Archive for the 'prophecy' Category

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Implications of Supporting Israel

This question is important not only for followers of Christ, but for people of all religions and points of view. Ultimately, it is not just about God’s promise to Abraham that he would bless those who blessed him, and curse those who cursed him (Gen 12:3). It also raises the question of what the Apostle […]

Israel’s Feasts and Prophecy

Many of us have seen all too clearly that sincere followers of Christ have honest disagreements about the interpretation of Bible prophecy. While agreeing that Jesus, as Israel’s Messiah, has already fulfilled many patterns, and some clear predictions, of the Old Testament, we are not as likely to see eye to eye about whether predictions […]

What Are We Celebrating?

Today is the last day of the Jewish cycle of Fall Holidays (Holy Days). Tonight ends the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) in which Jewish people erect small shelters to remember how they lived off of the provisions of God during their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. Yesterday, in a modern expression of this […]

The Burden

During this current visit to Jerusalem I’ve been thinking a lot about an ancient prophecy of Zechariah. The fact that unfolding political complications between Israel and Arab neighbors continue to be a problem for international peace has me reading again a prediction that in the last days Jerusalem will become a burden for the nations […]

The Book of Revelation

Revelation, the last book in the Bible, begins with a few statements that sound like other letters of the New Testament (1:1-8). Then comes a vision of a resurrected Jesus that is as disturbing as it is reassuring (1:9-20). Seven letters to seven real first century churches follow. They too have messages that are both […]

What if We’re Wrong?

In many ways, followers of Christ emphasize the importance of being right—even to a fault. But there is at least one area in which this pattern doesn’t seem to hold. Although there are more options, let’s consider three approaches to the way we view the prophetic teaching of Scripture: The first group is inclined to […]

Abbas and Netanyahu in Washington

On Thursday, September 2, the latest rounds of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are scheduled to begin in Washington. According to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, the talks will collapse if Israel does not extend its freeze on construction in the West Bank. On the same day Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, reportedly said […]

Noah’s Ark and Gulf Waters

For the last few days, I’ve been watching two developing news stories that are both difficult for me to absorb. One is the disaster in the gulf that claimed at least 11 lives and now threatens the ecosystems, economy, and quality of life of our Gulf Coast. Can’t imagine what it will mean if the […]

Obama, Ahmadinejad, and Netanyahu

In the wake of an unexpected landslide victory, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is defending the validity of the election and cracking down on protesters. At the same time Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems to have softened his position in response to pressure from Washington and has said he would accept a limited Palestinian […]

Here’s Hoping it Doesn’t Happen Today

Some talk about the return of Christ as if they would like to see it happen now. Not me. Even though I’m waiting and looking expectantly for his promised return I hope it’s not today. I can understand those who hopefully say, “Maybe Today.” If all of their loved ones have made peace with God, […]

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