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Supernatural Hope for 2010

As we look forward once again to the turning of the calendar, many of us have come to the threshold of 2010 carrying heavy concerns either for ourselves– or for others.

So it might be worth thinking together about a statement that the Apostle Paul wrote in the middle of his own problems and concerns for others. The words I’m thinking of occur toward the end of his letter to the Romans. No stranger to trouble or conflict, he wrote,

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope (Rom 15:4).

A few statements later he again expresses that desire for his readers when he writes,

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit” (v 13).

Have been thinking about how the Scriptures (v4) and Spirit (v 13) Paul is referring to are a basis of personal patience, comfort, and hope– that is “supernatural”…

How do the Scriptures give us perspective? How do they put us in touch with the Comforter we need? How does this inspire the courage that is necessary to patiently endure our fears?

As we move to the end of the year, would be interested in hearing from those who have begun to get even a small glimpse of how– through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures— and the “Comforter” Jesus promised— to find hope.

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52 Responses to “Supernatural Hope for 2010”

  1. saled says:

    I love Paul’s words, “… the God of hope.” My new favorite name for God, “God of Hope.”

    How do the scriptures give us perspective? I think of the story of Joseph, first sold into slavery and then thrown into prison, but what a wonderful turn of events God brought about. I think of Rahab the harlot and what God did for her(actually included in the line of Christ).

    I’m almost afraid to say that I’ve begun to get a small glimpse of how to find hope, because I know how quickly I can feel hopeless. But during the past year or so, I’ve begun to feel, if not joy, at least happy, and if not peace, at least calm. I think it is due to two things:

    I don’t expect my life here on earth to be perfect anymore. Several family members are ill, my job may be cut, and we have more than one heart-breaking family situation in our extended family. But this Christmas season is joyful for me, because Chrismas is hope. We give lip service to the fact that this life is not all there is, that there is eternity to come, but for most of my life, I was depressed over the fact that I just could not make my life perfect. That was a real heavy burden that I am glad to be rid of.

    The second thing that has helped me find a glimpse of hope is a different view of God. God is here with us, God is especially fond of us, God is rooting for us, God wants a relationship for us. The focus of my hope has changed from the hope of the perfect life, to the hope of the perfect relationship with God.

  2. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thanks Mart,

    There is only one Hope and that is in Jesus.

    Jeremiah 29:11(Message Bible)
    I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.

    Becuase of loosing my job etc. I could see no hope for 2010. Thanks to Ron Ben Yaakovs admonishing words to me last month I have managed to pull back from the brink. I had decided to drink myself to death in September and was nearly achieving that aim. The Holy Spirit convicted me there and then and since then I have slowly given over to Jesus, returned to my church and am looking ahead with hope. I have debts

  3. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    sorry clicked the wrong bit

    …… I have debts and was paying them off in a 5 year IVA plan, but now it looks like I am back to square one and will have to declare myself bankrupt.

    Jesus has said He is with me all the way, and like I posted earlier today, I take great comfort in Deuteronomy 31:8 and know with Him and with The Comforters help I will get to 2011 a richer man. Not talking money here but the The Richer for letting Jesus have control over my life.

    It is the Lord Himself Who goes before you; He will [march] with you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; [let there be no cowardice or flinching, but] fear not, neither become broken [in spirit–depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm](Discouraged).

    Without the Holy Spirit reveiling scripture to us and making it real in our hearts we would have no hope to cling to.
    I have been set free from this nature of sin and death to a life of riches with Christ, Messiah.


  4. SFDBWV says:

    Psalm 119:105 “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

    It rightly begins there. If you want to find comfort in a world that is filled with woe, look to the Word of God the give you peace that surpasses understang (Philippians 4:7)

    Isaiah 41:10 “Fear tho not;for I am with thee:Be not dismayed;for I am thy God:I will strengthen thee;yea,I will help the with the right hand of my righteousness.”

    Who is the great I Am, and who is the right hand of His righteousness…Jesus of Nazareth!

    Isaiah 44:8 “Fear ye not, neither be afraid. Have not I told thee from that time and have declaired it? Ye are even my witnesses. Is there a god beside me? Yea, there is no god; I know not any.”

    What is there to fear? We are called to be God’s witnesses.

    isaiah 26:3 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; Because he trusteth in thee.”
    Isaiah 26:14 “Trust ye in the Lord for ever; For in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.”

    There are of course many many more encouragements that God speaks to us from His Word.

    I would think that to an unbelieving world, watching Christians behave as though they are at peace, and have no fear of events surrounding them. Shows the supernatural power indwelling them.

    It is one of the explanations as to why Christians have trials. Not only to strengthen them but to be a witness of the life changing power of Christ.

    Our friend that Bob mentioned, Ben Yaakov, said that there are bad things coming in 2010. He would not elaborate, but I can say that as we approach the end of the age of man, things are going to continue to worsen in this world.

    We must stand as a testimony to Christ, and allow God’s supernatural light to be seen through us. Casting all of our hopes upon Him.

