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Norway’s Trial of the Century

In July of 2011, a 33-year-old Norwegian bombed an Oslo government building and then gunned down scores of guests at a Labor Party youth camp. Seventy-seven people died, and many more were injured.

Prior to the attacks, the young gunman wrote a lengthy manifesto titled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence. In chilling detail, he describes how he carefully planned and trained for the attacks that he wanted to be seen as part of an organized resistance to European policies of immigration and multiculturalism.

When brought to trial, the self-confessed killer boasted to the court that he had “carried out the most spectacular and sophisticated attack on Europe since World War II.”

As the trial moved forward, the defendant said he was ready to die for the preservation of racial and religious purity. But he denied guilt for charges of terror and murder. He claimed that his actions to resist the corrupting influences of growing non-Christian populations were “based on goodness, not evil.”

In protest to the killer’s public statements, 40,000 Norwegians rallied in Oslo’s City Square to sing a song that the killer believed illustrates the liberal propaganda that was poisoning children’s minds. The song, “Children of the Rainbow” says in its chorus, “Can you wish for more? Together shall we live, every sister, brother . . .”

The young man’s writings showed that he regarded as enemies those who are changing the culture. Though he said he didn’t see himself as especially religious, he did identify with medieval crusades against non-Christian forces and wanted to be seen as a Christian martyr.

The tragic incident called attention to feelings about social and religious pluralism that are not limited to Norway and Europe. Many in the United States are also combining Christian history and culture with a conservative mindset to resist ethnic and religious change. In unlikely alliances of common concern, church people, political strategists, and media groups are trying to limit the spread of moral and religious diversity.

Some within these groups find inspiration in the story of ancient Israel. Convinced that God is on their side, they identify with a chosen people’s responsibility to occupy and control the religion and moral culture of their homeland.

Israel, however, wasn’t like the multicultural nations of our day. It had a monocultural society that went beyond common ancestry, law, religion, and language. In addition, the God of Abraham made the 12 clans of Israel collective witnesses to miracles that even their enemies could not deny (Joshua 2:9-11). First there was a supernatural exodus from Egypt. Then came 40 years in a barren wilderness where hundreds of thousands of Jewish people experienced God’s daily, supernatural provisions of food, water, and protection in a barren wilderness (Deuteronomy 8:15-20).

In addition, it’s important to see that, as God looked after His chosen people, He did it like a wise Father. In so many ways He showed that He didn’t want His chosen people to develop the national, political, or ethnic pride of a God-is-on-our-side attitude.

For example, soon after Joshua replaced Moses as the leader of Israel, God sent an angel to remind the new general of who was in charge. As Joshua prepared to lead the army of Israel in conquest of their Promised Land, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword. Startled, Joshua asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?” “Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come” (Joshua 5:13-14 NIV).

The messenger’s refusal to identify himself as a partisan ally of Israel may remind us that the God of Abraham has a vision for the world that is greater than His chosen people (Genesis 12:1-3).

Yet not until the coming of Jesus do we see how much God values those on all sides of every conflict. Only by the life, death, and resurrection of His Son do we see how He remained above the issues that divide us—to do what no political coalition, moral agenda, or policy of religious tolerance could ever do.

By dying for all, without sacrificing truth or moral values in the process, the Son of God broke down well-known walls of separation. In their place He built bridges of reconciliation so that, in Jesus, Jews and Gentiles, whether slave or free, could become men and women who find their oneness in Christ (Galatians 3:28).

This is the vision that enables us to find unity not by the coercive power of guns, bombs, bullets, or ballot box, but by a voluntary acceptance of His love for all of us.

Father in heaven, forgive us for giving our hearts to any cause of resistance, or strategy for change, that does not reflect Your heart for the rescue and good of everyone Your Son died for. —Mart DeHaan

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27 Responses to “Norway’s Trial of the Century”

  1. BruceC says:


    Very deep, provocative post.

