Archive for the 'Christ’s Return' Category

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In the summer of 2002, a coal mining accident left nine Pennsylvania men trapped 240 feet underground. For three days the men huddled in the darkness of a cramped space that had filled almost to the top with 55 degree water. On the surface, a nation watched as rescue efforts dragged on longer than expected. […]

A Prediction

One of the most amazing predictions of the Bible was made in the middle of a national disaster. The pride of Israel had been broken. On the heels of a military defeat, some of the most religious people in the world wondered if God had abandoned them. Many of Israel’s brightest and best young people […]

The Return of Christ

Only hours before His death, a carpenter rabbi from Nazareth told His followers that He was leaving them. Then He said, “Let not your heart be troubled . . . . I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1-3). Almost 2,000 years later, […]

An Amazing Prediction

“Time Of Messiah Foretold” “Jewish Prophet Surprises the Experts” “Future of Jerusalem Has Implications for Whole World” “No Permanent Peace for at Least Seven More Years” These headlines deserve front-page space on every newspaper of the world. They are rooted in an often overlooked prophecy made by the Jewish prophet Daniel. Daniel is amazingly credible. […]

Pitfalls of Prophecy

No generation has edged as close as ours to the end of the age. Who can deny that the world is looking more and more like the Bible’s description of the last days. Even secular thinkers are aware of Armageddon-like possibilities. And now, at this late date, I’m having second thoughts about how we’ve handled […]

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