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20/20 on Who?

Two passages of the Bible that are often used to emphasize the importance of Scripture may be doing something more.

Example One: When, after eating no food for 40 days,  Jesus resists Satan’s temptation to turn stones into bread, he quotes Moses as saying “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4; Deut 8:3).

This sounds like Jesus is emphasizing the importance of Scripture.

Parked in Jerusalem's Jewish Quarter

And it’s so. By quoting Moses’ words, Jesus does, by his example, show us how to use the written word to resist our enemy.

But in the process our Lord seems to be doing more than quoting Scripture to point us to Scripture.

He is also saying that our survival does not depend only on the bread we make and put in our own mouths. Our existence also depends on every word of provision that God– in his perfect time and wisdom– speaks into our lives.

Example Two: When the author of Hebrews says that the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than a two edged sword– that is a “discerner of our hearts”– he gives us another  text that has often been used to emphasize the importance of the Bible.

Here too it’s true that when we use this text found in Hebrews 4:12 we are, in the process, showing how the written Word of God helps us understand what the Spirit of God wants us to see. But once again, this is not just about using Scripture to honor Scripture. The author goes on to refer to the two edged Word as a “He” when he writes, “and there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account” (Heb 4:13).

Do you see what I think I’m seeing– that both texts use the inspired words of Scripture to point us beyond the page to our faithful Provider who, when he looks into our hearts, can empathize with our weakness because He, Himself, was tempted (vv 14, 15)? And do you agree that this text, therefore, is meant to give us the courage to come with our prayers to the throne of God—and to into the presence of the High Priest who died in our place so that he can now be our advocate and defender?

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40 Responses to “20/20 on Who?”

  1. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    The Word of God is a Living thing, made alive by the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus is the word made flesh, that is why He said “If you have seen me you have seen the Father.”
    Also He said we must eat His Flesh & drink His Blood. Very strange words that upset alot of those who were following Him.
    It seems Man can only survive by eating every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Our spirits need feeding as well as cleansing in the Blood of the Lamb.
    Also interesting that the Mana from heaven in the wilderness would only last for the day. It seems we have to feast everyday on God’s Word, Little and often as is always reccomended.
    Everything in Scripture points to Jesus and that is where we should be, In Him daily.


  2. SFDBWV says:

    Yes Mart, I do see what you “think” you see.

    All of scripture points to Him. As our source for life and guide through it.

    The Word is Christ, Christ is the Word. God is Christ and Christ is God. The Holy Spirit is also refered to as *He*(John 14:16). So we *see* the God head as three in one.

    I do not confuse this with the 7 fold spirit of God.

    I will tell a story, if I may.

    Several years ago, a stranger showed me very old pictures he had bought at a yard sale of my little home town. In the course of our conversation, I told him I was amazed to see the pictures and said I would love to find more.

    What he said to me was amazing…”Well Steve, if you look for pictures, you will find them.”

    I think this is true for much of life. Certainly true of our scripture. The Holy Spirit, bears witness of Himself. If we look for Christ, in scripture as well in life…we will find Him.


  3. Grace48 says:

    Having made it a habit to read the Bible every day for nearly 7 years has made such a difference in my life and faith as a Christian. Even going thru all of these troubling times, the Holy Spirit has brought back to my memory verses of the Bible that have helped me and it was truly amazing how it fed my faith and I praise God for this,too and for Jesus. Being fed on the word of God even helped in helping others in my own family to hold on in faith and this,too,of God, even though we walk thru these troubles sometimes on trembling legs and weaknesses.

  4. poohpity says:

    Reading the Word of God has helped me to see His character which has not changed through out history. If we have those wonderful Words dwelling richly within our hearts, souls, and minds our lives become enriched.

    Over the last twenty years I stopped for four years and fell back into old behaviors. I felt like I knew the bible well only to find out that my soul longed for those Words. It is the Living Word and now I can see how much more there is to be revealed. It is applicable to every area of life because we learn that God wants to be such a part of every area nothing is hidden from Him.

