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Caught at the Lake

Took my camera to the lake the other day…

and caught a few pictures

of what our Creator must have had in mind

before bringing us into his world (John 1:1-3).

Haven’t gotten over the Wonder of Creation that Dean sees as such an issue to both God and us.

All things

were made

by him…

and without


was not any thing made

that was made” (John 1:3).


was in the world…

and the world

was made

by him

and the world knew him not” (John 1:10).

For by him

were all things


that are in heaven

and that are in earth

visible and invisible

whether they be thrones,

or dominions, or principalities, or powers

all things

were created

by him,


for him” (Col 1:16).

“God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things

through whom also He made the worlds” (Heb 1:1-2).

You are worthy, O Lord to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created” (Rev 4:11).

As we’ve been considering together the yet to be seen impact of the Gulf Oil spill, and the potentially true or false claims of Ararat Ark hunters…. am thinking that according to what the Bible says about God’s affection for what he has made, one thing we don’t have to wonder about is… whether our Creator cares about what we are doing to and for one another… and to and for the living creatures he created for our spiritual education, joy, and physical survival.

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34 Responses to “Caught at the Lake”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    Genesis 3:17 “Cursed is the ground for thy sake”….

    Being a *creationist* I have understood that the world around us is different than the world God created in the beginning.

    The world we see now, is the world after the flood.

    This world now is a shadow of the beauty it once was. This world we enjoy is beautiful and inspiring, but has a parasite infestation.

    We all watched or read about the 29 coal miners that died a few weeks ago. Massey Mining is one of the big coal operators who are practicing mountain top removal strip mining in Kentucky and West Virginia….Mountain top removal…

    There are several layers of coal found here in the mountains. As you get closer to the surface the coal seams may only be one or two feet thick. Since it is too small to mine conventionaly, usually the sides of the mountain are stripped away to get at the edges of the coal bed. Creating high walls and water filled strip pits encircling the mountain. making a series of steps or tiers around the mountain.

    The new method of mining is to completly remove the overburden (Top of the mountain) to get at the foot or two of coal found beneath….

    Then take the material that has been removed and fill in the valleys between mountains with it.

    There are so many environmental consequences from such insanity it is difficult to say which is the worse.

    The topography, the very elevation of mountains changed forever. Water sheds destroyed and removed forever, loose material placed in the valleys destroying the very ecosystem the valley created as well as being the sourse now of erosion for hundreds of years. Its material eroding into waterways that will eventualy alter, change and even eliminate native life on it’s journey to the sea.

    This is one story, one….There are many many more.


  2. pegramsdell says:

    Good morning all. I love the photos Mart. Even used the first one as a backdrop on my computer.

    I love to be outside and observe nature. God is so good to us by giving us animals to love and take care of.

    I am praying for all the animals, birds and fish that are suffering because of the oil spill. Also, praying for the people God sent to resuce them.

    I love my little dog “LC” and I thank God for her everyday. She is my best friend. I know that He sent her to me. And I pray for her all the time. Another aspect for living an abundant life. :)

  3. SFDBWV says:

    If you have ever looked at a sunflower, you will see that the seeds begin in the middle of the flower and then spiral outward.

    If you look under a microscope at some algea and other micoscopic basic life forms many have that same spiral formation

    If you look at sea shells, snail shells and some other shelled creatures , both plant and animal,you see that same spiral. It is called a logarithmic spiral.

    If you look at the galaxies they too have that same spiral formation.

    A logarithmic spirial with the same ratio of expanding circles.

    Interesting isn’t it. That the enormous size of a galaxy has the same mathamatical form as a microscopic algea, sun flower and all spiral formations found in life.

    Even the helix of DNA, spirals.

    God’s creative signature is everywhere.


  4. SFDBWV says:

    RBC did a series called “The Wonder of a Tree”. I too am awed at the wonder of trees.

    They anchor into the earth and rocks and hold the soil in place.

    They hold water back.

    They help create the very soil they feed from.

    They turn sunlight into energy and substance for their lives.

    When a tree is threatened by cattepillars, they can produce a chemical in their leaves to as to *taste* bad, in an effort to turn away their attacker.

