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Word Games

At a recent family get together I was introduced to a game called Bananagrams.

In some ways it’s a lot like Scrabble, but plays a lot faster. Everyone works with as many as 21 letter tiles of their own and tries to create their own connected words at the same time with a simple set of rules. No paper or pencil is needed. No clock. The first player to use all of the letters first wins the hand.

Am reminded that in a game like Scrabble or Bananagrams we approach words creatively for our own competitive purposes in an attempt “to win” rather than to clarify meaning.

But as we all know,away from the game, words can have serious life and death implications.

As we saw in our last conversation, words (like evil) have a breadth of meaning that can only be determined by their usage in immediate and broader usage.

Other examples of terms that need to be understood in context include life-defining words like “faith”, “saved”, and “justified.”

As language reference books show, “faith” can mean either “belief or trust” or it can mean “faithfulness,” depending on the context. “Saved” can refer to different parts of the “salvation” journey, including initial “once-for-all” salvation, or it can refer to “rescue” from physical danger, or from the immediate consequences of ongoing sin. “Justified” can also mean either “justified” “once-and-for-all” before God, or it can refer to being “declared right” before others (in the sense of adding visible confirmation to a salvation past that has already been determined).

Recognizing such breadth of meanings can help us explain the different ways in which Paul and James used these words with different purposes of emphasis.

When, in another letter, Paul warns about those who use arguments about words to create a following for themselves (1Tim 6:4) he is reminding us about a danger of misused language.

Without Christ-like love and the right kind of humility the best of words can be used in ways that are misleading or inappropriate by reason of double-meaning, sexual innuendo, or logical assumption.

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23 Responses to “Word Games”

  1. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Words are also affected by Culture.
    Britain and the USA are meant to speak the same language but we do not carry the same emphasis or meaning to many words and phrases.
    Luckily our Bibles are the same (apart from spelling).
    refering to Tony above I think of Adolf Hitler and the way he used words to mobilise a whole nation into war.
    I imagine the Anti christ (Bringer of Peace) will be able to turn words on their head and even miss quote Jesus.
    We must be very carful not to take meaning out of context and culture.
    Like was said at church on Sunday, we only have to stray a few degrees off course at the begining of our journey to be miles out at the end.
    We have to care for one another and correct each other when we start drifting away from the Truth.

  2. rokdude5 says:

    Recently I started to use an online Bible that has several translations available. It can be set up so that you can see the translations side by side. The King James version has the Strong Concordance numbers by almost each word so that you can readily see the original Hebrew or Greek word along with todays translation.

    This has been an eye opener for me for I can see that the Bible has been paraphrased at times. Im also wondering how “smooth” were those early languages. Im getting a sense of rather primative conversations and writings.

    For example, in Exodus 1, in today’s language it reads: Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob.

    But in the early Hebrew Im getting a much more simple reading: These names children Israel came Mistrajim (Egypt), man family came Jacob.

    Again, Im not a trained theologian though I would love to be. Im still trying to figure out what is meant by “work” that God forbid us to do on the Sabbath though Im getting a sense of something that is quite burdensome.

    “Stick and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.” Actually the opposite holds true. We quickly forget physical pain but the emotional pain from hurtful and spiteful words can last for years upon years which is why God wants us to watch our tongue.

    Lastly, in John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. To me Im now looking at the very essence of what makes up our God. His Majesty, His Holiness, His Love, His Grace, His Mercy, just to name a few. Where some words you can split hairs about, you cant split hair when it comes to very attributes of our God.

  3. poohpity says:

    About ten years ago I got into an argument with someone and the daily bible reading was the book of James. I had to go some place but on the return home the Lord decided to push the point home for me. As I turned the corner to my home in the field was a herd of mules and I just broke out in tears because the verse that come to me was James 3:3. I would like to say I have learned the lesson but I have not. The tongue or words can cause many, many problems. You know, that field never had mules in it before but they were there then. God can and does use anything He wishes to get our attention and humble us.

    I went and asked for forgiveness but I am still working on it. One day I will put my brain into motion before my words. As the rest of that James passage says our tongues can cause deadly fires with just one spark or one little word. Words are for healing not for ripping each other apart which I can be so guilty of.

    rokdude5, that sticks and stones thing, I would rather be sticked or stoned than being hurt with words they have a lasting impression.

  4. poohpity says:

    To me when I read any passage I try and remember the Character of God full of mercy and compassion to put things into perspective.

  5. Hisgirl4life says:

    An important aspect to think upon when pondering the importance of speaking in love is the fact that we are ALL still incomplete works of God and will be until we breathe our last breath. We all fail and say and do wrong things, and none of us is an expert on the Bible. Instead, we are all learners, hearers and seekers…growing in His grace and daily strength.