    I am reminded of the Christians who were killed in the Roman Arena’s and their sacrifice to show the peace of Christ that surassed understanding.


  5. kingsdaughter says:

    Do you suppose my son had given up all hope and in one dark moment the “thief” killed and destroyed him?(ruled suicide) The hope that is spoken of…is it only for our world existence or does that hope extend on into eternity where I pray God said to my son…”You must be relieved…I will not intervene to save you from the world but I will intervene your fall into hell?” My son was a Christian who was troubled with a failing marriage.

    Bob from Cornwall posted this verse:
    It is the Lord Himself Who goes before you; He will [march] with you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; [let there be no cowardice or flinching, but] fear not, neither become broken [in spirit–depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm](Discouraged).

    My son was discouraged to an extent I cannot comprehend but I must have hope that he was saved from the worst of punishments. He knew Christ. But in one swift move.. he destroyed himself and let go of hope. I am never going to be happy here. My hope has turned to the hope in heaven and nothing here matters..not in the same way it did before…I guess that can be a good thing. If something good comes from this sorrow, I give God the credit.

    As for 2010…another year without my son is how I see it. As for this world and the prophecy of it being a bad year….I did not vote for Obama. I am here as a reluctant participant. I think what is happening in Washington is an atrocity that will have a lasting impact. The world front has changed forever not only because of the powers that be but because of tolerance..yes, tolerance. If you are “politically correct” then you have become tolerant of those who are easily offended. I will step down from my soap box, now. But the thing about prophecies is they do come true…we are on a steady decline until Jesus returns so, personally, I am thankful for the hope I have in Him who will help me. I believe my son was helped out of this world…not through it.

  6. Lively says:

    I’ve been blessed to learn that hope can be fulfilled in faith, by perseverance and trust in the Lord. For me, my greatest fear (or lack of hope) is that my prayers aren’t answered not because I lack faith, but because what I want is not His Will. Sometimes it is very hard for me to remember that His will goes first – but I remind myself that He is my Father, and always has His children’s best interests – even when I don’t like it.

    These verses got me through my darkest times:

    Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him

    For me, hope is knowing that no matter what, God is working for my good and the good of other that love him.

    Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Hope is knowing that nothing will separate me from His love.

    And finally,
    John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    Hope is knowing that I will have eternal life.

    Beyond scripture on a very personal level – Hope is being completely broken by this world and restored by His mercy and grace. Hope is being unable to walk, and being carried. Hope is turning my back on him for years and when I called for Him, He was there. And even then, I did not recommit myself to him – I take great comfort in His patience with me because it gives me hope for others in this world.

  7. kingsdaughter says:

    Thank you Lively….I am reminded that Hope did not let go of my child. And even when we turn our backs on our Lord…he is bigger than us…never to turn His back on us.

  8. Hisgirl4life says:

    There is a plaque hanging in my home that reads “Be still, I want to know God’s thoughts. The rest are all details.” (Albert Einstein)

    There is no greater peace, no greater hope, strength or conviction that comes than that of spending time with God’s word. The scriptures ARE what each of us need in times of job loss, grief, despair, hardship, death, disease, discouragement, relationship losses, war and all the hosts of tragedies associated with this world. James 4:8 reminds each of us, “Come near to God and he will come near you.”

    When we are quiet before him, God stills our heart to hear a word from him that speaks directly into our deepest need and desire, giving us the perspective we need to accomplish all that he has for us…to endure and not give up hope. We cannot do or accomplish anything on our own.

    So often, in our humanness, we find ourselves listening to Satan’s lies (John 8:44…the liar and father of lies). We tell God, “I can’t,” “I don’t have the strength,” “I’m too tired,” “It’s too hard,” “It’s not fair.” We need to stop believing the lies… because “nothing is imposible for God!” He has defeated sin and the grave…surely, he can work a miracle in your life too!

    Two passages that come to mind that have given me great hope even in the midst of life’s trials are Phil. 4:5-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And he peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

    The second is a passage that talks about “new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade kept in heaven for you who through faith are shielded by God’s power.” (1 Peter 1:3-8)

    God has a wonderful plan for our lives. When we surrender to His plan, the blueprint of His holy word, our lives can be a living, breathing testimony here on earth…despite our circumstance.

  9. Hisgirl4life says:

    For those of us that have grieved the loss of someone we love, there is healing comfort in the Father’s arms. His grace and mercy extends to each of us each day. “The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.” (James 5:11) He can use our grief, our pain, our hurt to come alongside of another in their time of trouble…to comfort and offer the same compassion we have ourselves received from him. (2 Cor. 1:3-4) May God draw you near to him, and may you feel his tender care and love for you today in a special way.

