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Our Losses in the Gulf

It has been over a month since the loss of 11 men and the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Within another day we will hear whether BPs “Top Kill” attempt will be successful.

While the loss of even one human life is immeasurable, the sight of fouled marshes, oil covered pelicans, and dead fish gives us a picture of lesser losses that are also impossible to calculate.

In such helplessness, we sense together that something terrible has happened to what God created for his own pleasure (Rev 4:11)… and our survival.

Before this accident, many of us saw a lack of oil as threatening our way of life.

Now… can any of us even begin to imagine the implications of fouled waters, coastlines, wildlife, family incomes, regional economies…and what these costs also say about the countless other ways in which we are unintentionally ruining what God has created for his pleasure and our survival…

In addition to the wonder of creation that says so much about our Creator, am thinking of a white wedding dress, a newborn baby, a new carpet, car, or wardrobe covered with something that breaks out deep within us as we say, “This is mine. I will do whatever it takes to get it for my pleasure and survival”…

Could this be a moment to forget about blaming anyone… and to remember the only One who will ever be able to clean up such a mess… (2Peter 3:13; Rev 21:1).

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34 Responses to “Our Losses in the Gulf”

  1. Loretta Beavis says:

    That same chapter also has verses 11 and 14 discussing “what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,,,be diligent to be found by Him in peace… (NKJ)

    As an old saying goes: “If I were President, I would…..” my fill in would be “What can I do to help?” Rather than blame.

    I’m sad about the oil accident. There is opportunity for jobs for the people whose economies are destroyed by this event to have a new economy through the cleanup operations if our “leaders” were not so hostile.

    These oil accidents have happened before. I would like to help; besides my prayerful conversations with my Creator; I listen to His response.

    Why can’t the science students that enter “contests” to build new technology could be challenged to find a new use for things like oil-soaked straw? Could it be dried, cubed or formed into extrusions, and heated in a manner to create fuels? I believe God inspires the minds of people. Like the coal and oil we mine? I recycle all sorts of stuff….

    I love my Jesus ’cause He first loved me,

  2. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I have just been sat on the beach outside my house very warm and sunny and I can’t really imagine it covered in oil, yet just over 40 years ago now the whole of West Cornwall’s south coast was covered in thick oily sludge from the Torey canion wrecked off the Isles of scilly. The Islands themselves have wonderful golden sandy beaches and look like tropical islands with palm trees etc. they to were covered in oil.
    But nature is very resourcefull and within a few years everything was back the way it had always been.
    The seal population recovered and we now have more sea birds than we can cope with, they are a pest always after food.
    There is a school of thought among some “christians”, mainly in the USA, that says we can do whatever we like to the environment because of the very reason there will be a new heaven and new earth. Needless to say this does not set a good example or create a great impression with the “Greens” and those championing global warming.


  3. tandgmartin says:

    The fact of a new heaven and new earth indeed should not give anyone the thought that we can just trash this one. I go back to Genesis where is says we were created to tend the garden God created. Although we’re long since past the actual Garden of Eden, we’re still responsible for our part in taking care of the environment. For one, we’re commanded to that end. Second, we pass it on for those after us, who deserve a clean environment like we demand. No easy answers, for sure, but with God, all things are possible.

  4. JediKnight4Him says:

    We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.Romans 8:22 It’s good to remind ourselves that the Master of this Universe can still run it with His feet up! Nevertheless people just focued on themselves and the here and now and forgetting that once in the ancient world it was business as usual too…..untill,”For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man”. Matthew 24:38-39 The Oil spill in the Gulf is just a drop in the bucket compaired to the great gulf of seperation people will face if they die and Jesus is not their BP “Blood Protection”.

  5. poohpity says:

    I have to share today that because of someone’s loss my son received a donor ACL. There are still those who do really care. His surgery went well and hopefully he will be back playing B-Ball soon. I am so thankful for the family who shared for the living.

    I guess my thoughts on the oil leak or should I say gush that many have things that were invented offered to help BP but they have not used them. I wonder if they just do not want anymore information to get out about the enormity of the problem. I wonder if this is not in prophesy about losing part of the supply of sea and all that it holds. This is really a terrible thing happening and Bob I do not care what you say about your oil spill there it is not anything like it was before it happened because of the losses that took place and can never be regained.

  6. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Why do you argue and disagree all the time, it is like you are filled with bitterness.
    Believe me when I say this place is a paradise and dispite the oil spills in the past will continue to be so.
    You people in the USA are stuck up ypur own backsides and need to take a long hard veiw of who you are.


  7. Bob in Cornwall England says:


  8. bubbles says:


  9. poohpity says:

    I hope you will take another look at my post and see that I said when something is damaged it does not return to what it was before the damage. If I hurt your feelings forgive me.

