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End Times Angst

Within the last week news wires have reported that more than 12 US warships and at least one Israeli destroyer have passed through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea. The armada appears to be in response to an Iranian promise to accompany a pro-Palestinian relief flotilla to the embattled city of Gaza.

At the same time I continue to read about sightings of large numbers of sharks and  fish swimming close to Gulf-coast shores in an apparent effort to escape oil contaminated and oxygen depleted waters. The deep water gusher that threatens to kill an unknown amount of Gulf ecosystem mingles with rumors of war in the Middle East to recall last days scenarios of the book of Revelation.

My thoughts and emotions are mixed. I’ve tried to train my mind and heart to avoid reading into current events a “this is that” link to Bible prophecy. I’ve come to believe that there is a great danger in assuming either that “the end is near” or that “the end is not near”. In different ways both rob us of the wisdom of planning for the future. (Both mistakes also come with a premature or unrealistic awareness of our personal mortality)

Our world needs to see us helping those who need us, not gathering on a hill to wait for Jesus promised return. But there is something wrong about trying to believe in Jesus while acting as though he didn’t say, “Be ready, for the Son of man will come at a time you don’t expect” (Matt 24:42,44).

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56 Responses to “End Times Angst”

  1. Becky M says:

    Good Morning Mart. I know it’s hard not to see the end getting closer with everything that shows this world getting deeper into troubles & tribulations as it says in the Bible. Revelation and specifically the chapter on the empying out of the bowls comes to mind for me. However, I heard a commentary recently where he read out of Revelation that this would happen “after all these things” meaning that those plagues on the Earth would be after Jesus comes for His Church and the time of the Anti-Christ was upon the Earth. Well, we all can conclude time periods till we’re blue in the face but that’s why Jesus says that only the Father knows the time,not even Him. He wants us to prepare the Earth for what’s going to happen so not only we(Christians) watch but as many as possible will be watching. He gave us these things to be able to tell(since the Kingdom has been at hand since Jesus was on the scene on Earth)just how close it is getting so we won’t lose faith all of our lives. We may die before the day comes and if we go to our graves faithful and trusting God we need not worry anymore than those people that remain until the day. I’m sure Jesus didn’t tell us these things to make us worry but to assure us that God will indeed bring His promise of a Holy Kingdom and we should be rejoicing for this was His purpose for sending His Son. As I said before though, it is hard not to roll numbers and predictions in our head. And I do believe we should be in constant prayer for the very sad and tribulation coming on the Earth as well as pray that God’s wishes of everyone come to Him thru His son so he doesn’t have to destroy anyone but then again He did also tell us it was a narrow road and few would find it. I think if we just consentrate on God knowing the begining from the end and trust Him as well as be happy for everyone who comes to the lord, that’s all we can do short of helping people and animals and the good Earth itself while we are waiting. Yes, it is a waiting period for us for we can do nothing to postpone the evil that is befalling the Earth nor can we speed things up to get to Heaven on Earth.

  2. SFDBWV says:

    The scripture is filled with explanations and warnings of Christs return, of the events surrounding the end of the age.

    One cannot read the Bible without seeing and reading of these warnings.

    We are both enlightened and warned.

    We Christians (but not all) believe that the Church or the body of believers that make up the body of Christ will be take up in what we call the rapture. Either before the endtime events mid way through them or even at the end. I only say, not all, because not all denominations teach the rapture.

    We read from Jesus that there will be wars and rumors of wars, kingdoms will rise up against kingdom and that there would be natural disasters that all of these events would increase. But that the end was not yet, as these are the signs of the end.

    Jesus tells us the Gospel must be preached everywhere to every nation and people, then the end shall come. (Matt 24:14)

    Jesus leads us to Daniel and says to remember the abomination of desolation stand in the holy place, this means the end is at hand. (Matt 24:15) (Dan 9:23)

    Jesus also taught us that when he returned what would He find us doing?

    No we are not to be sitting on a mountain top awaiting His return, we are to be doing that which He has given us to do….Right up to that moment when the fullness of the gentile is come.

    We are to be prepared, and ready, but if you study the endtime events, there is a set of different events that are given to the reader.

    Israel come back into full view again, and instruction and warning even the number of souls from each tribe are numbered for salvation.

    Joel 3:2 says ” I will also gather all the nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”

    “Parted my land”

    I think Joel is an excellent book to read concerning todays events and what lay ahead.

    Personaly I believe the rapture will come before the 7 years of the anti-christ. That the rapture will begin the 7 years leading to the return of Christ.

    I believe the events we see in the news and the attitude of people are all the signs that the end is near, but I also believe we are to be going about our Fathers business all the while right up to the last moment.


  3. pegramsdell says:

    I believe we need to be about Our Father’s business. Preaching the gospel like He said. If we are doing that then we will be ready right? Easier said than done I realize.

  4. SFDBWV says:

    If I may, I would like to interject a comment concerning being about the Father’s business.

