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The Money Drug

A recent online NPR article summarizes some provocative research on the emotional and physical impact of money.

According to a report by David Kestenbaum titled Study: Your Brain Thinks Money is a Drug, researchers report their surprise in discovering that, “Counting money — just handling the bills — can make things less painful.”

The article went on to summarize the findings of a Chinese research paper, The Symbolic Power of Money, saying that, “As far as your brain’s concerned, money can act as a substitute for social acceptance, reducing social discomfort and, by extension, physical discomfort and even pain.”

“Researcher Xinyue Zhou, of the department of psychology at Sun Yat-Sen University in China, puts it in very human terms. “We think money works as a substitute for another pain buffer — love.”

One more quote that I find provocative: “Money as a substitute for social acceptance and love? Zhou laughs and admits that it’s kind of sad. “All substitutes are sad.”‘

Am wondering whether this could give us a deeper appreciation of Jesus’ warning about the danger of substituting the love of money for the love of God. He even went on to link the God/money issue to how we try to deal with emotional pain when he said, “You cannot serve God and mammon (money). Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?…Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matt 6:24-34).

Many of us have learned that the addictions that control us are rooted in denial, i.e. “I’m in control of this; Can quit any time I want.” Ironically, at the same time we act like we can’t live without it.

But this article makes me think that, as necessary and good as it can be, money (and by extension credit) may be far more dangerous than some of us realize. Could the issue be in the provider vs Provider challenge?

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34 Responses to “The Money Drug”

  1. JRH says:

    1 Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
    Even though I knew this verse, I can recall times that money was flowing my way and I would tend to slack with my studies and prayers. But, when money was tight and I would struggle I found myself praying more and more. Now being jobless and drawing unemployment, I have donated more money than I did while working and GOD has provided everything I’ve needed. Right on time.

  2. poohpity says:

    There have been times in my life when I have not had any money available and to just have five dollars made me feel on top of the world. I have seen what money can do to people with desires for stuff to the exclusion of family or friends. I have also seen how the lack of money can drive some people to do horrible things to get it. I have seen people give away their last funds to help someone out and the heartfelt joy on their faces to do so. I think with everything else in life it is a heart thing that is so very attached to our relationship with the Provider.

    I always think about when Israel left Egypt and Moses told them to ask for cloth, clothes, silver and gold. The Egyptians looked favorably and just loaded them down with stuff. The first problem was when they erected the golden calf to worship but later they were asked to donate what they felt lead to give for the construction of the Temple and had to be told to stop giving because they had already collected enough to build. So they were provided in advance for the future need and their hearts were open to give. Now that was provision and God always provides. Just one of the amazing stories of an open hand and heart.

  3. tandgmartin says:

    I remember as a teenager the “prosperity theologians” on tv, one in particular saying, “I like money and I don’t care who hears!” I think he then urged folks to repeat it. As Christ said, you can’t serve God and mammon, it seemed to me that these guys were pushing the envelope, to say the least.
    Like JRH, I’ve also tended to be less diligent when the money is flowing and praying more in the tight times. I’m thankful that God is patient and allows us to learn that it isn’t about money, it’s about Him!

  4. bubbles says:

    Any money we have has been given to us by God, and we are to be stewards of it. We can definitely lose it faster that we gained it! It’s to be a tool to be used, not that it uses us. It’s not pleasant to lose money, or desperately need money.

    Seems like when people are involved in a catastrophic event-tornado, fire, hurricane, flood–their focus is on what is truly important–they don’t speak of money.

  5. Loretta Beavis says:

    I like having money to pay the bills because they are commitments to pay for something received. I love the way that God gives me not necessarily a dollar,
    but “blessings and increase.” I get the most amazing discounts, freebies, etc. one could imagine without hunting for them. I say amazing because it’s better than money in the wallet and not typical stuff “on sale.”

    I guess love is security; therefore, money would be the security for the absence of love (?)

    I like having extra money to give away, not worrying about what the “payback” will be … the poor will always be with us …

    “He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given.” Proverbs 19:17 (NKJ)

    “He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor.” Proverbs 22:9

    “A faithful man will abound with blessings, but he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished” Proverbs 28:20 (Why I don’t gamble, buy lottery tickets, etc.)

    I started being very faithful to Matt 26:24-34 not too many years back. I can really recall and reflect the “pain buffer” this has been and is when I am outside, sort of enjoying the outdoors and experiencing God’s creation, my heart thoughts are about how wonderful, what I do have is, today. My heart aches for what others don’t have that money could buy.

