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How Are We Doing?

In “How the Mighty Fall,” author Jim Collins analyzes how once successful corporations cycle through predictable patterns of decline. In his analysis, problems begin when companies take their success for granted and begin to stray from what worked for them in the past.

Collins goes on to say the tendency is for managers to overextend themselves, deny the risk of doing so, and then grasp for a “silver bullet” to reverse their course before giving in to forces of irrelevance or death.

He begins the book pointing out that corporations tend to get in trouble long before they realize it.

The cycle reminds me of predictable national cycles described in the history of the Judges (i.e. Judges 2:10-19). There we read of  good times followed inevitably by spiritual decline, the wake-up call of trouble, desperate cries for rescue, followed by God’s help, good times, spiritual decline….

These patterns have often been likened to the seasons of our lives:

  1. The springtime of new beginnings
  2. The summer of growth and good times
  3. The fall of harvest and spiritual wandering
  4. The winter of spiritual barrenness

Most of us would probably agree that we see in ourselves our tendency to wander in good times and to wake up to our need of God when the sudden noise of trouble disturbs our sleep.

But here’s the problem that I’m guessing some of us struggle with. According to the cycle I’ve just described, trouble can be God’s wake up call letting us know something is wrong. Or, as in the case of Job, Jesus, and the Apostle Paul, trouble can be Satan’s effort to test our faith—because he sees that something is too right.

Job made a huge mistake by thinking that his troubles were expressions of God’s contempt for him. He blamed God for what his spiritual enemy was doing when he wrote, “For the Almighty has struck me down with his arrows. He has sent his poisoned arrows deep within my spirit. All God’s terrors are arrayed against me (Job 6:4)

But who can doubt that some of us are just as inclined to blame the Devil for problems we bring on ourselves, or to miss God’s loving intent when he uses trouble to draw us closer to himself.

Wish we could help one another by comparing notes on how we process whether the problems of our lives are part of the predictable cycle of decline—or a test of the best– that God himself is doing in us. Or both. Or something else…

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24 Responses to “How Are We Doing?”

  1. lifebridge says:

    Most people probably do not question life when it is going well, but they do when things do not go so well. It is our nature to expect all to go well if we are doing things according to scripture.

    Our God given personalities and upbringing tend to be the initial determining factors in how we handle life whether good or bad. Although Christians should be the best at handling the tough times, we have all witnessed non-Christian people that do it much better.

    It is difficult as “natural man” to place trust in God at times because we base much of how we handle things on the time element instead of being results oriented.

    I suppose that in our journey to our ultimate home with the Lord, it is how we trust Him along the way which reveals our spiritual health.

    Things in life may just happen at times with no obvious reason, but we can allow things to “polish” us spiritually only if we are willing.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    In mythology, the gods had a hands on interference with man. They would alter courses of action so as to direct a desired effect and then set back and watch the life play, play out.

    I wonder how many of us feel that God does the same thing?

    In adopting the concept that God has given us free will, I then must feel that God has placed man into this plane of existence and set him free to follow his own path.

    But God who is the beginning and the end. Already sees the end from the beginning and knows that man will fall, fail and have need to be saved from his own reckless control of his actions.

    So God provided a Savior. Jesus of Nazareth. The Christ.

    It is written that the devil is like a roaring lion, going about devouring any that he can.

    Because I do not give Satan equal status with an omnipotent God, I also must believe he can not be everywhere at once. As I believe God is.

    So for the greater part, I blame the failures of man on…man.

    However, man can be influenced by evil spirits. An example of an “evil spirit being”, can be seen in the book of Daniel. Whereas Daniel’s writting mentioned an angel having to fight his way past the evil spirit that dwells over Persia.

    I believe that such evil spirits gain their strength by the spiritual attitude of the very people they influence.

    I believe that good times and bad times, are sometimes just that. Nothing supernatural about them.

    I believe that we must be thankful to God for everything. Sometimes both good and bad. For if we seek to be closer to God and reach for the Savior during bad times, then bad times are to be recognized as such. If they draw us closer to God then we must be thankful for that.

