, and so you quit asking?

    Paul said that God said that His grace was sufficient for him. I have to first of all assume paul heard God tell him that. Secondly I have to also assume that it was for Paul’s problem, not every believer for the remainder of time.

    How many times are we to ask God for something, before we decide that’s enough. If He hasn’t given you your request by now He isn’t going to? (giving up)!

    Anyone who reads this and has a need so great as to the only way it can be touched is by intercession by God Himself; Please go to God the Father in prayer through His son and our saviour Jesus Christ. Ask and believe you will recieve. Never give up, keep asking, keep believing. Do not let someone steal your faith by telling you that God has said no. Unless God Himself tells you otherwise. Keep on believing and having faith, that your need will be met by God. Because Jesus Christ said Himself, for us to pray that way.

    Why why why. Has no answer. God is God and will do as He pleases

  20. laney says:

    I don’t know if the Lord considers my prayers for my un saved loved ones broken records.To me those prayers sometimes sound like it.But I will never give up the fight.I keep this in my Bible.
    Lord, if one of mine is lost,it won’t be
    because I didn’t pray.It won’t be
    because I took your Spirit’s work in their
    lives for granted.And it won’t be
    because I didn’t weep over them.
    Whatever it takes,I’m going to do battle
    in intercession for them, till one of us
    goes home to be with you.

  21. lilu1314h says:

    Hi, Refump, I always believe that God can give anything, as long as we ask from Him. (if He’s willing). So I’ve ask for more faith along my journey, the faith that can move the mountain, the faith that can walk on the water… & at the same time when we ask for it, be prepared to be stretched like poohpity said. (em.. sometime it’s really painful)

    When God said No / Not yet, it will draw us closer to Him / stray away. And that’s how we can learn to stretch our faith. It is – our choice.

    Along the way, I always remember the 2 verses – Jer (29:11) & Rom (8:28) when I faced challenges in my life. It helps to ease the pain where there is no answer for a situation.

    I do pray unceasingly, though I know it might be a “No” from Him. It is not to wear Him down, but more to allow Him to know my thought (even though He already knew it b4 I prayed) because I just wanted to “talk” to Him as my Father.

  22. ambiru says:

    poohpity n systemX,

    I’d been praying for my parents to remarry for about twenty years. I knew the answer was “No” from the beginning, but it hurt me so much that I kept on begging God to change the situation. I even went as far as to “debate” Him with His own statement about marriage, in my own foolish subjective opinion of course.

    What so amazing is He understood my pain and my denial. He was so patient with me, knowing that I am but a broken-hearted child. And now, when I have reached the age when my parents decided to get a divorce, I began to see things from their perspective. Somehow, I began to understand my dad n my mum as a man (husband) and a woman (wife), not as an ideal father and mother I expected them to be back then. I really felt sorry for what they had been through, and felt that I was being so selfish.

    I can now forgive my parents, and accept the answer God has given me. He is such a loving Father. He didn’t just say “No” and told me to “take it or leave it”, although He has every right to do so. But no, He knew that His answer was going to be very hard for me, but He knows it’s for my best, and He’s ready for my complaints, yelling, misjudgments, even if it would take for ever for Him to be understood.

  23. chalice says:

    I have found that faith grows over time when prayer and reading the Bible are consistently and earnestly practiced, and when I make a diligent effort to be obedient to what I think is God’s standard for me. I also have found that intercessory prayer for others is an important aspect of my prayer life, not only because I think it is foundational to faith, but also because it helps me from becoming that shrill broken record constantly replaying the same personal wants. In a sense, intercessory prayer + time with my Bible + obedience = an enlarged faith (which in turn, increases prayer, Bible study, and obedience). Sure, my personal petitions are included in my prayer life. But even here I have a tendency to pray for an answer rather than a particular desired outcome. I tend to look for God’s will in my life rather than outcomes that I think I want. I just accept the principle that God’s will is always best. I pray for grace while waiting for His answer and to accept his answer if it is not something I might wish for. I also make sure that my petitions for myself share time with prayer for other people, which creates a balance in my prayer life. I end up with an “expectant” attitude about God as I watch for answered prayer as it pertains to other people as well as to me. As I see answers, my faith grows. It all seems so inter-dependent. In any event, I perceive my faith growing in a more or less steady fashion, along with a better prayer life, a consistent time in the Word, and a more obedient lifestyle. The older I get, the more I appreciate God’s answer, whatever it may be.

  24. SFDBWV says:

    Being guilty of sounding like a broken record myself. I will repeat what I have said many times.

    Each day starts anew, and with each new day, I come before the Lord and ask forgiveness of my sins.

    I give thanks for all the blessings of the day before.

    I make my petitions known to Him.

    I surrender my will to His.

    I do all this in the “name” of Jesus the Christ.

    Every day.

    Throughout the day I give praise and thanksgiving. Salted with requests.

    Over and over again.

    No one can rob me of my faith and tell me that God has said no. I will repeat my requests to Him all the days of my life. Nothing nor anyone can seperate me from the Hope that Jesus has given me.

  25. phpatato says:

    Thank you everyone for your posts. Each one of them have spoken to me today.

    God Bless you All

  26. dependent says:

    SFDBWV wonders:

    “dependent, Has God ever told you “No” to a prayer request?”

    Ummmm….yes. I guess I don’t accept your premise that unless one hears a verbal “no” from God one can expect a “yes”.

    I included the Jesus and Paul examples as illustrations of “No” answers that were accepted by some pretty astute prayers–no claim that they apply to every prayer for everyone. [Seems a bit of a stretch to assume that had Paul and Jesus just kept praying they would have escaped their suffering.]