  10. poohpity says:

    What a valuable lesson I learned over Christmas as I tried to direct my son with the proper way to pull out the rack of the oven so he would not get burned only to get burned by anger. I forget at times that there is much I had to learn through getting burned. At times I would like to spare my son’s from learning the hard way by taking it upon myself to do for them and not allow them to do for themselves. I rob them of learning. My job was to teach them to rely on God for provision and not on me. Of course letting go of control is very difficult but as I have said in the past if I micro manage I then take responsibility for the bad as well as the good. I am then not allowing them to grow or trust the Lord for provision but to look to me. Wrong. It just ends up burning me and this new year I want them to grow in the Lord. So this morning’s reading included Zechariah 10:12; I will strengthen them in the LORD and in his name they will walk,” declares the LORD.

    This last year I cared for my mom and it was very hard watching someone die of cancer. I keep running behind her trying to clean up her financial problems because I did not want her to worry. I wanted her to be able to buy what she needed or even wanted. I tried to get my family together to spend time with her and just make her life as carefree as possible. If you will notice all the “I”‘s. I would have her recite her life verse which even when her memory started to fade she could still repeat it. Proverbs 3:5-6; Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will direct your paths. It was me who needed to her that to let go and let God work.

    In this coming year it would be nice if I would hold on to my life verse which is Psalms 46:10; Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” I get over run with the past and worried about the future and all I really have is today. If I am so concerned with letting the Light of the Lord shine from me then one must realize there is no “I” in God and my eyes need to be on Him and the work He gave us to do. So it would be nice if we all prayed for direction so that the “I” will be taken out and Jesus will shine. The only “I” is in “I AM”.

    The only comfort I find is in laying my life in His hands and standing still in Him.

  11. poohpity says:

    Wow, rdrcomp, talk about Supernatural Hope for kingsdaughter.

  12. pegramsdell says:

    Saled, AMEN! I’m so tired of always trying to be perfect and have the perfect family. That’s sooo not happening. So I’m also gonna focus on having the perfect relationship with Jesus. And pray that He will bring my family in closer to Him. Which is what I want anyway.

    Bob (in NC), I went through the same thing with my brother. I miss him so much. We were very close. I know that he was born again and I can’t wait to see him again. I know what you mean about the pain coming back. Sometimes when you least expect it too. :( I’m glad that you are my brother in The Lord. :)

    The new year is coming and we need to let past mistakes and fears go and concentrate on what lies ahead, not behind. My hope is in You Lord, and only You. I hope we can all learn to let go and forgive. For those who forgive much, much is forgiven.

  13. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Dale, I could easily be speaking out of turn here, but I have a friend who lives across the bay from me(about 4 miles) and sometimes attends my church. She has a daughter who has learning difficulties and a brother who commited suicide many years ago. Her name is Pauline and she has been clinicaly depressed for many years. She always talks about being with Jesus and wanting to just “end it all” so she can be with her brother, a bit like you were talking awhile ago.
    Do you realise that “To Live is Christ and to die is gain”
    If you want to be dead then you have everything to live for!
    what can harm you!
    Take courage my friend!

    It is the Lord Himself Who goes before you; He will [march] with you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; [let there be no cowardice or flinching, but] fear not, neither become broken [in spirit–depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm](Discouraged).

    If you go back to the previous topic you will know I Gave that Word just for you.


  14. kingsdaughter says:

    Hisgirl, Bob (rdrcomp), Bob in Cornwall, I have my bad days..needless to say the holidays are difficult, but I plan to print out these words of compassion and put them where I will read them every single day. I am not hopeless…just need some encouragement to get through this day to day gloom that invades when I am alone. I MUST remember “the faith of a mustard seed”…oh, how I have misunderstood that one! You would not believe how messed up my thinking has been. I thought I understood a lot but I was wrong. You guys here have been so instrumental in bringing things to Light for me. Each of you have made posts that make me re-examine those things I thought I knew. Certainly, not all of what I know was wrong but I have been rocked by this tragedy and it revisits me every day…and it takes much intentional thought to get away from it so I am here, learning…soaking up the Word and the invaluable lessons each one of you bring to this blog.

    Bob (rdrcomp)and Peg, you do know the volume of pain with this particular kind of grief. My heart aches for all who have had this happen. God bless you. Perhaps, God has something in store that can make a difference to someone else in similar circumstances.

    Bob in Cornwall, you are never speaking out of turn when addressing me…I take all I read and learn from it. And yes, I did go back to the previous post. Thank you, dear friend. God bless you.


  15. kaliko88 says:

    I have glimpsed hope with the simple promise from God that no matter what happens, He won’t let me go through it alone. And even when I’m feeling lonely, He’ll find ways to remind me that I am not forgotten. (Like the kitten I found under my car at church this year … almost like He sent me a new ‘friend.’)

    And that even when things seem hopeless, sometimes even the little things I try can help. I got an answer to one of those prayers yesterday. The coworker who is being treated for lymphoma and was going to lose her job on Christmas because her medical leave had run out? I sent a letter to the CEO of the company when all the other attempts had failed. A few people know I sent it, though I did not sign it. Well, it worked, sort of. Word has come down that because of the letter, her leave has been extended for at least one more month, and it is being further reviewed to see if anything else can be done. It really worked. A two page letter backed by a whole lot of prayers.