    Hey that is one big book and I know now that I will never me able to know it all but I continue to be receptive and open to learn more. This is my seventeenth year and I still read stuff I have not read before or least my eyes are still being open to more. I may have read it but did not understand until the Lord was able to have me in the place to understand.

    Oh my Gosh I love reading His Word daily. When I first started reading the Lord put the desire in me that I just could not get enough. I was like a sponge. It is a habit now I am addicted I must confess but boy what an addiction it’s the best one I have ever had. :-)

  5. Grace48 says:

    Reading the Bible and learning to know God and His ways,character and promises gives hope and all to my family. As we struggle thru issues of poverty and illness I love to read how Jesus went to the poor and the ill and the outcasts of society when He walked this earth. The things we took for granted we do not any more and Jesus and God’s Word are sweeter and richer even thru so much troubles. God’s love shown thru Jesus brings tears of joy and gratefulness to my eyes somany times when reading the Bible and when praying.

  6. poohpity says:

    Amen, Grace48!!

  7. saled says:

    I think I see what Mart sees here in Matt. 4:4. Jesus is not only pointing out the importance of scripture, but is also emphasizing that it is the word of God, the word he spoke when he spoke all of creation into being, that sustains us. It is not the food in my house, or my garden that I am planning to plant this spring, or my health insurance plan, that will sustain my family. It will be the word, or will, of God that provides for and increases or decreases us. This is a new way of looking at this verse for me, and I think it will indeed lead me to pray that God will speak his words of provision into my life.

  8. rokdude5 says:

    A couple of points come to my mind regarding this post. For me, the Bible is synonymous (assuming you have the proper translation) with God. In John 1:1 its written,(NIV)”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” To me, I cant one without the other. Without any communications from God, we are left to our imaginations what God is and wants from us. (Of course that is exactly what happens to those who refuse or are in ignorance of the Bible.)

    Also, for me I need (and want) to read the Scripture every day. As you referred to Matthew 4:4, bear in mind that in Matthew 4:6, Satan himself, was paraphrasing Psalm 91:11,12 to Jesus.

    Now I cant imagine in that moment that Satan took out, unrolled and search a scroll to make that “quote” to Jesus. That means to me if Satan knows the Scriptures and try to bend it to make his points of persuasion, then I NEED TO KNOW the Scriptures in order to keep myself on the straight and narrow. Act 17:11

    I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have been praying for my daughter and me. She is home now slowly recovering but she has a year of treatments ahead of her. The prognosis is more than good at this point. RJ

  9. rokdude5 says:

    An afterthought…check out Ps 119:9,11

  10. poohpity says:

    Thanks for keeping us informed about your daughter rokdude5. Yea!!!

    Yes all of Psalm 119 is about the Word of God.

    My mom’s little dog, well mine now, is starting to walk on her leg a little more this week.

    It would be nice if we could Praise God before we see the good that comes about. Yea!!

  11. bubbles says:

    ♥Deb- You made me remember Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

    Our physical hunger and spiritual hunger are opposites. When we hunger physically, we eat something, and are filled. But, when we hunger after the Word of God, and we read it, it makes us want more! That’s a great thing!

    Thinking about what Mart said about our High Priest–Heb. 12:2–Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the JOY that was set before Him, endured the cross. . .another verse speaks of His obedience unto death, even the death of the cross.

    How humbling that Jesus obeyed his Father, and came here to walk amongst dirty sinners. His leaving sinless heaven to be around sin must have hurt Him in ways we cannot imagine. Then, to become sin for us, and have every sin laid on Him. . . have often wondered if this must have hurt much more deeply than the physical pain he endured.

    It always helps when another can come alongside and tell us they have gone through the same problems we have. That understanding is so comforting. Isn’t it wonderful that, God knowing exactly what we need, did the same thing for us. He gave us Jesus, and allowed His perfect Son to be in all points tempted like we are.
    His love is amazing.

  12. Lively says:

    When I read this today, my first thought was Matthew – eyes to see, ears to hear. I’ve read this entry three times and attmpted to respond each time and I keep coming back to Matthew every time.