    We all are given different work to do for Christ. We are not all to try an be something we are not given the power to be.

    Some of us are the Billy Graham’s some of us are like the good Samaritan, all are as important as the other, each given power to do whatever it is God has placed into their care to accomplish for him.

    Whatever work God has placed into our care, this we are to do with all our heart and effort, showing all that Christians are doing the will of Christ.

    Maybe you have been given that one intervention into someones life that will aid them on their way to salvation, maybe just that one… if this is the job God has given you, and you succede, He may send more he may be pleased with your one accomplishment.

    But that one job is no less important and is what God intended for you.

    All the while living a life, that fosters love toward all.


  5. saled says:

    I agree that there is great danger in assuming that the end is near, or that the end is not near. As a young adult, I expected the rapture to happen at any time. I could not imagine a future for myself, and the effects were similar to those that fall upon children who grow up in alcoholic homes–live for today. Later in life, as a gardener, I planted things that would mature right away, peas, carrots, etc. I didn’t have the faith to plant a grape vine that would take years to yield. I don’t have a college degree, and now at 53 I don’t have the means to help my family as I would like to. Yes, there is great danger in assuming that the end is near.

    However, I find the oil leak deeply troubling, and can see how this might tie into prophecy. The effect on God’s creation and creatures is a dramatic illustration of the effect of sin on us. I work with children ages 4 to 14 and I have to tell you that there are some wonderful children in the world today. But many of them are affected by the sins of their parents just like the pelicans that are covered with oil.
    Whether Jesus returns in my life time or not, I hope to be at work in the recovery.

  6. rxman says:

    It seems to me that Jesus left us 2 simple commandments to follow, love God and love each other. Very simple yet very hard to do sometimes. Let the Holy Spirit take care of the convicting.

    Also Jesus said just before His assension that He would give us peace. People of the world are looking for that peace, especially when all these disasters, natural and man-made are occuring. If we can’t show them the reason for our peace, why would they want to give their lives to Christ.

  7. xrgarza says:


    I agree with you, for the last 43 years I began hearing people say, “we’re living in the last days, Jesus will return any minute.” As a child it put the fear of God in me.

    But once I stopped hearing that message, I stopped along with the rest of the world looking over my shoulder for his coming.

    Recently with all of the crazy earthquakes, wars, floods, I began thinking about the words of Jesus when he said that we would know the season and not the exact hour.

    I don’t remember where I read but in essence it says to live each day as if it’s my last, but plan as if I will live forever. It could be proverbs, but it could be Jesus words as well.

    It’s almost as if its taboo to talk about the return of Christ anymore. The Bible says that in the last days even the most elect would be deceived.

    We all really need to wake up and be on guard.


  8. poohpity says:

    If we in fact believe that we are in the ends times it would be a benefit to the Kingdom that we be about telling more people the Good News. In our area around us, in the grocery store, drug store and from the roof tops that Jesus took the penalty for our sins and offered us forgiveness and right standing before God. That is our ultimate purpose and their response is between them and God. The spiritual gifts we have are given for that purpose. Some plant, some water and some harvest but that is our job. The more we tell the more receive His Grace, Mercy and forgiveness. The Lord’s wants than none should perish but that every knee should bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

  9. LookattheBible says:

    I think it’s just the reverse, Mart.

    Too many Christians DON’T believe these are the last days.

    If we’re to take the ‘middle of the road’ approach to the end times, when are we suppose to ‘look up for your redemption draws near’ as Jesus said?

    I believe He purposefully gave us this admonition to give us hope in these desperate times.

    Having said that with the exception of homosexuality and abortion (both of which I oppose), I am a total left-wing Christian. I believe the militant, right-wing establishment ‘baited’ many Christians (including those end times theorists) into politics instead of bringing the world to Christ.

  10. poohpity says:

    I was wondering why one would just point to two sins to be in opposition to. So LookattheBible the other sins are OK according to your statement? Pride and self righteousness also fall into a fairly deep pit.

  11. foreverblessed says:

    Dearest Pooh, if you carefully read what LatB writes, whe is against all these things, pride and selfrighteousness, except the stand on homosexuality and abortion.

    But to add to the discussion, I was in a church that believed that Jesus would return before the year 2000.
    (6000 years from Adam, and the 7th thousand years for Jesus reign on earth). No pensions were arranged, no need for it. And there came the year 2000, things went on as they were all these years. Pensions were a trouble, but I think are all OK now.
    So it is evident, we must live as if we would live here our whole life. And yet await Him. It is quite a task. But with Jesus we can.
    But when I was a little child, all these endtime prophecies would be preached,
    but Jesus was not exalted.
    And here a little child got in angst.
    With the pollution all around, the trees that would decay. (the air in our country is much better now then 40 years ago).
    Habakkuk is also a good book to read, and about angst:
    3:16 I heard and my heart pounded
    my lips quivered at the sound
    decay crept into my bones
    and my legs trembled.