    My spouse has anxiety about money; it’s his security, (his love?). He hoards it; it is definitely one of his “drugs.” Two standing safes (5 ft tall), cash box, small safe, three lock boxes of sorts, a lockbox in the truck, padlocks on all sorts of things (some double), keys and alarms out the wazoo. Refuses to go in a building where a metal detector is in place (oh yeah, and mace in the pocket). :)

    Even in all the trouble of each day, I’m able to turn and move toward contentment and be free of the worry Jesus talks about because I understand He is the Provider.
    I love my Jesus!

  6. HEY REV says:

    Money, We all need it, and yet too many times we desire more of it. Most people when asked (in total honesty) if they desire MORE MONEY, you will get an “of course” answer. Nothing wrong with that. It’s what happens after that money comes in. It will always change us in only one of two ways. Good or bad. I’ve seen too many who fall into loving the money more than the One providing it and did not realize it.
    Many will quote the begining of I Tim 6:10
    FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL,(but not finish the rest of that verse)
    As Mart reminded us no one can serve two masters.
    Too many have said the things they would do for the Kingdom, if ONLY GOD wold give them more money. Jesus’ teaching about the rich man shows what could happen.
    I really appreaciate the comments made about how those of us drew closer to God in our LEAN TIMES. I’ve been in the LEAN TIMES most of my life, and I would not want to change it. I’ve learned more about trust (in God) and for all that He knows I needed. Those with much money feel “all things are going well, and my financial stand gets me just about all I need.
    A very precious sister in the Lord is at this present time in the hospital with a very severe stroke. She was always very worried that she would never have enough money of which she has much now, yet it’s never enough.
    Those of us who understand this concept need to speak and show others the possible wrong direction things could go,for them.
    An older Preacher told me one day. Son,
    God will never give you anything that will drive you away from Him. If it drives any of us away who sent it,????????

    Remember: Money will buy a good dog, but only kindness will make it’s tail way.
    God bless:

  7. SFDBWV says:

    I liked reading the comments Zhou makes about money. “Any subsitute is sad”. Wow, lot of thought there. Even though we read that Jesus was a substitute for us. That “He paid the price for us”. The latter refering to a comodity of something valuable.

    I don’t recall money in any form being refered to in the Garden before the fall. But after as Man began to have to work for his ability to survive, value was placed on whatever man thought. So when Cain and Abel presented an offering to the Lord, they offered what they thought of as valuable. And as in Cain’s case witheld from God whereas Abel gave the best he had.

    Somewhere following the demise of Abel and the beginning of the population of people a monetary system developed. Though never mentioned until after the flood and we start to learn of Abram or Abraham.

    Livestock, gold, silver, and slaves seemed to be the picture of wealth. But there were other desires as well. A force strong enough to cause some to give up their wealth to possess.


    Many confused love with this compulsion. And still do.

    We all read from many sources that “Money can’t buy love” or that “Money can’t buy happyness”

    If this is true, then why do so many try so hard to get rich?

    When we hear of Heaven, we read of streets made of “gold” The “Pearly Gates” has it’s own symbolic explanation. Which is very interesting and a symble for Jesus Christ. Anyway Heaven is described as filled with what we here consider valuble gems and metals. I wonder do they have such value in Heaven?

    When most of us think of an earthly paradise, we think of living on a tropical island eating fruits and vegetables and laying in the sun, without a care in the world. Money not involved. (Eden?)

    We are told to pay tithes, but where was tithes tied to money? If what ever is of value to us is a form of money, wouldn’t the giving of it as tithes be just as acceptable to God?

    Money, it is said is the root of all evil. But I still say that self is the root of all sin.

    Quit trying to give yourself every thing you see or want, and money has no hold or power over you.