    I just would like to ask you two things.

    First; in light of your post, do you think the Amereican Revolution was justified and Biblical?

    Second, if we are to stand for what is right are we only to this person-to-person and not get involved in what we see happening around us? Remember that old story of the man in germany that siad nothing because they didn’t come for him? In the the end they came for him and no one was there to speak up.

    While I in no way agree with what that man did in Oslo; the problem that is going in Europe is one that some claim was planned by those people(immigrants) in the first place. That they are pushing for their own laws and not the laws of the land. If we do not watch our step it could happen here. I just don’t see where those with opposing views show much tolerance; except for their own ways.
    But I do agree with you that forces on both sides of the aisle try to get US Christians on their side just for the extra vote; and that I don’t like.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  2. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart…we get the big picture that God is ultimately in control yet the multitudes that reign around and against us as our enemies today use the very things you have listed, guns, bombs, bullets and ballot boxes against us, his people.
    Yes it is His Will that none should perish, that’s the big picture, but multitudes more will if we choose to believe all His Word.
    As you present it here,sounds like we are to lay down for our enemies to trample over us and for God to ultimately pick us up in the end.
    In the process of this grand design how do we then protect that which God has already given us, that which we are to be accountable for, like our very lives, our children’s very lives, actually all life if you will, that now survives by the design of all our Law and Order, founded on His Word as well.
    Do we abandon all, and walk into a desert of denying all that is happening in the ever darkening world around us, never making a stand for any of our Godly principles?
    I believe you are asking us to die for self first, then die for our enemies as well. Is that the only win-win window we are to be looking through?
    Perhaps I’ve read all this too quickly and need more time to observe how others here may choose to comment on this.
    Commenting early on things so complex opens some of us to jumping the gun, bombs, bullets and ballot boxes we may think we and our world are currently facing and chosing to fight with. Our world reality. Gary

  3. poohpity says:

    So many force their beliefs on others and true love does not force anything on anybody it is a voluntary commitment. The vow we take to love God and others comes because of the love we have found in the arms of our Savior. No one can force that on anyone, we make a choice to come just as we are and give ourselves completely to our God. If it is forced then it is not love.

  4. poohpity says:

    This one man decided to forcibly take peoples freedoms away but do we pay enough attention to see that our freedoms are being taken away in the USA little by little, slowly but surely. Beware!!

  5. stepman says:

    Hi Matt,

    Thank you for this thought provoking piece. I have to say that I find it hard to allow another culture to overrun our culture and beliefs without any resistance. I know we all profess God’s Will, therefore what is, will be. Does that mean we stand by as our family and friends are decimated by new beliefs that would like to enslave us? We all know that the “European policies of immigration and multiculturalism” that this man is referring to are the influx of the islamic faith. A faith that has no tolerance for anyone. That recognizes our Lord and Savior as a Prophet only. But will not tolerate our non-belief in the God of Mohammed. I have to say that while Jesus said to “offer the other cheek” I do not believe He meant that if the sword was the result. We Christians do not force anyone to believe anything. We hope and pray that Our Lord will enlighten those that do not believe with the grace we believe we have received. We love God and our neighbors. I can only continue to pray for the wisdom and the strength to persevere the coming demise of “multiculturalism gone wild”.

  6. sscarborough says:

    I appreciate your words, Mark. As I read your post, I’ve got to write about what’s been resonating in my heart regarding King Jesus and how He rules today in our very messed up world…through His people…His disciples…the church Jew and Gentile, male and female, of all nations..any who call on His name and are born again…and have been taken out of the kingdom of the world (all world kingdoms)and placed in the kingdom of God’s dear Son. And what does He say HIS kingdom looks like? I do believe his Sermon on the Mount was the manifesto of life in the kingdom and how He would be living His life. Could this be how it looks for us as well, even in the 21st Century when all the world seems to be at war? As I read the New Testament and know what those believers faced in a very violent world and how they responded to the Roman Empire, are we, as Christ-followers/kingdom citizens first and Americans second, to live any differently just because we live in a nation with military might?