    When I realised that it is all about Jesus and following Him in faith and obedience, perspective changes:
    I focus on getting closer to Jesus, grow in faith each day, ask for more faith each day, and for more love.
    So when that terrible day is there, I will not tremble
    so I can say:

    v16b Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity
    to come on the nation invading us
    Though the fig tree does not bud, and there are no grapes on the vine, (though the oil spills in the ocean)
    though the finances are small in this country,
    v18 yet will I rejoice in the Lord
    I will be joyfull in God my Saviour
    v19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength
    He makes myfeet like the feet of a dear
    He enables me to go on the heights.

    For the director of Musis, on my stringed instruments
    So he starts to sing!

  12. foreverblessed says:

    And this song rings in my ears:

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus
    Look full on His wonderful face
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of His glory and grace

    if you look it up in youtube with the verse line,
    some very nice singing can be heard.

  13. SFDBWV says:

    Angst, “A gloomy often neurotic feeling of generalized anxiety and depression.” ( New World Dictionary)

    For some the difficulty in living as if the Rapture is close, is planning for a future. If one really believes it why bother?

    One of the scripture stories that has always troubled me is the one where a certain man said to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go”, after a more famous quote about the Son of man hath not to lay His head, Jesus goes on and tells the man “follow me”. But then this man says “Lord let me first go and bury my father”.

    Jesus seems to rebuke him by saying “Let the dead bury the dead: but go thou and preach the Kingdom of God.”

    Another fellow said “Lord I will follow you but let me first go home and tell everyone goodbye”.

    Another rebuke from Jesus, “No man having put his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:57-62)

    It seems a small matter that someone asks Jesus for a little time to take care of business, but it seems Jesus is putting the urgency of spreading the Gospel above any earthly need or desire.

    If we lived as if this is the last hour, how very differently we would live.

    I think maybe this is how Jesus wants us to.

    Nothing takes priority over doing the work of God.

    And so the angst…..Do I plan for a retirement? Do I buy a cemetery plot? Do I get my affairs in order, in anticipation of my death? Do I get a job? Do I go to school? Do I get married?

    Just in case the rapture doesn’t happen?

    Wisdom tells us to prepare for the future. I believe that same wisdom tells us to prepare for a future both here on earth as well as into eternity; But not to put earthly matters ahead of heavenly matters.


  14. DebN says:

    I see the “way” the world is and it does bother me. But I remember what the bible says…that our Lord knows who His people are and that He will save us from the enemy. I truly believe this is His promise and He will not forget the houses of Israel and Judah. Sometimes, it is not an easy thing to “trust” in our Lord. This is one of the hardest things to do as a human being, but it must be done over and over to believe. I also believe that He is setting the stage, as always, for greater things to come and also to humble us and other people.
    So, when I start to feel troublesome about current affairs, I remember that He is our Father, and His Son is our Lord and Saviour. And as a father and saviour, why would He take us this far and then abandon us??? He loves us to much to do that.
    “God works in strange ways,” my mother used to say. Ya think?????

  15. poohpity says:


    What I was eluding to is that taking a stand on any political issues, boycotts or any other worldly issues takes away from the bottom line of telling people the Good News. We can stand around and point out peoples sin which I believe is the work of the Holy Spirit or we can, if these are in fact the “end times”, tell people about the saving grace of the Lord Jesus. I guess we have to determine which is more important.

    Anytime after the Cross is determined as the “end times” and rather than standing there looking into the sky and being busy storing ourselves up treasures on this earth it would be beneficial to store up treasures in heaven which to me are peoples soul’s. I waste a lot of time listening to all that is going on around the world yet I miss the chance to tell someone in the line at the grocery store or any place else that Jesus died for their sins and forgives them.

    I believe that we are given so many chances to touch someone in the Name of Jesus that if we do not grab them when presented that the Lord will not provide the opportunities again. If we are not being a fruitful branch then we will be lobbed off, ouch!!

  16. foreverblessed says:

    Pooh, I see what you try to say. But
    a devotional of Oswald Chambers which describes the christian who’s urge is to save souls before it is too late, comes to mind. I cannot find it though. It tells of a christian whose main focus is on bringing the good news.
    And what is wrong with that?
    We should be devoted to Jesus, to His person, and not to a cause, bringing the gospel.
    I know that could make me complacent in not bringing the gospel, but it is different: I present my body to Jesus, and He can use it as He sees fit.
    At this moment I help a handicapped lady, at christmas she came with me to a special evening at church, but after that she never asked again about it. I still help her, but do not preach. Just wait for what Jesus gives me.

  17. davids says:

    Saled: “I have to tell you that there are some wonderful children in the world today. But many of them are affected by the sins of their parents just like the pelicans that are covered with oil.” What a compelling image. Thanks.

    The history of Christianity is replete with speculation of the end times that have obviously not come true. It proves that this is a fruitless exercise.