  10. marma says:

    I live in Florida, and I have to say that I have avoided looking at pictures about what is happening to the environment due to the oil spill. I remember the one that took place up off of the West Coast–Alaska, I think. None of us likes to see God’s creation messed up. Along with the recent mining disasters, the oil spill has made me take a look at what I have due to the hard work of drillers, miners, and all who work and make their living providing me (and the world) with energy.

    I have a long commute, run the air conditioner in summer, use a computer, and stay up (too late) because I have electric lighting. I am a bit more aware that like my grandmother, I should be turning off lights when I leave a room, turn off the t.v. when I’m not really watching something on purpose, and combining trips so as not to be wasteful. That is stewardship.

    I also know that many of these “modern conveniences” so called are helping missionaries and Bible teachers get the Word and the Gospel to more people than ever before. However, with or without them, the Word must go forth.

    I think we humans have as a whole, done more to please ourselves than to look after the world God has given us. Gives me pause when I think of Revelation 11:18.

  11. oliver says:

    Even on a Christian blog some of you choose to argue and challenge each others opinion. Just give it a rest, it’s ok,just let it go.

  12. SFDBWV says:

    When I bought this computer back in 2002 I told the sales rep I wanted to get the best so it wouldn’t be out dated before I got used to using it…..boy was I naive.

    I was watching Modern Marvels on History channel the other evening about the invention of the light bulb, and its impact on the world.

    Like a fast growing bacteria, from the invention of the light bulb came the construction boom of building power plants to produce electricity.

    Like a creature with no awaness we as people (world wide) have an unsaticfiable appatite for *energy* to power up all the devices we have become addicted to. which includes this computer.

    I cannot look around me anywhere without seeing the negative impact of man’s quest to saticfy his wants.

    It remids me of proverbs whereby we are told that greed cannot be saticfied no can hell.

    Such disasters as we are seeing in the Gulf show us clearly that we are not equiped to handle such emergencies, and that we have put our trust in the wrong people if we think government or industry can save us.

    I wonder where this story will be in 5 years?

    Don’t worry Bob, I still love you. We all have our days to slip up.


  13. phpatato says:

    I wish that there was a “Like” button that we can click under someone’s comment..as in facebook. There would be 2 I would click on so far…..

    The devasting effects that the Gulf oil spill will have on the environment has really hit home with me and it grieves my heart with each passing day.

    Every day for a month now, I have been blessed with the opportunity to view, via a live web cam, the miracle of nature within a nest of eagles. I have watched a baby eaglet being hatched, how mom and dad feed and shelter and protect their baby, how in just one month this little cutie has grown to be the size of a small Thanksgiving turkey, how fun it is to anticipate just when little “Phoenix” will grow into his/her feet which now causes this adorable “fuzzball” to awkwardly move around the nest….to witness through 3 bald eagles just how loving and awesome and large our God really is.

    To flip then and see how absolutely awful it is that there are birds and fish and other living things that are suffocating because they are coated in sludge, how they are starving because the food supply has died, how they are homeless and displaced because the home has been destroyed. It makes me cry.

    God in His wisdom, allows for these events to happen. As Claudia so rightly pointed out that goodness will come from this for His glory. And Bob, if your coastline has been restored “back to the way it has always been”, it is not because of nature being resourceful, it is because of God being loving and kind. Be always thankful to Him when you sit out on the beach outside your house. You have been blessed.

    I was once told that EVERYTHING I am given, I am to keep an open hand once I receive it because should God want it back at any time, He won’t have to wrestle it from me. The open hand will show my willingness to give it up; that it really isn’t mine, I am only babysitting it for God. And with that comes the responsibility of taking care of it to the best of my ability. I have miserably failed so often in doing this, but I am thankful and humbled that God still thinks there’s a bit of hope for me.

    Love, Pat

  14. phpatato says:


    Sending prayers for your son’s full recovery. Glad that the surgery went well and I am thankful too that people donate…whether it is an organ or their blood.

  15. Mart De Haan says:

    Have been checking in on the status of the “Top Kill” effort today. Find it so compelling that “the world” is being allowed to see what is happening a mile deep on the ocean floor– in an ongoing catastrophic event.

  16. phpatato says:

    Watching live everything from the top of an eagle’s nest to the bottom of the ocean floor…technology is mind boggling isn’t it? It is now no longer a wonder how, before Christ returns, every ear must hear the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord.

  17. poohpity says:

    I heard yesterday that if it continues it may go around Florida and up the Atlantic coast. I have not looked at that site yet but I will today. Thank you for the link.

  18. poohpity says:

    Thank you Pat. One thing I can say boy when folks are young they sure do bounce back faster than I could, lol.

