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With or Without Proverbs

Woke up today feeling mentally tired and spiritually cool.

Started reading from the 18th chapter of proverbs with a shaky prayer for God’s help. Suddenly found my imagination captured by statements like:

  1. A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment (18:1).
  2. The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe (18:10)
  3. He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him (18:13)
  4. The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit? (18:14).

Those weren’t the only proverbs in this chapter that caught my attention. For the first time I saw the relationship between two side by sides that I had never seen before:

  1. The rich man’s wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own conceit (18:11).
  2. Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility (18:12)

Others seemed to suddenly come at me from all directions. Time flew by as I was reminded again and again of why I need the death of Christ (for my countless sins)… and the presence of his Spirit together with the life-changing perspective of his words (to over ride my ever present inclination to do the self-centered, short-sighted, thoughtless, and worthless thing).

Was also reminded once again of the difference between faith in Christ with or without proverbs. Or another way of saying that “… the difference between faith in Christ with or without the treasures of his wisdom (Col 2:1-3).

Would be interested in hearing whether you’ve found the proverbs to be a way of renewing your mind, heart… and faith…

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69 Responses to “With or Without Proverbs”

  1. SFDBWV says:

    If you enjoy the Book of Proverbs, it is wisdom identified in every day examples. For the reader among us there is also the Books of Job, Psalms, Ecclesiastes,The Song of Solomon, and in the Catholic Bible the Books of Wisdom and Sirach.

    All directed toward teaching us wisdom.

    But I wonder, can wisdom be taught? Or is it something that is identified or better said, recognized, when seen.

    We normaly associate wisdom to older people, it being the idea that life itself has taught the older person wisdom through the experiance of living.

    Yet the only really important *wise* decision anyone can make is the choice to accept Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and ask Him to be Lord of your life and into your heart.

    Usually when I read the Books of wisdom, I wonder why I don’t read them more often and am saddened that I didn’t adopt their advice earlier in my life. And yes that sometimes I see we are in agreement in many areas of my life as well…..a sign that the Christ is there struggling along with me.

    Mart, we all have dry spells, which is why I go to the well every morning of my life, so that for today my thirst may be quenched. One day at a time.

    Sometimes, one moment at a time.


  2. marilyn0624 says:

    I have often read a Proverb a day for a month.

    Right now, I am doing it as a result of difficulties at work. I find that as I read through the Proverbs I am reminded on a daily basis of how NOT to respond in situations! Less is more sometimes.

    It also puts a better perspective on finances for me.

    When I read the last chapter last month, though, I got an insight I had NEVER had before.

    I had always read Proverbs 31, as a woman, looking for direction. This time when I read it I saw for the first time the fact that it starts out from a mother to her SON!

    I read it with different eyes and came to the conclusion that it is more than a good basis for Ladies’ Bible Studies; it is what a young man should be looking for in a wife!!

    I emailed my unmarried son about this and then reminded him to “forget about this AFTER marriage and refer to I Corinthians 13 instead!”:)

    Then, a friend of mine said, this is what a husband’s goal should be to help his wife achieve! (as per Ephesians)

    I would be interested to know what others think about this.


  3. SFDBWV says:

    Marilyn, Isn’t it an exciting moment when God reveals a truth of scripture to us we had somehow overlooked…I call that His timing.

    It is interesting that the Virtious Woman given as an example in Proverbs 31 is also an example for all Christians to live as the Bride of Christ or better known as the Church.

    I would also agree with you that it takes two virtious partners to have the kind of marriage we all seek. It makes it much easier to give of yourself when your spouse also gives of themselves as well.

    I think you show wisdom, from your habit of reading daily the Word of God. Keeping your eyes upon the Lord.

    I pray things at work improve for you and your son finds his virtious wife.


  4. mrhsea says:

    “blessed are the poor in spirit for their’s is the kingdom of heaven”.
    Truly by your humble admission – mental and emotional tiredness — and yet action of obedience -shaky prayer for God’s help, while looking into His Word, God has blessed you with the experience of sudden illumination of His Presence and His Word which causes time to lose it’s significance.

    Though I was caused to read Proverbs 18, and Proverbs 13 (the one for monthly reading today), it was Colossians 2:1-5 that captured my attention.