    In addition, it has caused believers much worry, discredited the message, and led to dissension and fragmentation. I think that Christians should avoid it completely as a temptation.

    “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

  18. poohpity says:

    foreverblessed that was the reading I brought up a couple of topics ago. I believe it was either June 19th or the 16th on “My utmost for His highest”. I am not taking it to extremes as you have suggested there is a balance with all in life living in unity with Christ being the first and foremost. Serving God not man.

  19. foreverblessed says:

    OK, I got it, that’s what you said, awhile ago, serving God, it’s Oswald Chambers June 19.
    It’s bedtime for me. A wonderful quiet night.
    All is well My Father has everything in control, He can do anything He wants. All is well.

  20. JediKnight4Him says:

    Luke 21:25 On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Could this bell ring true today? 26 Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. Their talking now about the Sun not acting normal. Anyways, I would use anything that might stir up a conversation with a lost soul to get them to think about eternal matters.

  21. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    saled, I have left a message for you on the previous blog.

    About the angst of the end times.
    Jesus made it quite clear that we would know the season is near but would not know the time or day.
    That is why we must be prepared and refresh our lamps with oil on a daily if not hourly basis so that we will be ready for when He comes.
    The only way we can replenish the oil is by lighting our lamps and giving of ourselves in the persuit of “our Fathers business”, that is telling others that He is alive and wants a relationship with them.

    When we are raptured then God is going to revert back to pre Jesus old testament type signs, like plauges and the such, to tell the people that He is God.


  22. Regina says:

    Good Morning All,

    Mart – I read your blog topic, End Times Angst, and so many thoughts flooded my mind. Haven’t read any of the comments on this topic because I wanted to share my first intial thoughts.

    Christians “believers in Christ Jesus” have a different mind-set regarding the natural and man-made disasters that are occurring in the world today.

    We believe the biblical testimony of what’s going to happen on earth right before Jesus returns. Unbelievers share similar concerns about the goings-on in the world, but they’ve put their trust in politics, the government, man, the resiliency of the U.S. to persevere, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I know that we all believe in America’s strong resolve to persevere, but, as “believers” we have put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ–in His ability to protect our country because He created the world and everything in it.

    John 1:1-3, AMP: “1)IN THE beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. 2) He was present originally with God. *3) All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.

    A song comes to mind…

    My hope is built on nothing less
    Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
    But wholly trust in Jesus’ name.

    On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
    All other ground is sinking sand;
    All other ground is sinking sand.

    Your comment: “Our world needs to see us helping those who need us, not gathering on a hill to wait for Jesus promised return.”

    brought to mind Paul’s physical hardships, imprisonment, and the opposition he endured for the sake of the gospel. He did not allow physical and emotional suffering to discourage him from helping those who needed him. Phil. 1:22-26, NIV: “22) If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! 23) I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; *24) but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. *25) Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, *26) so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.”

    Also brought to mind how Jesus helped those who needed Him while He was on the cross. John 19:25-27, NKJV:
    25) Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. *26) When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!” *27) Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home.

    Luke 23:39-43, NIV
    39) One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!” 40) But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41) We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” *42)Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” *43) Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.”


  23. Regina says:

    Mart – Forgot to include this scripture reference that also came to mind as a reflected on your comment:

    “Our world needs to see us helping those who need us, not gathering on a hill to wait for Jesus promised return.”

    Even after Jesus rose from the dead, He was still helping those who needed Him right up to the time that He ascended into heaven.

    Acts 1:3-11, NIV:
    2) until the day he was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3) After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.

    4) On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5) For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

    6) So when they met together, they asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” 7) He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

    9) After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10)They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. *11) “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

    The angels were admonishing the disciples to redeem the time–to continue the work of helping others. To “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19, NIV).


  24. SFDBWV says:

    This morning as is my habit, I was about the feeding of the many critters that come to visit us, to eat, prance and show off for our amusement. Today the deer brought their fawns.

    It is a little quiet time I have with God, the sun is rising, the earth here coming alive with songs and noises of birds and other creatures.

    There for a moment I can almost hear the dawning of the day…

    Life is going on as it has for however long life has been here. from the animals view, it is just another day. Another day to find food, water and escape from dangers.

    They don’t know that we may be living at the end of the age of man….I don’t think they care about that.

    Acts 1:10-11 Two men in white apparel asks the stunned men of Galilee why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up, shall so come as you have seen Him go…We read about this coming in Daniel 7:13…

    Two seperate events are comming, the first is the rapture of the Church, the second are all of the prophesies concerning the nations and the nation of Israel, the evil world ruler and his story as well as the end of the rule of man upon the earth.

    We can offer a lost world an escape from the coming tribulations. If they will accept it and believe.

    Once we are gone, thoes left behind will have to endure hardships and terrors the like of which the world has never seen.

    We must warn them as well as offer then a means of escape.

    Some people only understand when they finally realize they are in danger.