    Matthew 13:16But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

    I see what you’re talking about, Mart – and I’ve seen it in other places of Scripture, too. We are truly blessed!

  13. poohpity says:

    I long for an advocate or defender because at times I feel stuck at what to pray for or even what next step I am to take. I sit here this morning and wonder what exactly am I here for. I am feeling discouraged and disheartened by life. There are times when I know there has to more than being caged in this room. I do not feel I am living an abundant life.

    I have always longed to have someone to be on my side and I have experienced that in the past with the Lord. I just feel like I am dangling now. Physically I am stuck but mentally I feel like a horse throwing it’s head in the air ready to go and do. I feel useless.

  14. Lively says:

    Pooh – I feel inadequate, I don’t know your whole situation. But, keep praying and I’ll pray too.


  15. Grace48 says:

    Pooh and Lively, I feel inadequate also. I’ll be praying and keep praying too. And just so you both know, what you each write here and many others also have helped me to hold on in faith and I thank God for you.

  16. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh, Everyday, all day Matthew feels no one loves him nor cares about him. He is lonely and stuck in his chair. He has the same needs as anyone of us have and can see no hope of having them.

    When he hits rock bottom, all I can tell him is that I love him. Though it isn’t what he is missing, it is all that I can offer, all that I can do.

    You are loved pooh.

    Let God work and be patient. God is faithful.


  17. afranz says:

    I have a good friend who is confined to assisted living, and doesn’t leave her room much. When she gets down, she tells me that is the time she starts praising God for all the times He has helped her in the past. She sings, or quotes praises from Psalms, and it works,I’ve tried it.
    Our praise to our heavenly Father is the oil that gets our stiff spiritual bearings moving freely again.
    Father, I praise You for this site to share Your steadfast love, power, majesty, humility, and wonderful gift of Your Son. Please lift up the hearts of all who are cooped up because of health, weather or any other reason. Thank You Lord for the blessing of this sharing between souls who are so far apart physically. In Christ’s name, Amen
    And I see what you saw Mart, Jesus, who is OUR DAILY BREAD (sorry, couldn’t resist)

  18. SFDBWV says:

    Stacy, We now have 83 inches of snow, for the month of February. It just keeps snowing here. I talk to Sterling VA (NOAA)every day and they see no change in sight. 206.6 inches for the season and still counting.

    Hope you got dug out ok.


  19. InHisHands says:

    Dear BTA Friends,

    This topic is so appropriate for all of us, as there isn’t anyone who does not experience trial whether large or small-and the trials should always bring us to the Word of the Lord, who is the Lord of the Word.

    Pooh – I, too, do not know your circumstances, but have experienced that discouragement. For so many years I was so very active and these last six years of raising these 4 grandchildren-under extinuating circumstances- and Fibromyalgia wracking my body – most days, I feel useless. My brain wants to do so much more with the girls and my body won’t let me. I pray for you and Praise God that He has brought you in my life in this daily blog. So much of what you share has touched my heart and kept me going.

    My son is still a concern, but I truly can see the hand of God working. The Dr. thought that the sheriff dept. took him in on a 5150, Psych case- but they arrested him for assault with a deadly weapon. To fill in gaps, he was in the ER because of a seizure and the meds – create psychotic episode in him – he ran out, naked’ and grabbed a hammer and hit peoples cars, so of course they felt threatened. Had he not had a past record, they may have taken him to psych – but I believe that God will work this for good, as he need to see a neurologist and his insurance has not gotten him to one in over 10 weeks, he is getting worse due to the meds. So thank you for your prayers, I have been able to see possible ways that our dear Lord is going to take care of this. He is much calmer, too – (he has had at least 3 seizures since being in lock-up, so they can tell it is true)

    I also thank God for answered prayer in RJ’s daughter’s life and even in the care of a puppy. God is so good.

    Sometimes I think that it isn’t the not knowing that causes us to display our various emotions – like I said, the head knows but the heart has more trouble getting on the same page. It is such a blessing to know that God is always, always there to give the peace we need through every storm.