  8. refump says:

    We have a well known “prosperity theologian” in our town & of course he has a large following. God wants us all to be wealthy doesn’t He?!? If we are not financially well off then then there is something terribly wrong with our walk with God- God doesn’t like us. It’s a simple formula…the more money we give the richer God will make us! I mean if we can get a 20 or 30 or wow maybe 100 % return on our money we give to God why would anyone think about put there money in stocks & bonds! I would just like for once to have someone stand up & say “God lead me to give $$$. It was difficult thing to do & created some financial hardship for me & my family but it was what God wanted me to do. I love God so much because he first loved me & wanted to obey Him no matter what the cost. That’s why I did it.” Instead the church will only parade out someone who will say “hey I increased my giving from 10% to 20% & now I have more money than I’ve ever had”. Thus, the motivation to give now becomes personal gain. I have to admit I have not yet become a cheerful giver & pray that God would change me into one. In the mean time I will be an obedient giver.
    Psalm 40:6 (New Living Translation)
    6 You take no delight in sacrifices or offerings.
    Now that you have made me listen, I finally understand[a]—
    you don’t require burnt offerings or sin offerings.

  9. Mike says:

    I see Christians as being conduits that God uses to send blessings out to the rest of the world. You name it love, grace, mercy, money. The more we are used by God to funnel blessing to the world, the more we ourselves are blessed. As long as I keep allowing the blessing to flow through me, it will never dry up. But the moment I begin to hoard the blessing to myself, that’s when it will begin to dry up and cease flowing.

    Mal 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

    “Bring it in,” God says, “and give it away, and I’ll throw open the windows of heaven.”

    The greatest blessing is not to be merely blessed by God, but to be used by God to bless others.

  10. princess10 says:

    I never have money in my hand long enough for it to affect me in any way. what little money I do have I give it whoever need it at the time. There is always someone who need it more than I do. God has taken care of my needs. I’m broke most of the time. If I had to depend on money to survive I would be dead.

  11. plumbape says:

    No such thing as a stupid question right ? I am not sure what you mean by the provider vs Provider challenge..?

    That’s why I love this site because sometimes folks chat about things that I must have been absent the day that was being taught.

  12. samjw says:

    Sounds all correct, but does not work for me right now quite honestly and practically.
    My family is in pain, since we just made a bill for a monthly rent … then we have more bills to pay. For a month, I have the same trouble every day. With no job, I am trying to rely on the Lord. Now very tired … but, it seems there will be no miracle within a week. Then life will be messy. Very difficult to borrow money from friends, since I feel it very uncomfortable.

    I am not judging all you commentators; None of you can survive with no money in this world. You are biblically correct … but my simple question is that none of you want to suffer like Jesus. That is the only reason I am thankful for Him. He is my only Hope.

  13. rokdude5 says:

    I wonder if this country (and perhaps others) are in this economic fix is because we are not looking to God and what He wants for us. (His grace is sufficient for us)2 Corinthians 12:9

    I think its rather “natural” to want more but we need to discipline ourselves to deny ourselves and seek what God wants for us. Luke 9:23

    Am I willing to give up EVERYTHING and lay it in His Hands? The day I did that was the day I became rich in Him! What a great day that was! Thanksfully, we live in a country where we dont incarcerate debtors.

    I dont think my life will ever be as grand as it was in the 60s but I dont care. I learn to realize that after God, family and friends are the most precious “things” we have. Things come and go with other “things” but family and friends are just once in a lifetime.

    I think there are no “things” in heaven except the Triune God and other God-loving beings. Im looking forward to see Him and long lost relatives and friends.

  14. poohpity says:

    Ape I do not understand either.

    I have found in the Christian community that there are times when you do not have money or are in need that some choose to sort of turn away from you and walk on the far side of the side walk like one has the plague. It is very confusing to me but I have seen it happen more than I would care to admit. Or say I will pray for you and walk away. Sad isn’t it. I do not understand. I have even seen someone be hungry and come to the church to ask for food while the people who work there eat in front of them. I get so confused over that type of behavior I bet those people have never been hungry.

  15. Rick123 says:

    Money is an idol, because counting the money makes one feel good, it is like a god. Money is like a drug, because it gives a high, trusting more in money then God. The rich have many friends, but the poor is even rejected by his neighbour. Money makes a people or nation proud and dumb, that leads to darkness.

    The United States has loved to live in pleasures, she will become poor. She is drunk with the drug called money. She is under satan’s spell, she is a rebellious house. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft(pharmakeia-pharmacy-the use or the administering of drugs).

  16. BobbiLee says:

    Like some of you, I have been on the poor side of money, but the rich side of God. My husband was out of work many times for up to two years. That was when the unemployment checks were for only a few months. We had no savings of any kind. We went for help everywhere, but none was available to us. That was the point that we made the decision to trust God for our needs. Often it seemed that we would lose even our home, but God provided our need, every time, on time. We found groceries on our doorstep, not knowing who brought them. Checks would come in the mail from “nowhere”. One time we took stock of all the money we had anywhere. After emptying out our pockets, we had a total of under a dollar. Another time we had no food in the house, but a can of pumpkin pie filling. How do you make a meal for five out of that? The doorbell rang and a gal I hardly knew brought in bags and bags of groceries.