    God is trying to recover all lost souls to Himself. After He has exhausted, the intellectual approach, the offering of an escape goat, the soft offering of love and grace, He will use fear and the heavy hand of chastisement and discipline to bring all that will come, back to Him.

    We offer love, we offer grace, as the time draws near, we offer a warning.

    We have to find that one thing that gets the attention of the lost, that can lead them to Christ.

    Or they will be just as these animals that I see every morning, caught unaware.


  25. LookattheBible says:


    I realize just reading these comments how difficult your job must be at RBC.

    The worst Christians I meet everyday are the weird, take-offense Christians who don’t read or understand what you write.

    The biggest question I’ll ask our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven is why did these lame, crummy, not-very-bright Christians get in and not the humble Buddhists from Japan?

  26. poohpity says:

    Jesus will probably tell you that that judgment belongs to God and not you. From a lame, crummy, not-very-bright Christians. Thank you for the uplifting remarks. I am glad God see’s past our flaws to our heart.

  27. SFDBWV says:

    LookattheBible, Good afternoon. I have found that here in the BTA blog many times it is difficult to properly express our thoughts and that sometimes they get misunderstood or misdirected.

    I do hope that I have said nothing that offended you nor that you felt misrepresented our Lord.

    If I have please accept my heart felt appology, and understand that sometimes we learn from each other as well as each others mistakes.

    Please stick around and help us to understand you better as well as hear what you have to say, especialy coming from a “total left wing Christian” ( I am smiling)


  28. davids says:


    I’m afraid that I have to disagree with you, “We must warn them as well as offer then a means of escape.”

    When researching a bit for my previous post, I came upon a Christian website with a large banner ad that featured flames and a bit of scripture about the coming judgement.

    I spend a lot of time with non-believers. This message about the end times and the coming judgement just doesn’t resonante with them. It is a rather stereotypical Christian message that they think reflects religious extremism.

    Rather, I think that our message needs to focus on God’s love and caring, and the relief that they can find from the pain, guilt and insecurity that they have in their lives.

  29. SFDBWV says:

    That’s ok David you can disagree with me….

    You are also correct, in that people don’t respond to being warned very well.

    I personaly would feel bad had I not told the unbeliever that there is a terrible time coming, the events they see unfolding before them were foretold thousands of years ago, by a man who can rescue them from the worst of times.

    I have seen plenty of non believers, who only came to their knees before God, after their lives were in shambles and all they loved were taken from them… Not because they admired the way some believers behaved.

    So we can disagree. It’s alright.


  30. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    I tend to agree that most animals are not aware of death, although Elephants have their graveyards, Dolphins, whales and higher Primates grieve at the loss of their companions, so nature does comprehend death in it’s own way.
    I also agree that if we don’t tell people what lies ahead they will never understand the end of the age is at hand. Just as in Noahs day people carried on until the water was up to their necks despite all Noahs warnings.
    Unlike David, I find people are facinated by end time prophecies and are willing to listen when it is explained how God, through Jesus, has provided an escape route from sin and death.
    From early childhood we are all aware we are going to physically die, but many of us never understand the concept of spiritual death. The church does not seem to be able to convince people in this age that such spritualality actualy exists. We live in a material physical age that can be explained away at every point by science and man made thinking.
    I think that is why God, in the last days, will have to resort to more obvious physical signs and terrors to wake up mankind from this headlong persuit of wealth and material gain.
    We are like the Lemmings heading towards the cliff, one follows the other. Jesus called us sheep that have gone astray, thank God He is there to guide us away from that cliff.


  31. SFDBWV says:

    Bob, I agree totally. All throughout the scripture from Genesis up to the present, God sent His prophets to give warning to His wayward people.

    For the most part they did not want to hear bad things so they did not listen, most of the prohets were killed, including the Son of God who came to warn and tell all there is an escape from sin and death.

    People don’t want to hear the truth Bob, they want to hear the lie….

    You are also right about people being fasinated about spiritual matters and end time prophecies.

    Most any non believer group of intellectuals will be able to keep up with a conversation about the Mayan calander and it’s ending on Dec 21, 2012….But don’t want to hear what the Christian Bible has to say on the matter.

    The church in our age is in apostasy. Becoming blind to it’s own sins. Another sign that we live in the age nearing the end.

    However until we hear that trumpet call and are called up, it is not to late for the unbeliever to be saved…


  32. SFDBWV says:

    Bob, Concerning animals…I think they are far more intellengent than people give them credit.

    The wisdom of the ant was even given special notice in our Proverbs.

    Yes as you mentioned, the elephant never forgets, and visits the bones and *graveyard* of their loved ones often.

    The mother whales tend to their calfs as does so many other mammals.

    Nearly any mother or father bird will sacrifice itself to defend it’s young.

    Anyone who has owned a horse or a dog, will tell you of the intellenence of the animal and bond they have with them.

    When God saved Noah and his family from the flood, every animal both male and female were also saved.

    Sometimes when I stand only a few feet from the deer, they look deep into my eyes….I wonder what it is they “see”.