    Thank you for your encouragement to keep on keeping on with Jesus.

  5. rxman says:

    As the saying goes, Nothing grows on the mountain top but the valley is where things grow. This seems to give me comfort when I am having a spiritual “dry” time. I seem I want to seek out God’s face more when I am in this season. And as I look back in hindsight, I cherish those times.

    6 Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

  6. rivergal says:

    On the weekends we generally read out of Proverbs. Like Marilyn, I often meditate and discuss Proverbs 31 with other women, and that chapter came up often as we were discussing your previous post, Mart (will leave it at that, to avoid poking the proverbial bees’ nest).

    One of the proverbs you read, 18:14 (The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?) really resonated with my spirit, as it would for most of us who a) experienced our spirits sustain us in sickness, or b) who had our spirits smitten – knocked down and afflicted, and unable to rise or be lifted by any human effort.

    The latter I’ve experienced recently, in the death of a loved one, and several life and work disappointments that followed. My spirit felt like a group of thugs had beaten it up and left it, as the Hebrew word used here – “nake” (stricken, scourged, smitten) suggests.

    More than one well friend advised me to “get over it”, I’m sure with the best intention to help lift my spirits. But as the writer of Proverbs knew, lifting a beaten up spirit is a Herculean task, “who can lift it?” So I can’t lift my own spirits, and neither can others. How about God?

    When I looked for verses about God lifting our spirits, I couldn’t find any (there may be some, but I stopped looking at about 60 references). Who can lift a smitten spirit? The answer seemed to be “no one.” Then I considered a bit…does the smitten spirit need lifting — or healing and repair? An “Aha” moment. Healing and repair of the brokenhearted? Renewing spirits? Jesus! (Ps. 51:10, Is. 61:1, Ps. 147:3, Ps. 34:18)

    As a BTW, I also though of the Good Samaritan, and how he took pity on the man who was beaten up. I don’t think it’s taking too much liberty to say that, as Christ’s body, we too often say “Get over it” to those beaten up in spirit – the contemporary version of passing on the far side of the road along with the priest and the Levite. We need to be Christ to them, and point them to the Healer of our souls.

    Well, this is more than enough rambling from a first time poster! God bless ♥ & ☮ through ✝

  7. SFDBWV says:

    Nice work rivergal, I would also point to Isa 61:1 and Luke 4 18, to see who it is that can heal the broken hearted.


  8. scout1 says:


    I can relate to what you are saying Mart. I’ve been feeling the same way. I can understand some “mentally tired and spiritually cool” times. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Hey Steve, thanks for the encouraging words!

  9. Hisgirl4life says:

    Thank you Mart for you honest devotion! I’ve had those days too. If we’re honest, most of us admit we all have times in our life when we feel dry, perhaps when our prayers go unanswered or when we are facing insurmountable challenges or difficulties.

    Often during those times, God reminds me of my humanness and my great need for Him. I might feel alone in my challenges, but He promises I am never alone. (Hebrews 13:5) He’s right there with me, behind the scenes, of all that is unseen, working things for my good. (Romans 8:28)

    I love the book of Proverbs and the Psalms, so I begin each day reading the chapter that correlates with the date. As I’ve reread them many times over the years, God has spoken through a verse I may have skimmed over or overlooked. This morning He reminded me again that He is the provider of all that I need.

    Psalm 113:7: “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.”

    During those times when I’ve felt alone, dry, discouraged or in need, God’s word provides so much comfort and assurance, like nothing else, or no one else can. Once again, I’m reminded of His great love for me, “the apple of His eye.” God has been a refuge for me so many times in my life.

    Many times, He reminds me to “be still, and know that [He] is God.” (Psalm 46:10). I find that verse to be of great comfort, knowing He’s in complete control over everything that concerns me.

    Thanks for the encouraging words everyone…

  10. bubbles says:

    Mart, thank you for your honesty. It’s a comfort to know others struggle also. Thank you.

    I love, love Proverbs and the Psalms! There for awhile, that was all I wanted to read, and felt like other parts of God’s Word were being neglected. It seems like each time I read a passage from Proverbs, there is something there that I hadn’t seen before, or undertstood it in a different way. Reading Proverbs is like finding a perfect beautiful little sea shell on the beach. Each pithy little verse is a treasure.