    Yes, at times we’ve all been offended by unkind or even abusive words (which becomes a pattern of behavior), and we’ve all said unkind remarks to others. The key and learning experience lies in “forgiveness” and “conviction” and “repentance.” We CAN all forgive others and ourselves with God’s strength, and equally important, we must be willing to hear the nudge of the Holy Spirit when we have wronged others with the simplicity of saying “I,m sorry…will you forgive me?”

    Yes, sticks and stones do injure and abuse another, yet the words of another (according to Dr. James Dobson)can break down another’s very spirit. Instead of defending our own words and behavior, what if we were quick to apologize, seek forgiveness and ask God to change our heart? It seems three heartfelt words in our language continue to be a human struggle……I am sorry.

  6. SFDBWV says:

    Several years ago, a President of the United States looked stone faced at the TV camera and told every American, and all watching around the world, and said…”I did not have sex with that woman.”

    Apparently his interpetation of sex and everyone elses were somewhat different.

    Was he right or wrong?

    To open up the discussion about how we understand the meanings of words. Opens up the full range of a persons psychology. As well as the full range of multiple meanings that come with nearly every english word.

    Love….How many kinds of love are there? How distorted that one word can be interpeted to explain what the mind of the reader wants it to be. Yet the word is still love.

    In scripture we have the tool of language interpetation done for us. By way of the concordance and other reference books. The only way we could check to see if the concordance is in error is to be able to speak Hebrew or Greek.

    Oddly enough, in my own personal quest to learn of the scripture, I have taken some studies to that level, of hearing what someone who speaks both Hebrew and Greek, and has a solid understanding of scripture, has to say on various subjects.

    Somewhere in the search for truth, the Holy Spirit gives His nod of approval, by allowing me to know. After that, it never matters to me what others think. I no longer have to prove anything to them or myself. because I already know.

    When someone gets upset or disagrees, what can I do? Argue? Be silent? Or as Tony said…”That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” Just be, unyielding on the subject.

    When I think of the billions of english speaking people who have went on to be with the Lord, never knowing anymore about what the scriptures say to them, other than reading the King James. I have to wonder how ever did they get to heaven without the aid of *new* translators who want to bring what was said 5 thousand years ago into a more modern text. So that we can *feel* closer to a modern understanding of a word that has for thousands of years,has ment what it ment.

    Communicating, is a very difficult task. God told the entire story of Jesus’s coming including where and when He would be born. As well as how and where He would die. Yet all the expert translators and authorities in Israel, missed the message.

    Imagine what we are missing because we only see what we are looking for and not what is said.


  7. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Yes Steve English seems to have many words with one meaning and one word with many meanings, love being a very good example.
    In the Bible I believe the word Jehovah and many other names for God, in both the Hebrew and Greek is translated as Lord in the English Bibles.
    Now the word Lord has different meanings to different people and cultures. Here in England in cungers up a picture of “The lord of the manor” or a noble man, whereas in somewhere like Spain or The Middle East it would mean absolute ruler or dictator.
    Now Jesus is Absolute ruler and not a quaint old man in an ermin coat. So when we study Gods Word we must also take time to study the words and there true meaning.
    And you are right, we only here or see what we want to until God gives us a wake up call Pooh and her mules.

  8. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Sorry I made a few mistakes in the last sentence.

    And you are right, if we are not diligent we only hear or see what we want to until God gives us a wake up call like Pooh and her mules.


  9. poohpity says:

    Unfortunately, Bob, self reflection is a difficult thing to do and the lessons get lost but God always finds a way if we look to Him.

  10. kingsdaughter says:

    Hello Everyone..I am reading all the posts I have missed these past few days and I am glad to be checking in on some topics that have troubled me in the past i.e. the word “evil”…I was taken aback when I first read in Isaiah about God creating evil. After reading all of this blog, I have wondered that perhaps God created evil because it will be Him who destroys it…that through His power and His power only will it be destroyed. That to say it was created by anything but Him would be to hand over “creation” if you will, to someone other than the true God..our Creator. He would have to have created EVERYTHING, including evil. I just can’t wrap my brain around the whys of everything….didn’t God know that Lucifer was going to try to “dethrone” Him? Evil would have had to already been in place for that pride to raise its ugly head. As was posted earlier, the absence of good is evil…the absence of light is darkness…there has always been God…so has there always been evil? This is more about the subject “evil” than the word “evil” but I am curious.