    We were blessed so much during those years and my children have not forgotten them either. What a lesson they learned! One cannot outgive God. I once gave away most of our bank account and all of the food in the pantry, but one meal for that night to someone in need. A few days later the food began to pour in from folks leaving town, church leftovers, and so on. We ended up with so much food that it fed our two households for a couple of months. I often wonder what would have happened if I had given all I had. Today I wouldn’t hesitate to do so.

    Christ said more about money in the NT than about heaven and hell combined. He knew it would be a big issue in our lives. When I go through financial trouble I have learned that there will be an end to it. I learned that God is faithful and is my Provider, not a job, not a government, not a home or bank account. We trust more in those “providers” than we would like to admit. In what or whom do you put trust? Where do I?

  17. SFDBWV says:

    samjw, I am sorry you and your family are in the fix you are in. If you were my neighbor I may not be able to give you money but could give to you what I have to share.

    During one of my many times whereby I had to leave home and go find work where I could. I lived in my car, ate sandwich spread on bread for a meal, was willing to do any work. I found that the unemployment office has a day work outlet. Where you can find people who will pay you to cut grass, clean windows, clean up a garage, carry shingles,carry cement blocks, and many other one or two day jobs.

    The key to finding employment is to be able to do something. Have a talent or better a trade to offer an employer.

    I never had to, but I know if you live in some areas, the Salvation Army will not only feed you but put you in an apartment and help find you work.

    Pride never kept me from digging ditches, or doing any labor.

    Christ ask who’s picture was on the coin, the answer was Ceasar. So He said then give that to Ceasar which is his but give to God that whitch is His. God don’t need money, but there is a huge lesson about what is important that God has to teach us about and money gets our attention.

    I am sorry I must go but I will return

  18. SFDBWV says:

    Matt got a few new country CD’s. One of them is from the “Trailer Choior”. Yes it is a red neck hillbilly band. One of their songs is titled “What would you do”.

    The song is quite a supprise, it’s about the 13 coal miners who were trapped underground a couple years ago and only one young man survived.

    The song asks, what would you do if you knew you only had a few minutes or less to live. Would you take a scrap of paper and leave your mother, or father, or children, or wife a note to tell them they were your last thoughts. Not to grieve but rejoice because we will be together soon with the Lord.

    No mention of money….

    I worked my whole life in and out of work. In and out of money. The one thing that remained stable was my family and my faith. I might run out of money but my family still loved me and is there with me. I might be broke but faith in God, hope and family will win out in the end.

    God taught me that lesson long ago, and has shown me that He will take care of my needs.

  19. tandgmartin says:

    Thinking more about this subject got me to the point of needing to vent somewhere. I get so tired of reading on other boards I frequent, and at work in the lounge, of those who “have it all together”. I mean those about to pay off their mortgage early, with super-duper ultra pristine credit scores and no bills. Good for them, they’ve mostly worked hard and earned it, and I’ll be honest, I’d like to be in that position myself, but I wouldn’t proclaim it or rub it in others’ faces. It’s private business, as far as I’m concerned, and not information to be shared. It seems to be those people’s focus in life, their idols.
    Thanks for bearing with this.

  20. mtman says:

    Myself and a good friend taught a class at our church on money and how to manage it. It was based partly on Howard Dayton, Jr. and Larry Burkett. We went to a moderate sized church and we were stunned over the response to our offering that class. It was so large we couldn’t accommodate all those interested and had to offer several classes. It did not promote any free hand out, but how to work toward financial freedom.
    Our Lord must have known that handling money would be a problem for us. In the gospels there are about 500 verses on prayer. Less than 500 on faith, but more than 2000 on money. One in 10 verses in the gospel deals with money.
    I read some of these postings and recall what we taught in our class. It helped so many obtain financial freedom, and when that happens you can’t put the cork back in the bottle so to speak. People want to tell everyone about it so they can have and enjoy the same freedom. Sadly not all will work to those ends. I was also stewardship chairman for three different churches. Churches need financial freedom and diligent planning also.
    Money can be a serious addiction and the side effects are the same regardless of the addiction. If it were not so would our Lord have spent so much time warning us about its effects? If I attended a church that had such self centered people as mentioned at one point in this topic, I would be going elsewhere. The dust would be long gone from my shoes for sure. If churches don’t help those in need who unfortunately can’t help themselves then who will? Who in that case gets the reward? No one, and they turn to bad things or look to the government to help them. Trust in the Lord and he will show you the way but he requires some effort on your part too.