    We must also be thankful for the goodtimes, and remember that they too have a season. But not become too lost in being happy that we become lazy in our concern for matters about our relationship with God. Most important not to continue our responsibility to spread the word abot the good news of Jesus Christ.

    More to say but sorry, for now I am out of time.

  3. carlj says:

    I have been experiencing a very difficult time. Over the past several years things associated with my work have been falling apart. Activities that should have worked out have failed without any understanding or reason for doing so. I have made attempts to understand and to see if my situation is the result of just being in the world or is there purposeful intervention taking place thwarting my activities. I have asked God to reveal areas in my life that need correction. I have recalled how in earlier times I have told God that I wanted to learn to trust Him more and to learn to live on His economy regardless of the whims of the world economy. I have to say I have been frustrated and angry mainly as the result of not knowing what was going on. The feeling of not being in control is difficult for me. God has shown me things that I probably would not have seen otherwise.

  4. emyrick says:

    I am currently going through a divorce from a 10 year marriage that was infected with adulterous behavior from the beginning years. I believe that the divorce would be justified by the three rules that have been set forth, such as adultery, abandonment and non-believer.

    I do not feel that my heart is hard and I have decided with counsel that I should not be determined to get the divorce, yet I should pray to God and let him know that I am willing to reconcile if he sees fit, therefore if it is his will that the marriage be reconciled that he create the opportunity for such. That decision has relieved stress and lifted the burden from me.

    I said that to say that it some ways I believe that God was calling me a few years back to pursue a career in counseling, specifically major in marriage counseling with a minor in biblical studies. I chose not to pursue that option and to stay in my current profession, so I must ask…..did I bring the storm on myself? How can we be sure of what Gods intent for us is?

    It is possible that my current situation has nothing to do with the devil himself, it could be self generated circumstances from failures in dealing with this world. So I once again fall to my knees and pray that not only will God light my path but make me feel confident and secure that the path that I see is his and not a manifestation of my own thoughts.

  5. SFDBWV says:

    When I ran out of time this morning; I had wanted to say that no matter what circumstances in life we find ourselves, God has provided a way for us to be comforted and relieved.

    Jesus offers us rest from our burdens, through Him. Through Him we can have hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. Because of Jesus we can expect rescue from lifes dark days and expect light at the end of the story.

    My greatest apologies to you emyrick, as I would like to spend some time discussing with you your current struggle. But life has me on a short string. For now I will pray for you to have peace as well as answers to your questions.


  6. jody says:

    What is interesting is the recovery group (for addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling) I facilitate was discussing something similar in group. What helps us to determine whether we are satisfied with life and what it holds; good or bad? We talked about what we can control and what we can’t and how long do we continue to hold on to worrying or wanting our own outcome? When do we give it up to our Higher Power and allow ourselves to learn from the situations presented before us.

    What we decided was attitude is everything. We can decide it’s God or the devil; learning or punishment but ultimately it’s our attitude towards what is ahead of us that determines what we learn. I think faith in God and his plan is a big part of being able to believe something good comes out of everything.

    emyrick, I feel for you in your situation. I think if your desire in the life was to once be a marriage counsellor, you are learning alot about what it takes to make a marriage work and how each member has to work together for the good of the marriage (not always the individual). Divorce is not an easy choice (but society seems to sing it’s praises). I am an advocate for marriage; however, in my work with addictions, I am learning that there are many things we cannot control. I counsel men and women who choose to remain in the marriage because the marriage is important but for years, their addicted partner, has abandonned that marriage. They are not holding up their end of the vows.

    I admire your faith in this situation. Remember though that this is not all your decision or your fault. Sometimes the people we love, choose not to listen to God. They choose not to take responsibility for the choices they have made. They choose not to work with their partners, for whatever reason, in order to make their lives better. For this reason, we need to make the decision that allows us to move in the path God wants for us (only you can decide when that is). I don’t believe Gods wish is for us to be unhappy.

