Archive for the 'Ministry And Outreach' Category

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Am I Listening?

Am thinking it might be important to have another conversation about issues of authority and obedience. Many of us have been taught to net out our relationship with God in two words— trust and obey. Trust God. Do what he says. Could anything make more sense than the thought that our Creator God deserves our trust and obedience? […]

Why Sharing Our Faith Can Be Difficult

Some followers of Christ seem to find it natural to talk to others about their faith. Normal conversations, even with strangers, turn into spiritual encounters. They anticipate obstacles along the way, graciously answer objections, and often end up with a story of another changed heart. From the sidelines, many of us envy such persons. We […]

Globalism, Nationalism, and the Body

Having just returned from meeting with teams of co-workers in several Asia Pacific cities, my mind is jumping ahead a few days to what soon will be happening in synagogues around the world. On Yom Kippur 2011 (October 7-8 on our calendars) Jewish celebrants will once again honor their national Day of Atonement with a […]

One Reason Bible Readers Disagree

Our last conversation about “sharing our faith” is one that deserves a second look. It’s another example of how followers of Christ can both agree and disagree about just about everything. We agree that everyone needs to hear what Christ did for us. We differ, to some degree, about how we are each to respond […]

Why is Sharing our Faith so Difficult?

Some followers of Christ seem to find it so natural to spontaneously talk to others about their faith. By all appearances, they are able to turn normal conversations, even with strangers, into an opportunity for talk about the best news in the world. They anticipate obstacles along the way, graciously answer objections, and often end […]

In Honor and Remembrance

The grave of a soldier who died in the service of his country is marked today with renewed expressions of family and friends whose hearts remain broken by their loss. In the silence, I’m reminded of the value of a person. The cumulative assets of the whole world could not equal the life of that […]

A Book for the Road

On my flight back to the States I read a book that I’d heard talked about by some of my co-workers. It’s called Leadership and Self-Deception and takes a thoughtful look the way our inclination to ignore the needs of others results in the kind of self justification and self-deception that ruins whole organizations, families, […]

Mental Health

Soon after our marriage, my wife and I were faced with the needs of a family member whose inner world was deeply troubled. Sometimes this loved one heard voices no one else could hear. Sometimes there were fears that the government was spying on her through her television set. Sometimes she accused us of trying […]

Remembering Henry

“The devil always overplays his hand.” I can still hear Henry Bosch, founder of Our Daily Bread, say those words. His eyes would brighten and a smile would come to his face as he talked about the upside of a difficult day. What Did Henry Mean? Even though Henry wasn’t a card player, I know […]

Abuse of Authority

There is a fine line between the healthy and unhealthy use of power. At any time, even the best of leaders can begin making decisions that increasingly put their own interests before the needs of others. The misuse of authority, however, is not always subtle. History tells the stories of countless leaders who boldly acted […]

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