  21. saled says:

    There was a time when my children were small that world events made me worry about our future. I didn’t hear an audible voice, but God gave me this message:
    Hold on to love, and everything will be OK. What this means to me is this: When times are hard, don’t turn inward and don’t turn to anger. Instead, remember to love, and remember that you have love. My natural temperment runs toward anger when things go wrong, and my anger always makes it so much harder on the people around me. I’m still learning to trust our Provider for both love and provision.

    At one point in my life, I followed Larry Burkett’s wisdom. But things change and I’ve probably made a lot of mistakes, because here we are with this economic crisis and I am woefully unprepared. But God’s message, hold on to love, often brings hope and peace to my soul. No matter how bad things get, I can choose love. But again, knowing myself, I depend on our all-sufficient God for love.

  22. HEY REV says:

    Samjw Shalom: Just letting you know your in my prayers, and take as many as you can, from whoever you can.
    If I promised you a job right now for at least 6 months, with good money you would believe me and jump on it. That’s what I had to do about God.I hoped He would do what He said He would, “FOR ME” I have learned to hold onto any verse that “SPOKE TO ME” in any particular area that was necessary.
    Many, many times I was in very dire straits and would talk to God because He told me to do it in Isaiah 1:18. The hardest for me to overcome were the Christian’s who told me I couldn’t do that. I listened because they were older (in the Lord) so they should know. I found God to be very Personal between Him and myself.
    Read Christ’ teaching in Luke 18:1-8 about the widow & the Judge. I took that to myself and would pound the throne of God, and not stop when I asked for an answer or direction. I have never let that teaching go and never will. I’ve used it in all the areas of my walk with my Savior.
    It’s your call to make but let me suggest you read over and over and over till these come alive to you and you can come boldy before His throne (Heb 4:16)
    Read & hold—-Eccl 11:6—-I Chron 28:20—
    Isa 41:10 & 13—–Ps 42:5 & 11
    Again learn that when God speaks it’s done. I suspect you held onto others throughout your life who would said something and you believed it and it came to pass. (well ok not every time) But with God ALL THINGS are possible.
    The last verse I pray that will come alive to you is Psalm 126:5. I know because it has for me and God is not a Respecter of anyone. Soon you will give us a testimony of what God did in your life. Hold close to God and those you know who love you.
    Lord thank you for your Love, Grace and Mercy for Sam.

  23. samjw says:

    Thank REV and SFDBWV for sharing and reducing my burden. God allows me another church in an unexpected way.
    As in Mat 10:38, I must take my cross and follow after Him no matter what happens. Please pray for my lovely wife and son; I wish He will nourish them as the birds of heaven in these days. Please pray for me to follow Him, know the meaning for the current pain, and listen to Him. I used to have a doubting mind.

    The power of Money, driven by the Satan, can make us stray. When I have a little money, I made a serious mistake two months ago. I asked God to forgive my sin, because I just passed by a poor lady who asked me any foods desperately. I could not find her any more when I return later. What I did on that day makes me feel bad/sad even today. The Satan would be happy when we count on money like a drug; I do not want to be deceived like that by giving my sole to Money drug. Money drug sounds right in this WRONG world; however, in Heaven, there is no such a drug. Don’t listen to these sorts of lies. It is just a small and deep hole that we must jump over with the belief of Him. Bless all of you. Peace and Joy in Him.

  24. Brantford Selections says:

    Hi Rev,

    Thanks for using my photo in your blog.

    I’m not angry at all, in fact I’m flattered, but I would like to track how and where my photos are being used.

    If you could in the future notify me of things like this I would be happy to grant official permission.

    Thanks for keeping the link back to my Flickr account.

    AKA Brantford Selections

  25. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks for being so understanding. Was trying to honor the “rules” of Flikr usage. I need to review process since so often I’m looking for a quick picture that captures article idea and mood while in the act of posting. Your shared photo did that with such excellence.

  26. grahamlynn says:

    Money is one of the defining necessities of worldly possessions. Sad to say, money can identify our faith in God. The need to have money and absence of it can reveal our character.