    Yep, there’s hope. There’s always hope.

  16. Linda-in-Alma says:

    This message is to Kingsdaughter….
    My mother passed away 5 years ago at the age of 87 and left a precious gift to her family — her memoirs. I want to share a paragraph she wrote in 1950 after she and my father lost their 2-year old baby to pneumonia.

    My mother writes…
    “On Sunday afternoon, I think it was, we went to the mortuary on E. 17th. As we sat in the little room, alone, viewing her little body, I had the greatest feeling of peace come over me, as though everything was as it should be. I couldn’t understand why I felt that way, because everything seemed to be so wrong. Afterward, that verse came to me that speaks about the “peace that passes all understanding”, and I realized that I had that peace. The verse is Philippians 4:19. Also, the night she died, I was looking through my Bible for some kind of comfort. I had always been with her and taken care of her. I can’t describe the anxiousness I had for her. The Holy Spirit led me to the passage in Luke, the 16th chapter, beginning with the 19th verse. It tells about the beggar, Lazarus, and the rich man. The rich man had so much while the beggar had nothing. The rich man died and went to Hades. The beggar also died, but the angels carried him into Abraham’s bosom. When I read the part about the angels carrying him to heaven, it gave me so much peace about Janice. I had read that passage many times before, but knowing that she was being cared for meant everything to me.”

    May God grant you His precious peace.

  17. SFDBWV says:

    One of the sad but beautiful things about most of us here on this blog is that we are suffering or have suffered the pains of life.

    When the darkest hour has been brought to our lives, to whom have we turned?

    We, all of us, at some low point in our lives have had no where else to turn, nor any glimer of ever being able to smile or laugh again. Our only resort was to look to our redeemer.

    Jesus of Nazareth, our savior.

    In the whole and completeness of Christ we can be craddled in His loving arms and find rest from our pain. And the hope that we can once again feel free to smile and laugh, and enjoy living.

    The supernatural aspect of the Holy Spirit, is that He knows our pain and suffering and only through Him can answers come that will aid in our paitence and endurance. He knows how and when to bring to us healing or aid. But we still have to act on them, and accept His offer of help.

    I will give an example of answered prayer that was rejected.

    Many years ago I had a friend who had become a Christian, soon afterward he lost most of his hand in an accident. He couldn’t work and through a long list of reasons his wife left him.

    He was up against it and praying every day for God to give him back his wife, find him a job and provide money for him to live better.

    God answered his prayer, like this.

    A phone call from the police in a city not far from here to him informed him that they had a 16 year old boy who claimed he had family in our town and his father was, my friend.

    The boy had ran away from his mother who lived in Detroit and was homeless. So the boy ended up here with his father.

    My friend’s response to me concerning the matter, was “oh man just what I need, more problems.”

    After only a few weeks, the boy ran off again. To where? I don’t know. To what end? I don’t know.

    God had given this father a chance to be the father he had never been and someone other than himself to be concerned about. But my friend was only interested in himself and so rejected the gift God had presented him with.

    Life is always about making choices. But we must keep our eyes upon the one who gives us the choice.


  18. Mart De Haan says:

    …When sensing pain and grief that cannot be expressed or comforted… have sometimes thought about Paul’s deep desire to not only know Christ and the power of his resurrection–but also “the fellowship of his suffering” (Philip 3:10). Paul seems to find hope in a suffering that brings us to the heart of God… who suffered/suffers… loss far more than we ever could… yet with the ability to finally comfort us in ways we could never understand or deserve.

  19. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    kaliko88, I am so pleased that you have a result for your colleague with lymphoma, I have been praying for her. Seems when we have a petition (letter or prayer) we should always go straight to the top man.

    Steve, it never ceases to amaze me how you see God so clearly around you, wether in nature, suffering or in your friends. God very rarely answers our requests with the solution we would like.
    He knows us so well and calls us by name. I bought an mp3 player yesterday and loaded Johns Gospel on to it from a free talking bible site.
    As I was working this morning I was amazed how hearing Gods word can affect you. When Mary ran out of the tomb and bumped into “The Gardener” she had no idea who He was until He called her name, “Mary!”
    Then her face must have lit up with excitment.
    Just hearing Jesus call her name made me cry and made me realise just how much He loves us and is our dearest friend.
    Outside my bedroom here I have a wooden cross made of drift wood (a bit like you see on old western films). It is to remind me every morning when I wake up that Jesus died for me and I must take up my cross and follow Him.
    As I typed the words “dearest friend” above, a Robin, complete with red breast, came and sat on the cross and looked straight at me. How wonderful is that!
    maybe I to am begining to see God in everything.


  20. SFDBWV says:

    Watched a show on Tv some years ago about the sinking of the Lusitania. Torpedoed by a German Uboat that helped propel America into WWI. Not a movie, but a documentary.