    More amazing is the fact that other trees not tuching each other and even of a different species, that are in the same area, also produce the same chemical in an effort to make themselves less desirable to the attackinf insects….somehow they communicate to each other.

    then there is the very familiar poem…

    Joyce Kilmer

    I think that I shall never see
    A poem lovely as a tree.

    A tree whoes hungry mouth is prest
    Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;

    A tree that looks at God all day
    And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

    A tree that may in summer wear
    A nest of robins in her hair;

    Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
    Who intimately lives with rain.

    Poems are made by fools like me,
    But only God can make a tree.


  5. InHisHands says:

    Good Morning All;

    phpatato: you referred to the Homby Eagle webcam – is there a site to visit- I think you directed us to it before, but I can not find the address.

    I wonder at the world that God has given us to live in and at the way in which mankind seems to find new ways to bring about distruction to the beauty around us. What we do to each other is not much better. As Christians, I know ‘we’ try to be more like Christ – but, as I watch historical renditions of the various crusades and wars that have been fought in God’s name, I have to wonder even more at the mind of man. How can one justify harming others ‘in God’s name’? I read in the news of the group that goes to funerals and demean the fallen ‘in God’s name’ – Doesn’t this ‘pollute’ the picture of Christ that we are to be to a dying world? It has bothered me for a while – as our Pastor’s family suffered such a loss and were threatened by this group to be protested at his funeral – fortunately, they did not show up, but so many others have suffered from their protests –

    My heart goes out to all those who suffer – from the miners, to the eco-system, to the families that have lost so much in the war for continued ‘freedom’ – My prayers go out for those of you here, who daily continue in faith to do what is right for your families and care for your elderly and infirmed. He is coming soon – And I am so greatful that He is here with us all the time.

    Sorry if I have rambled- thank you for the beautiful pictures Mart.

  6. poohpity says:

    Mart, I agree that God does care about what we do and do not do for each other and every living thing. I believe God wanted us to care as He does but the further we go away from God the more destruction is seen.

    It would seem in our thirst for knowledge and convenience we over look our need to CARE for those things that God has so graciously supplied us with. What makes it so hard for us to understand that out of love, (Eph 3:17-19 And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.)? It seems we grow indifferent to the fact that God created and ALL things reflect that glory.

    Human beings seem to have taken everything beautiful for granted and in our desire, not for God but for the things created rush past the joy we can embrace through the beauty of all that is around us. Take time to smell, see, taste, touch and hear God speaking through all that is good.

    The sons of Korah remind us in Psalms 46:10; 10 “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted IN the earth.”

  7. jimgroberts says:

    I suspect that although we love Gods creation [which includes man] when it comes to affecting our life style we are loathed and resist change. Europe has seen much cleaner skyes because planes were forced to not fly because of volcanic ash. Although I fly only once a year to see my son and family in Singapore I have yet to feel compelled to stop. We have got so used to our life styles we do not think about the negative effect it has on creation. Here in Holland we do use bicycles much more than other countries but we still have too many cars on the road. What do you think we should do?

  8. poohpity says:

    The only thing I can think of is to consider the consequences of each action we take. Watch what we say and do so that it may not harm another in an imperfect way. We will never reach perfection but to give a little thought before we act. I know there are many things that I would have a hard time giving up like my car so maybe I could take someone with me so they do not drive theirs (car pool). I think just a little effort in change may have good results.

  9. Bugchaser56 says:

    I am a retired Navy Corpsman, with my primary specialty being in Preventive Medicine. One of my duties was pest control and one of those duties included mosquito identification (females only, since they are the ones that take a blood meal to be able to reproduce). I was stationed at the Naval Submarine Base in Kings Bay, GA. The base was one of my favorite duty stations I was at. The base is a protected wetlands area. My duties did not keep me cooped up in the clinic, but I was able to travel all over the base and it was really great. Being a wetlands area and not too far from the Okeefenokee swamp we had a major mosquito problem, especially along the waterfront. I had to use a disecting microscope to help with the mosquito identification. Even nasty pests had very interesting and neat patterns of scales. One particular species that comes to mind is the Urataenia species. To look at the mosquito without any magnification it looks like a very small brown mosquito, nothing particularly interesting about it. The only thing one wants to do to it is to squash it. However, when looked under the disecting microscope one is met with a sight that makes this mosquito particularly pretty, believe it or not. Along the sides of the mosquito are scales that are pearlescent and a pale electric blue color. Why? Only the Lord knows, but He even made the creatures that we see as pests and vermin to appear beautiful. Granted you really need to find a way to see it, even sometimes needing a microscope, but there is beauty there to be found.