  33. phpatato says:


    Your Quote: “This message about the end times and the coming judgement just doesn’t resonante with them.”

    The area in which I live had what they called a “moderate” 5.0 earthquake this past week. It sent people to the streets that work or live in high rise buildings. The epicenter of this quake was 68 km from me – my Nation’s capital of Ottawa Ontario. Further to the west and south of me, in Milton Ontario, there was an F2 tornado..the very same day. Early this month on June 6, there was another F2 tornado that struck Leamington Ontario….all very unusual for this province (I do live on an earthquake fault line, which experiences earthquakes quite often but are very, very low in intensity. Scientists say that there is a 5% chance of receiving an earthquake rated well over 6 in the next 5 years).

    My point here is this. I disagree with you; the end of times message is loudly beginning to resonate with unbelievers. Bottom line talk on the Ottawa earthquake….”2012 is coming”. Unbelivers are convincing themselves right now – based on the Mayan Doomsday Prediction December 21,2012 – that this world will come to an end, and each and every world disaster cements this fear even further.

    When someone opens this “2012” door, I am hoping to be ready (and by that I mean, I am hoping that I have studied and have armed myself well with what the Bible has to say on end of times) so that I can witness to them, to calm their fears and to point them to the only Person who will ever be able to give them Hope…Jesus Christ. Should I fail to prepare myself for this, I may drop the ball…..


  34. poohpity says:

    To go off topic my 59th B-Day will be 12/12/12. Look at all those cool numbers it must mean something lol. Until then I will try and live each day as if it is my last because I was not promised tomorrow. Have a very good today everybody.

  35. sitsathisfeet says:

    Dear Sisters and Brothers In Christ, It has been eight months again since my last post. It is rather like I am in the mission field, though technically not. I just wanted to tell Steve and Deborah in particular how I looked forward to seeing your comments and feel you and others are about the Lord’s business through your comments and exhortations in Jesus Christ. I always am encouraged by the stanzas of worship songs as well posted by some. Praise God! The Lord I feel has been moving in my life as well and oh how I depend on him daily. My mother passed away at age 90 recently, she loved the Lord and the last gift of her life was a unifying spirit she left with her family. Next to the Lord the most important thing to her was her family. Some of the unifying things that happened were her daughters(myself included) were reconciled, my thirty one year old twin sons and their families were reunited, and now see each other on a regular basis etc. and two of her granddaughters who previously were saying they were agnostic etc. were drawn back to the Lord and started going to church again and one calls regularly asking for prayer, who previously said I just don’t see the belief in prayer etc. I have been witnessing regularly to my sister and nephew which is just amazing considering three years ago our relationship was completely broken! The Lord is so wonderful and faithful. May the lORD BLESS yOU AND COMFORT YOU THROUGH ALL YOUR SORROW, TRIALS AND TRIBULATION. He is certainly able and in his mercy he will do it. Please pray for my daughter as she is in her final recovery of her injury in the Navy and signs up again for a new tour. Please pray for my young son as he spends time alone with his father, and his father leaves the country for a month – pray also for our continued relationship as divorced parents. We leave all in Jesus hand or at his feet as we anticipate the end times and our final uniting at the marriage supper of the lamb. Grace and peace to you all through our Lord Jesus Christ.

  36. poohpity says:

    Heart felt sorrow for the loss of your mom. Heart filled with joy at all the good being done within your family. Prayers will be sent up on behalf of your daughter and the developing friendship with your ex.

    It is good to hear from you again and you are greatly missed.

    It is so neat to hear that the harder we try and fix things we sometimes fail because it is the Lord who does the changing of people with in their hearts not us. I know for myself the harder I try and change an area the more I do it until one day the Lord shows me that it was in fact another area He was working on the whole time. The change He does lasts and is done in a manor that God alone gets the Glory.

  37. poohpity says:

    You are so correct self examination is always a very good thing rather than criticizing or judging another. It is very difficult here to really see the emotion within another when writing except for what their written word says or to know their heart. Hopefully and prayerfully I will be slow to anger and quick to show mercy. I also hope I am always open to hear and respect the opinions of others without attacking their character. Many who post on here have developed relationships off this site and have grown to have personal friendships and have gotten to see each others heart. If and when I have harmed someone else I also hope they let me know so that I can make amends because I am not perfect and make mistakes often because I in no way feel I am superior or better than anyone else. If I have ever lead anyone to think that I feel that way then my words have been misinterpreted. I know who I am compared to Jesus and I am but a sinner who needs a savior.