    Marilyn, I’ve heard women say they felt and I have felt as though they/I could never measure up to and were intimidated by the woman mentioned in Prov. 31.

    I copied Elizabeth George’s thoughts about her I’d like to share: (hope it is permissable to do so) “The Prov. 31 woman is truly a woman of excellence who models for us the godly traits God highly esteems and exalts. God has preserved His portrait of her in the Bible. She’s ours to admire, to inspect, to study, to emulate, and to point others to. She’ll always be there for you to pour over, to visit with, to draw upon, and be refreshed by. Truly, hers was a heart of excellence and we should pursue her excellence.”

  11. poohpity says:

    I read your thoughts this morning Mart but wanted to ponder a little more what you were saying although I do not know for sure if I am catching the depth of it. What I have gathered is that the true understanding of what Christ has done for us with or without Proverbs is simply amazing especially in trying to live out the wisdom of scripture. Some times the bottom line is way more important than all the right things to do.

    You mentioned asking with a shaky prayer for the help of God before your read the scriptures and then the Holy Spirit guided you to the new truth you were ready to receive at that time for that moment in your life. That is a very good example to us of the way scripture can be personally revealed whether we are on fire or feeling a little cool. God always wants to have conversations with us and give us something new to think about but that would not be possible without our faith in Christ, bottom line. Nothing else can compare to that.

    I know when things seem out of sort and my faith is very weak I can always just remember Jesus and that just about says it all. Of all that He is, has done and continues to do in each of our lives. It humbles us and brings us back to focus with out that faith and acceptance of Him into our lives living with wisdom has no importance except words. Can the proverbs renew my mind, heart and faith, I do not think so I think that is the Lords job, bottom line. Can He use them, oh yes He can to renew my mind, heart and faith.

  12. SFDBWV says:

    Proverbs 6:6 “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider *her* ways, and be wise.”

    I always love this little pearl, only within the age of our arogant science have scientists discovered that all ants are female. Yet here the writer of the Scripture already knew.

    Has any of you seen the story of the paleontologist who has discovered soft tissue in fossils, including blood vessels and even blood. In animals thought to be several hundred millions of years dead.


  13. lraney says:

    Proverbs 15:4 – “a discerning heart seeketh knowledge”. This has helped me when I was spiritually low because sometimes I need rest or I need to be in prayer. Not always sure but it helps to ask God what is going on. His ways are always higher than ours.

  14. SFDBWV says:

    I am reminded of the last subject in Ecclesiastes 12:12-14…”And further, by these, my son, be admonished; of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.”
    :13″ Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”
    :14″ For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, wehter it be good, or wether it be evil.”

    It seems that much attention is given to creation, the original sin, the development of man, prophesy, The Gospel and the end of things….But little attention is given as a study of *wisdom*. Even though several Books of the Bible are devoted to the subject.

    We can, most of us, agree that to follow the advice given as wisdom, should make our lives better; but how many of us make decisions pushing wisdom aside for other reasons?

    I can’t say that everyone I know who has accepted Christ has become a fountain of wisdom, But I can say that with the acceptance of Christ comes the offer to have both wisdom and peace.

    Whereas living a wise life may give the wise person a more peaceful existance than others, only through the indwelling of Christ can everyone have peace that surpasses understanding, with or without wisdom.

    No matter how much we achieve intellectualy, nor how much wisdom we can *learn*, without Christ we are an incomplete person.

    All the wisdom of scripture has expressed this truth.


  15. foreverblessed says:

    The proverbs with or without Christ
    Christ, with or without proverbs

    In the end it is Christ who saves us, who lifts us up, who gives us new life, and also the strength to do the things that proverbs encourage us to do,
    like Proverbs 27:6 … faithfull are the wounds of a friend
    We are nothing without Christ.

    But one other thing, if we read through Proverbs, you just get too much information, Jesus teaches us one by one.
    Like holding your mouth Proverbs 21:23
    He would want us to discipline ourselves on that,
    and a year later Jesus wants us to go on, and use our mouth for something good, like
    Proverbs 31:8 Speak up for those who canot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute

    My dad was a lover of Proverbs, so in my young years I have heard many already, and if you listen to them,they indeed keep you from a lot of folly.
    I think that it is wise to teach proverbs to children,
    and young people, especially the ones who have not Jesus in their hearts that much.
    The pitfall is that you can become wise in your own eyes, and do not rely on Jesus with a broken spirit, since a lot of trouble you were saved from by heading the wisdom of the bible, even without Christ.
    If you can still follow me.