  10. bubbles says:

    It troubles my heart to see what “humans” do to creation. My heart aches to see innocent animals suffer because of the greed and carelessness of humans. Sin is so abundant everywhere.

    Yes, Steve,I agree, the mountain top removal is a prime example of GREED on the part of man. The mountains are stripped and ruined. Once this is done, it cannot be repaired. Then, those who must live at the foot of these ruined mountains suffer because of those who destroyed them. They don’t just “put the mountain back” like those who are for this say they do.

    We can see God’s thumbprint of precision everywhere in creation, even down to the microscopic level. Anywhere that man has put his hand will show imprecision and error.

    Mart, thanks for your pictures and thoughts. They are lovely.

    Praise God that there is more to our existence as believers than the life that is here on this earth.

  11. JediKnight4Him says:

    Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness to the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves; who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. We see this alot in our days where creatures are more important than a child in the mothers womb. To be in awe of creation without giving credit to the creator is robery. Believers can rightly worship God in spirit and truth because they know the one who made it all.

  12. cmgeorge says:

    Thought of a poem by an unknown author:

    Maker of earth and sea and sky;
    Creations sovereign Lord and King;
    Who hung the starry worlds on high;
    And formed alike the sparrows wing;
    Bless the dumb creatures of thy care;
    And listen to their voiceless prayer.

  13. Lesliedawn says:

    Revelation 11:18
    And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    Been thinking about Mart’s comment, “Whether our creator cares about what we are doing to and for one another…and to and for the living creatures he created for our spiritual education, joy, and physical survival.”

    Have always understood that before the flood of Noah, man did not eat meat.

    That only after Noah and his family emerged from the Ark were all living moving things given to man to be food (Gen 9:2&3).

    It becomes a very difficult thing to love nature and observe it’s wonders, yet kill or destroy it for our survival.

    Building any home without the use of wood is at it’s best difficult. Not impossible, but in most cases impractical.
    To only cut stone requires tools, tools made of iron, to forge iron from rock, one needs fire. To have fire we need fuel….wood, coal, Gas, oil.

    To get at these fuels we must harm the thing we love, the natural earth.

    Though God gave all living and moving things for us for food (except blood). Many people choose to omit animals from their diets. That is fine and their privilege to do so. Yet whether animal or vegtable, we still eat from the life of something else.

    Survival, seems to be on a crash course with out using or disturbing life and nature. This is also true for all of nature, not only man.

    So it comes to how well we balance the need to take from nature, respect it and preserve it.

    We have not done very well as a whole, we need to do better.


  15. sbrewster says:

    As I think about everything everyone has written here, as I reflect on it all – what awes me most is not so much the exacting thought, design and care put into creating the trees, animal life, ecosystems, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I am very awed by the beauty of nature and there are times when I take my little dogs out for the last time before going to bed that I look up at the heavens and my heart is overwhelmed at the sheer massiveness of the universe and to know it was created by God. Sometimes I weep when I think that many of the stars we see twinkling at us, being millions of light years away, are in fact no longer there. I am so awe struck by that!!! And it reminds me that the God I serve, the God who made us all is so much more than I could ever try to comprehend or put into words.

    As intricately as He designed the Heavens and this planet, His design of each of us is even so much more special. Just think, that he saved the hallmark of creation until last: Genesis 1:26-27 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them..”

    We are God’s greatest creation!!! We should honor and respect each other as such and do all we can to care for the earth God has given us dominion over.

  16. Grace48 says:

    Good words Steve,again. I was just going to comment that both nature and people can be hurt by much of what is done in the name of necessity or even greed. We should care for both nature and people.

    So much, it seems that so many problems even in our land, stem from the idea that we are the masters of our lives and it is in our own strength and wisdom that we do all with never a second’s notice about God. From unbelievers and sometimes even from Christians.

    I’d just like to remind here that tomorrow is National Day of prayer and to pray for our nation, families and land.

  17. Grace48 says:

    Also good words sbrewster.