    Whatever choice you have to make….be sure to do what you need to do to feel you have tried everything to save your marriage. Your husband will make his own choices for or against the marriage, outwordly or in secret. He will have his his own judge to meet in the end. I pray for you and I pray your husband hears God’s words.

  7. poohpity says:

    “The devil made me do it” is a saying that just cracks me up. Jesus taught us how to handle the devils deception by knowing the Word of God. Jesus also taught us we have choices to allow ourselves to overcome or to muddle in troubles.

    Job has always been such an example of what to do when trouble comes. First he worshiped God and recognized that all he had was from God (God gives and takes away). Then he looked at his own behavior to see if he had done anything that had offended God and probably anyone else. Then he expressed his grief honestly and openly.

    Unlike the corporations of today Job had stuff that he used to benefit others. Companies who used to be satisfied with a small profit margin now have developed the need to make huge profits. A majority in our society wants everything quickly and not willing to wait for anything that includes relationships, cars, houses and even a relationship with God that takes time to cultivate.

  8. rokdude5 says:

    As you put it, Mart – “According to the cycle I’ve just described, trouble can be God’s wake up call letting us know something is wrong. Or, as in the case of Job, Jesus, and the Apostle Paul, trouble can be Satan’s effort to test our faith—because he sees that something is too right.” wow….that is so insightful yet so right on!

    Im thinking that Satan must have been spinning when he saw that God’s most devout followers will not abandon their faith not because of what God has done for them in the past but because of who He is! Though Job may have felt attacked, just a mere 6 verses later, he said that in spite of his unrelenting pain, he …”wont deny the Words of the Holy One”.

    I cant imagine any one on the planet past or present who doesnt have a cross to bear whether a believer or not. Life has its troubles. Praise God for being there for us when things are tough though our problems may not be resolved. Praise God for the enjoyment of good times as well.

    Emyrick, I ll be praying for ya. Been there, done that, I dont to ever do it again.

    Though I know the Scriptures talks about being “equally yoked” sometimes a nonbelieving spouse could be ultimately saved due to the believing spouse’s unrelenting faith.

    If we keep in mind that God has called us to be His children. If we keep that in our heart and mind, we wont abandon our faith. 2 Pe 1:10

  9. poohpity says:

    I am going to the mountains for a few days. I hear Payson calling my name and I think I will answer. Hope you all see God’s blessing in All things.

  10. daisymarygoldr says:

    Nice pics that helped process a good analysis of problems! Must admit that in this case, the wisdom of the second opinion of Jim Collins is right on!

    And here is something from the other side of the table:) This is not to help but to simply share…

    #3. The fall of harvest and spiritual—not wandering but gathering.
    The harvest is plenty and there is a dire need for laborers like Joseph—filled with the wisdom of God… that will joyfully work not wander or wile away the fall time in the years of plenty… that will bring in the sheaves, gather the grain and store them in granaries to tide away the lean times not just for themselves but for the entire body of Christ and maybe even for the Egyptians who are outside!

    #4. The winter of spiritual—not barrenness but hibernation.
    It is a time to prayerfully pause and graciously adapt to unfavorable circumstances not with bitter complaint but with joyful contentment.

    “Though the cherry trees don’t blossom
    and the strawberries don’t ripen,
    Though the apples are worm-eaten
    and the wheat fields stunted,
    Though the sheep pens are sheepless
    and the cattle barns empty,
    I’m singing joyful praise to God.
    I’m turning cartwheels of joy to my Savior God.
    Counting on God’s Rule to prevail,
    I take heart and gain strength.
    I run like a deer.
    I feel like I’m king of the mountain!” ( Hab 3:17-19 The Msg)

    Personally, I should be glad if my sleep is disturbed… shows that at least I’m still alive and have the hope that if I wanted to I can always make myself to wake up. To me, it actually means trouble if I sleep and sleep to never wake up ever!

    Call a spade a spade. Whether it is of my own wrong doing or it is satan’s effort to test my faith, trouble is trouble. For me, it is both—regardless of how I’m doing, troubles help me learn that I am always wrong and God was, is and will be always right!