  16. foreverblessed says:

    Steve, I just read your last comment, I guess I was trying to say the same sort of thing.

  17. SFDBWV says:

    foreverblessed, One Spirit, the same Spirit in us all…We seemed to have been both listening to His wisdom this morning…As well as confirming what it is He wants to say.


  18. foreverblessed says:

    Another good one: a prudent wife is from the Lord Proverbs 19:14
    Who can find her?

    The answer is: her husband has full confidence in her, and lacks nothing of value.
    The husband lacks nothing of value,
    So the answer is, he has to find Jesus, he will become full, and then the Lord may/will give him a wife.
    he himself has Jesus, and he trusts his wife, and so she grows into the proverbial 31, v12 She will do him good, and not harm him, all the days of her life.
    Is there a girl he has full confidence in? She will become this strong woman, as she feels loved by him.
    This proverbs speaks of a married woman, she grows in her role as she lives it. And the first thing that is mentioned is that her husband really supports her, isn’t that something? What a big thing to notice just now after we had this submission thing discussed.

    For young man:
    10 a woman of noble character, who can find her
    and 30 charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting,
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
    That your son does not look to outward appearance, but to the inner man.
    Proverbs 24:27 Finish your outdoor work and get your field ready;
    after that build your house.
    So my dad would advice young man first to learn a profession, and have a means for living before marrying.
    So not literally, have a house bought and payed off, but be educated.

    There is indeed so much in Proverbs, thanks for pointing it out to us!

  19. poohpity says:

    Hey Steve, if there are only female ants how do little ant babies come. The males are only used for breeding purposes and do not live very long but there are males. Haven’t you ever seen “ANTZ” by Dreamworks. I thought a little humor to start the day.

  20. poohpity says:

    I wonder if that is why they are so wise, lol.

  21. SFDBWV says:

    Pooh, never wattched Antz, of course I knew there are breeding males in Ant colonies, but I think it is so cool that the writer of Proverbs knew the gender structure of the itty bitty little ants.

    I love humor in the morning as well as all day…

    Matthew and I are laughing his way through the Fresh Prince right now while he rests between exercises.


  22. foreverblessed says:

    This one is also so good for young people:
    Proverbs 5
    to be aware of the adulteress,
    lest you give your best strength to others
    Drink water form you own cistern, running water from your own well, (have your own partner) may you ever be captivated by her love.

    and 4:23 above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.
    Do not fall in love too quickly.
    And do not go in situations where you might be captivated by a woman 5:20
    (adulteress it says, and nowadays, the sexual moral is so stretched out, it is hard for young people to avoid it, but you can and it helps to read these proverbs)
    4:25-27 Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. (look to Jesus we could say too)
    For a mother (and father) it is good to give these proverbs to their children. My dad did, and I am still thankfull for that.

  23. SFDBWV says:

    foreverblessed, there was a song out some years ago by TLC called “Waterfalls”. It nay have been in pop culture but spoke clearly the message you have brought forward about drinking from your own cistern.

    If only people would take the advice of wisdom and listen to it rather than the call of their ouw selfish desires….once again, easy for me to say…


  24. foreverblessed says:

    Yes Steve, but blessed is the child who does listen.
    I did listen to proverbs, but it took me only years to really have Jesus in my heart, and that goes beyond wisdom of proverbs, He is the Spring of Living Water.

  25. foreverblessed says:

    Rivergal, welcome, your name is from the Spring of Water?
    thanks a lot for sharing.
    I had the same experience the time I was down, It took me 3 years to get over it. After one year already fellow christians were saying to me: Get over it.
    But thankfully I heard God’s voice talking to me, saying that it would take longer. That I should stay close to Him, and not be pushed by others.
    We cannot get over it, we can only lift up our heads to Jesus,

    Psalm 25:1 to you O lord, I lift up my soul, in you I strust, do not let me be put to shame.
    Psalm 24:9 Lift up your heads, O you gates, lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in.
    It is the King who comes in, if He wouldn’t come in, we are lost.
    But thankfully the King will come in, in a broken and contrite heart He will come in.