    As for words, the meanings of words, the misinterpretation of words, etc…it has been said that the English language it one of the hardest to learn because of synonyms and slang. I have often thought it would be best not to have so many translations but at the same time I am not too fond of the King’s English…methinks I need a course in English Literature to study Shakespeare and Colridge…
    LOL. I find I rely on both the KJV and the Amplified Bible. I even had some misgivings about The Message but found it was the only way to get my children to read the Bible.

    My family and I had a low key but meaningful Christmas, this our first without our wonderful son, Brandon. I made a birthday cake for Jesus and we sang Happy Birthday to Him. We discussed with our granddaughter the true gift of God…since this is her first Christmas as a non-believer in Santa. Innocence lost.

    Steve, I hope your wife continues to get better. I pray for your family and ask God to give you strength, bodily and emotionally. You have a wonderful neighbor.

    I hope all here had a blessed Christmas. You have been wonderful to me and I eagerly look forward to coming to this site and learning more about the love of Christ and our love for each other. Oh and by the way, the Lord made this a special day…my birthday!The day has been nice but it has been bittersweet, too, in knowing that it is the first one that my son has missed in 29 yrs.

    “But grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him {be}glory (honor, majesty, and splendor) both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (so be it)!”

  11. Hisgirl4life says:

    Happy Birthday Kingsdaughter…May God’s love surround you in the coming New Year.

    Praying for Glenna too…

  12. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Yes Happy Birthday Dale,

    Psalm 18:2
    The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my keen and firm Strength in Whom I will trust and take refuge, my Shield, and the Horn of my salvation, my High Tower (Stronghold).

    Deuteronomy 31:8
    It is the Lord Himself Who goes before you; He will [march] with you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; [let there be no cowardice or flinching, but] fear not, neither become broken [in spirit–depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm](Discouraged).

    Both these scriptures have encouraged me this past christmas week. I know Jesus is standing with you and leading you forward also.

    May the Love of our Father, the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of The Holy Spirit be with you now and forever!

  13. foreverblessed says:

    Dale, bless GOd for all His kindness to you, and to all of us.

  14. poohpity says:

    kingsdaughter, you asked about more info on the discussion about “Did God create evil?” In “Answers to Tough Question” the topic is addressed. I have tried to paste the address but it does not come out. If you go to RBC home page on the right side there is a category on “Answers to tough questions” and just click on that.

  15. poohpity says:

    whoops it did take. lol

  16. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Yes, Mart, good word on words. I love Scrabble and now on facebook, Lexulous (with a friend from the UK). Words are so powerful and end up being underrated. That means we have to be so careful in what we say. All too easy to follow the world’s way and become careless with words. Good model for us is Scripture, and we need to imbibe ourselves in God’s words in his Word, and that helps in the commitment of the faith we have in Jesus.

  17. poohpity says:

    No it did not take. I was wrong on how to get there. You have to go to Our Daily Bread page and on the right side is the category “Answers to Tough Questions” then to “Did God create evil?. Sorry for the wrong info.

  18. kingsdaughter says:

    Thank you, Pooh…I really did not want to think that God had any evil in Him…or created evil…but I have always read it as it is published and mostly understood by those who read the KJV. I am so glad to know that God works in the evil things/people/situations to our own good. I guess I should take a course in the Hebrew language. Again, thank you for directing me to the explanations about the word “evil.”

  19. poohpity says:

    You are so welcome. I thought it would bring somethings to Light. I was concerned about people believing that there was anything but Good in our Glorious God. Bless you in this next year with His Peace. Love Deb

  20. rxman says:

    “Word Games”. I was just thinking the other day how if I was satan, how would I push my agenda (sorta like CS Lewis “Screwtape Letters”). I think I would try to influence “Christian” leaders, who in turn would influence many more who “follow” them. Rather than just trying to pick-off believers one-by-one, make these leaders believe they were teaching the truth in a way that sounded believable.

    Many of these leaders use word games. I realize the Bible is simple yet deep. I can even make up my own truth when I read passages out of context. I only hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will lead my understanding in the way it should go.

    I think many leaders and teachers in the church today take their calling to lightly and speak half-truths and outright lies. I believe it is our duty as congregants of a gathering to examine what is said to see if it lines up with the Word. If we think something is amiss, we need to bring it to the attention of the teacher in a spirit of love and discuss why we think as we do.

    What do you think?

  21. poohpity says:

    I agree. Teachers have a great responsibility to teach truth and be willing to admit when they do not know something. It is alright to not know. It does an injustice to whomever to lead in the wrong direction. The most important part is in the spirit of love and to direct the followers to the bible and Holy Spirit for guidance. You really said it when you talked about reading things in context that is so very, very important. The bible is a whole book and it needs to be read in its entirety and repeatedly to really get it. It is not something that can be read just once because there is so much to learn within those pages. It is a life long journey.

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