    I have had the opportuntity to have money through the work process and the unemployment process. Because of my faith in God and my willingness to tithe and give an offering during the time I had steady employment, God provided for my every need during the times of unemployment or lack in my life. In fact, during my periods of unemployment it seems as though I had more money left over than when I was employed. Through prayers and continued faith in God, I know that He is my source that provides all that I need.

  27. Loretta Beavis says:

    It has come to my mind that the Proverbs 31 verses beginning with 10-12:

    “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies, the heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” (NKJ) . . .

    . . . reaches beyond the mortal marriage relationship and unto the relationship of we humans, the bride of Christ with the coming Bridegroom, Jesus. The wife, the bride, “considers” a “field” from which prosperity, or riches, or money (whatever you would like to call it) can come and buys it. (what is YOUR “field”?)

    The verses go on to discuss the management of her economy (types of monies)
    and what the different yields of her incomes are – products, outreach, strength, honor,rejoicing, wisdom- and in verse 28, children and a husband who call her blessed and praise her.

    That’s the kind of church, bride of Christ I ask the Holy Spirit to help me and you to be, with money, so the heart of my Bridegroom, Jesus, safely trusts and praises me! :)

  28. daisymarygoldr says:

    It is sad to see the world cruelly caught in the false ways of the evil one who deceives people to pursue substitutes at the price of their own soul. The only way to freedom from the addiction of money is found in Jesus, who made it very clear that once we decide to follow Him, we must choose to serve either God or mammon.

    You are right, Matt 6:24 is a solemn warning to those of us who claim to be Christians. We are left with no excuse if we deliberately choose to dabble with money and materialism after having been enlightened and enriched in Christ. The moment money is valued, God automatically gets devalued… from our lives, our homes and our church communities.

    …and so, it is all the more sad to see the love of money which has lured believers into alcohol, porn, drugs, gambling and “all” sorts of evil… that made them to wander away from faith and fellowship of fellow believers…to severe relationships and forsake homes writhing with pain-filled lives of abandoned spouses and children… and ultimately succumb to spiritual death.

    My prayer is that while there is time and grace, we repent and come back to God, our first love. …and in order to prove by the way we live that we have repented of our sins and turned to God, John the Baptist tells us “If you have two shirts, give one to the poor. If you have food, share with those who are hungry”

    Repentance is always judged by the fruit and if there is no fruit, the tree is hacked down and consigned to the fire…to that same fate of flames that eternally tormented the rich man while poor Lazarus was blissfully seated in the lap of Abraham.

    No scare tactics here… but lest we get tricked into thinking that merely calling on the name of Christ has guaranteed us with a ticket to heaven… in His radical response to the rich young ruler Christ tells us that it is impossible to get into heaven unless we severe ourselves from our material possessions.

    Agree with Mike, that God provides us with money not to possess, indulge and hoard. Any good value to money is in its use to advance the work of the gospel. As God’s children we ought to realize that money is a false security insulating us from depending on God and is good only up to the grave… beyond that we need the eternal security of the priceless treasure of Christ.

    Therefore, it should be considered a privilege to experience God lead us through good times and bad times of wealth and poverty. Those who serve mammon think their false god i.e. wealth protects them whereas those of us who love God are safe and well protected by Him (Prov 18:10-11).

    Having personally tasted the goodness of God with or without money, I thank Him for the wonderful stories shared on this page. They are all a living testimony of God’s great faithfulness and is deeply satisfying the heart of Jehovah Jireh our Provider!

    PS: I’m also completely clueless about provider challenge. Does it mean to test the provider?

  29. bubbles says:

    God’s Word says: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

    “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

    Colossians 1:14 “In Whom we have redemption (salvation) throught His (Jesus’) blood, even the forgiveness of sins.”

    Titus 3:5 “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to HIS MERCY{capts. mine} He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.”

    These verses do not tell us to ‘give up our possessions to enter Heaven. I’m thankful there are these verses that plainly state the salvation message. . .

  30. bubbles says:

    OOps. . sorry for logging out when not finished.
    Someone out there please correct me if this is incorrect:

    Wasn’t the name of God ‘Jehovah Jireh’ first used by Abraham when he was asked of God to sacrifice Isaac?
    Then, Isaac asked his father, “We have the fire, and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
    Abraham replied, “God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.”