    What struck me was the photographs of the corpses that had washed ashore there in Ireland. The officials had photographed them one at a time. Hoping that some may be able to be identified.

    Some were mothers with their babies, some were just babies, most of course were men and women, with the stare of death still in their eyes and faces.

    Grief of a magnitude most can only imagine. Yet with each person, with each death, with each ones final moments…God was there with them feeling their fear and experiancing their final moments alive.

    As well as welcoming them into His Paradise and comfort and rest.

    I admit Mart, I have always thought of Phil. l3:10 refering to Paul’s desire to have a fellowship of suffering *for* Christ… But looking at it in this way speaks to me that Paul also wanted to be able to suffer fo all thoes who suffer, *with* Christ. As Christ feels and suffers with all who do. True compassion and perfect love.


  21. Lively says:

    I actually wrote part of this yesterday, but since I’m a newbie I’m trying to curb myself. I’m glad I listened to the “hold on” yes, I do check with the Big Guy before I hit submit :-)

    Steve you posted it was sad but beautiful that we’ve all suffered. I am not sad about my own suffering. But, keep in mind this is said with about two years worth of restrospect, four years after reaffiming my faith and about 6 years since when my life was in a deep the valley. And that doesn’t count the 6 or so years prior to that. The short explination, I married an abusive man who was a self proclaimed athiest – though he wasn’t when we married – well an athiest at least.

    This is what I wrote yesterday: Unlike Job, most of us never understand why these things happen. At best, we hear “because we live in a fallen world.” Frankly, that is a very unsatisfying answer when you’re suffering – at least I found it extremely unsatisfying when someone told me that. We can’t even begin to understand the plan that God has for our lives – but something I’ve learned is sometimes the fruit of our lives that appear toxic to us are the best fruits of all. I believe that in His way, God showed me the answer to my, why. I strongly believe that I lost everything so that one man could live, not physically, but eternally. I also believe that enduring those trials gave me the opportunity to grow in my faith in ways that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. Though, at the time I couldn’t see any good coming out of my suffering.

    Bob – I think you can “train” your eyes to see God in everything. In my opinion, it is a part of renewing yourself daily, not conforming yourself to this world. I know it took an effort for me to remember to pray constantly at first. I was too much of this world. I think if you start looking for Him, you train your mind to seek Him even when you’re not thinking about it.

  22. Lively says:

    I meant to add this. Again this is said after much prayer and with hindsight.

    I must admit – I am honored that He choose me to suffer. I’m not proud of it, because I know even if I had known the outcome I would not have willingly suffered. He knew that I could do it, with Him by my side – and even carrying me over the worst parts – that with Him I could survive and for His purpose and His Glory some good will come out of it. There are no words to describe how humble and how absolutely unworthy that makes me feel.

  23. poohpity says:

    kingsdaughter, I left you a post on the “Word Games” topic.

  24. kaliko88 says:

    Lively, I too think we can learn to see God in everything. But ever since I turned back to God, I’ve noticed that it’s also easier to see Him in everything. It’s almost literally like having been blind and suddenly seeing again. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve said to myself, “I can’t believe I missed that before.”

  25. Herb D. says:

    Herb D. says: Hope must have two dimensions to make impact in our lives, a)good and b) future. No one hopes for a broken leg, nor does one hope something to happen in 2009 since it is past. 42 years of ministry experience has taught me that when God’s Word of promise intersects with my experience, there I find the great “good” of God’s light and favor for life. Over the years such intersectings have occurred often enough to make me expect them to continue in the future. In 2009, I nearly died from internal complications resulting from 3 surgeries in 10 days. As recovery moves apace, I am now able to look back and see that I was carried through this experience by a mighty wave of intercessory prayer so that both myself and my family members realize that we were carried through it all in the strong hand of God. A few years ago, God gave me back my youngest son after some years of estrangement-drug addiction; also in answer to my own and many others’ intercessory prayers. My life seems to be on a pace to receive about one mighty miracle every two or three years. Needless to say, I am blessed by a powerful hope for the good God will bring about in my future, because of the times in my past when I was enabled to cling to His Word of promise until He manifested His blessing on my behalf. To God be the glory.

  26. poohpity says:

    I know this is off topic but I wanted to ask Bob in Cornwall England if he wanted to go to the rubbitydub-for some pin and inks- with me china plates- cause me north and south is dry but I hasn’t got any osgood scholars in me sky rocket so it’s your wally aaa? Just a little humor to end 2009.

  27. Lively says:

    Herb –
    I don’t agree 100% with you. This is very hard for me, aside from the fact that you’re in the ministry (for longer than I’ve even been alive) and with that comes great respect from me; it is a struggle for me as I’m very sensitive to the fact that saying the wrong thing, or even the right thing the wrong way can cause immeasurable damage – I’ve been on the receiving end of that.