    Here is another proverb:
    Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on soda,
    is one who sings songs to a heavy heart. 25:20
    allthough I would go to services, and as soon the singing would begin, I would start to cry. But that was like healing for my soul, those tears.
    It took so long, too long for many.
    Today I have to remember that, and be patient with others.

  26. SFDBWV says:

    Bob, Semper Fi old friend, I had not seen you for a while and am glad to see you are still here among the blog.


  27. poohpity says:

    I was wondering if you guys would pray for my dad he has had pneumonia for 4 weeks now and one 7 day stay in the hospital. The doctor wanted to put him in again on Monday but he asked if he could do the treatment at home. We have not had a close relationship for decades but I love him with all my heart. How do you show someone you love them when they are not real receptive to your love. I tell him but he is one of those real tough guys. I guess I am the one who really wants to know that he loves me. Help!! I am being selfish aren’t I?

  28. Hisgirl4life says:

    I will say a prayer for you and your father. “I LOVE YOU, those three little words are so powerful. Said with different tones of voice, they can deliver different messages. Just speak from your heart, Poohpity. God knows your heart and your needs. Life is short. Don’t put off until tomorrow what God provides opportunity for today. We are not promised tomorrow…just grace for today. You will be in my prayers.

  29. scout1 says:

    Hi Pooh!

    I will remember you in my prayers tonight!

    Bless you!

  30. Elaa says:

    “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.”

    And this jumps at me regarding forsaking the fellowship of brethren, or the preference to be “anonymous” in a big church!

    And how true the talk about “about nothing new under the sun”. There I have been thinking it’s a public health revelation that “Isolation is an indication of abouse”, and now I see that even though the verse does not say, “isolate himself and/or others”, there is the connection between “isolation” and “selfish desires” as well as a disinterest in wise judgment.

    “The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?” Let all take advantage of every opportunity to help build the spirit man. This reads to me like an explanation of were suicide begins from. May God help us all.

  31. foreverblessed says:

    Pooh, “I guess I am the one who really wants to know that he loves me. Help!! I am being selfish aren’t I?”

    That was the exact thinking this morning that came into my mind. I woke up, and my husband just was awake too, I made a moise, and hoped hw would immediately turn to me and say: good morning, dear, my love. Or anything the like. At least that he would say immedidately that he loved me. But he didn’t, was coping with himself just being awake. (I know he loves me, but I want to hear that every day.)
    And then I thought: how selfish I am, to want that attention.
    Did I realise that Jesus loves me? Did I pray: thanks Jesus, I am here again, thanks for your conecern over me. And then turn to my husband and tell him I love him.

    The proverb 31 woman is loved by her husband, but we are loved by our husband from above: Jesus Christ.
    Then I am full, and fulfilled, and will grow strong.

    Jesus came and gave a new command: Love the other as I have loved you.
    So I trun my eyes on Jesus, and see (realise) how much He loves me, and then go to the other and love him as much as Jesus loves me. That is so different.
    It is the world upside down.

    Eela, what a hard subject. We need Jesus to interpret the meaning of these proverbs, or how to use them. And proverbs do not heal the person, Jesus does.
    So Jesus and then the proverbs

  32. SFDBWV says:

    pooh, you and your father are in our prayers…Is it selfish to want loved? I think it is one of the saddest things I have ever seen (unfortunately, I have seen it lots), when a persons love comes back empty.

    Don’t give up hope, just love him and leave the rest to God.


  33. SFDBWV says:

    Elaa, I percieve you to be a broad and deep thinker, I like that.

    I have known far too many people who have killed themselves, some slowly by alcohol or drugs, some with rope or gun. The result being the same.

    What cold dark lonely place, is a person who sees no hope only seeks the end of their pain.

    Suicide… seems the most selfish act of all. Not a care for the pain they leave behind and have inflicted upon thoes who loved them.

    Yet I also am reminded that these people are confused,sick, and sometimes misguided and needed healing from the one who can heal a broken heart…We who call ourselves His followers are to offer healing to the wounded, weak, and broken spirit of thoes whom God sends to us.