    These are the ponderings going on in my head. Your post has made me consider things even further. Thank you.

  7. SFDBWV says:

    If you have a very specific use for God, He will anoint you with power and you will succeed all because God wants you to.

    The purpose of what it is and why God demands it may be known or may remain a mystery until events unfold that show in retrospect the hand of God upon the matter.

    When one attempts to force God to play His hand, God will remain cool headed and on course for His plans, man will not *boss* God around.

    There are events coming on the horizon that clearly show the terrible condition of the world prior to the return of Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19: 16). These events are also very clearly lain out in Scripture.

    There is nothing we can do to prevent the coming catastrophe or aid in its approach. All we can do is be aware of it and ready for it when it comes.

    Clearly Christians are divided into two distinct groups; those who believe that Christians will escape this coming horror and those who think they will have to endure them.

    For those of us who have placed our hope in the *rapture* nothing else matters only living for the Lord and trusting that God will call us all up before that dreadful day of judgment comes.

    All others are faced with facing the political and religious world that will exist when that *hour* comes.

    Most Christians (not all) view the growing menace of Islam as this world religion that will be in place ahead of Jesus’ return. So it follows reason that Islam is viewed as an enemy and as an enemy dealt with by whatever means at their disposal.
    The problem is, what are God’s plans, and even if we know what is unfolding on the world scene, what can we do to stop it and how can we if it is God’s design?

    Revelation 3: 3 says in part to watch and be ready because we don’t know what hour He comes upon us. So by watching we know when the time is near and we get ready by staying in prayer and doing the will of God. The will of the Father being the care and love of each other.

    We will not win the coming day with guns and violence, God will win the day when the day comes for Him to, and not until.


  8. tubadoc says:

    It seems that the underlying question to your essay is one of civil disobedience and the reconciliation of our submission to authority(Rom 13)as opposed to the imprecatory psalms which call down judgement on our enemies. The NT passage which seems to echo the question most clearly is Matthew 5, the Sermon on the Mount, esp. vv43ff. We are to love our enemies. We are to submit to authority which does not contradict direct Scriptural principles and teachings, and we may die as a result of our discipleship. That is what we read, and what we can expect according to Christ’s specific teaching about persecution for his Name’s sake. We are, however, to be “wise as serpents but harmless as doves”, and rightly discern what is a necessary point of resistance as opposed to one which is convenient. As a conservative, I oppose wasteful welfare spending, but I promote care for the needy. Neither of these are “die-for” issues. I also will stand for life, the biblical view of marriage, and the freedom of religion in both pubic and private life( see the Manhattan Declaration for further discussion.)
    These topics were the focus of Dietrich Bonhoeffer during the Nazi rule. His recent biography by Eric Metaxis is an excellent way to think thru the ethical and moral dilemma of our days. There comes a time to die for our faith, and I am afraid it may be in the not too distant future. He controls history, and each of us must submit to his plan, even when we don’t understand His larger purposes.

  9. williamt123 says:

    Great Team;;-
    I really enjoy doing a post. Learning this at my community college.This scene is so tragic. Many innocent lives taken by such a twisted mind. Am I going to sit around and do nothing while every thing is falling apart. I do not think so. Many people are frustrated and upset today, especially with the world’s view’s. Jesus is still the answer to all the problems. I believe will need to establish more leadership in our world, to reach out to those who are seeking to take action, being able to share the truth and hopefully get back to the basics of Bible.Empowered and equipped we can build the team that can change the world. Thanks.

  10. BobbiLee says:

    Thank you Mart for reminding us of the tragedies in other countries. We do seem to get focused on ourselves too much. I believe, from reading the whole Bible through many times, that God does indeed have patterns or principles as to how He responds to individual believers or non-believers and to nations either pagan or believing.