  11. wretch-like-me says:

    To All:
    interesting how we assumed that Emyrick is of the female gender… I went back and looked for clues to conclude that and found none… Not saying that it isnt true… just making an observation.

    2 Peter 1:10 is a good verse but I find it easier to take in context of the whole section 2 Peter 1:1-11. It explains how not only are we called out of our sin but also given the tools to resist sinning again.

    Having been the ‘offender’ in my own marriage, I can offer you this. While I was yet a sinner, my wife exemplified Christ to me in that she continued to love me. We entered a three year counseling program together.

    I wish I could say we lived ‘happily everafter’. Truth is I continue to struggle with variations of the theme. For where there is one demon, there are usually many more. I cant tell you how ‘demoralizing’ it is for us each time I realize I have drifted into another relationship that raises flags.

    The key in OUR relationship is Christ Jesus. I gave my life (such as it was) to HIM. He took me at my word that I would commit to live according to HIS WORD. That is, I believe, what sustains my wife in her undying love and support for me.

    My advice to you is to draw close to Christ, develop support with trusted christian friends of the same sex, make it clear to your spouse that you cannot allow that behavior. Together seek counseling and let the weight of the responsibility rest on your spouse.

    If your spouse is not willing to accept responsibility, admit that the behavior is wrong, arrange and follow thru on counseling to change that behavior, I have little hope that the behavior will change.

    I admire your willingness to be open with us and seek God’s Will in this matter. It is made clear several times throughout scripture that God continues to experience the same pain and frustration with the people HE loves so dearly (John 3:16-17).

    The bride of Christ often behaves as a harlot. However, in her realization of her sin she confesses (agrees with God that she is wrong), begs forgiveness and pledges fidelity once again.

    Anyone who struggles with sin knows the ‘gut ripping pain’ of admitting before God that once again you have betrayed your promise and lusted after ‘forbidden fruit’ and in the process traded something much more sacred, beyond price and eternal for a cheap moment of gratification that never lives up to what is imagined.

    I remind you that you have the peace that surpasses understanding. It comes with the gift of Salvation. You also have the greatest love the world has ever known in Christ Jesus and NOTHING can separate you from that love.

    God Bless You.

    Final thought for Marti:
    When I look at God’s Creation, I see the ‘divine’ hand of God. Is it any wonder that when I look at Corporations I see the ‘grimey’ hand of man.

  12. daisymarygoldr says:

    Correction: Must admit that in this case, when compared to the wisdom of Judges 2:10-19, the wisdom of the second opinion of Jim Collins is right on!

  13. dependent says:

    Part of my journey through all these seasons of life you mentioned has been learning to change my “why’s” to “how’s”.

    That is, coming to grips with these fundamental questions:
    * “How will I choose to respond today?”
    * “How is God being glorified through me?”

    Because, when I get right down to the essence, why should my response to others and God be significantly different if I truly knew -exactly why- life was playing out a certain way in a certain season?

    I’m more and more convinced that striving for more Christ-like *responses* is a better use of my energy and curiosity than constructing a nicely wrapped set of *reasons* …especially when looking at my natural (and universal!) tendency toward prideful behavior.

    I know that I *should* learn to submit to God and resist the devil in the comfortable times as well as the difficult times. I *should* be humbly attentive and obedient to my Shepherd’s voice whether contentedly grazing, pursued by a predator or journeying through the dry lands. My interactions with people *should* be Christ-like and loving no matter the circumstances or contributing causes. No matter the season I *should* cling to God’s ways and not my limited understanding or fleshly desires.

    So I find myself spending less time in each season trying to attach the correct spiritual/natural ‘reasons’ and more effort seeking to live God-pleasing spiritual ‘responses’. And it’s hard!

    It is often my pride (and Western scientific mindset) that drives me to a simplistic solution for the “whys” — because then I am convinced that I can somehow exert my control or will. Identify it, measure it, control it! And I’ve learned that the natural and supernatural ‘system’ within which we live is complex enough that my nice, pat theological answers soon crumble into a series of flimsy excuses for either God’s behavior, or my choices, or trite little crumbs of temporary resolutions.