    Our only
    medicine…love…comfort…sympathy…assistance, not judgement.


  34. bubbles says:

    Know you and your dad are in my prayers.

  35. Regina says:

    Good Morning All,

    A little pressed for time today. I’ve missed sharing my thoughts with you and and reading your comments (on BTA blog).

    Mart – The Proverbs have greatly blessed my life in ways that I can scarcely articulate. One of my favorite Bible verse in Proverbs (Chp.) 3 comes to mind:

    Proverbs 3:5-6, NKJV
    5) Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6) In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

    The entire chapter (3) is excellent because it has SO MUCH to say about *wisdom*–I (desparately) need both spiritual and natural wisdom. I think the Proverbs should be called, “The Wisdom Book.” :-)

    Want to share another favorite Proverb with you all…the verses that really spoke to me and has great influence on how I live my life.

    Proverbs 31:10-31, NKJV
    “10) Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. 11) The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. 12) She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. 13) She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands. 14) She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar. 15) She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household, And a portion for her maidservants. 16) She considers a field and buys it; From her profits she plants a vineyard. 17) She girds herself with strength, And strengthens her arms. 18) She perceives that her merchandise is good, And her lamp does not go out by night…”

    Also want to reference verses 20-31, but didn’t want to share the entire passage in this blog.

    My first initial thoughts.


  36. pegramsdell says:

    Hang in there Deb, most of us have loved and not had that loved returned. May not seem fair, but what in life is? You are doing the right thing by loving him and showing Him the love of The Lord. We are to do everything as if we were doing To Jesus. Love you.

  37. Hisgirl4life says:

    Amen Steve! One of the most painful things in life is loving even though it is not returned. I’m reminded of 1 John 4:7-8: “Let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” I’ve also been praying for a loved one for years. God sees our hearts Poohpity and hears our prays as we cry out to him. God created us in his image to love others. When that is returned, we feel His love through others. It is heartbreaking when those we love most: parents, spouse, children or friends do not return it, even when we know the Lord loves us and gave his life for us.

  38. bubbles says:

    It was said earlier this morning that “suicide seems to be the most selifish act of all. Not a care for the pain they leave behind and have inflicted on those who love them.” Not to disagree, but consider the fact that maybe those who sometimes do, do this is BECAUSE of the pain inflicted upon them by the ones who are the ‘close ones’ and are supposed to show love to them. Maybe they feel that is the only way to separate themselves from them. They may have gotten to the point they forget it is a fearful thing to fall into the hand of a living God.

  39. poohpity says:

    Thank you everybody for praying for my dad.

    I again was thinking about this topic which I failed to read the Colossians reference. The secret plan was made known to us is Christ Himself. V3 In Him lie hidden all the mighty, untapped treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Then to go down to verse 10 so you have EVERYTHING when you have Christ.

    The proverbs 31 women verse 30 says “charm can be deceptive and beauty doesn’t last, but a woman who fears and reverences God shall be greatly praised. The chapter seems to be concerned about character.

    I knew there was more than meets the eye with this topic and am glad you left it up until I could go deeper than just the first impression and I am still thinking. Solomon who asked God for wisdom to rule God’s people yet failed to apply it to his own life seems to be an example of the many areas which I know I fall short, yet I have Christ. So I really do not have to scratch and claw to gain much wisdom because I believe that would only cause haughtiness instead I can cling to Christ and have everything I need in Him.

  40. pegramsdell says:

    Right on Hisgirl. You have really ministered to me today, thanks.

  41. poohpity says:

    So no matter if WE are feeling spiritually cool, on fire or empty, Christ is still there. Our emotions or feelings or behaviors can not change the one thing that never changes but remains tried and true, that is Christ.

  42. Hisgirl4life says:

    Well said, Pooh. Yes, Christ remains the same yesterday, today, tomorrow. I’m reminded when my love is rejected, how much rejection our Lord Jesus felt at the cross when those he loved (all of humanity) hurled judgment, criticism and abuse at him before crucifying Him. Any of my feelings of rejection pale in comparison to His great love. I too am called to love (always in His strength and not my own). Christ experienced everything we have, as He walked here as God and in human form like us. I can’t think of a more compassionate and loving comforter. I pray my heart can be opened and purified so I can become more like Him.