    When Christ returns we will see unbelievers and unbelieving nations dealt with as only our Lord and King can do it. Meanwhile it is not up to us to murder those who don’t believe as we do. However, what IS our responsibility then when dealing with pagan nations or individuals who would like to wipe us off the face of the earth? We surely must resist, and with some nations the only thing they understand is force. As tubadoc says in his post, Bonhoeffer got it right, but it cost him his life.

    This country, as the only other country on earth that I know of, which was founded under the Name of God as its foundation is facing those days of resistance. One thing I know from reading God’s Word is that He will allow a pagan nation to rule a nation that turns from Him. This also applies to a nation that rejects Israel. We are on the precipice. . .

  11. yelaa says:

    Thank you Matt for this article. God bless you. I have read through a few responses and while acknowledging the need to resist oppression, it seems people believe it is their effort and physical resistance that will make a difference. Unfortunately, we cannot defeat any oppression by our might and the battles we see against Christians are spirituals. Someone said, we should always examine the results of our own efforts and ask how our methods are working for us. Sin is abounding because it seems easier to criticize the false systems than pray. I believe in line with what Matt said that as Christians begin to travail in prayer, Jesus will change our own hearts, empower us with His strength and wisdom to fight strategically. God is calling us to fast, repent of our sins, the sins of the church and the nation including the apathy we may display. As seek the will of God through His word and trust Him to protect us, changes will occur spiritually and then manifest physically. I don’t believe we can win if we rely on military might or political decision.

  12. kans says:

    In the words of Cromwell I think I’ll “trust in God and keep my powder dry”. This may sound pretty simple compared to all the longer posts, but I have peace with it.

  13. poohpity says:

    Mart, I do not think I have ever heard of anyone desiring to know our Lord by being coerced, belittled, beaten down, bombed, shot, alienated, oppressed unless first learning of the love, grace and mercy of our Lord then they repent. Graciousness leads to a change of heart. If we want to be a people that leads others to the Lord then we must experience His love and then extend that to others. God in the OT and the NT first showed His unmeasurable love to us before we even wanted to get to know Him, can you imagine the impact that would happen if we applied that first rather than boycotts, resistances, picketing or the ballot box?

    Building bridges of reconciliation rather than walls of defense and leaving the rest into the very capable hands of all powerful God who sees the heart of man and still went to the Cross.

  14. dlself says:


    Your article seems to be a political statement, a judgment of views with which you disagree.

    I think the message of Joshua 5:13 is that God’s will is preeminent over man’s will. I don’t think God has vision, rather, He has perfect sight, knowledge, power, purpose and will. I disagree with the interpretation of the passage that “the God of Abraham has a vision for the world that is greater than His chosen people.” It is not about God’s vision, it is about God’s preeminence in the affairs of men. As the story continues, obedient Israel is victorious over Jericho on whom judgment is executed.

    The terrible Norwegian story is not a model for rational thinking nor a basis for sound judgment of others. It is best seen as an event, the result of evil, delusion and irrational decisions. This story is best examined on its own, yielding its own lessons.

    I don’t think the story from Joshua was about man’s political positions then or now. I think the passage is misapplied. It is also a mishandling of a terrible current event, the horror of which is used for weight in judging and condemning others.

  15. victoriafranklin says:

    Hi Mart,

    Thank you for your thought-provoking article. I am a keen follower of Discover the Word and always appreciate your insights.

    You have hit on a question which has been occupying my thoughts lately:

    When must a Christian intervene in specific political matters?

    Indeed, I do agree the Lord our God has a vision for the world greater than ours can ever be; the passage from Joshua 5 does illustrate how impartial (literally speaking) our Lord is with regards to our earthly politics and worldly agendas (also Acts 10:34-35); and Jesus’ death and resurrection was for all people, and we (and the entire earth and universe) will all be united under him at the end of days.

    With the sermon on the mount in mind, especially “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39), how should we answer the question above?

