Why do you think so many followers of Christ start strong and then become disillusioned over time? Or maybe I shouldn’t assume that’s what you’ve seen. Maybe I should ask you a more balanced question. Is it your hunch that most people who begin strong end up being as hopeful, as warm hearted, and as Christ-like in attitudes as you would have expected?
We joke about the fact that some of us grow old without ever growing up. But how often does that happen when it comes to spiritual maturity?
I’ve found myself becoming increasingly convinced that disillusionment is a big problem for those of us who have been in the faith for a long time. I’m not suggesting that we are inclined to stop believing in Christ. Rather it seems as though, at some point, too many of us stop growing and enjoying our life in Christ. We become a spiritual version of “The Lockhorns”, who have long since lost our first love, and instead are increasingly irritable, and complaining about one another or someone else.
Sure would be interesting to hear what some of you have observed and how you size up our own chances for overcoming the odds. Or, if you think I’m just being way too pessimistic on this “Resurrection Weekend”, don’t be afraid to tell me .