  19. Fundamental Charlie says:

    I know that while not every thing that happens is a direct edict from God Almighty; He does have His hand in everything. At the very least He has allowed this to occur. I wonder if the little that was left after the ravages of Katrina is now being given over to the oil. It seems as though it is similar to the, “other,” locusts eating up whatever was left by the first locusts!

    I see this and look at the new rumors of impending war between the 2 Koreas, as well as other climatic world events, and wonder how anyone could miss the signs of the times.

  20. SFDBWV says:

    Charlie, There was an entire planet filled with people who missed the boat when the Ark sailed, because they did not heed the signs…

    The clock began ticking when Christ said “it is finished”, and it is nearing midnight.

    Soon there will be the “snatching away” the “raptos” the rapture of the Church…

    What do you suppose the press will tell people about that worldwide catastrophy? I am sure there will be an explanation fitting to the “New World Order*.

    There is no doubt that “:cursed is the ground (earth) for thy sake;” (Genesis 3:17).

    Sin has brought to ruin every thing we can touch. Now we want to go to the Moon and even Mars, for what?

    Just because we can? So we can mine ore from them? Set up colonies to exploit the untouched resorces we may find there?

    North Korea….China’s bad stepson.

    There is always some little big mouth who thinks they can whip the whole crowd, and too often a bigger bully behind them giving them the courage to spout off at the mouth the way that they do.

    Daniel tells us of such a braggart in his end times discription of the ten horned beast (Dan 7).

    I guess God has a purpose for everything.

    My heart sinks for the people of the Gulf, and sinks further for what next dark event lurks in the shadows.

    Hold tightly the people whom you love and be kind to one another, this may be your last chance to do so.


  21. saled says:

    I spent a long time thinking about Mart’s next to last paragraph before I got the picture: and what a picture. A wedding dress, or child, or car covered with something that spoils worse than the oil that is spoiling the marshes. For me, it’s not so much something material that I covet; it’s to spend my time in my own way rather than filling the needs that surround me. Even an intangible like time can be badly stained and polluted by covetousness. I needed Steve’s reminder to love and be kind as this may be my last chance.

    I live within 15 miles of the Canadian border. Yesterday my husband happened to tune in to a Canadian radio station and he was surprised at the optimism with which they were reporting the efforts in the Gulf. It seems that in America our media are always the pessimists, ultimately blaming our president, whoever he may be at the time. Yes, this is the time to forget about blame, and pin our hopes on Jesus.

  22. plumbape says:

    G. K. Chesterton said was right. Ultimately, meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain but from being weary of pleasure. Now if this is true, pain and suffering are not the problem. The problem is finding meaning in a world in which so much is available and yet where true meaning is still so difficult to find.

  23. plumbape says:

    Hi Kids I’m Home;
    Hey Bob thank you very much and may God bless you. I love ya man. It is good that some Christians in other countries recognize the HIB syndrome in the USA. It is not exclusive to us people in the US but it sure is a problem. My future ex-wife (been calling her that for 15 of the 25 we’ve been together…) has suffered with it for years. Like an epidemic here. Some may not recognize the abbreviation HIBS = head in butt syndrome.
    The ape in Indy

  24. phpatato says:

    Why Saled, if the wind had blown a little harder you would have become a Canadian!!! lol I would welcome you in a heartbeat if you pull the pegs and let the wind do it’s stuff. :-)

  25. phpatato says:

    “There is always some little big mouth who thinks they can whip the whole crowd, and too often a bigger bully behind them giving them the courage to spout off at the mouth the way that they do.”

    Steve I laughed hard at that. That is funny to me. hehe

  26. marma says:

    It’s nice to hear the Canadians sound hopeful. I pray that God will spare as many of his creatures as can be. He can do wondrous things, and I forget that at times like these because I’m so focused on the situation.

    Taking it one day at a time…and praying.


  27. rokdude5 says:

    Though the oil spill is horrific, for some reason it doesnt hold a candle to the lost of lives.

    In fact, just this morning on the way to work, all of a sudden I saw dust and debris flying into the air about 1/2 mile down the highway. A car with 3 folks has flipped and rolled over.

    By the time I got there, already a couple of folks were working on a young 20 something year old lad. I stopped to see how I can render aid as well. One of the rescuers was yelling, “Hang on Nico!!” Thats the same name as my youngest boy who also is in his early 20s.

    A nurse came on the scene moments later and he couldnt find a pulse but CPR continued. Finally a fire truck showed up so I left. It was too overwhelming for me. Hours later when I finally collected myself, I prayed for him which I should have done when I first showed up.