    I praise the Lord for this blog and the new family that I so look forward to meeting ‘when we all get to Heaven’

    Thank you again for your prayers.

  20. bubbles says:

    I’ve been reading this site for about a year. I’m always excited to see you have posted, because you always write with kindness and love. Your words ALWAYS express the love of the Lord and His Word. Your words are an instrument of peace here. You writing reminds me of Eph. 4:29b . . .’for the use of edifying that it may minister grace unto the hearers.’ Your words are like little silver boxes with bows on top. Thank you for words of edification and affirmation. Your kindness may be all that some will hear today.

  21. poohpity says:

    Thank you all so very, very much for the kind words. The sermon today in church was also on the subject of JOY in all things which mine has been restored. Again thank you and thank you to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His work in and through us.

  22. poohpity says:

    Our advocate and defender.

  23. foreverblessed says:

    Dear Pooh, I want to say this to you, but do you realise that in the former topic you have been accused quite badly, and half a day later you feel inadequate. Can the two things be connected?
    I do see now your comments, your OK again.
    It is hard to always stay commected to God, you are His precious daughter.
    And throw the accuser out.
    ANd yes Our Advocate and Defender is Jesus

  24. keepsmiling says:

    I was raised in a Christian home, my father was a pastor/minister. He passed away when I was 13. So at 17 I married the first male that gave me any attention, not realizing the pain ahead of me. One yr later I had my son.
    Long story short my husband became a alcoholic & womanizer, yet, due to my “hard-laced” upbringing, I stayed married for 22 yrs. I was FORCED to turn to the God of my youth. I started “eating the word” daily to keep me sane. I stuck with the word believing that by my manner of conduct & conversation that I would win him to the Lord. But, when I was 39, he left me for his 21 yr old secretary. (I discovered that “man-kind” has been given an independent free will…& that God does not tamper with it.)
    There again, I had the word to comfort me. As I left my split level home, to move into a efficiency appt., God gave me the words, “your life does not consist of the abundance of things that you possess…” After 10 yrs of being single, God sent me a wonderful Christian minister for a husband & now we have been married for 10 yrs!
    Gods word has ALWAYS triumphed over every obstacle in my life…& will continue to! Greetings to all of u from the big state of TEXAS!

  25. poohpity says:

    foreverblessed, no it was not from that topic. It was because I just get overwhelmed sometimes with self pity. I know that my heart was not angry or unloving, I was feeling concern and care for her.

  26. foreverblessed says:

    InHisHands, thanks for the update, your son is still in my prayers. And Rockdude, thank God things are better with your daughter, she too is in my prayers!
    And Steve, tell Matthew I care for him very much, and take him to the throne of God.

    About the Word of God, I agree with Lively: eyes to see and ears to hear. this is also in some way cited in 1 Corinthians 2:9-10
    They come through the Holy Spirit.
    (We have the mind of Christ, v16)
    It is very good to start with praising God, before reading the bible. Our human logic thinking could take over when we read.
    But it is the bible of God, God is bigger than the bible. Like John said in John 20:30-31 Jesus did many more miracles, but this was written so that we would believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.

  27. Anna777 says:

    Wow. He died for us, so he could fight for us – so he could be our advocate. Does it get any greater than that? I think not. That God would go to such measures to make sure we understand just how much he loves us

    I’ve had some things happen this week in my life (very ill husband and a child that is running fast and hard from God as well as two nephews in Afghanistan) and you know what? I’m at peace. The peace that can only come from accepting the gift of Salvation through the One who died in my place – Jesus. My Advocate, my Defender. Praise God. How strange that I would try at times to “take the battle into my own hands! No need! I’m resting in Him.

    I have laid everything at the Throne of God. He has never failed me. I pray that through everything, whatever happens, that I will give praise and honor to my Heavenly Father. I will continue to hold them up in prayer. I know God’s way is perfect.