    Make no mistake, I haven’t abandoned my quest to know more of God’s ways and specific will during a given season. And he does sometimes reveal/confide the answers. But I guess I’ve allowed more wonderment of God’s workings to supplant my thirst for tidy explanations.

    Good times or bad, plenty or lack, exciting growth or mundane existence, contentedness or distress have caused me to often build a false framework of explanations or reasons. Often they prove way too simplistic with the time-added benefit of hindsight and added maturity.

    So, Satan gets more blame than my own weakness or rebellion during the uncomfortable seasons. I manage to siphon more glory for my self and minimize God’s when life’s road is smooth and dandy. Pride wants to explain “success” in terms of my own efforts and minimize God’s mercies. My expectations become more and more governed by the past and to that which I feel I’m entitled… and less cognizant of God’s sovereign plans and will for my life and others around me. I credit the blessings for all the good seeds that I’ve sown while overlooking, or redirecting blame, for the natural harvest that comes from my own selfish decisions.

    That’s a partial list of the places where a distorted focus on the “whys” has led me. And I’m attracted to Paul’s mindset when he said that he “learned to be content” during these different seasons of life. Because a season of growth and plenty and ease seems actually to be as much of a test of character as is a season of trials and wandering.

    And that’s the kind of ‘yieldedness’ that I hope to grow into. Valueing endurance as much as escape. Patience as much as deliverance. The blessings of the journey as much as the assured destination. Discipline as much as freedom. Mystery as much as explanations.

  14. bubbles says:

    There have been times when life is running like a well-oiled machine. Circumstances are ordinary and plain.
    It is during those peaceful times that I tend to become afraid, because things are just TOO GOOD and thoughts like “when’s the other shoe going to fall?” creep to mind. Sometimes that makes me fear and I try to draw close to the Lord. Does this make sense?

    Other times, when everything is perceived to be awry, and it’s difficult to know exactly why–when God seems quiet–prayers don’t seem to be answered. Maybe there’s not enough wisdom here to totally see what the problem is. He has promised to give us wisdom and not upbraid us. (James 1) But, difficulties can really cause us to carefully look at our hearts.

  15. Mart De Haan says:

    I think what a number of you are saying about focusing on how we are responding to trouble rather getting hung up on the “why” (if the “why”–or some element of the “why) does not become obvious) is so critical. Am also finding in the conversation other good thoughts, perspectives, and wisdom!! Thank you…

  16. SFDBWV says:

    Our friend Bob is very correct in many thoughts. The idea that once we become Christians we are somehow immune to troubles, is indeed in gross error.

    Want trouble you never immagined? Ask God to use you, surrender all of your own desires for Him to fill, then watch out, He will change everything in your life, and in the process change everything about you.

    When I was a small child, for a time we lived in inner city Washington DC. Very often I would be involved in a fist fight with other kids out in the alley behind our row house. My dad would never interfere. He would watch me from the upstairs window, I suppose to make sure I would not get too hurt. But he would allow the fight to proceed and for me to either learn how to win or learn how to accept defeat.

    I see God a lot like this, Always there to help if ask,but allowing for us to grow.

    If God did everything for us, we would never grow, and be spiritualy crippled and stunted. Trials and tests give us the chance to be purified by fire and our faith to be strengthened. Without tough love from God we would not be strong when the storms of life come. And they do come.

    For now, I appreciate the peace that I find in any day. I spend thoes times in the attitude of thanksgiving. And just enjoy the moment.

  17. emyrick says:

    wretch-like-me: I appreciate your insight, we all have the tenancy to assume that the male is always the unfaithful one. My wife has yet to “honestly” repent for her actions, or at least that is my belief. I appreciate your advice.

  18. onlycharis says:

    This is my first response in the group. I was devastated last January when Day of Discovery was no longer offered on our local television station. Thank you Mart for that incredibly well done program that we looked forward to for 30 years!