    Although I do not have any ultimate answers, my attempt to break down the question is in the following order:

    1. Firstly, I believe the Holy Spirit has the power to reveal directly and personally to us the will of God on a moment-to-moment basis (John 14:26), and ultimately He should be our first port of call when prayerfully asking God his will in terms of when it is right to intervene or not. Admittedly, it is often difficult to become still enough to “hear the voice behind you” (Isaiah 30-21), but prayer and supplication is our first go-to to enjoy the privilege of direct relationship with God and to try to learn our Father’s wisdom and will.

    2. Secondly, there is a mandate to serve the poor (Galatians 5:13-15), give to the poor (Luke 12:33-34, Luke 14:12-14, Matthew 5:42, Matthew 19:21, Matthew 25:31-46, Deuteronomy 15:7-11, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Acts 20:35), to protect the rights of the needy (Jeremiah 5:28, Proverbs 29:7) and to protect our neighbour from the hand of the oppressor (Jeremiah 22:3). This would seem to indicate there is a time to intervene in other people’s matters if it is to protect our neighbour. I suppose this serving, giving, and protecting should be completely indiscriminate of political or cultural factions.

    3. Thirdly, what of protecting ourselves? Is there a time to put on an armor that is more than metaphorical (Ephesians 6:10-17) to defend ourselves, our families, our culture or our God? I have wondered whether the “turn the other cheek” mandate (Matthew 5:39) refers only to an insult (illustrated by slapping on the cheek) rather than an existential threat. If anyone could offer their insights into this, I’d be very grateful. The early phrase in Matthew 5:39 says “Do not resist the one who is evil” – does that mean we should practice absolute pacifism and lay down and die, as the Quakers would? Also, an outworking of love for one’s neighbour is to care for people that are not our own kin as much as our kin (Luke 14:12-14), but I do not think that necessarily means we should never protect or defend our own kin.

    4. If protecting others is something Christians ought to do based on points 2 and 3, how far should we go? Although the Norwegian case is completely a case apart that is obviously abhorrent, is there ever a time to kill righteously in order to protect either our neighbour or our kin (I am talking here of defensive not avenging killing) (Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 in contrast to Leviticus 24:17-22)? Again, I think the Holy Spirit is our most direct guide, but what of the scriptural answer to this question? In Matthew 26:52-54, Jesus had Peter put his “sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword”, and emphasised the power of prayer. One of the commandments is “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), but is the sense of the word ‘murder’ identical to or inclusive of all other forms of killing, in particular with regards to the motivation of the act (for example to protect)? The Bible is full of instances of God commanding his people to go to war against other nations (Numbers 31:3, Deuteronomy 7:1-26 etc) – I suppose this implies killing is righteous if commanded by God. And yet, those who are saved in Revelations “loved not their lives even unto death” (Revelation 12:7-11).

    I lack absolute answers for many of these questions, but my conclusion would be that we should prayerfully ask God knowledge of his will, that we should understand God shows no partiality, that he wants us to love our neighbour in a self-sacrificing way, and that our plans are inherently smaller than His.

    Psalm 108:12-13: Oh grant us help against the foe, for vain is the salvation of man! With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes.

  16. foreverblessed says:

    How far do we go in defending ourselves? I we read the beautitudes, they are so drastic, it is very easy to talk ourselves out of those sayings, by reasoning:Jesus does not want us to be foolish. But one thing stood out in my mind, when reading Viktoria’s comment: if a thief comes on, he wants to steal our worldly possessions, don’t kill a man for material things. Jesus says: give him your jacket, or whatever else he wants. If he asks one, give him two, that is the world upside down! We don’t like that, we react immediately in our old human nature, anger and attacking (or fear and flight). Lately in our country on 2 different occasions thieves have been killed by the ones who were protecting their belongings. For two motorcycles, and for special birds. If you think about it that way: do I find a motor cycle more important then a human life? Then it is easy to know what the beautitudes tell us.