    Pooh – You are in my prayers. It’s really something how the enemy seems to sneak in and start sowing little seeds of doubt, kicking dirt in our face, whatever it is he likes to do. It’s strange, I know, but sometimes it will take me a day or two before I even realize I’m under attack! Once I recognize it I know just what to do (Ephesians 6) but it’s recognizing it that often throws me!

    Steve & Stacy (and everyone else on the East coast) – You are in my prayers! Can you even get out to the store? How are the roofs holding up?

    I pray for all of my RBC sisters and brothers in Christ. It’s a blessing to share in your insights and experience as I grow in the Lord.

    Romans 10:17


  28. foreverblessed says:

    Keepsmiling, thanks for your testimony

    The 2 bible verses that Mart showed, Matthew 4:4 and Hebrews 4:13
    they were intensely used in my former church. Very legalistic church. To show that the Old Testament and its laws were still in force.
    Like the Sabbath commandment.
    It took me a long time to read Jesus Christ in the scriptures.
    To look with a mind full of Jesus Christ, otherwise the reading of scripture is useless.
    You read all sorts of commands. Even Psalm 119 is a hard one, because all words in the bible, like: keep the 7th day holy, you need to know the meaning, otherwise you would read it as: you rest a day a week.
    You see what I mean? It is important that we have the mind of Christ. That we are His. That we read Him into the scriptures. If it says we should keep a day holy, it means we should rest in Him. Hebrews is about that theme, especially this Hebrews 4, that Mart mentioned, 4:10-11
    Come to rest in Jesus by faith.
    And immediately the accuser will come and say: “Is it that easy, just resting in Jesus? You must work, and work hard to show yourself approved.”
    Then you need Ephesisans 6, like Anna said.
    It is Jesus we are to eat every day, Grace enough for one day. Live in Him, let His Life flow through you, His Grace, His forgiveness, His Love.
    We received that from Him, we can give that to others.

  29. foreverblessed says:

    What does it mean 20/20? Just curious to know.
    Also to say that these days people are celebrating carnival. Also in my town. Not in the area where I grew up, so I am not used to it.
    Last week I heard from a parish that they make sure that there are people in the church around monday and tuesday, because then people are in shambles, because they found out their spouse has slept around with others.
    It brakes my heart, how people take things for granted, do what they want to do, and not knowing how much they hurt others. It looks so nice these “happy” people, but the drinking and the …
    The only thing I can do, is to pray for them.
    Yesterday I was cycling to church, it was snowing, the world was white in the open field. That’s what God will do, He will make white as snow the world, all who will live with Him forever, will be white as snow.

  30. Mart De Haan says:

    foreverblessed, 20/20 is just a way of referring to good and clear vision. Sorry that wasn’t a clear way of saying it :-)…

  31. Lively says:

    Good morning! Pooh – I am so glad that you had your joy restored!

    Weather wise here, they are calling for up to 6″ but more likely 4″ and so far we’re holding up well. We ended up paying someone to clear our drive, worth every penny and God provided him at just the right moment. Snow has been melting slowly off the roof and we’ve no signs any any issues up there – thank Heavens for a steep pitch and thank God for a slow melt!

    Steve – that’s over 17 feet of snow! Is that normal for your area?


  32. Puddleglum says:

    Good morning everyone. This is my first submission to your wonderful circle of friends. I have been reading your comments and exchanges for about 2 months and I have been truly blessed and encouraged by them.
    I have taken the name Puddleglum after the “Marshwiggle” character in C.S. Lewis book, “The Silver Chair.” If someone says to me, “Its a nice morning” I think or respond, “Probably rain later though.” That is just one of my life struggles. I just wanted to introduce myself and I hope to be able to make some POSITIVE contributions from time to time.
    I love Jesus.

  33. poohpity says:

    Welcome Puddleglum!! That is sort of like one of my favorites from Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore! I think that just may be a reality type of personality, pray for the best and understand that there may be the worst happen. Then one is not shocked, lol.

