Hey, I’ve been kicking something around and would like to get your thoughts.
We’ve all heard it said over and over, that “if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is… ‘too good to be true.’
Don’t drink the “Kool-Aid”…
In one respect, most of us probably accept the warning as a matter of wisdom—except when some shrewd person has gotten our trust to the point that we are ready to put money on an unbelievably good opportunity.
So here’s what I’m wondering: What does this “common sense” do to those of us who believe in the ultimate good news that Christ died for our sins? What does it do to our credibility and to the ability of others to believe it when we say that, according to The Book, God now offers– to anyone who will trust him… “everything that is His”… forever…in a renewed heaven and earth…as a gift… with no hook of fine print buried in the offer…?
How do we counter… what we usually regard as common sense that no smart person would deny… when the issue is what we know is so good… it’s true… ?