    Sorry…I needed to vent. RJ

  28. Ron Ben Yaakov says:

    Shalom to all:

    Something I would like to share with those on this forum, but first, there’s something I personally make a practice of, and it is this: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). I’m not boasting when I share this. You see, I sin every day, and if that shocks you, then, you need to pray these Scriptures, and believe me, if you’ll listen to the Holy Spirit, He’ll show you what your heart is made-up of. I say this in love :-)

    Here, a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22) was convicted in his heart. This is why he didn’t stop at the above prayer: He also prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). Our hearts are wicked. It doesn’t take a lot of education and know how to figure this out. If you don’t recognize the evil words coming from you mouth, you’re in sad shape. I say that in love as well :-)

    I remember quite well the number of times my wife and I visited Israel before we finally immigrated, and during these times, we witnessed a high degree of jealousy and animosity with people from various countries: The Dutch telling us how much Americans were hated, and were even taught in grade school to hate Americans. Although we are American Jews, after immigrating, we came in contact with various groups from South Africa who were constantly bad-mouthing Americans. I’ll not leave out British people, even Jews who immigrated from England who were constantly expressing bitterness towards the Americans. One particular couple from England were constantly bad-mouthing my wife and I, just because we immigrated from America.

    Yes, even here in America, my wife and I are given the cold shoulder because we are Jews, as well as Israelis. They have the audacity to say that the Jews have lost-out with God, that the Church is the New Israel, or the New Spiritual Israel. We are living in a day when churches are so filled with Anti-Semitism, you could cut it with a knife, so to speak. So, this ugly demon pops-up his head in every category imaginable.

    Who do we think we are to criticize other believers from other countries? Be careful what comes out of your mouth because it will come back on you real quick. Get the message? I question peoples relationship with the LORD who harbor animosity and jealousy towards other believers, or other ethnic groups. I say that, because Yeshua made it clear how to test the spirits of false prophets, teachers, and so-called believers. Read Matthew 7 and listen to the Holy Spirit, especially verses 20-23.

    The Apostle Paul said we don’t wrestle with flesh and blood, but with demon powers (Ephesians 6:12). So, when we are attacked in an unloving manner, remember the source behind it!

    We need to love one another, no matter what country we are living in, no matter what languages we speak, no matter if we have accents or not. LOVE ONE ANOTHER!


    Ron Ben Ya’akov

  29. SFDBWV says:

    Pat I am so pleased to give you a good laugh….It is medicine for the soul.

    RJ, I am sorry for you to have had to witness the violent episode you did. As one who has had to witness violent death and injury on many levels and under many circumstances, I understand the effect it has on you.

    It is ok to unload and good to talk about such things when you can. I will be praying for you and for the families of the people involved in the accident.

    Ben, Do you hold dual citizenship as an Israeli as well as an American?

    I am always reminded of Paul’s quick use of being a Roman citizen, in order to better his situation, and ultimately further the Gospel.

    We Christians are all dual citizens of whatever country we call home as well as our future home with Christ as KIng.

    According to Paul we are to fall under the authority of both.

    I am proud of my American heritage. There are also times I am embarassed by the political actions of people who use America’s freedoms to change it into their own political ideals.

    True freedom comes at a high price. What kind of world would we be seeing around us if there had been no USA?

    It is God, we are told, who places thoes in authority for His purposes.

    It doesn’t take much talent to be a critic, but it takes great courage and sacrifice to be a person of action and actualy do something, other than talk down the actions of another.


  30. bubbles says:

    What is the point in being so mean-hearted and saying unkind things?

    Do unkind words/criticism really help another person? Do they make the one who said them feel better about themselves? Eph.4:29

    I feel like I’ve been witness to a knock down drag out war for 8 hours without reprieve today. The week isn’t over.

    Disrespect and strife are exhausting. Of all places, WHY does it need to happen here?

    Maybe it’s none of my business.

  31. bubbles says:

    I wasn’t referring to you.

  32. plumbape says:

    Bob in Cornwall
    Don’t quit posting… I don’t say alot and regret what I do say some times because I’m no writer which allows for all sorts of problems that were unintentional. I’m blessed by what you write because it seems honest and Christ centered and you live in a part of the world I’ll never see, but I’d like to. Some times it is good to take a break from it also. I like to clown around so please don’t take offense to anything I’ve said, if so I am sorry in advance.
    Your brother in Christ Jesus
    Plumb Crazy Michael

  33. chrismat says:

    I am so sorry but i find compelled to comment that i dont find bob comments christ like at all Christ would never attack another Christain or make some blanket comment that all American Christains are this way. For the record i am Canadian and my relatives came over from Britain in the 1800s. I was interested in if there were any rules to these blogs especially one that is a Christain one which made some of the comments very diappointing. Personal attacks on the blog author or anyone else whether personal or organizational will not be allowed. No negetative reference to other people etc i would expect more from Christains and kudos to those of you with your positive and CHRIST like attitudes we are all sinners i realize but some things are really uncalled for

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