    I agree that hope must be good and future – but I believe it is so much more than that. I believe with every prayer we lift to God, we exercise our hope (especially when we are feeling hopeless). If we have children, we exercise hope. For some, I believe just getting out of bed is a form of hope. Participating in life when you simply want to hide – that is hope. I don’t think that hope is specific. I think that hope is an intangible that defies “worldly logic” – such as peace that passes all understanding, or love, or even, faith.

  28. saled says:

    Bob in England, I love what you wrote about Jesus calling Mary by name. And that is our hope, that someday He will call us by name, and in that will all our hopes and dreams be fullfilled. I envy you your robin; it will be 12 weeks or more before we can hope to see one in the part of Maine where I live. But God has blessed me with a gorgeous full moon tonight, and with our foot or so of snow, it is almost bright as day.

  29. scout2 says:

    Mart – Thanks for this great topic to discuss. I look forward to next year. When the Lord is with us there is hope. But, sometimes when there are rough spots in the road, the timing for hope is hard to wait for. Maybe I’m not talking about hope -but -change. Blessing to RBC for a blessed New Year with Jesus.

  30. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Thank you for your humour.
    Cockney rhiming slang is only used in a very tiny area in London, but I will buy you a drink if you are skint. lol
    I went to a friends house last night who has just visited Jerusalem and Jordan, and went to Petra etc.
    watched two hours of high definition video that was absolutly fabulous. She is not a christian but found the whole experience mind blowing. She is off to Luxor in Egypt on the 11th of Jan, lucky girl.
    One day we will be in Jerusalem and be with Jesus forever. Now there’s something to hope for! except it is a certanty!

  31. SFDBWV says:

    I am hoping Pat in Ontario, is getting along ok. I see where Ontario has been hit with some brutal weather and lots of power outages.

    We just keep getting snow and cold (56.5 inches this month). Weather like this keeps me busy in the mornings when I am normaly able to contribute here.

    I agree lively, It is a gift to be able to be at peace while going through some trial or even when stuck in the matter, not seeing a way through the matter. It is the supernatural power of The Holy Spirit that enables any of us to be able to do that. As well as a testimony that the Spirit is in your life.


  32. Lively says:

    Steve- AMEN!

    Bob – you just keyed in on one of my personal struggles and it actually does dove tail into hope, no less.

    My last ditch prayer when I am so tired of the world and it’s evil is for the rapture. Can of worms here, I’m sure. Believe it or not, the rapture isn’t my struggle – but considering what a hot button the subject is, let me clarify where I stand on it. I believe the rapture for us is what Jesus’ birth was for our forefathers. During the Old Testament times, everyone didn’t agree who or even what was next – only that there would be a next. The people who were wrong didn’t get cut out of the picture. Personally, I hope that the rapture is true; I hope it occurs pretrib, because I am selfish enough not to want to go through the trib if it happens in my lifetime. But, regardless of what your belief is regarding rapture – I firmly believe this is one of those issues that Christians should agree to disagree about and take to heart:

    Titus 3:9 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless

    My personal struggle is, in praying for the rapture (or the second coming if you don’t believe in the rapture) I’m praying for the worst time for non-believers. Yes, I know that some will come to Christ in those times, but not all. Yes, I know that all the names are already written. Yes, I know that He will not leave a single one behind that is His. But, I’m fairly certain that I know and care for people that aren’t on that list and perhaps never will be. And yes, I am fully aware that my prayer will not change His timeline. Although, I can’t discount that like in Egypt our cries for relief will reach that point where He begins it.

    I dislike the knowledge that the promise of my hope is certain misery beyond comprehension for non-believers and perhaps believers. I understand why this must be, but I don’t like it and if it hurts me, I can’t even begin to fathom how sad (sad is a woefully inadequate word) this makes our Lord. I feel selfish when I pray for this – for me it is an imponderable.

  33. poohpity says:

    I am looking forward to another year of reading the bible. I am excited to see what the Lord will reveal through His Word to us all. I would like to put out a challenge to read trough the bible this next year with me and others. There are many resources to use as a guide like “Our Daily Bread” which has the scriptures listed to make it through in one year. It is real neat to read the bible in chronological order and there are those lists on the internet too, if you have never done that before. If you choose to read through it be prepared to have many things come against you to prevent you from following through.

    This next year there are going to be trails, temptations and sorrows but we follow the ONE who has overcome the world. So as a new year resolution ask the Lord to give you the strength to read His word and learn to know Him better because nothing else is as important than that. You will be blessed that I can promise.

    Remember when trails come count it all joy. Be grateful for the things we do have. Have gratitude not attitude. We are all in the process of becoming more like Jesus let Him be our role model and try not to put any human being on a pedestal because he does not belong there. It is OK not to be perfect but the process is important. Let love be your guide and put your faith into action. God knows we will make many mistakes and He loves us anyway, so enjoy each day as a gift and do not worry about the future God has it under control.

    I hope you all have a blessed new year.

    Bob in Cornwall- I am always skint. LOL Dr Pepper please.