    I really like the answer of the angel to Joshua, He is for neither. Very very thought provoking.
    I would like to see all the arabic people coming into our country as a challenge to show them what Jesus is really like. The old christian society we had was not what it should have been, not showing the love and the state of mind of the beautitudes. So I agree with many who wrote here, that it is time we humble ourselves before our God, to live in the humility and graciousness that Jesus showed. Many muslims will be attracted to it: The enemy becoming a friend, that is the world upside down.
    Turn to God and be saved. Isaiah 45:22 and not only saved ourselves, also our enemy can be saved by our total commitment to God and His plans.

  17. foreverblessed says:

    How may our enemy be converted to Jesus when we treat him the way the beautitudes tell us? I wish there were many stories of people being converted in this way. Does anyone have one? There is a story of Watchmen Nee, in his bookthe normal christian life. Of people in Indonesia, digging canals for their ricefields, and then the enemy would come and divert the water to their own fields. The christian people would not defend nor figth, but graciuously started to dig again, other canals on ohter places, the enemy would come again, take it away from them. These christians would turn to God, sing songs, sing Him praise, and start digging again. I think this happened up to three times. And what happened, the enemy was so impressed of the charity, the good mood and the ongoing zeal for doing good, they repented deeply of their egoistic behavior and became christian.
    Maybe someone knows the story better then I do, but this is how I remember it. Isn’t this the state of mind of Jesus Christ, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and so the message of the gospel is spread.

  18. poohpity says:

    I think a powerful example of Christian attitude and behavior confronting what was so wrong with a society was through the marches of Martin Luther King, Jr.. They accepted brutality, beatings, horrible acts and even imprisonment by seemingly well intentioned Christians, by not lifting a finger against racism in one of it’s ugliest extremes during the civil rights movement. To me that is what standing against evil by Christians looks like with the heart of Jesus. “Christianity,” he said, “has always insisted that the cross we bear precedes the crown we wear. To be a Christian one must take up his cross, with all its difficulties and agonizing and tension-packed content, and carry it until that very cross leaves its mark upon us to that more excellent way comes only through suffering.”

  19. poohpity says:

    I often wonder if any of us would be willing to accept such horrible acts against us for what we believe with no retaliation? Just to prove one is a human being.

  20. poohpity says:

    forever, I have never heard that story. Thank you for sharing it, very good example.

  21. oneg2dblu says:

    Mart…I would say the greatest question we Christ Followers must ask ourselves is this…
    “Is that which now stands before me, be it material, spiritual, financial, emotional, you name the place in your life where it presents itself, either for my God and His Spirit which is in me and for me, or is this thing, for the opposing of my God and His Spirit which would also be against me?”
    To me, there is no middle ground, or no muddled waters, where Christ says you are either for him or against him.
    When you can honestly answer that question through the Holy Spirit and God in you as a living witness to bear, then you will know what action to take rather than allowing any evil to overcome and consume you.
    I think if you have been set apart from this world by Almighty God to be a witness, then you must also resist evil through obedience, or the things of this world will again overcome and consume you.
    If you allow those opposing things you were found living in, and have been forgiven and released from, to slowly creep into your life and possess you again, as if you were never changed, or set apart, then, where do you stand?
    If you believe there is both good and evil in this world where you now live, and because you now live as His witness for good, then should we not also should live in a victory over evil?
    I believe our free will choice for Victory in Christ in this world only comes to life and bears witness in us, through our choosing to live in and under His Obedience in a world that now opposes Him!
    We get to choose, we get to resist, and we even get to overcome, as we choose to obey.