    Then when Abraham was about to slay his beloved son, there was a ram instead. . .

    Abraham named this place ‘Jehovah Jireh’ meaning the Lord will see to it, or the Lord will provide.

    The Lord did provide a Lamb (Jesus) for us. Am aware we use this special name when we speak of Him providing all of our needs, but wasn’t it in the beginning speaking of salvation?

    Sorry if this was off-topic/didn’t mean to chase rabbits.

  31. ygp says:

    Samjw, when my husband and I just came here, we were jobless for 2 years. My husband was still a student in a college,an older or non traditional student.I know what it means without money. It is hard to manage expenditure for basic food and living necessities when we can afford only $15 a week ( 7 days ) including detergent etc. It was very sad for us when most of the people in the church where we attended avoided us ( this is the fact, no money, no friends, even among Christians ), somehow we are different from the rest, we are immigrant. No family we could take comfort. But I want to share God’s greatness. I had an envelope, I wrote ” tithing” on it. Whenever I received money , from anybody, I will put 10 % in it. One time I received $20, It was so hard for me to put $2 in it, I felt like buying some soda for two of us. But I did not, since this is His. Amazingly, that envelope was never empty, There was always somebody sent us money, not much, but enough for us to survive. Another time, a friend from Indonesia sent me $1000, from Malaysia sent me $500, from UK 40 pound, or family member chip in and sent some money. Even somebody that we never met in US sent us money through their friend. We never ask anybody for money. An the help always come on the right time, i.e when I need registration fee for my exam, or when I had tooth ache etc. ( I did not tell my friend about this matter) Just amazing, how our gracious Lord filled up our tithing envelope. Until I got a job, no tithing money flows into the envelope., instead my paycheck took over this task. Our Jehovah Jireh who provides us, will provide you too. I agree with you, it is very difficult to live without money in this world. I don’t want to live in poverty any more. And if possible, I don’t want anybody live in poverty. And for us who are more blessed financially, let us more sensitive to those who are in need, either here or in other part of this globe. ” Ihave been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken ( Psalm 37:25)” This apply for you too SAmjw, I will pray for you.
    I have a qustion: How about playing Lottery to get instant big chunk of money? Any comment?

  32. BobbiLee says:

    Bubbles: You are correct in that the “Provider” name for God/Jesus was that He would indeed provide a sacrifice. That verse does not speak to having God provide for anything else. That does not mean, however, that God won’t provide for our earthly need. Many verses speak to that promise.

    YGP: As to your question about playing the lottery – I have friends who have said over the years that if God allowed them to win, they would tithe Him a good portion of the money.

    Now I think the answer to your question is another question: does God need to dally in games of chance to fulfill His promises?

  33. SFDBWV says:

    Bubbles, I agree with you in all the scripture verses you quoted.

    It is always about trust, nothing else.

    If giving up all possessions like the Buddists or do was a pathway to God (as they think), that would mean our actions have a part in salvation. Only through calling upon the and trusting are we saved. Or else we could brag.

    I know of knowone here on this Christian blog who has given up all earthly possesions and followed Christ as a pauper.

    To the lottery question. It is a game for fools.

  34. daisymarygoldr says:

    bubbles, You are right, salvation does not require giving up our possessions…it is a gift of God’s grace through Jesus Christ. In return, God does not need our money or possessions. “The whole earth is the Lord’s and everything in it…” However, God does require our whole-hearted devotion… i.e. to have no other gods and to “Love the LORD with all our heart, soul and strength”.

    To serve God and mammon — to earn and accumulate money more than what we need is to have it both ways and that is typical of carnal Christianity. When we completely surrender our all to serve God… we will no longer feel possessive of our lives, our jobs, our families, our wealth and our possessions. That is the highest calling and ultimate mark of a Spiritual Christian!

    It does not imply that in order to get into heaven we have to give up everything but disciples of Christ will not cling rather choose to live detached from material possessions and will see the best use of our resources and money to further God’s kingdom. To give up everything for the sake of Christ is not on compulsion but in response to the love of Jehovah Jireh who gave up everything… even His very life to provide us with eternal life. …and so, we are confident that God will also provide the money and means by which we will live and serve Him.

    Every tree is identified by its fruit and “Not everyone who calls out… ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven…” Matt 7: 21

    “In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:33)

    “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:44-46).

    “All the believers… sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need” Acts 2:44-45

    “…when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy. You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever”. Heb10:34

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