The wonder of the magi may be worth thinking about. The mystery surrounding them seems to be by design.
For openers, why is Matthew the only one of 4 Gospel accounts that mentions them?
If they came “from the east” and saw a star “in the east” why would they travel west to Bethlehem? Who were these “wise men?” Were they pagan “star gazers,” “magicians,” or “priests?
Was the star they followed a real star, an alignment of planets, an angelic star, or some other miraculous sign?
Could “the star” have appeared to them 2 years prior to Jesus birth so that they could have arrived while Jesus was still “in the manger.”
What had they heard about the promised “king of Israel?” Could they have been familiar with the prophet Daniel whose prophecy of the 70 weeks calculated the time of Messiah’s birth? Did they read the “story” of a coming king in the stars? Or did God give them the kind of “vision” that, once again in our day, is being reported by many who are coming to Christ in that part of the world?
Maybe they are there to remind us that all nations have an interest in Jesus’ birth. Maybe their gifts are meant to help us bring gifts appropriate to a prophet, priest, and king… and more. Maybe they are meant as a well placed contrast to the smell of shepherds whose story of wonder doesn’t leave quite as much to our imagination… until we begin thinking about the lambs they may have been raising for sacrifice…
Maybe “the wise men” are there to remind us once again that there is still so much to be thought about, wondered, and worshiped— in the One whose birth we are celebrating… with good cheer, charge cards, and sighs…