  38. ygp says:

    End time Angst…. Palestinian-Israel conflict…..Oil leak….. earth quake…..but the most saddened thing for me at present time is the “rapture of the church”. Last Thursday, in our Thursday morning Bible study in our church, I heard from most of the participants that they believe in Jesus ( as what/…) but they also believe in comparative religion and so on. Some believe that Bible is human documentation, and they prefer to believe that our God save everybody through many ways. This happens in my church. This week I felt so sad, and can not avoid to think and ask my gracious Lord, is this the sign of your coming? I feel so alone,as I believe that I am a sinner who has been saved by His blood alone The Lord comforts me in my quiet time, when He said to Elijah that there were 500 people who still worshiped Him. This morning I open this blog, and for sure I am not alone that I am feeling “the end time angst”. Thank you Mart, Steve, poohfity,Jorge ……and all of you. My lord Jesus is good, and history is in His hands.

  39. SFDBWV says:

    sitsathisfeet, No matter how old a person gets nor how prepared one feels they are, it never lessens the pain of losing someone you love….especialy a mother.

    For your pain I am indeed sorry.

    My mother in law is now 91 moving towards 92, she is increasingly gaining more pain in her body and looking more forward to the time when she will be gone.

    She tells me she prays that she lives long enough to see my son Matthew healed of his disabilities.

    Many times my prayer is that we all go together, for I have buried too many of thoes I loved already.

    But God is God and long ago I surrendered my will to His, I will take the bad with the good, but I won’t promise I will be happy about it. I will accept it.

    For the healing within your family, I am overjoyed, as only God can turn grief into joy,and replace loss with gain. We will praise God for a good report in that area.

    We also will be praying for your son and daughter, and you.

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, they mean a great deal.


  40. phpatato says:

    After I post, I leave only to come back and reread what I have posted as “through the eyes of a stranger”. I want to clarify that the epicenter of the earthquake was based in Val-des-Bois Quebec which is 68 km from Canada’s capital of Ottawa Ontario (I actually live on the outskirts of the Ottawa boundaries…I’m a country girl) :-)

    This doesn’t really matter too much except that I have left the impression that the epicenter was 68 km from me and that it was based in Ottawa.

    Sorry for not proofreading before hitting submit.

  41. SFDBWV says:

    Pat, most of my proof reading is like most of my thinking…..afterwards.

    I usualy hope thoes who read allow for the little mistakes and understand it happens to us all.

    I read about the earthquake in Canada. When I read it I thought Canada??? I remember one not too long ago in upstate NY, and Tenn….Maybe someones trying to get our attention.

    Can you believe it Pat, 81 degrees F today and no snow…


  42. phpatato says:


    What’s that saying, “It will be a snowy day in June before……”

    June isn’t quite over yet! Be careful. :-)))

    Actually, I was thinking about you and wondering, did your snow ever get melted yet? lol

    Ok I’ve had my fun. I’ll stop now.

    I’m just a hop, skip and a jump from the border and Upstate NY (actually I am a direct descendant of Hugh White who founded Whitestown NY). There are all kinds of fault lines around here. It was reported that the one this past week here was felt as far away as Columbus Ohio, Flint Michigan and New York, NY.

    I believe you are so right…Someone is trying to get our attention. For we are 2 close friendly nations, who each had founding Christian fathers, that are now finding ourselves on the bad side of a slippery slope.


  43. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    I hope all is well in your lives.

    …a little off topic here, but I want to ask that we pray for General David Petraeus. He was recently tapped (by Pres. Obama) as the top commander in Afghanistan; now he’s overseeing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    As the head of U.S. Central Command, he holds a position of great importance in regards to the safety of the U.S. servicemen and our country. Gen. Petraeus has had some health issues in the past, and I definitely want him to be in good health as he serves as top leader of two war zones. Asking you to join me in prayer for him, helps me to remember to pray for him (& other government officials) too.

    Also, I want to share a scripture reference that I find very comforting, and I think it speaks to the topic of End Times Angst.

    Psalm 46, NLT
    1) God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. 2) So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.
    3) Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!


    4) A river brings joy to the city of our God, the sacred home of the Most High. 5) God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed. From the very break of day, God will protect it. 6) The nations are in chaos,
    and their kingdoms crumble! God’s voice thunders, and the earth melts! 7) The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.


    8) Come, see the glorious works of the Lord: See how he brings destruction upon the world. 9) He causes wars to end throughout the earth. He breaks the bow and snaps the spear; he burns the shields with fire. *10) “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

    11) The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.



  44. Regina says:

    p.s. Enjoyed reading all of the comments in this blog. Also learned the significance of (and controversy surrounding) 12-21-2012. Didn’t know anything about that date.


  45. SFDBWV says:

    Pat, yes indeed Canada and the USA are all a branch of common ancestors. I think it’s neat your ancestor Hugh White founded Whitestown NY.

    I have an ancestor on my mothers side that was a signer of the Constitution of The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

    I guess our roots go deep in the Americas.

    Yes, it is sad such Christian nations as ours, has bought into the spirit of the world, and is heading pell mell toward judgement.

    June is usualy our best weather month. This month so far we have had almost 6 inches of rain and some pretty hot humid weather. Something more like July weather.

    The snow went off fast without incident, and it has been a great spring for the farmers to make hay.