  43. SFDBWV says:

    Dear Kathy, We are not is disagreement, I had stated that suicide *seemes* to be the most selfish act of all…

    Followed up with, “Yet” I am reminded these people are confused, sick, misguided ect…

    Some people believe they are doing thoes they love a service by removing themselves from being a burden on them, by suicide….A purely unselfish act.

    Suicide is never an answer to anyones pain. It only makes matters worse.


  44. foreverblessed says:

    A broken spirit who can bear..
    thanks Steve, very well advice, how to stand by
    My brothe-in-law has been suicidal, his sisteres who lived close to him indeed were not able to bear it anymore.
    They persuaded him to go to be internalised, in a sort of new age clinic, Rudolf Steiner sort of thing, so they have used anything to help him. And I pray that Jesus will somehow somewhere reach his heart, but am glad that his family offered help in many ways. It is kind of diificult to say: only Jesus can heal a broken spirit.
    The most importatnt thing they seem to do over there is to keep him in company, they want him to join the group, not be on his own. That makes sense now, after what Eela wrote. I would think, they want rest and quiet, because with other people also comes much input, much difficult people around a person who hardly can cope. But they make it adament he is part of the group and participates with activities.
    He is doing better now, wants to cooperate, and is already looking at an institute he can go to after the 7 weeks are over. So he has interest in living again.

  45. foreverblessed says:

    A broken spirit who can bear..
    thanks Steve, very well advice, how to stand by someone who is fed up with life
    My brothe-in-law has been suicidal, his sisters who lived close to him indeed were not able to bear it anymore.
    They persuaded him to go to be internalised, not because of him, but because they told him, it is getting too heavy for us to support you. In a new age clinic, Rudolf Steiner sort of thing, so they have used anything to help him. And I pray that Jesus will somehow somewhere reach his heart, but am glad that his family offered help in many ways. It is kind of difficult to say: only Jesus can heal a broken spirit.
    The most important thing they seem to do over there is to keep him in company, they want him to join the group, not be on his own. That makes sense now, after what Eela wrote. I would think, they want rest and quiet, because with other people also comes much input, much difficult people around a person who hardly can cope. But they make it adament he is part of the group and participates with activities.
    He is doing better now, wants to cooperate, and is already looking at an institute he can go to after the 7 weeks are over. So he has interest in living again.

  46. pegramsdell says:

    Yes feelings can deceive us, we should not trust them. We need to go back and remember Jesus on the cross. Then however we are feeling becomes a shadow. He suffered more than I ever will. And new mercy’s await us in the morning.

  47. poohpity says:

    Oohrah, He is our Semper Fi.

  48. Bob in Cornwall England says:


    What is a Semper Fi?
    Steve used it with Bob(NC) and you have used it again here.
    Must be a UK/USA Language difference?

    May I just say how wonderful this topic is and that the book of proverbs is probably the most profound book of wisdom ever written.
    It is laid down as if it is a series of “Text Messages” from God, and that is how I read them, just one at a time and try to take in the meaning.
    There is so much truth in every sentence that it is hard to swollow sometimes and if we could apply every wise word we would indeed be perfected in Him.

    Deb, I also pray for your relationship with your dad to heal. It is probably the single most important relationship we have as it is how we are loved by our heavenly Father.


  49. SFDBWV says:

    Cornwall Bob, Semper fidelis is latin for *always faithful*, and is the motto for the US Marine Corps.

    Both NC Bob and I share a history of having served in the Corps, in Viet Nam.

    Marines have the habit of saying Semper Fi as a way of saying hello to each other, of course it is not exclusive.


  50. SFDBWV says:

    I am drawn into Proverbs 8, it is a curious glimpse at existance before the earth, at the beginning of things.

    Wisdom clearly titled as she, her…feminine

    Wisdom speaking from herself says “When He prepared the heavens, I was there:….Then I was by Him as one brough up with Him: and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him.”

    An interesting observation, of the relationship between the Trinity, with wisdom as a companion…


  51. pegramsdell says:


  52. SFDBWV says:

    Well said, Bob (NC).