  22. kingdomkid7 says:

    First, I say bravo to dlself. The Norwegian event is not an example of anything except of someone who went over the edge in the name of self-professed, but delusional beliefs. So the flawed dichotomous reasoning that seems to come up on this board from time to time presents itself again: EITHER we are demonstrating the life of Christ as reflected in the Beatitudes OR we are engaged in a discussion about what is going on around us. I think this is probably goinig to be my last time saying it, but it’s not “either or,” and one example from the OT is Nehemiah. When he led the rebuilding of the wall and the surrounding society was against him and God’s people, they kept on building, but they defended themselves against their enemies who were resisting them. They did both things at the same time.
    And make no mistake, Martin Luther King did engage in resistance against the enemy of racism. It was called “passive resistance.”. But it was certainly resistance, and it was not random. It was planned and carefully orchestrated within the black community. King did not even want to be a “leader,” but then he accepted a call to do the hard thing. He accepted that he was called to a certain sphere of influence in the community. And none of us is really any different from him on that score.

    God has given each of us a sphere of influence, and the assignments He makes just are different for different people. For some, God puts us in the marketplace. For others, it’s in politics. For still others it’s in the home or local community or the back yard. For others it’s full-time ministry of some kind. The potential list is long, and I am much too limited to know what it all entails for each of us. But we do each have a place. If some are called to speak out and others are not, that is really OK. We all are hoping to be like Jesus, but what that looks like is not the same on each person. Similar, yes. The same, no.

    Norwegian guy was NOT on assignment from God. That is so clear as to be beyond question.

  23. kans says:

    I will admit that Mart’s article does provide intellectual food. But kingdomkid7 and dlself has really summed it well for me. I have been in the Lord’s Army for 42 years, and I also served in the United States Military and I can tell you that the men and women serving in uniform do not just blow things up and blow people away; they rescue the perishing and care for the dying.

    I frequently remind my congregation that we will pray for the lost, we will love the lost, we will extend the Gospel to the lost, and we will be a ready force to be reckoned with if God should so lead us to.

    I know I may not be as educated as some folks posting in this thread, but I also know that I am combat hardened in the Lord’s trenches.

  24. oneg2dblu says:

    kingdomkid7… Amen!
    I believe as you, each is given a purpose under Heaven, certain giftings to be used in the here and now, a specific calling which is individual and unique, but always aligning with the Will and Word of the one who calls us.
    It is exactly why we gravitate to certain scriptures that seem to jump off the page at us. It is why some were planners, some lookouts and some workers, with one hand was holding a weapon with the other hand the wall was rebuilt, which was the Will of God being lived out through different callings. Gary

  25. oneg2dblu says:

    foreverblessed… I assume you do lock your door at night and do not have a sign that says, Thieves Welcome and at all hours!

    If a thief enters my locked home, the intent I believe he would carry is that he will also harm and violate, for he is not acting in our Father’s will, but in our enemie’s camp doing the enemie’s will,”Steal, Kill and Destroy!”

    I will sing Praises to the Lord after he helps me use my gifts to put the thief in his proper place.

    I do undersdtand that some of us here would be under the covers or be at our bedside praying for protection, but that would not be my particular calling at that time.

    My gifts would be a little different than giving him a bible to read at the time of his discovery. Maybe over the head with great force…

    I’ve locked that door for a reason, to provide physical protection for my worldly family and their worldly possessions. which are all provided to us by God.

    There is a SEASON FOR EVERYTHING, and the thief in my house would be well seasoned!

    Written with some facts of life, and some humor for sure, but not without a stern warning as well.

    Thou Shall Not Steal, is the principle lesson taught by my gifting shared, and that aligns with God’s Word as well!

  26. poohpity says:

    It always tickles me how people can read the same article and get different meanings and miss the authors intent all together.

  27. victoriafranklin says:

    Kans, I agree with you.

    The use of the Norwegian case in the context of this discussion is misleading.

    Although I left many questions open in my prior post with regards to the scriptural stance to fighting, my heart tells me there is a time for everything, and my personal stance is that combat with the intent to kill is wholly acceptable when engaged in the Lord’s fight.

    As usual, the trick is always trying to discern God’s will.

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