  34. kingsdaughter says:

    I love your “name”…Puddleglum. I have always thought if I ever (it won’t happen) owned a cat…I would name it Aslan from “The Chronicles of Narnia.” Welcome. I offer comments now and again but mostly I glean from my new found friends here.


  35. pegramsdell says:

    Welcome Puddlegum.

  36. Puddleglum says:

    Thank you all for your welcome.
    Poohpity. I have a brother and he has been called Eeyore from time to time.We are a great pair.

  37. Lively says:

    Welcome, I’m glad you decided to chime in :-) Lots of voices for the Lord.

  38. Anna777 says:

    Welcome Puddlegum. Great site…. holding each other up in Christ.

  39. daisymarygoldr says:

    Good post and pics that caters well to my gastronomical delights!

    Example One is a 20/20 on our adversary who tempted Christ during His weaknesses of hunger! After the temptation in the wilderness, the devil departed from Christ, only temporarily, lying in wait for another opportunity (Lk 4:13).

    Christ was again tempted in Peter’s loving intentions to prevent His Master from the death of the cross. Being rooted in God’s Word, Christ readily recognized the satanic trap and responded with a negative “self-righteously condemning and cutting remark”: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me”.

    Like Peter, many amongst us fall to the subtle schemes of the evil one… we are never “negative”! In saying nice things that pleases the flesh we “do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men”…who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. Jude 1:3

    In our misplaced desires to love and defend others we do not want to hear any harsh things even if it is the truth. We do not realize our kind and loving remarks actually make us a stumbling block to Christ. “For such persons by smooth talk and flattery do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites”. Romans 16:18

    However those of us who are fully rooted and grounded in God’s Word, are not oblivious to the old serpent’s sly ways (2 Cori 2:11)… who does not want people to come to an accurate knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4).

    In times of temptations, the Word enables us to stand firm in the truth which is: “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for Him” (Phil1: 29)!

  40. daisymarygoldr says:

    Example Two is a 20/20 on our advocate Jesus, who came—“to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.” (John 9:39 NLT)

    Yes, since we have an advocate who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, let us then continue to hold firmly to the faith we profess. During times of temptations when we are tempted to doubt God’s provision of grace and mercy, let us not abandon our faith or get disillusioned and thereby commit the sin of belief… like the Israelites.

    The Israelites did not combine God’s word with faith (Heb 4:2) and because of their disobedience (Heb 4: 7) God who delivered them from Egypt also destroyed them in the wilderness. As a result, even though the work has been finished since the creation of the world, they were unable to enter that eternal rest of God.

    Those who died in the desert represent people who come to Christ and receive the “Word” with joy, but they have no root. Even after having been delivered from their sins, they do not work out their salvation and hence, do not grow up in their faith.

    …because they are not rooted in God’s Word, they believe for a while, but in times of testing they do not endure; they fall away. Of such people Jeremiah says: “The word of the LORD is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it” (Jer 6:10). God’s Word can cut our hearts like a sword and makes us to obey… for without obedience to God’s word, we can never enter God’s rest.

    Although He was the Son, “the High Priest who died in our place” learned obedience from what He suffered (Heb 5: 8). Therefore, the writer is exhorting Hebrew believers to not simply hitchhike on the finished work of Christ our High Priest but to “make every effort to enter that rest”… the effort is in our obedience!

    The work of God, which is our “every effort”, is to believe in the “Word of God” who lives in us. Since we have a defender who has been tempted in every way i.e. tempted in the wilderness to doubt God’s Word and avoid the cross—yet He was without sin i.e. He did not yield to those temptations to disobey God.

    So…during times of our “weaknesses,” when we are tempted by the adversary to doubt God due to our sins…let us not turn away in unbelief… because we have a faithful advocate, let us approach the throne of grace with confidence in order that we might receive grace to help us…

    Grace for what purpose? Grace for us to continue in our sin? Grace for God to wink away and excuse our sin? No, we need His grace to help us remain faithful. We need His grace during times of temptations to make every effort and obey…lest we fall short of our salvation. For, to enjoy God’s rest is to obey God’s word!

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