  34. SFDBWV says:

    Lively, in the greek it is called the Raptos, or snatching away.

    I, am a firm believer in a pre Tribulation Rapture because of a several scripture leadings.

    In 1st Thess Chapt 5 vs 9, It is said “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.”

    The wrath of God is poured out in the Tribulation times explained in the Book of Revelation.

    The first three chapters of Revelation speak to the Church, as to what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong. However from chapter 4 on….the Church is never mentioned again. From this point foreward are the terrors of the tribulation exacted upon creation. But the Church is not here. It (we) are in heaven with Christ.

    No where in scripture is there mentioned what we the Church are to do during the Tribulation. No instruction from the Holy Spirit. Why? Because we are not here.

    Jesus said that no man knows the time when He will return. This is true, yet if the Church were on the earth when the time of the anti-christ comes, we could be able to count the very days that Daniel has mentioned and come up with 7 years. Then Christ returns. Three and one half years into the reign of the anti-christ, he will stand in the temple in Jerusalem and proclaim himself to be superior to God. Three and one half years from that hour Christ returns.

    We know this, but we won’t be here to say when Christ returns. We are with Him, and will return with Him.

    Rather than pray for the Rapture, I ask God each morning if this be the hour, to remember us and take us up.

    In my struggle to understand why God has placed me and my family in the place we are. I can only come up with the understanding that God has put us where He wants us, taking good care of us and asking us to just be patient and wait on Him. It too is my hope we wait on the “Great snatching away” the “Raptos” the rapture.

    If not, that’s ok. As long as we are in His will.


  35. Ted M. Gossard says:

    Mart, Good post to think on. I just know by God’s grace day after day that God is there for us in Jesus by the Spirit. And it is so important that we feed on his word/Scripture. Often I’m down, but everyday the Lord renews me in the living resurrection hope we share in Jesus! I am amazed. Sometimes I just think I can’t keep going, but God is there for us in Jesus always. I am so thankful.

    A most Blessed and Happy New Year to all of you and yours!!!

  36. foreverblessed says:

    Steve, I was very relieved to read your last line: if not, that’s OK, as long as we are in His will.
    Because what is intruiging to me in Revelation is the many times it is mentioned:
    This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints. Revelation 13:10
    This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus. Revelation 14:12
    Perseverance is what will be needed, and what we have to develop. Patient endurance, so maybe Job is a good example for us after all.

  37. foreverblessed says:

    Thank you Linda in Alma for telling about your mother, what Hope she has received from God, how wonderfull.
    The God of hope, how much hope God must have Himself, because He started all this, and see how we all mess this up. How much hope He must have.

  38. dependent says:

    My prayer for you friends as we contemplate this year and anticipate the next:

    2Th 2:16-17
    Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good thing you do or say.

  39. daisymarygoldr says:

    Now that Christmas is over… the guests have left and the house is empty… my mind is still holidaying and simply refuses to relate to anything supernatural about “…personal patience, comfort, and hope”

    Can’t compare myself to Paul who suffered for the sake of Christ but as I prayerfully pause to bid goodbye to 2009 and welcome in 2010 there are actually no heavy concerns for me…

    Just managed to come out of my first trimester… literally lived on pickles, thankfully now my sense of smell and taste are beginning to get normal. So, for me, it is to look forward to 23 weeks of 2010…long weeks of ordeal which will eventually culminate in a delivery minus the epidural… and then to more sleepless nights of feeding, burping and cleaning…and beyond that there is the promise for more discomfort and more pain… I’m thinking… without pain, there is no “hope” to gain–new life!

    Similarly, without pain, there is no hope to gain–new life… of Christ who is being formed within me. So, on this New Year’s Eve, I find myself resting on this hope which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time. And as I hope… every passing year gives me the opportunity and time to purify myself for His imminent return (Titus 2: 13-14; 1 Jn 3:3)!

  40. daisymarygoldr says:

    New Year’s Eve has always been a special time for me all through out my growing years… when we gathered together to spend the whole night at church, to:

    – Reflect on the old and

    – Remember all the great things the Lord has done for us…through births, sickness, deaths, losses, failures… because even the sufferings/afflictions speak of His faithfulness (Ps.119:75) and to

    – Ring in the new with worship, thanksgiving and praise!

    As I’m reminiscing over all that had happened— both the good and the evil, my heart is at peace to know “He has done everything well,” and all I can say: “How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?”

    Tonight, my family and I will join other friends and spend some time in fellowship and food…to sing praises and to meditate on His Word, break bread at midnight and to thank God for all the good things which He has done in the past and will also do in the future. There is no fear of the future because “Up to this point the LORD has helped us!”

    My daughter and I just finished making a bunch of “Promise cards” with a beautiful Bible verse for each of our 30 friends…they serve as excellent book marks… wish we could send one to each of you…

    Anyway, to find “hope” from the Scriptures and Spirit is not wishful thinking but a confident expectation… the sure certainty that what God has promised in the Word is true, has occurred, and will surely be fulfilled. It is “an anchor that keeps the soul steadfast and sure while the billows roll”…

    To conclude with Joshua’s reminder: “Know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one thing of them has failed.” Josh 23: 14.