  18. sbrewster says:

    From the hyperlink Mart inlcuded, Dean Ohlman’s May 3rd post:
    ……..”in spite of all the stresses we people create for nature, it is still out there doing what God created it to do. And my soul resonated with King David’s as he gave voice to his own soul’s joy some three thousand years ago: “How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures” (Psalm 104:24).”

    Mart, thank you for the link – I loved the verse at the top of his blog, Psalm 111:2: Great are the works of the Lord; They are pondered by all who delight in them.”


  19. hchigh2004 says:

    Great pics. I pray for all the wildlife because of the oil spill

  20. SFDBWV says:

    Amen sbrewster, We should indeed honor God, by treating others with the same love and respect we ourselves would like to be treated with.

    Does God have enemies? Do we? Are they the same enemies?

    Jesus told us to love our enemies. Do we?

    Just a couple days ago a man placed a vehicle in the middle of Times Square and though he failed, his intentions were to kill as many people as his car bomb could.

    Is he the enemy? How then should we show him love?

    Vengence is mine said the Lord….

    All of God’s laws, concerning crimes against people, have a punishment attached….including capital punishment.

    Do we dishonor God by disagreeing with his law about capital punishment? Or do we honor God by living by his laws?

    Jesus told the crowd, gathered to stone to death a woman caught in the act of adultery, for him without sin to cast the first stone. All left, and Jesus did not condem the women, but told her to sin no more.

    There are people in our midst who are without conscience, who steal, bully, rob and even kill. With no reguard or sympathy for their victims

    How do we protect our families and our society from such people, while continuing to honor God and Jesus’s wish for us to love our enemies?

    Indeed we should treat others with love and respect, Indeed we should be ready to forgive.

    Jesus said to forgive an enemy as often as is needed.

    Do we then allow our enemies to destroy our families, our homes, our way of life, even our life itself,; for their own personal desires?

    Is making a stand against evildoers, not honoring Christs desire for us to forgive?

    Treating others isn’t as uncomplicated as it would seem.


  21. phpatato says:


    Please accept my apologies for posting a direct link to another website…the eagle one. I was responding to InHisHands’ question and in my zeal because the live feed is so captivating, forgot that that is against the rules. I understand why this has to be. I’m sorry and will, in the future, be more attentive in not doing that.

    InHisHands, a google search of Hornby eagles should lead you to the website. It surely is an education. The FAQ section gives amazing facts about this amazing bird.

    I am hoping I haven’t stepped over the line again? If I have, could you please email me on how to do it properly?


  22. sbrewster says:

    Steve – wow! Such thought and heart provoking questions. I am not a Biblical Scholar or a Theologian.

    I would say that Jesus faced those people – those who are without conscience – they are the same ones who scourged him, spat on him, smote him and nailed him to the cross. I would say that Jesus died for them. I would say, that if I were there on that day, maybe it might have been me that did those things to him. It was me who nailed him to the cross. For all my righteous is as filthy rags and if it were not for God where would I be. This is how I have felt in my heart since I accepted Christ’s atoning work in my life.

    Standing for truth and forgiving are not mutually exclusive.

    When I was a young girl and I had done something wrong, my father would punish me. It wasn’t that he didn’t forgive me, but more that I had to suffer the consequence of my bad decision. But first, my father would put me on trial (he’d ask me questions) to discern whether or not I had an understanding of what was right and what was wrong. Now, as a kid I did not see that this was a compassionate thing to do – I could only focus on the sting of the rebuke. And for his part, while he had forgiven me, he still had to follow through with the punishment or I would have never taken it seriously or learned at all.

    I have always struggled with this duplicitous nature of God. He is compassionate, good and loving. Ah, but he is ever a fierce God and to be feared (revered). He is not always the kind, soft God dolling out encouraging words like flowers we sometimes imagine. His judgement is swift – but we live in a time when people don’t want to accept that part of His character.

    Some many times, Proverbs tells us “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. Over the years, many have said that “fear” is really more like respect. I accept that definition. I can tell you that as a young child, I feared my earthly father and I had enormous respect for him for lasted the duration of our relationship. Why? Because he had proven himself to be true to his word.

  23. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon, All,

    I hope all is well in your lives.