    We do tend to wander in good times. And whom the Lord loves, He disciplines. I believe we also wander in the tough times…perhaps not as much, but I think it is our fleshly nature we say “no” to hundreds of times a day, that constantly creates a multitude of problems for us when we aren’t filled with the Spirit. “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.”

    We not only hurt ourselves and others when we call life’s shots, but also grieve and quench the Spirit. Satan unquestionably opposes everything that is done for Christ. He wants nothing more than to destroy us and our families. Emyrick, I pray for you in your difficult situation. I believe it is the Lord’s will for your marriage to continue. You are doing your part, but your spouse must want, and respond with love and affection reserved for your marriage only.

    I think trouble is standard for this fleeting life. It is the result of the fall. Praise to God that we don’t have to go through it alone. He welcomes us into His presence, and also provides friends who listen and help us through the less than joyous times. I sense that there are many loving friends in this group who do exactly that. May God deeply bless all of you.

  19. daisymarygoldr says:

    It is so true that in our struggle with problems we “miss God’s loving intent when he uses trouble to draw us closer to himself”. The purpose of problems is to provide me with an opportunity to know Him. It is an opportunity not to remain focused on the “whys” and “hows” of the here and now. It is an opportunity to know “who” is God and “what” is it that He wants me to learn from my problems… so He can work in me to develop my character in His likeness for eternity!

    And wretch-like-me/Frank, I can exactly relate to how you feel about letting down God. In my less-experienced walk with God, it is much easier for me to see where I went wrong and repent with griping grief. However, if something is too right, then in my zeal to do God’s work it is very difficult for me to realize that I am actually wrong.

    So sometimes, I’m quick to justify myself as right in doing the Lord’s work… but what appears as right in my human wisdom may not be right according to God’s wisdom. May be the work is right, but I could be doing it in the wrong way and that is exactly what righteous Job discovered in his huge mistake. And Mart, whenever you mention Job, for some strange reason am always drawn to the wisdom of Elihu.

    Elihu was angry because Job refused to admit that he had sinned and that God was right in punishing him (Job 32:2). All throughout his response in chs 33-37, Elihu reminded Job of God’s sovereignty and great wisdom, and that Job should bear it patiently and not question God. Elihu was emphatic about God’s righteous justice and that it was not right for Job to judge God for his problems. The message of Elihu was clear: Job was wrong and God is right!

    While Elihu’s words did manage to make Job speechless but it was God’s voice out of the whirlwind that ultimately silenced Job to repentance. It is interesting to note that God did not correct… but rather confirmed young Elihu’s wisdom relayed through his brash and blunt words. God rebuked Job for daring to think he was in a position to judge God’s sovereign wisdom and power, for the problems he was facing.

    In our struggle with problems, our best human counsels are but words without knowledge, which darken the counsel of God (Job 38:2). So then, “what” is the purpose of problems regardless of whether we are right or wrong? Problems actually cause us to struggle against every roadblock that is out there—both visible human help or sympathy or self-pride and invisible dark forces of the spiritual world that prevent us from fully knowing “who” God is.

    As seen in the case of Job, even when we are right it is problems that isolate us from all possible influences to drive us into the wilderness… into the middle of nowhere …to that personal face-to-face encounter with God. We may have known God for all our lives from what we had heard from others but when we actually see Him, the problem is solved… when in all our rightness we are humbled to simply respond: “I have uttered what I have not understood…I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes”(Job 42:3-6)!

  20. marma says:

    When events come on fast and furious–one house repair followed by another, a friend’s serious illness, a sick pet, an injury, financial trouble–it is the combination of events that is overwhelming, yet I still see the hand of God allowing, protecting, convicting me.

    Consequences from past mistakes are hardest to take, but they can be teachers, too, and I need to endure whatever kind of hardship as discipline. My response to problems/hardship when I want to know God and walk with him is a lot different than when I am in rebellion. Suffering is far worse to bear in the latter case.