  46. SFDBWV says:

    ygp, I might suggest you find another church, if not stand your ground and present the *truth*. God will empower you and speak His message through you.

    Take courage, you are not alone.


  47. SFDBWV says:

    Regina, General Patraeus has my prayers. It is a huge task he is given and an equaly huge responsibility to have the lives of so many under his command.

    The Psalms are always a comfort to me, thanks.


  48. SFDBWV says:

    As I contemplated writing this morning about the end times. I was led to 2 Peter 3. Since every word of the third chapter of Second Peter is concerning this subject I can not rewrite it all here, but will mark a few.

    3:3 Knowing this first, that there shal come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts.
    3:4 And saying, where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
    3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water.
    3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.

    There is a time coming when all of the warnings and signs will come to be, this is a spoken Word from Christ Himself.

    The smug intellectuals who think they have all the proper answers held there in their heards will bow down to Christ Himself in humble submission,and will be guilty of being haughty, and keeping others from the TRUTH.


  49. ygp says:

    Thanks Steve. Thanks Regina for sharing His words.
    in His grace

  50. Regina says:

    Good Evening All,

    You’re welcome, Steve and Peggy. I love and so appreciate the Psalms too.


  51. Regina says:

    Totally, totally off topic here, but I really want to share my devotional with you all.

    “Be Bold!”

    Proverbs 28:1, NLT
    The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.

    One of the main reasons people do not pray and that they are reluctant to ask God for what they need and want is that they do not feel worthy. They do not feel good about themselves; they do not feel that they are spiritual enough, so they don’t believe God would listen to them anyway. We all make mistakes and when we do we should receive God’s forgiveness and mercy, which allows His blessings to flow even when we have made mistakes.

    When we talk to God and make requests of Him, we must understand our position as sons and daughters of God who are made righteous through the blood of Jesus. Otherwise, we may not hear His voice clearly or perceive His answers accurately. You see, we so often think our righteousness is based on doing things “right”—saying the “right” words, behaving the “right” way, or having the “right” attitude.

    The truth is that we can make ourselves religious, but we cannot make ourselves righteous. True biblical righteousness is not based on what we do right, but it is based on what Jesus did for us. His righteousness becomes ours by faith, and once we believe that, then we progressively display more and more right behavior. But, we must always remember that God answers our prayers because He is good, not because we are. We can approach Him boldly in prayer and expect to hear from Him daily. —Joyce Meyer


  52. kramnotrub says:

    Read your comments to the Epicenter 2010 webcast. Somewhat humorous ambiguity. Noncommittal or confused? If the Temple goes up and Israel signs a seven year peace treaty, maybe you’ll be a little more convinced? Or will it take all 28 signs? Or maybe you’re banking on a rapture. Noah spent 100 years preparing. Joseph spent seven years preparing. The wise men spent countless years preparing. Millions have been martyred since the time of Christ. Are you ready? Will you watch as your family is slaughtered like the Jews did in the holocaust? Given the opportunity, will you defend your family or offer them up for sacrifice as Abraham did?

  53. foreverblessed says:

    I would like to share a dream I had, years ago, It was night or early in the morning, and I go to the back door of my house, and open it, and there stands a little girl, about 7 years old, totally naked, and shivering in the cold outside. And I thought, O dear, I have this girl in my house and I do not take care of her. It was a shock to me how neglicant I had been.
    What had I done?
    It was later that slowly it occurred to me, that thedream was telling me what I had done to myself. When I was about 7 years old, I heard these sermons preached on the endtime events in Revelation. And at night, when going to bed, I asked my dad to explain what was being said, about all these plagues and wars. He started to talk about it, then said goodnight, and here I lay in bed thinking of all these things, and then and there angst crept into my being.
    As before, I had blamed the church for preaching such sermons, and blaming my dad for not showing the love of God enough, the faith in Jesus. The dream taught me that it was also me who let angst in. I too should have taken care of that little girl who was myself.
    So I gave my part in it to Jesus, I handed my sin to Him, and it was a great relief to my soul. Great peace came over me.
    How beautifull is Jesus to my soul: I give Him my sins and He gives me His righteousness.

  54. in_awe_of_God says:

    i find it interesting that most of those leaving comments seem to insinuate that “natural disasters” have only happened during their own generation. These things…earthquakes, volcanoes, fires, floods, etc. have been happening for thousands of years, so you cannot pin the end times on them. When the bible was written, the authors said that the end was near at that time, that Christ was coming soon. Two thousand years ago the end was near! Why play math games when you could spend time being Jesus to people and bringing God’s kingdom to earth until He actually shows up? That’s what we’re here for.

  55. saturn says:

    Yes we are to be going about doing what God wants ue to do. Yes we are not to try to make everything that happens bad on this planet. But I still say if Christ didn”t want us to know about the end times He would not have said a word. Also I read a passage where part of it sayes look up for your redemption draws near.So for those who get bent out of shape and jump on people who talk about it try some Christ like attitude.

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