    Your topic/comment caused me to reflect on the importance of taking care of the earth and loving people–God’s creation. I used to wonder what I could do in order to do my part in caring for the earth. ..honestly didn’t know what I could do to help.

    About a month ago, my city started a recycling project in my neighborhood. We have to separate all clean cardboard boxes, clean newspaper, clean cans and clean plastic containers in a blue trash can and put the “dirty” trash in a gray trash can.

    At first, I didn’t want to do it because it meant more work, but I soon realized that by separating my trash I’m doing my part in protecting the environment (land fills, etc.). My church recently sponsored a neighborhood cleanup project (don’t know how the specific neighborhood was chosen). I didn’t participate but would consider doing so in the future.

    I’m glad that I now know at least two ways that I – as an ordinary citizen – can give back for the modern conveniences that make my life more comfortable. A thought came to mind, while typing this comment, that I (we) could also provide financial support (whatever I (we) could afford to give) to a trustworthy organization that sponsors (nationwide/global) cleanup projects.

    I wish I could do more to actively help care for the earth because it’s a gift (given to me/us) from God. I would be willing to give up some of my modern conveniences in order to make the world a safer place for all of God’s creation.

    Was also thinking about the spiritual connection that man has to the earth. When Adam & Eve died spiritually, the earth was placed under a curse too.

    Rom. 8:21-22, NIV
    …the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

    People are suffering/perishing right now for the lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). The earth is suffering/perishing due to its bondage to decay, man’s lack of concern, man’s sinful ways, etc.

    I’m so glad that I’m not alone in my love and concern for God’s creation (the earth & mankind). We all have to do our part in order to make the world a better place not only for us but for future generations.


  24. Mart De Haan says:

    Thanks for your note. Sometimes I wish we could be wide open in our policy about including links. I’ll bet most of the time it would be helpful to all of us. Every once in a while, though, some group with an axe to grind would try to misuse to promote for commercial or cultish purposes. That’s probably why the present rule. Will review. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  25. Ron Ben Yaakov says:

    Shalom to all:

    Thank you Mart for your artistic photos. I, too, love to take photos, not snap shots as some love to do. That’s okay, but I like to capture the beauty of God’s creation at every given opportunity. I see you have the same desire.

    When I look at a simple blade of grass, even the dainty flowers that express the glory of God in the middle of a deserted field, I sense His Presence in a special way. I believe every true child of God appreciates His creation: Animal life, plant life; whatever we are able to handle, see, smell, feel. Even the wind is spectacular as we meditate upon its gracefulness as it flows majestically through the trees and other plant life. Watching the clouds being blown by the wind in various formations always catches my eye. As my wife and I fly back and forth to Israel, I’m always rejoicing as I look out the window of the jet and see God’s clouds.

    Yes, tears come to my eyes as I witness the carelessness of motorists who throw out their garbage on the roadways, cluttering the beautiful slopes and flat lands, depending on the landscaping where you may be traveling. Highway crewmen can’t even mow the grass without having to spend hours picking up the garbage.

    Then, I think about all of the animals lying in the roadways, ran over by vehicles. I realize many of these mishaps are unavoidable, since the animals have a tendency at times to dart-out in front of you with no time to spare. But, there are those who make a sport out of trying to run down God’s little creatures. I know, I’ve witnessed it happening!

    As my wife and I go for our morning walks, we witness many dogs who are malnourished from lack of food. We live in the country where dogs are often abandoned by their owners. My human feelings step into the picture many times when I see these animals suffering. I think, “I wonder how these owners would like to be taken out in the middle of no where – with unfamiliar surroundings; no one to meet them in the morning with a bowl of food, then, be dropped off?” The last words they hear are: “Get out of here!” and their owners drive away.

    I also think about all of the children around the world who are malnourished, or their parents are teaching them to hate other human beings. My wife and I experienced much hatred in Israel, having rocks thrown at us as the parents stand by praising them in their dialects. These little ones don’t know how to truly love people, nor are they able to assume responsibility, such as keeping things tidy around the house. When they grow up, and as they enter society, they have a destructive mind-set. It’s like a cancer: It effects all of God’s creation.

    Whose behind all of this destruction? We don’t have to guess twice. The Scriptures teach us that Satan is the destroyer, and he makes it a point to lead his emissaries in the same direction. He hates God’s creation, especially human beings who place their trust and faith in Messiah.