    Above all He is love and I am His child, and because of Jesus’ sacrifice, that never changes. “He who spared not His own son” reminds me I needn’t doubt his love. I may not like the difficulties, I may be spending a lot of time crying out and wondering, but I have to come back to “Abba” and pray that in all this, the Father is refining me and making me more like Jesus.

  21. HEY REV says:

    Hello again:
    Was necessary for me to be gone for awhile and from the looks of things I missed much.
    So I can only comment on this subject.
    rdrcomp,let me start that you said what I would have only in different words.I wish I could tell you that when you hit the middle sixties it’s all over. *NOT*. I passed the sixties and I still make blunders, but thats good. I’ve learned from each and every one of them, and some I found I repeated but I sure did not want too.
    One particular thing I share in my teachings/sermons is we give satan too much credit. he just wrings his hands and is glad he is getting the attention he striving for. Please stop doing it any of you.Don’t tell me there are those times when we do not know if it was us or him. Looking for the answer is in front of us from the Word. God will ALWAYS give the absolute corret answer.
    SFDBWV 8:43am All of your comments were right on and touched me except one. In the area of my life, Dad. For a very, very long time I associated God my Father with my earthly father. I was so fearful (the wrong fear) about FatherGod. My father didn’t hardly do much for or with me. At a little boy he took me to his mother’s house (grandma) and never came back for me till grandpa died and I had to return to a home where he didn’t want me. God got me thru those times AND I NEVER ASKED HIM, because I didn’t klnow Him.I wasn’t sure I wanted too. He could be like Dad and I didn’t need two Dad’s the same way. After I met and accepted Jesus, JESUS slowly taught me the love of the Almighty Father,that every one should know. Now enough of the past.

    Top of the list I see for most of us Christians is PATIENCE. Waiting for God to accomplish what we want Him to, YESTERDAY.
    A case in point is EMYRICK.
    I see the very many nights, walking around the house talking with God telling God how much he loves Him and yet at the same time his heart is saying WHEN, WHEN WHEN. He is saying the same thing our Jesus said in the garden: FATHER I DO NOT WANT TO DISPLEASE OR FAIL YOU. How long Lord??
    One day seems like a week, and than turns into months. Many mean well Lord with their words, but their not in my skin.I’ve never felt hurt so hard before.I do not want to become bitter, only better.

    Listen Saints, only by the grace of God there go I and you know why, because I’ve been there, and in this case it was the male, (me) Am I proud of it? NEVER. But I’m not ashamed to admit it so someone else can learn. Was it satan, maybe. But I know it was FIRST OF ALL MY THOUGHTS AND THAN FLESH. Almost all sin starts with thought first, than action (flesh)
    Mart, I love this blog because I’m still learning more and more. I was a phone counselor on the 700 club for about 10/11 yrs and it’s a proven fact that people will be very honest and open because they do not face you. Same with the written word.
    With all of us together we could probably write a soap opera with our total honesty, right?????

    Love all your comments every one of you.
    Glad I’m still around to learn more.
    the rev

  22. Helmet says:

    How would we be grown without problems? Indeed, our big proud, makes us feel we can in all situation, so we wouldn’t aproach to God if we wouldn’t have problems. Thanks God, our problems are bigger than our natural strength, because we can find our trully strength comes from Him, is in Him.

    So, I’ve found this, we even can’t find out God’s pourpose in a big problem, but somebody who’s praying for us, can see our need of wisdom, and ask God for us to be able to see. I have a friend, who is so so sick, got a surgery, was at point of death many times, then seems to doing well, he went to another check, and they found surgery was incorrect, and he has not only need to correct mistakes (yes, more than one mistake), but have more tumors, it is like going to the nightmare again. But I said to my friend, what about if he really doesn’t see what God wants from him in this? What if he isn’t looking for this, just in the wish of getting well, lokking only to be healed? That’s why God provides friends in His love, I hope, every one of us can count with just a friend who prays for us when we are blind. There’s no need to know Gods pourpose in our friend’s problem, just to ask God for his poupose to be accomplish.
    I hope to be able to make myself understood.
    Love, Chivisss

    STEVE! How is Mat?

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