    May God abundantly bless you and yours…Wishing you all a Happy New Year 2010!

  41. Lively says:

    forever – Job rocks! Though, I think that the phrase, “the patience of Job” does him a disservice.

    steve – I agree with your explanation of the Rapture. I’m mindful that all don’t agree with it, though – so I tread carefully. One of the reasons I faltered because some weren’t so mindful. My tipping point was being told I was going to hell because I didn’t subscribe to some dogma. Only by His mercy and grace I am back on His path.

    I’m struggling to express myself further, so I think I’d be wise to leave it here, for now :-) Except to add this, I no longer struggle with why He placed me and my loved ones here – I’ve accepted “ ‘cause I said so!” the ultimate parental answer! lol

    Have a safe and joyous New Years

  42. Hisgirl4life says:

    A blessed and joyous New Year to Mart and all fellow bloggers, on RBC Ministries! You are precious in His sight!

    Mart and Steve I agree that there seems to be quite a bit of suffering amoung the bloggers on this site, but like Paul, it draws us like nothing else closer to the arms of God. Many times, I’ve prayed for this ministry and all who write and are touched by those who share. It has also been a blessing to see many prayers answered for health, wellness, peace and comfort.

    No matter what we go through, it is comforting to know that God has gone before us. His plan is for our good because his love for us is so great that he gave his son’s life. I cannot imagine giving up my son’s life, but he did that for all of us.

    Daisy…hope you are feeling better. Love New Year’s Eve service where we can ponder God’s love for us and the gift of another year. God keep you and your family and new little one in his care.

    May each of you feel God’s loving arms and whispers of his guidance in the 2010.

  43. poohpity says:

    There is a blue moon tonight so all those that said, “once in a blue moon”, tonight is the night. LOL !

  44. poohpity says:

    daisy, congratulations on the new addition to your family. You also have a seven year old correct or maybe eight by now, little girl. Blessings for the new soon to be.

  45. kingsdaughter says:

    Love and peace to all my new sisters and brothers here at RBC. I have been blessed by your prayers and posts. My heart is with each of you as we enter into a new year.

  46. Lively says:

    Last night I posted that I was struggling to express myself. I have learned that if I’m searching for the words, more than likely He’s not with me on the subject and I’m trying to do something on my own. This time, I paid attention and He blessed me with a “two fer” Two answers for the price of one! And the cost was cheap, to boot. All I had to do was be quiet and listen for Him.

    I found my answer poking around the archives, thank you for this site – it has also turned into a prayer answered.

    2 Cor 12:7-10 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong

    Specifically I found my answer in, “My grace is sufficient for you.” As a child in Christ, it sounds a lot like, “Because I said so.” It is too complex to explain fully, but I have my own thorn. I believe my own pleading was the prayer that Christians be taken from this evil world. And, perhaps, my feeling selfish was Him reminding me His work is not complete.

    But mainly, it was the passage before it that spoke to me as I’ve been praying for God to open doors and allow me to do more to glory His Name.

    2 Cor 12:6 For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool; for I will say the truth: but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me. (KJV)

    I suppose this isn’t directly related to hope, however I do find hope in that He did answer my questions – ones that I’ve been asking for a long time.

  47. poohpity says:

    Lively, what a wonderful way to start the new year, Amen!!

  48. Lively says:

    Yep, it sure was. Nothing much is better than an AH HA! moment from God and earlier today I got a third one… :-) Truly, an awesome day! Praise to Him!

  49. marma says:

    Started reading this and was feeling down–after reading the posts –or about two thirds through — I began to be encouraged. Thank you all for your honesty and hope through the scriptures. The Lord is good and expresses Himself wonderfully through his people.

    My own hopeful verses (possibly my verses for 2010):

    “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:21-23.

    I love it that this passage is in Lamentations, and that it is precluded by suffering and hopelessness. No matter how bad things get–and they certainly were at an all time low for Jeremiah and his people–anyone who has studied Jeremiah knows how far away from God Israel had become, and how tough it was for Jeremiah in those times and for those who still followed God in those times–Jeremiah still had hope because God remains faithful (2 Tim 2:13).

    Perhaps in the humility that trials produce we can hope more clearly. Our own effort is paltry and doesn’t cloud our judgment so much.

    The glorious return of Christ for us is our great hope because He lives, making intercession for us, and will one day receive us to Himself.

    Knowing His love for us, that Jesus prayed for us while on earth, and God’s longsuffering is great, and the depths of His love will delay as long as possible to give all a chance to know Jesus. This makes me love Him more, and thank Him for his renewed mercies and that He continues to build his church until complete.

    Praise His name.

    Another piece of hope: We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37. (What a great chapter of hope!)

    God bless you all. -Marcia.

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