    With all of this destruction, if you have any concern for God’s creation, will bring tears to your eyes. Being a former police officer, I could write a volume of books on destruction and suffering. All of it is needless, but Satan doesn’t care a bit.

    When I think of tears, I’m reminded of John’s recordings in the book of Revelation where he writes: “For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes” (Revelation 7:17). There are many reasons why our eyes will be flooded with tears when we are ushered into the Presence of God, perhaps, because of a loved one who chose to travel on the broad way that leads to destruction; however, I believe one of the reasons will be, because, we love God and His creation and we hate to see it destroyed by the prince of this world and his emissaries. But don’t you know: God is going to give us a new world. HalleluYah!

    I hope my words, although they are wordy, causes each one of us to thank the Father for His creation. I encourage everyone; and I’m sure Mart will agree: Get out into God’s world and enjoy His creation. Take your cameras with you. Along with the joy will come sadness when you see all of the destruction, but this goes to show you who you are in Messiah, the One who came to destroy the works of the devil:

    “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).

    Shalom, shalom

  26. rxman says:

    Was reading a book by Philip Yancey the other day. he mentioned something about what it must have been like for all the animals before God made Adam. They had the whole earth to themselves. I wonder if they all got along and what they thought when man started killing and eating them. Just wondering.

  27. poohpity says:

    rxman, I think God did the first killing to cover the naked bodies of Adam and Eve. The first shed blood to cover a human.

  28. SFDBWV says:

    rxman, Man did not begin to eat animals until after emerging from the Ark…Genesis 9:2-3. The fear and dread of man shall be upon every beast of the earth, every living thing was delivered into the hand of man.

    Even the creatures all feed off each other, or off the life of something else.

    Nature, while beautiful can also be cruel… It is all about survival.

    Animals or man, either learns how to survive….or dies out.

    God may have provided manna for a while and even sent the ravens to feed Elijah, Christ may have fed the multitudes; But if man doesn’t feed himself he will die.

    In order to feed ourselves we have farms, that disturbs the land. In order to live we have homes, that disturbs the land. Everything that man does disturbs the natural land around him.

    Can man live in perfect harmony with nature? Or only be an observer of it?

    Will you crush the grass beneath your feet today? Or perhaps swat a fly or mosquito? Every action of man has an effect on the environment around him.

    It would seem that all of the earth has been given to man to use, but just like all else, time will run out on what we can take from the earth….But there is also coming the return of Christ and the restoration of all things.

    So our hope, natures hope is placed in and on the same savior…Jesus Christ.


  29. Grace48 says:

    Our Three-in-one God created all. He owns it all. He allows us to use what He owns, breathe His air, eat food that He provides for us in so many ways. It is all God’s to begin with.

    To think of nature in that way, gratefulness comes out even while things of hard to understand happenings still go on in this world while we live and wait for Jesus’ return and hope in Him.

    When thinking on that, it certainly can make a shift of perspective as to how we treat nature,etc.

  30. InHisHands says:

    Thank you Pat for the google tip – I didnt mean to ask for something not allowed – but, to seek the information you just gave. Thank you again, and please forgive my ignorance in the way I sought that info.

    May the LORD bless each of you this glorious day that He has made.

  31. foreverblessed says:

    What a beautiful pictures Mart took! They show a love and awe for God’s creation.

    I used to be very much on the biological side, to be ecologically minded: Like all these animals in big sheds, thousands together, being fed so we can have meat every day. What a spill, what a terrible life for the animal, and what a waste produced in the dung. Where to leave that all, without hurting the environment.
    No awe and respect for them. We do not need much meat. For the vitamine B12, I think we only need it ones a month. For the proteins we could have a good mixture of plants and nuts.

    There was this biological study that showed that the big farms with ducks or chicken did pollute the air. The neighbouring woods did have a lot of damage because of the bad air produced by the farms. There was this studyu which showed to the farmers the damage done on the leaves. When that was a definite proof measures were taken to prevent the air being polluted, I think by having good filters on the air release of the farms.
    I would have wanted other measures being taken: forbid that so many animals are being held in a shed. That what is called “bio-industry”. Give a good price for the meat, so the farmers do not have to raise such a large amount of animals in order to have a profit.