  53. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Now I know what Semper Fi means but oohrah sounds a bit aggresive to me and reflects the way US Christians come across to the rest of the world.


  54. poohpity says:

    Bob (CE) they are Marines, lol. It may be a benefit to read the Our Daily Bread topic for today. :-)

  55. pegramsdell says:

    We are in the Army of God afterall, right Deb?

  56. foreverblessed says:

    The todays meditation of july 16, both the morning and the evening are about: we have Jesus!
    “O Lord Jesus, we would bow at thy feet, conscious of our utter inability to do anything without thee, and in every favour which we are privileged to receive, we would adore thy blessed name and acknowledge thine unexhausted love.”

  57. poohpity says:

    We are in the Army of God, peg. :-) He calls us as His army to not to judge others because that is our commanders job not ours. To be kind, compassionate and loving is our job and to show as mercy as we have been shown. As ODB devotional about not judging says,”Be slow to judge others, but quick to judge yourself”. Of course I am an aggressive american christian so do not listen to what I say but look to Jesus for the answers that are written in God’s Word. So with or without Proverbs which point us to a gentle answer turns away wrath, we still have Jesus to teach us, the commander of this corps of people.

  58. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Hi Deb, You made I laugh this morning with:

    “**Of course I am an aggressive american christian so do not listen to what I say** but look to Jesus for the answers that are written in God’s Word.”

    Thank God we are all different and can laugh at ourselves and each other. Yes I read yesterdays ODB about not judging others etc. Very much like the parable of the Beam and Speck. I would guess there is a proverb that covers this subject and I always like the way our Father shows us a word then re-enforces it with an example just so we get the message.

    We had a guy speak at a our church a few years back who wrote a book called “Militant Christian” and his name is Jonathan Conrathe. He was trained by Don Double of Good News Crusade and has been an Evangelist now for 15 years. This little aside has reminded me to continue to read it as I have just located it on my bookshelf and the marker is only a quarter way in. So perhaps we should all be a bit more “Aggresive” in our aproach to to the command Jesus gave us “go into all the world and preach the good news to all men”

    Perhaps I am begining to understand and embrace the differnces that make us all unique in Christ.

    Love to all


  59. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    sorry “differences”

    One day I will be perfect just as He is perfect, one day!

  60. Regina says:

    Good Morning All,

    Finally had time to read all of the comments in this blog post. This is a great topic! Thanks, Mart. And thank you to all who shared such wonderful insight on the Proverbs. I’ve learned so much from you all. Like, the person who mentioned loving Proverbs and Psalms, I love both books too.

    I’ve read the entire book of Psalms but not Proverbs. Trying to read the Bible in one year and it has been very challenging because I’m often distracted by chores, etc. But I feel determined to do it in a way that I haven’t in times past.

    Was wondering where you were Bob (Cornwall); I’ve missed Lively too. Bob (CE), Just as I was wondering where you were, I saw your comment and you asked a question that I wanted to ask about “Semper Fi.” Thanks for asking that question. I didn’t know what that was either. Thanks, Steve [& Bob(NC)] for providing the definition.

    Have another busy day ahead of me and I pray that I can get it all done in a timely manner. I’ll say a prayer too, Poohpity, for your relationship with your dad. I don’t have a good relationship with my dad either. My relationship with him has always been very superficial. Had a difficult time trusting people because of it. But I’m so thankful that God taught me the difference between His love for me (real love) and the relationship that I have with my father.

    I’ve learned (over the years) how important a father’s relationship is to a child because it’s his/her first opportunity to understand the love of God as “Father.”

    Blessings to All,

  61. poohpity says:

    By george “Bob(CE)” I think u got it. We are all not perfect but we are unique. We ALL have flaws no matter if we live in the UK, the US, or in the SUV but we can all have Christ in common that is what brings us together.

    Bob(NC)your words have meant so much to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. ;-)

  62. poohpity says:

    Regina, you are so right about the relationship with our earthly dad but Our Heavenly Father can overcome any issues we come to Him with and His perfect love will shine through somehow, someway.

  63. Bob in Cornwall England says:

    Mart has changed the topic, but:

    XXX to all and especialy you Deb.


  64. poohpity says:

    Kisses and hugs over the pond to you too, my friend. Thank you.

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