    One way we all(?) can get a “no” answer is to pray “amiss” (per James 4)– no matter how fervently, faithfully or sincerely we ask. I submit, from personal experience, that it is all too easy to mistakenly make requests outside of His will.

    Also, when it comes to requests that include other people, the petition may not be granted, despite aligning with His will, due to free-will choices.

    Hopefully I haven’t ‘stolen’ anyone’s faith (not sure that is within my power). I agree, hang on a pray. But remember the wealth of scripture that indicates God is more interested in our character (moving toward Christlikeness) than our comfort. And great things can happen within us during that ‘perservering’ time that produces much fruit. Whether or not, in the end, we see a “yes” in this life.

  27. Sakoieta says:

    I have always followed our cultural teachings as a Mohawk. In those teachings we are taught that our Creator is all wise, all knowing, ever present. As such since we as humans who walk on the earth for a short time are of a limited mind we are taught not to ask for anything. Our original instructions are to continue to always offer thanks for all things knowing that if we follow those teachings, the Creator, in His wisdom will always supply and fulfill our needs. We are not to question only to trust that we are being taken care of and looked after, much like your Roman Military officer trusted. I am an older Mohawk man of 54 years. I have followed this all my life and it has never failed yet. I see the Creator’s work each and everyday in my life and the life of my people. Take care and stay strong. Onen ki wahi.

  28. savedbygraceme says:

    For myself there are a number of reasons to pray persistently about certain things. The first one is that while I am praying for something I have already asked for/about, the Holy Spirit will show me whether my heart is in the right place, ie: am I asking within God’s will. If I can find scripture that proves that what I am asking for is something that will bring glory to Him. We can gain encouragement by remaining faithful and persistent, whether the answer is given now or ever. We can be uplifted just knowing we are following His word.
    It gives me occasion to spend more time talking to God…and hopefully, listening to Him as well. It is His will for us to be in constant relationship with Him. It helps me to develop a more constant awareness that He is ALWAYS listening, ALWAYS desiring to hear from me, ALWAYS available. There is nothing to big, and there is nothing too small to bring to my loving, heavenly father.
    It gives me opportunity to reflect on, and to understand, the loving nature of God, as my father, as I search for scriptures to back up what I am praying for.
    This list is endless. But the main point is communication with, and deeper relation to my God, who in great mercy and patience, waits to hear from ALL His children with a longing desire in His heart.

  29. singing Debbie says:

    I think prayer is not just asking for our will.

    I think God is honoured when we first adore Him and praise Him for who he is. Really relish in His goodness and enjoy being in His presence. After that confession of our sins is the next thing that would naturally follow. Then thanksgiving follows out of a tender heart which is grateful for God’s grace and forgiveness. Supplications come at the end. This spells
    A -Adoration
    C- Confession
    T- Thanksgiving
    S- Supplication


    This is how I learned to pray many years ago and it is a good way to keep my heart humbled before the Lord. God is not a vending machine, as my pastor often says. He wants us to obey Him because that way he knows that we truly love him. God wants to spend time with us and as we do, we begin to resemble Him more, and then desire to live in such a way as to honour Him and desire His will above our own.

    This kind of prayer helps keep in perspective the glory and majesty of our God, who is our Father, but also the King of Kings. We know we are loved as his precious children and secure in our identity in Him.

  30. Loree says:

    I agree that God has total control of answering prayers; however, several scriptures need to be considered:

    God hears our prayers when they are in line with His will: 1 Jn 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. Followed by: 2 Cor 1:20: For all the promises of God in him [are] yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.

    Praying ‘amiss’ infers the prayer will not get a response from God: Jam 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume [it] upon your lusts.

    Hindrance to answered prayer: Psa 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear [me]:

    Faith must be involved: Jam 1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. 7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

    Other scriptures:
    Pro 21:13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.
    Pro 28:9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer [shall be] abomination.

    Jhn 9:31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
    Isa 59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear.
    Mic 3:4 Then shall they cry unto the LORD, but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings.

  31. cherielyn says:

    Wow, Sakoieta, what a perspective! Your post realy gave me pause for thought.

    If only we, as Christians could only give thanks for what we are given and trust Him to take care of us and not question or ask for anything. That is true faith.

  32. JRH says:

    I am in a similar situtation as “davidanealsmith” and have been praying for months and months regarding finances and employment. Sometimes feeling hopeless and lost. But, like “davidanealsmith” said, I believe it was his intention for me to draw closer to him. To learn to lean on him and trust his plan for my life, without knowing the details. Every post on this topic has truly helped me remember who GOD is and what GOD is about. This website has been a blessing. Just remember to trust ur BIBLE…..

  33. sonchild says:

    I get the roman soldier, he trained his mind as well as his body for his duty. Military kids get the drill to survive the madness of that lifestyle. Later learned words do have life, so use them wisely. They can build or destroy. One with real authority can make a change quickly. God has all authority. It is man that needs nagging. Hooray for the widow who nagged the unfocused judged. Lots of great life lessons in the bible. When I ask God the same thing, he has gently shown me I am worrying, acting selfishly, or trusting in my prayer -not Him. God renews my focus to Him.

  34. Daddypopp says:

    I try not to pray like a nag. I have been through a tough couple of years. I have lost so many people and things that I love. I have to be honest and say that I get depressed about it all.

    But when I pray, I try to remember to submit to God’s will and not what my heart desires. I know that God has the power to “fix” everything. But I have to believe that God knows what I need and what is best for me. Even better than I know for myself.

    Is it a broken record to say “I submit to your will Lord and not my own.” every time I pray. I guess I say it more to remind myself than to remind God.

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