    What if we would have to raise our own animals, keep them, take care of them, and kill the animals ourselves in order to be in able to eat the meat, we would have much more respect for the animal. We would eat much less meat, because we would know how precious it is. That an animal lost his life for me to be able to eat it. Or am I now dreaming to much?

    We should take care of the environment. I hope our government will make wise decisions.
    Lately it was decided we have to seperately hand in all the plastic waste. That is very good. There is hardly any garbage left!
    But I do not want to fret about all these things anymore! Psalm 37 :8

    Mart wrote:
    “whether our Creator cares about what we are doing to and for one another… ”
    So my focus now is to go around and comfort people who cross my path who mourn, help them who are disabled, showing the love and the joy of Christ to those around me.

  32. Regina says:

    Good Afternoon, All

    Iv’e enjoyed reading All of the comments in this blog! Thank you all so much for sharing your heart because it inspires me to share mine. :-)

    Thanks, Mart, for the beautiful pictures & hyperlink in your comment. Wish there were beautiful nature scenes in my neighborhood. At least there are trees and small blue/black birds. ..so much better than nothing. Oh, can’t forget the sky, moon, stars (thanks sbrwester) or the wind and beautiful days (thanks Ron Ben). I love rainy days too.

    Noticed that there were a lot of comments on the fact that we kill animals and plants for food and creature comforts. Wonder if there’s been a study done on whether more animals; plants/vegetation die due to our need (desire) for food, shelter, comfort or from ungodly greed and man-made error? Curious about what the statistics would show.

    Steve – ..want to comment on your comment, “Do we then allow our enemies to destroy our families, our homes, our way of life, even our life itself,; for their own personal desires? Is making a stand against evildoers, not honoring Christs desire for us to forgive? Treating others isn’t as uncomplicated as it would seem.”

    Matt. 11:12 NKJV says: ..from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. As children of God, we encounter demonic attack (in some way) on a daily basis, and satan (demons) tries to forcefully take things from us. However, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, they’re mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4). The only way that we can fight the devil (& his demons) is by using the Word of God. Greater is He who is in us that he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

    Also, King David made (physical) war against his enemy on numerous occasions with God’s abundant blessing backing him (two examples: Goliath – 1 Sam 17:45-49; Ziklag – 1 Sam. 30:7).

    Jesus is going to defeat the beast and the kings of this world. Rev. 19:11-15; 19-20 NLT:
    11) Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war. 12) His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. 13) He wore a robe dipped in blood, and his title was the Word of God. 14) The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of pure white linen, followed him on white horses. 15) From his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He will release the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty, like juice flowing from a winepress.

    19) Then I saw the beast and the kings of the world and their armies gathered together to fight against the one sitting on the horse and his army. 20) And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who did mighty miracles on behalf of the beast—miracles that deceived all who had accepted the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue. Both the beast and his false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.


  33. SFDBWV says:

    I am still considering Marts comment “What we do to and for one another…”

    I listen to celtic music while here at the computer, from a radio station I found on line.

    One of the haunting tunes I hear from time to time is called “1913”. It is during the trench warfare of WWI. It is about Christmas eve and a soldier from the German lines singing Christmas carols. How beautifuly the young man could sing, how it made all the fellows from both sides come together for a night of fellowship and song.

    In the morning, the big guns began again and when the call to war was once again ordered, the fellow singing this song….killed the young German soldier who could sing so well, that only last night had been his friend.

    It is a well known statement and heard by most that if we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

    Cain has been killing Abel over and over again, since that awful day when killing each other came into the world.

    Jesus came and told us that we don’t even have to kill someone in order to be guilty of it…All we have to do is want to in our heart.

    When I think about how easy it is to get angry, even in our own home, it saddens me. It shows me that no one can pass the test, no one. That only The Lamb of God is worthy. That the only way any of us escape the judgement is because of the free gift God offers, because of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ.

    Invite Christ into your life today, let Him have His way in all matters great or small….

    Smile at others, be kind and helpful, and when trials come, be strong and hold fast to your faith.


  34. poohpity says:

    If anyone hasn’t read it yet you will be blessed by “Our Daily Bread” today, “Becoming Inclined To God” and the Colossians 3:12-17 verses. You will be Caught at the Computer in love.

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